12-Edo + Za 17-Edo + Ya A-Team Abigail Absurdity Accord Acrokleismic Acyuta Aerodactyl Aerodino Agni Agora Akea Albus Alicorn Alphaquarter Amavil Amicable Amigo Amity Ammonite Ampersand Ananta Andromeda Anguirus Antikythera Aphrodite Aplonis Apollo Arch Archagall Archy Arcturus Ares Armodue Arnold Artemis Astro Astrology Athene Atomic Aufo Augene Augment Augmented August Augustus Avalokita Avila Baba Baffin Baldur Baldy Bamity Baragon Beatles Beep Belauensis Belobog Benediction Beyla Bidia Big Brother Bikleismic Bimeantone Bipelog Birds Birugugu Biruyo Biruyo Nowa Bischismic Bisector Bisemidim Bisesqui Bison Bisupermajor Blackbirds Blacksmith Blacksmith-Farrier Blackwood Blair Bleu Bluebird Bluebirds Bohpier Borneo Borwell Bosonic Bossier Brahmagupta Breed Bridgetown Bug Bunya Buzzard Calliope Canopus Canou Cantrip Casablanca Cassandra Cata Cataclysmic Catafourth Cataharry Catakleismic Catalan Cataleptic Catalytic Catbird Catcall Catler Cavalier Ceratitid Cerberus Chagall Charisma Chartreuse Chromat Clio Clyde Coblack Coditone Coendou Coleto Comic Commatic Compton Comptone Cotritone Countdown Counteracro Countercata Counterhanson Countermeantone Counterschismic Crepuscular Cuboctahedra Cynder Cypress Dakota Darjeeling Deca Decal Decibel Decimal Decimated Decoid Deecee Deflated Degrees Delorean Demeter Demolished Deutone Diana Diaschismic Dichosis Dichotic Dicot Diesic Diminished Ditonic Divination Dodifo Domain Dominant Dominatrix Domineering Dominion Donar Doublethink Doublewide Draco Duodecim Dwynwen Echidna Echidnic Edson Egads Ekadash Emka Emkay Enipucrop Enjera Enlil Enneadecal Ennealim Ennealiminal Ennealimmal Ennealimmic Ennealimnic Enneaportent Erato Eris Eros Escapade Escaped Essence Etypyth Etypythia Eugene Euterpe Fantastic Fasum Father Fermionic Ferrier Fervor Festival Fibo Fifive Fifives Fifthplus Flat Flattone Fleetwood Fluorine Foreboding Fortune Freivald Freya Frigg Galaxy Gallium Gamel Gamelan Gamera Gammic Ganesha Garibaldi Gariberttet Gentsemicanou Gentsemiparakleismic Gidorah Gizzard Glacial Glamour Godzilla Gorgik Gorgo Gracecordial Grackle Gravid Gravity Greeley Greenland Greenwood Grendel Gross Grosstone Guanyin Guanyintet Guiron Gwazy Hades Hagrid Hamity Hanson Hanuman Harry Haumea Hecate Hedgehog Heimdall Heinz Helenus Helmholtz Hemiamity Hemiaug Hemidim Hemienneadecal Hemiennealimmal Hemif Hemifamity Hemififths Hemigamera Hemigari Hemikleismic Hemimaquila Hemimeantone Hemimiracle Hemimist Hemipaj Hemischis Hemisecordite Hemisensi Hemiseven Hemiskidoo Hemitert Hemithir Hemithirds Hemiwar Hemiwur Hemiwürschmidt Hendec Hendecatonic Hestia Hewuermity Hexe History Hitchcock Hocus Homalic Horcrux Hornbostel Horoscope Hours Huntington Hystrix Icosidillic Ilo Immunity Impunity Inanna Indium Indra Inflated Infraorwell Injera Injerous Ino Interpental Intuition Ishtar Isis Jamesbond Jerome Joan Jofur Jove Jovial Jovis Jubilee Jupiter Kangaroo Karadeniz Kastro Keemun Keen Kema Ketchup Kiribati Kleiboh Kleischismic Krypton Kryptonite Kumbaya Kumhar Kumonga Kwai Kwazy Labizoyo Laconic Lafa Lafayette Lagaca Lagu Lagugubi Lahoh Laka Lala-Gugu Lala-Quadbizo Lala-Quadyo Lala-Quadzo Lala-Quintho Lala-Quinyo Lala-Tribilo Lala-Trigu Lala-Triyo Lala-Trizo Lala-Yoyo Lala-Yoyo & Zozo Lala-Zozo Lalagu Lalayo Lalolo Lalotriyo Lalu Lambda Landscape Lano Lanu Lanunu Laquadgu Laquadlo Laquadthu Laquadzo-Atrigu Laquinbitho Laquinzo Laru Laru + Ya Larubi Laruru Laruyo Lasepru Lasepyobi Laso Lasu Latho Lathuthu Latribilo Latribiru Latribitho Latribiyo Latrilu Latriru + Ya Latriso Latrisu Latritho Latriyo Lawa + Za Layo & Biruyo Layo & Zozo Layo + Za Layoyobi Laz Lazo Lazoyoyo Lazozo Leantone Leapday Leapfrog Leapweek Lemba Leonhard Lezo Liese Liesel Lisa Lizard Loki Lologu Loruru Lovecraft Loyo Lozogugu Noca Lu Lulu + Ya Luna Lupercalia Luquadzo Luyo Luyoyo Mabila Machine Madagascar Magic Magicaltet Magician Magus Maja Majvam Malcolm Mandos Maneh Manna Manwe Maqamic Maquila Marrakesh Marvel Marvelcat Marvell Marveltri Marveltwintri Marvo Marvolo Mavila Maviloid Meanenneadecal Meanertone Meanplop Meanpop Meantone Meantone & Lozogugu Meantone + La Meantone + Tha Meantone + Za Mercury Meridetone Merman Metakleismic Migration Minerva Minortone Minos Mintone Miracle Miraculous Mirage Mirkat Mirkwai Mirwomo Misneb Misty Mite Mitonic Mockingbird Modus Mohaha Mohajira Mohamaq Mohoho Momentous Monkey Monocerus Monzismic Morfil Mosura Mother Mothra Mothwelltri Mowgli Muggles Murakuc Mutt Myna Myno Mystery Na"Naa' Namaka Namo Nautilus Necromancy Negra Negri Negric Negril Negroni Neominor Neptune Nessafof Nestoria Neusec Neutral Newspeak Newt Nickel Nightingale Niner Novemkleismic Nusecond Nuso Nusu Octacot Octagari Octant Octarod Octoid Octokaidecal Octopod Octopus Octowerck Odin Ogene Omicronbeta Ominous Oodako Oolong Opossum Oquatonic Oracle Oregon Orga Orgone Orson Orwell Orwellian Osiris Oxpecker Oxygen Pajara Pajaric Pajaro Pajarous Paradigmic Parahemfi Parahemif Parahemwuer Parakleismic Parapyth Parizekmic Parkleismic Passion Pater Pele Pelogic Penta Pental Pentoid Pepperoni Peregrine Petredecu Petrtri Phicordial Photia Picasso Pirate Plutino Pluto Pnict Pocus Pogo Polypyth Ponens Pontiac Porcupine Porcupinefish Porkpie Porky Porkypine Portending Portent Portentous Potassium Prajapati Prodigal Prodigious Prodigy Progress Progression Protannic Ptolemy Pycnic Qak Qeema Qilin Qintosec Quadbilu Quadbiru Quadbizo Quadla-Quadzo Quadlo Quadluyo Quadraennealimmal Quadritikleismic Quadru Quadru + Ya Quadru-Asepyo Quadru-Ayo Quadtho Quanharuk Quanic Quartemka Quarto Quartonic Quartz Quasiorwell Quasisuper Quasisupra Quasitemp Quasithird Quato Quatracot Quinbigu Quinbiru Quincy Quindecic Quinlu Quinmite Quinru Quint Quintannic Quinthu Quinzogu Radon Ragismic Raider Restles Revelation Rhinoceros Ringo Ripple Rodan Roman Roulette Ru + Ya Rugu Ruru Rurugu Rurugu Nowa Ruyo Ruyoyobi Rym Sagugu & Bizozogu Sagugu & Latrizo Sagugu & Lulu Sagugu & Rugu Sagugu & Rurugu Sagugu & Zozo Salo Salo & Thulo Salolo Saloyoyo Salsa Salu Salulugu Salururu Saluzo Sanjaab Saquadbizo Saquadnu Saquadyobi Saquadzo Saquadzogu Saquinlo Saquinru Saquinzo Saruruyo Sasa-Gugu Sasa-Quadgubi Sasa-Quinbiru Sasa-Sepru Sasa-Trilo & Thulo Sasa-Trizo Sasagu Sasaru Sasazo Saseplo Sasepzo Satho Sathu Satin Satribigubi Satribizo Satrigu Satrilu Satritho Satriyo Sawa + La Sawa + Za Sazoyo Schism Score Secant Secund Secundly Selenium Semafour Semaja Semaphore Semiaug Semicanou Semicanousmic Semidim Semidimfourth Semidimi Semiennealimmal Semigamera Semihemi Semihemififths Semihemisecordite Semihemiwürschmidt Semiluna Semimiracle Semiparakleismic Semisept Semiseptiquarter Semishly Semisupermajor Semivalentine Sengagen Senior Seniority Sensa Sensamagic Sensawer Sensei Sensi Sensis Sensor Sensus Sentinel Sentry Sepgubi Sephiroth Sepru Sepruyo Septhu Septidiasemi Septimal Septimin Septiquarter Septisuperfourth Septisuperquad Sesesix Sesquart Sesquiquartififths Sevond Sextile Sextilififths Sfourth Sharp Sharptone Shibboleth Shibi Shoe Shrusus Shrutar Sidi Siegfried Silver Sirius Sixix Skadi Skateboard Skidoo Skwairs Skwares Slender Slendi Slendric Slithy Slurpee Smate Snape Sodium Sogu Sonic Soothsaying Sorcery Soso Spartan Spectacle Spell Sqrtphi Squares Squarschmidt Srutal Srutar Sruti Stacks Starling Starlingtet Stearnscape Stones Stützel Su Subfourth Submajor Subneutral Subpental Subsemifourth Sugu Suhajira Sulis Superkleismic Supermagic Supermajor Supernatural Superpelog Superpyth Supers Supersharp Supra Supraphon Suprapyth Swetneus Sycamore Symbolic Tannic Taylor Telepathy Term Ternary Terrain Terrapyth Tertia Tertiaseptal Tertiosec Tetracot Tho Thogugu Thogugu Nowa Thomas Thor Thotho Thothoru Thoyo Thoyoyo Thrasher Thrush Thu Thuja Thulo Thulu Thulugu Noca Thunor Thuyo Tinia Tobago Tokko Tolerant Toliman Tremka Tribilo Tribiru Tribithu Tricot Tridec Triforce Triglav Trigu & Latrizo Trigu + La Trigu + Tha Trigu + Za Trigu Nowa + Za Trila-Quadtriru Trila-Quadzo Trila-Tribizo Trilagu Trilo Trilu-Ayoyo Trilu-Azo Triluzo Triluzo Nowa Trimot Trimyna Trinealimmal Trinu Tripod Triru Triru-Agugu Triru-Agugubi Triru-Aquinyo Trisa-Tritrilu Trisayo Trisedodge Trismegistus Trithu Tritikleismic Triton Tritoni Tritonic Tritriple Tritrizo Triwell Triyo & Latrizo Triyo & Rurugu Trizo Trizogu Tsaharuk Tutone Twentcufo Twothirdtonic Tyr Ulmo Uncle Undecental Undevigintone Undim Unicorn Unidec Unthirds Untriton Urchin Valentine Valentino Van Gogh Varan Varda Varuna Vavoom Veery Vega Vibhu Vicentino Vigin Vigintiduo Vili Vines Vish Vishnean Vishnu Voltage Vulcan Vulture Waage Walid Whirrschmidt Whitewood Whoops Whoosh Widefourth Wilsec Winston Witchcraft Wizard Wizz Wollemia Worschmidt Worseschmidt Würschmidt Yajna Yarman Yo Yoyo & Latrizo Zarvo Zeus Zisa Zo Zo + Ya Zozo & Lulu Zozo + Ya Zozoquingu Nowa Zozotrigu

12-Edo + Za (36 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3657101]
121934] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121934]
00-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨100.0514, 32.9215]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.92151, 1.28688]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.617, 1900.976, 3368.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.617, -0.979, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.013977
Adjusted Error 1.414402 cents
TE Error 0.503820 cents/octave

17-Edo + Ya (34 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨345479]
172740] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨172739]
001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨70.5154, 36.2148]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.30055, 1.91426]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.761, 1903.915, 2786.314]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.239, 1.960, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.454954
Adjusted Error 2.346419 cents
TE Error 1.010548 cents/octave

A-Team (13 & 18)

Contorted Semaphore? (order 3)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨133041]
184257] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102]
063] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3969, 464.6994]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.18863, 34.10804]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.397, 2788.196, 3796.892]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.397, 1.883, -7.018]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.066203
Adjusted Error 5.015523 cents
TE Error 1.582221 cents/octave

A-Team (13 & 18)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨13304148]
18425767] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1021]
0637] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.1721, 464.0907]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨54.57147, 27.31906]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.172, 2784.544, 3794.616, 4449.807]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.172, -1.769, -9.294, 9.280]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.973927
Adjusted Error 7.592324 cents
TE Error 2.051736 cents/octave

A-Team (13 & 18)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1330414857]
1842576779] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10214]
06371] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3598, 464.0779]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨56.11570, 26.21421]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.360, 2784.468, 3794.953, 4449.905, 5269.517]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.360, -1.846, -8.957, 9.378, -1.264]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 0.980643
Adjusted Error 8.091787 cents
TE Error 1.842259 cents/octave

Abigail (270 & 494)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758]
49478311471387] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2713-1]
0-11-2419] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9699, 208.8882]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.03678, 1.31581]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.940, 1902.020, 2786.293, 3368.905]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.060, 0.065, -0.021, 0.079]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.161291
Adjusted Error 0.110163 cents
TE Error 0.039241 cents/octave

Abigail (270 & 494)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
494783114713871709] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2713-11]
0-11-241917] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9782, 208.8930]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.54595, 1.58411]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.956, 1902.024, 2786.284, 3368.990, 4151.160]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.044, 0.069, -0.030, 0.164, -0.158]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.227676
Adjusted Error 0.150376 cents
TE Error 0.043468 cents/octave

Abigail (270 & 494)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
4947831147138717091828] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2713-11-2]
0-11-24191727] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9863, 208.8984]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.91917, 1.92672]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.973, 1902.022, 2786.260, 3369.083, 4151.259, 4440.284]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.027, 0.067, -0.053, 0.257, -0.059, -0.244]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.607001
Adjusted Error 0.191537 cents
TE Error 0.051761 cents/octave

Absurdity (7 & 84)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
84133195] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨71116]
013] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨171.4825, 14.4773]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-2.24461, 14.47726]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.377, 1900.784, 2787.151]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.377, -1.171, 0.837]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.691457
Adjusted Error 1.212398 cents
TE Error 0.522151 cents/octave

Accord (46 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
711161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨136116]
0-5-13-29-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3649, 338.8677]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.65568, -3.82803]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.365, 1903.756, 2790.909, 3365.850, 4146.380]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.635, 1.801, 4.595, -2.976, -4.938]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.486879
Adjusted Error 4.582325 cents
TE Error 1.324589 cents/octave

Acrokleismic (270 & 289)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
2894586718111000] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1101127-16]
0-32-33-9274] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9699, 315.5505]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.60775, 0.78158]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.970, 1902.082, 2786.501, 3368.538, 4151.221]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.030, 0.127, 0.187, -0.288, -0.097]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 18.558054
Adjusted Error 0.245259 cents
TE Error 0.070896 cents/octave

Acrokleismic (270 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1101127-1625]
0-32-33-9274-81] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9940, 315.5555]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.41506, 0.41729]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.994, 1902.163, 2786.602, 3368.730, 4151.205, 4439.853]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.006, 0.208, 0.288, -0.096, -0.113, -0.675]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 17.592816
Adjusted Error 0.394541 cents
TE Error 0.106620 cents/octave

Acyuta (270 & 152f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
152241353427526563] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨245101017]
0-7-3-37-26-81] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9475, 71.0947]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.67337, 1.36897]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.895, 1902.127, 2786.453, 3368.969, 4151.011, 4440.433]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.105, 0.172, 0.139, 0.143, -0.307, -0.095]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 15.096571
Adjusted Error 0.292508 cents
TE Error 0.079047 cents/octave

Aerodactyl (46 & 5p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
5812141719] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-136-1]
0317-1-1324] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3081, 234.6989]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.81387, -6.62598]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.308, 1904.405, 2789.572, 3366.226, 4150.764, 4432.464]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.308, 2.450, 3.259, -2.600, -0.554, -8.063]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.896163
Adjusted Error 4.797539 cents
TE Error 1.296478 cents/octave

Aerodino (46 & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
58121418] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-13-3]
0317-133] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9254, 234.7137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.35672, -2.49677]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.925, 1904.067, 2790.208, 3365.062, 4145.777]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.075, 2.112, 3.894, -3.764, -5.541]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.015654
Adjusted Error 4.629971 cents
TE Error 1.338362 cents/octave

Aerodino (46 & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
5812141819] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-13-3-1]
0317-13324] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0341, 234.7882]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.09305, -0.04922]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.034, 1904.399, 2791.366, 3365.314, 4147.909, 4434.883]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.034, 2.444, 5.052, -3.512, -3.409, -5.645]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.811713
Adjusted Error 5.227737 cents
TE Error 1.412734 cents/octave

Agni (31 & 41 & 68p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
68108158191235] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11125]
0021-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4171, 350.8364, 617.2189]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.02055, 11.82537, 4.58735]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.417, 1902.090, 2785.691, 3368.889, 4150.429]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.417, 0.135, -0.623, 0.064, -0.889]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.250897
Adjusted Error 0.874688 cents
TE Error 0.252842 cents/octave

Agni (72 & 31 & 68p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
68108158191235252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11125-1]
0021-38] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4416, 350.8093, 617.3719]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.80453, 3.01811, 4.83756]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.442, 1902.060, 2785.995, 3369.064, 4150.092, 4440.152]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.442, 0.105, -0.319, 0.238, -1.226, -0.375]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.384286
Adjusted Error 0.908087 cents
TE Error 0.245400 cents/octave

Agora (31 & 14cf)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
142232394851] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1386714]
0-4-16-9-10-29] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.3364, 427.1063]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.19396, 14.59456]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.336, 1898.584, 2784.991, 3370.062, 4145.292, 4446.627]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.336, -3.371, -1.323, 1.236, -6.026, 6.100]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.673362
Adjusted Error 6.090193 cents
TE Error 1.645803 cents/octave

Akea (87 & 41 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10010-32]
0011-2-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0950, 1903.0331, 2785.6180]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.45814, 2.02730, 7.19090]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.095, 1903.033, 2785.618, 3368.369, 4149.711, 4441.086]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.095, 1.078, -0.696, -0.457, -1.607, 0.559]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.294942
Adjusted Error 1.373466 cents
TE Error 0.371163 cents/octave

Albus (72 & 58 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-26]
001-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0429, 950.6654, 2786.4294]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.39934, 5.83220, 3.49099]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.043, 1901.331, 2786.429, 3369.474, 4151.560]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.043, -0.624, 0.116, 0.648, 0.242]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.297006
Adjusted Error 0.721598 cents
TE Error 0.208589 cents/octave

Alicorn (58 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12343]
0-8-13-239] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.6550, 62.0318]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.05043, 1.88052]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.655, 1901.056, 2789.551, 3367.888, 4154.251]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.345, -0.899, 3.238, -0.938, 2.934]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.953658
Adjusted Error 3.426767 cents
TE Error 0.990558 cents/octave

Alicorn (58 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123435]
0-8-13-239-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.6341, 62.0482]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.71814, 2.89377]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.634, 1900.882, 2789.276, 3367.428, 4154.336, 4441.965]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.366, -1.073, 2.962, -1.398, 3.018, 1.438]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.839292
Adjusted Error 3.415294 cents
TE Error 0.922943 cents/octave

Alphaquarter (152 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152241353427526]
87138202244301] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12203]
0-976110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7230, 55.2303]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.14075, 3.06125]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.723, 1902.374, 2786.058, 3369.046, 4151.472]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.277, 0.419, -0.256, 0.220, 0.154]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.226141
Adjusted Error 0.631777 cents
TE Error 0.182624 cents/octave

Amavil (9 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨9142125]
34547996] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1619]
0-103-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8625, 529.4769]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.27713, 30.15789]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.862, 1898.406, 2787.293, 3377.086]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.138, -3.549, 0.979, 8.260]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.217266
Adjusted Error 5.462215 cents
TE Error 1.945680 cents/octave

Amavil (9 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914212531]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16197]
0-103-14-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.5661, 529.3408]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.09390, 30.19768]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.566, 1897.989, 2786.588, 3376.324, 4155.237]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.434, -3.966, 0.275, 7.499, 3.919]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.879312
Adjusted Error 6.331535 cents
TE Error 1.830224 cents/octave

Amavil (9 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨161979]
0-103-14-8-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.7541, 529.4005]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.30624, 30.41170]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.754, 1898.519, 2786.956, 3377.179, 4156.074, 4435.980]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.246, -3.436, 0.642, 8.354, 4.756, -4.547]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.644069
Adjusted Error 6.512181 cents
TE Error 1.759840 cents/octave

Amicable (99 & 212)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
212336492595] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1365]
0-20-52-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9463, 84.8761]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.45505, 3.11272]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.946, 1902.316, 2786.119, 3368.572]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.054, 0.361, -0.195, -0.254]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.944139
Adjusted Error 0.371618 cents
TE Error 0.132373 cents/octave

Amigo (46 & 43)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
4368100121149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-2299]
0111-19-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5293, 390.9220]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.23330, 10.53018]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.529, 1901.083, 2789.981, 3368.247, 4150.091]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.471, -0.872, 3.667, -0.579, -1.227]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.789119
Adjusted Error 2.761806 cents
TE Error 0.798341 cents/octave

Amigo (46 & 43)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
4368100121149159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-22995]
0111-19-17-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8222, 391.0146]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.11512, 10.66341]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.822, 1901.516, 2790.659, 3369.123, 4151.152, 4435.053]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.178, -0.439, 4.345, 0.297, -0.165, -5.475]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.371540
Adjusted Error 3.642331 cents
TE Error 0.984297 cents/octave

Amity (53 & 99)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123]
99157230] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨136]
0-5-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9135, 339.4943]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.36123, 5.50271]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.914, 1902.269, 2786.055]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.086, 0.314, -0.259]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.291990
Adjusted Error 0.325996 cents
TE Error 0.140399 cents/octave

Amity (99 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
5384123149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨136-2]
0-5-1317] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6102, 339.3219]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.09007, 3.78666]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.610, 1902.221, 2786.476, 3369.253]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.390, 0.266, 0.162, 0.427]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.364558
Adjusted Error 0.640286 cents
TE Error 0.228074 cents/octave

Amity (152 & 99e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152241353427526]
99157230278343] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨136-221]
0-5-1317-62] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5964, 339.3502]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.97405, 1.40950]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.596, 1902.038, 2786.025, 3369.761, 4151.810]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.404, 0.083, -0.288, 0.935, 0.492]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.928953
Adjusted Error 0.864542 cents
TE Error 0.249909 cents/octave

Amity (53 & 152f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
152241353427526563] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨136-22117]
0-5-1317-62-47] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5444, 339.3517]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.05284, 7.52463]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.544, 1901.875, 2785.694, 3369.891, 4150.626, 4442.724]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.456, -0.080, -0.620, 1.065, -0.692, 2.196]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.913304
Adjusted Error 1.365877 cents
TE Error 0.369112 cents/octave

Ammonite (8d & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨8131923]
29466781] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15810]
0-9-15-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3567, 454.2048]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.98414, 35.56840]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.357, 1908.940, 2781.782, 3363.676]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.643, 6.985, -4.532, -5.150]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.759118
Adjusted Error 7.295446 cents
TE Error 2.598690 cents/octave

Ammonite (8d & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨813192328]
29466781100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨158108]
0-9-15-19-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0392, 454.5265]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.16265, 36.09441]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.039, 1909.457, 2782.416, 3364.388, 4145.996]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.039, 7.502, -3.898, -4.437, -5.322]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.517219
Adjusted Error 8.486708 cents
TE Error 2.453209 cents/octave

Ammonite (8d & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319232830]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1581089]
0-9-15-19-12-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2735, 454.6324]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.66949, 36.23854]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.274, 1909.676, 2782.702, 3364.720, 4146.600, 4437.608]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.274, 7.721, -3.611, -4.106, -4.718, -2.919]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.311859
Adjusted Error 8.390448 cents
TE Error 2.267419 cents/octave

Ampersand (31 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨314972]
416595] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
06-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8376, 116.7547]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.40759, 16.88298]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.838, 1901.366, 2785.230]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.838, -0.589, -1.084]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.780215
Adjusted Error 1.378663 cents
TE Error 0.593758 cents/octave

Ananta (270 & 118p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
118187274331408437] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24510101]
0-7-3-37-2654] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9941, 71.1163]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.09778, 0.79311]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.988, 1902.162, 2786.621, 3368.638, 4150.917, 4440.273]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.012, 0.207, 0.308, -0.188, -0.401, -0.254]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 17.147872
Adjusted Error 0.362000 cents
TE Error 0.097826 cents/octave

Andromeda (12 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
416595115142] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-3-4]
0-181418] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1989, 497.7111]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.77352, 28.46138]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.199, 1902.687, 2781.490, 3367.358, 4158.004]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.199, 0.732, -4.824, -1.467, 6.686]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.464843
Adjusted Error 4.531040 cents
TE Error 1.309764 cents/octave

Andromeda (12f & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-3-4-5]
0-18141821] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3146, 497.5710]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-4.93511, 30.72039]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.315, 1903.058, 2780.254, 3365.051, 4155.020, 4447.419]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.315, 1.103, -6.060, -3.775, 3.702, 6.891]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.524619
Adjusted Error 5.615386 cents
TE Error 1.517491 cents/octave

Anguirus (10p & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1016232835]
2438566783] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24369]
0-24-1-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9457, 247.7940]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.20058, 39.07857]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.891, 1904.195, 2791.013, 3351.880, 4160.541]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.109, 2.240, 4.699, -16.946, 9.224]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.265829
Adjusted Error 10.901204 cents
TE Error 3.151155 cents/octave

Anguirus (10p & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623283537]
243856678389] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨243697]
0-24-1-51] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.7793, 247.5998]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.69846, 38.44059]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.559, 1903.918, 2789.737, 3351.076, 4160.015, 4446.055]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.441, 1.963, 3.424, -17.750, 8.697, 5.527]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.107568
Adjusted Error 10.938604 cents
TE Error 2.956028 cents/octave

Antikythera (6 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨6191417]
10322328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2656]
01-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨598.8593, 213.6884]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨129.27686, 42.20575]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.719, 3806.844, 2780.608, 3379.468]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.281, 2.934, -5.705, 10.642]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.598065
Adjusted Error 8.154205 cents
TE Error 2.572365 cents/octave

Aphrodite (31 & 15 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10132]
00432] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0724, 1902.0183, -78.7124]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.85201, 15.54239, 7.46601]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.072, 1902.018, 2788.241, 3367.080, 4146.738]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.072, 0.063, 1.927, -1.746, -4.580]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.161950
Adjusted Error 3.086432 cents
TE Error 0.892179 cents/octave

Aphrodite (31 & 46 & 14cf)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
142232394851] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101326]
0043211] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0689, 1901.8083, -78.5911]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.33855, 14.44460, 6.58015]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.069, 1901.808, 2788.513, 3367.434, 4146.764, 4440.104]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.069, -0.147, 2.199, -1.392, -4.554, -0.424]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.264037
Adjusted Error 3.036561 cents
TE Error 0.820595 cents/octave

Aplonis (31 & 27e & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-14]
0013-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6034, 1900.1796, 2789.4634]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.42091, 12.84147, 3.41240]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.603, 1900.180, 2789.463, 3368.428, 4152.353]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.397, -1.775, 3.150, -0.398, 1.036]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.174660
Adjusted Error 2.836694 cents
TE Error 0.819988 cents/octave

Aplonis (31 & 19p & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
81319232830] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-140]
0013-55] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0647, 1900.3002, 2788.9690]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.95183, 20.56695, 15.97324]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.065, 1900.300, 2788.969, 3367.242, 4153.515, 4443.344]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.935, -1.655, 2.655, -1.584, 2.197, 2.816]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.192172
Adjusted Error 3.230785 cents
TE Error 0.873081 cents/octave

Apollo (22 & 41 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1219283442] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-52]
00122] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8310, 1903.2165, 2781.2115]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.47898, 22.85170, 4.53113]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.831, 1903.217, 2781.211, 3369.701, 4155.652]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.169, 1.262, -5.102, 0.875, 4.334]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.138578
Adjusted Error 4.139008 cents
TE Error 1.196442 cents/octave

Apollo (12f & 22p & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
71116192426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-527]
001222] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6983, 1903.5196, 2780.8358]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.60744, 34.44970, 20.93079]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.698, 1903.520, 2780.836, 3370.220, 4154.029, 4441.961]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.302, 1.565, -5.478, 1.394, 2.711, 1.434]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.189446
Adjusted Error 4.176208 cents
TE Error 1.128571 cents/octave

Arch (130 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450]
87138202244301] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12223]
0-18143520] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8351, 27.6590]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.66152, 3.83721]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.835, 1901.808, 2786.896, 3367.735, 4152.685]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.165, -0.147, 0.582, -1.091, 1.367]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.011017
Adjusted Error 0.985635 cents
TE Error 0.284912 cents/octave

Arch (130 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
87138202244301322] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122234]
0-18143520-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8736, 27.6569]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.40560, 4.22006]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.874, 1901.923, 2786.944, 3367.740, 4152.759, 4439.954]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.126, -0.032, 0.631, -1.086, 1.442, -0.573]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.657777
Adjusted Error 0.999174 cents
TE Error 0.270015 cents/octave

Archagall (83 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨83517532]
22137141] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨156]
031] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9826, 491.5392]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.01936, 1.65342]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.983, 7474.530, 7691.435]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.017, -0.052, 0.165]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 0.200650
Adjusted Error 0.119346 cents
TE Error 0.018620 cents/octave

Archagall (83 & 61)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨831519]
611114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-1]
0-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4843, 491.3736]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.31923, 1.54080]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.484, 216.737, 274.636]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.516, 0.050, 0.054]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 9.890078
Adjusted Error 0.365015 cents
TE Error 0.365015 cents/octave

Archy (5 & 17)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5814]
172748] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
0-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.9667, 489.4384]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨58.31372, 53.25871]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.967, 1904.495, 3372.810]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.033, 2.540, 3.984]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.550144
Adjusted Error 6.017469 cents
TE Error 2.143466 cents/octave

Arcturus (b13 & b2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨131923]
234] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-1]
016] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1903.8685, 878.9253]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨146.01781, 2.81846]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1903.868, 2782.794, 3369.683]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.913, -3.520, 0.858]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.581698
Adjusted Error 3.179836 cents
TE Error 1.132681 cents/octave

Ares (22 & 12 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1524354252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10062]
00102] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.0402, 1904.9765, 2784.5655]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.58454, 25.85402, 21.59547]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.040, 1904.977, 2784.566, 3372.288, 4153.258]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.960, 3.022, -1.748, 3.462, 1.940]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.114130
Adjusted Error 5.951253 cents
TE Error 1.720298 cents/octave

Armodue (7p & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111620]
9142125] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1215]
0-13-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1205.1780, 528.2729]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨66.25553, 82.37659]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1205.178, 1882.083, 2789.997, 3384.525]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨5.178, -19.872, 3.683, 15.699]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.104933
Adjusted Error 20.715412 cents
TE Error 7.378979 cents/octave

Armodue (9 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914212531]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12153]
0-13-51] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1205.6455, 528.6685]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨83.74282, 64.56573]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1205.645, 1882.622, 2791.651, 3384.885, 4145.605]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨5.645, -19.333, 5.337, 16.059, -5.713]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.013547
Adjusted Error 23.019285 cents
TE Error 6.654066 cents/octave

Armodue (9 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
71116202426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121535]
0-13-51-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1205.5810, 528.6846]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨84.04951, 64.16221]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1205.581, 1882.477, 2791.635, 3384.482, 4145.428, 4441.851]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨5.581, -19.478, 5.321, 15.656, -5.890, 1.323]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.955680
Adjusted Error 22.485904 cents
TE Error 6.076549 cents/octave

Arnold (5p & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121417]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12423]
0-1-421] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1599, 501.5754]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨89.45178, 107.55729]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.160, 1898.744, 2794.338, 3403.471, 4102.055]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.160, -3.211, 8.024, 34.645, -49.263]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.847355
Adjusted Error 29.805229 cents
TE Error 8.615643 cents/octave

Arnold (7p & 5p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
5812141719] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124235]
0-1-421-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.2668, 502.5302]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨116.11738, 77.08903]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.267, 1894.003, 2782.946, 3401.594, 4097.331, 4483.743]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.733, -7.952, -3.367, 32.768, -53.987, 43.216]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.800550
Adjusted Error 35.314425 cents
TE Error 9.543305 cents/octave

Artemis (31 & 22 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
711161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-32]
00241] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2818, 1901.9013, -158.4923]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.18531, 16.27947, 8.91268]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.282, 1901.901, 2786.198, 3369.790, 4145.973]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.282, -0.054, -0.115, 0.964, -5.345]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.161735
Adjusted Error 3.152525 cents
TE Error 0.911284 cents/octave

Artemis (31 & 9 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-32-5]
002416] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.7981, 1901.5540, -158.9495]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.30103, 3.89263, 17.46319]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.798, 1901.554, 2785.453, 3365.024, 4146.201, 4446.636]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.798, -0.401, -0.861, -3.802, -5.117, 6.109]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.183019
Adjusted Error 4.820579 cents
TE Error 1.302704 cents/octave

Artemis (31 & 22f & 29g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115127]
29466781100107118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-32-50]
0024165] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.6677, 1901.9983, -159.6040]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.52505, -2.04618, 18.91060]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.668, 1901.998, 2784.458, 3364.574, 4145.730, 4446.027, 4907.975]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.668, 0.043, -1.856, -4.252, -5.588, 5.499, 3.019]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.186127
Adjusted Error 5.142140 cents
TE Error 1.258027 cents/octave

Artemis (31 & 29g & 9p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115127132]
914212531333738] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-32-50-3]
00241655] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.6838, 1901.5858, -159.5447]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.90479, 20.67071, 5.24276]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.684, 1901.586, 2784.180, 3363.113, 4145.409, 4443.827, 4907.034, 5105.154]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.684, -0.369, -2.134, -5.713, -5.909, 3.300, 2.078, 7.641]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.169469
Adjusted Error 5.832611 cents
TE Error 1.373049 cents/octave

Artemis (29g & 31 & 22fh)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨29466781100107118123131]
2235516276829094100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-32-50-3-3]
002416553] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.7161, 1902.0678, -159.9063]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.01779, 21.64541, -3.58216]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.716, 1902.068, 2783.971, 3363.498, 4145.594, 4444.388, 4906.672, 5105.659, 5425.472]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.716, 0.113, -2.343, -5.328, -5.724, 3.861, 1.716, 8.146, -2.803]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.170328
Adjusted Error 5.962072 cents
TE Error 1.318004 cents/octave

Astro (1171 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨117118562719]
118187274] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨151]
0-3112] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9946, 132.1941]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.02912, -0.04331]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.995, 1901.957, 2786.324]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.005, 0.002, 0.010]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.649401
Adjusted Error 0.009291 cents
TE Error 0.004001 cents/octave

Astrology (22 & 38)

Contorted Magic (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551]
386088] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨255]
0-5-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.6240, 220.1703]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.13255, 19.37716]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.248, 1902.269, 2782.950]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.248, 0.314, -3.364]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.790526
Adjusted Error 2.577115 cents
TE Error 1.109903 cents/octave

Astrology (22 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
16253745] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2556]
0-5-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.7094, 219.3153]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.60550, 13.63111]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.419, 1901.970, 2779.231, 3378.941]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.581, 0.015, -7.082, 10.115]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.527133
Adjusted Error 6.676416 cents
TE Error 2.378187 cents/octave

Astrology (22 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1625374555] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨25568]
0-5-1-1-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0669, 219.4946]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.24438, 14.17234]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.134, 1902.862, 2780.840, 3380.907, 4142.052]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.134, 0.907, -5.474, 12.081, -9.266]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.260965
Adjusted Error 8.696329 cents
TE Error 2.513803 cents/octave

Astrology (22p & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627681]
162537455559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨255687]
0-5-1-1-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.8107, 220.5110]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.34440, 22.37780]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.621, 1901.499, 2783.543, 3384.353, 4144.953, 4426.186]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.621, -0.456, -2.771, 15.528, -6.365, -14.342]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.256182
Adjusted Error 11.011956 cents
TE Error 2.975851 cents/octave

Athene (12f & 19e & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-9-4]
001244] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9181, 1901.1045, 2785.7693]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.56082, 23.14278, 18.97616]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.918, 1901.105, 2785.769, 3374.157, 4146.023, 4442.300]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.082, -0.850, -0.544, 5.331, -5.295, 1.773]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.175501
Adjusted Error 3.859754 cents
TE Error 1.043053 cents/octave

Atomic (4296 & 12276)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨429668099975]
122761945728504] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121928]
01-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨100.0000, 1.9552]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.13080, 0.05198]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1901.955, 2786.314]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.000, 0.000, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 19.091883
Adjusted Error 0.000098 cents
TE Error 0.000042 cents/octave

Aufo (53 & 108)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
108171251303] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16-719]
0-919-33] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9764, 588.7706]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.52819, 5.45354]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.976, 1900.923, 2786.806, 3370.123]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.024, -1.032, 0.492, 1.297]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.348391
Adjusted Error 1.159760 cents
TE Error 0.413115 cents/octave

Augene (12 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3578]
0-102] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.7516, 90.4599]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.63629, 36.91183]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.255, 1903.298, 2791.261, 3370.933]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.745, 1.343, 4.948, 2.107]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.430604
Adjusted Error 6.253522 cents
TE Error 2.227549 cents/octave

Augene (12 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
1524354252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨357810]
0-1022] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.5059, 88.4916]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.95217, 44.53945]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.518, 1904.038, 2789.542, 3365.031, 4162.043]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.482, 2.083, 3.228, -3.795, 10.725]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.445911
Adjusted Error 9.177366 cents
TE Error 2.652854 cents/octave

Augene (12f & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
152435425256] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨35781011]
0-10221] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.0750, 87.5631]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.74070, 47.82244]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.225, 1902.812, 2786.525, 3359.726, 4155.876, 4466.388]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.775, 0.857, 0.211, -9.100, 4.558, 25.860]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.330459
Adjusted Error 14.703736 cents
TE Error 3.973511 cents/octave

Augment (6 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨6141721]
15354252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨37911]
00-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.9320, 227.6656]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨58.46790, 56.39924]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.796, 2792.524, 3362.722, 4160.586]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.204, 6.210, -6.104, 9.268]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.490473
Adjusted Error 9.366700 cents
TE Error 2.707583 cents/octave

Augmented (12 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
152435] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨357]
0-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.0176, 93.1331]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨66.64783, 26.48526]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.053, 1901.955, 2793.123]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.947, -0.000, 6.810]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.894463
Adjusted Error 5.573697 cents
TE Error 2.400461 cents/octave

August (12 & 3d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
3579] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3579]
0-10-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.1285, 103.7628]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨103.76281, -15.92276]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.385, 1891.880, 2793.899, 3384.631]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.615, -10.075, 7.586, 15.805]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.013401
Adjusted Error 13.287812 cents
TE Error 4.733214 cents/octave

August (12 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
914212531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨357911]
0-10-2-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.9641, 107.2078]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨77.34086, 29.86689]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.892, 1887.613, 2792.749, 3376.262, 4174.190]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.108, -14.342, 6.435, 7.436, 22.872]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.952479
Adjusted Error 18.944768 cents
TE Error 5.476266 cents/octave

August (9 & 12f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
121928344245] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨35791112]
0-10-2-2-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.1455, 110.9789]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.77020, 66.20872]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.436, 1884.749, 2794.018, 3370.352, 4168.643, 4456.809]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.564, -17.206, 7.705, 1.526, 17.325, 16.281]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.991753
Adjusted Error 20.277733 cents
TE Error 5.479817 cents/octave

Augustus (9 & 3de)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
35791111] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨35791111]
0-10-2-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.5016, 114.7875]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨114.78751, 56.13903]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.505, 1887.720, 2803.511, 3374.939, 4175.942, 4405.517]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.505, -14.235, 17.197, 6.113, 24.624, -35.010]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.966613
Adjusted Error 25.400437 cents
TE Error 6.864167 cents/octave

Avalokita (9 & 31 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002-26]
003-15-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.4359, 1901.2184, 929.4864]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-4.09866, 23.67349, 18.57206]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.436, 1901.218, 2788.459, 3368.604, 4151.779, 4444.402]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.564, -0.737, 2.146, -0.222, 0.461, 3.874]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.200994
Adjusted Error 3.252833 cents
TE Error 0.879040 cents/octave

Avila (2c & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨234]
91421] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-1]
016] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1210.8952, 667.6000]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨46.07541, 124.30493]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1210.895, 1878.495, 2794.705]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨10.895, -23.460, 8.391]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.090024
Adjusted Error 25.110098 cents
TE Error 10.814331 cents/octave

Baba (5 & 6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
6101417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1223]
0-22-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1185.3594, 223.9379]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨158.26804, 65.66987]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1185.359, 1922.843, 2818.595, 3332.140]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-14.641, 20.888, 32.281, -36.686]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.770589
Adjusted Error 38.494471 cents
TE Error 13.712007 cents/octave

Baffin (270 & 130 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
87138202244301322] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10013-9-1]
001-241] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9633, 951.0591, 2786.6655]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.00970, 0.80133, 0.15139]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.963, 1902.118, 2786.666, 3368.779, 4151.228, 4439.879]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.037, 0.163, 0.352, -0.047, -0.090, -0.648]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.474843
Adjusted Error 0.389683 cents
TE Error 0.105307 cents/octave

Baldur (270 & 342 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨20137]
00213] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0149, 950.9717, 617.7007]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.48800, 2.09277, 0.63495]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.030, 1901.943, 2786.388, 3368.717, 4151.263]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.030, -0.012, 0.074, -0.109, -0.055]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.395436
Adjusted Error 0.094355 cents
TE Error 0.027275 cents/octave

Baldy (6 & 47)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨619141722]
47149109132174] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13342]
01-4-710] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0173, 204.0934]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.75073, 24.54283]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.017, 3804.145, 2783.679, 3371.416, 4440.968]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.017, 0.235, -2.635, 2.590, 0.441]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.805532
Adjusted Error 2.431655 cents
TE Error 0.657126 cents/octave

Bamity (46 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21-133]
051369] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.5062, 260.6129]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.77169, 10.96533]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.012, 1903.571, 2787.462, 3365.196, 4147.035]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.012, 1.616, 1.148, -3.630, -4.283]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.599856
Adjusted Error 3.632665 cents
TE Error 1.050076 cents/octave

Bamity (46 & 14cf)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
142232394851] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21-1330]
05136917] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3940, 260.7894]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.34344, 5.78500]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.788, 1904.341, 2789.868, 3365.918, 4148.286, 4433.419]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.788, 2.386, 3.554, -2.908, -3.032, -7.108]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.577259
Adjusted Error 4.955595 cents
TE Error 1.339191 cents/octave

Baragon (5p & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121417]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12432]
0-2-8-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.1900, 251.4223]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.73572, 55.92165]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.190, 1899.535, 2793.381, 3352.148, 4162.336]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.190, -2.420, 7.068, -16.678, 11.018]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.777895
Adjusted Error 11.828081 cents
TE Error 3.419082 cents/octave

Beatles (10 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1154]
02-9-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.6420, 354.9082]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.38502, 40.84414]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.642, 1906.458, 2789.036, 3366.935]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.358, 4.503, 2.723, -1.891]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.913753
Adjusted Error 6.459612 cents
TE Error 2.300960 cents/octave

Beatles (27e & 10e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
1016232834] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨115410]
02-9-4-22] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.7188, 355.1661]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.49540, 15.73431]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.719, 1907.051, 2787.099, 3366.211, 4153.534]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.281, 5.096, 0.785, -2.615, 2.216]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.744763
Adjusted Error 7.337961 cents
TE Error 2.121146 cents/octave

Beatles (27e & 10e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100]
101623283437] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1154104]
02-9-4-22-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.2728, 355.4198]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.62035, 18.15235]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.273, 1908.112, 2787.586, 3367.412, 4153.492, 4433.671]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.727, 6.157, 1.272, -1.414, 2.174, -6.856]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.594053
Adjusted Error 7.836987 cents
TE Error 2.117853 cents/octave

Beatles (17 & 10)

Contorted Archy (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172748]
101628] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨114]
02-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.9667, 353.7641]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨53.25871, 29.15686]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.967, 1904.495, 3372.810]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.033, 2.540, 3.984]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.100288
Adjusted Error 6.017469 cents
TE Error 2.143466 cents/octave

Beep (5 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
46911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1233]
0-2-3-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1204.7939, 264.4470]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨147.00609, 117.44087]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.794, 1880.694, 2821.041, 3349.935]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.794, -21.261, 34.727, -18.891]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.561466
Adjusted Error 30.492203 cents
TE Error 10.861542 cents/octave

Belauensis (15 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
142232394852] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123344]
0-6-10-3-8-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1112, 81.6981]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨55.33716, 26.36099]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.111, 1908.033, 2780.352, 3352.239, 4142.860, 4469.652]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.889, 6.078, -5.962, -16.587, -8.458, 29.124]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.543188
Adjusted Error 16.884867 cents
TE Error 4.562935 cents/octave

Belobog (31 & 118 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-3-9]
00258] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0100, 1901.7272, 1393.5621]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.79097, 4.90475, 4.96746]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.010, 1901.727, 2787.124, 3367.780, 4151.861]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.010, -0.228, 0.810, -1.046, 0.543]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.275327
Adjusted Error 0.855713 cents
TE Error 0.247357 cents/octave

Benediction (72 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
31497287107115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113327]
06-7-215-34] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8613, 116.6573]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.79135, 6.70593]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.861, 1900.805, 2785.983, 3369.269, 4151.582, 4439.682]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.861, -1.150, -0.331, 0.443, 0.264, -0.846]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.530301
Adjusted Error 1.769289 cents
TE Error 0.478129 cents/octave

Beyla (72 & 46 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10016]
001-43] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4711, 1901.8589, 2786.2710]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.42917, 5.50475, 2.34627]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.471, 1901.859, 2786.271, 3368.399, 4150.486]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.471, -0.096, -0.043, -0.426, -0.832]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.294305
Adjusted Error 0.856985 cents
TE Error 0.247724 cents/octave

Beyla (72 & 53 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100162]
001-43-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6842, 1902.1037, 2786.4383]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.00132, 4.23198, 4.00639]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.684, 1902.104, 2786.438, 3369.657, 4150.798, 4436.906]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.684, 0.149, 0.125, 0.831, -0.520, -3.621]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.254842
Adjusted Error 1.879339 cents
TE Error 0.507869 cents/octave

Bidia (12 & 68)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
68108158191] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨461013]
01-2-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.6892, 105.2547]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.80551, 16.07486]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.757, 1903.390, 2786.382, 3369.686]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.243, 1.435, 0.069, 0.860]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.637277
Adjusted Error 2.201545 cents
TE Error 0.784206 cents/octave

Bidia (12 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
80127186225277] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨46101317]
01-2-5-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.6816, 104.9750]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.72956, 15.24351]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.726, 1903.064, 2786.866, 3370.985, 4149.811]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.274, 1.109, 0.552, 2.159, -1.507]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.678051
Adjusted Error 2.657295 cents
TE Error 0.768130 cents/octave

Bidia (80 & 68p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨80127186225277296]
68108158191235252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4610131712]
01-2-5-98] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.7546, 105.2148]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.87565, 6.01421]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.018, 1903.742, 2787.116, 3370.735, 4148.894, 4438.773]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.982, 1.787, 0.802, 1.909, -2.423, -1.754]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.277362
Adjusted Error 2.839498 cents
TE Error 0.767341 cents/octave

Big Brother (31 & 22 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10313]
00412] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6614, 1900.9273, -1629.4372]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.53864, 14.04610, 0.49639]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.661, 1900.927, 2787.017, 3373.079, 4144.965]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.661, -1.028, 0.704, 4.253, -6.353]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.138268
Adjusted Error 3.979912 cents
TE Error 1.150452 cents/octave

Big Brother (9 & 31 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
81319232830] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨103131]
00412-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0299, 1899.0270, -1626.0667]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.61065, 35.19272, 11.69498]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.030, 1899.027, 2789.904, 3371.017, 4143.010, 4451.163]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.970, -2.928, 3.590, 2.191, -8.308, 10.636]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.140616
Adjusted Error 6.985503 cents
TE Error 1.887749 cents/octave

Big Brother (8d & 9p & 22f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨8131923283033]
22355162768290] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1031315]
00412-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.2279, 1899.5511, -1626.2018]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.89434, 33.03111, 35.89969]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.228, 1899.551, 2788.530, 3371.128, 4141.382, 4450.631, 4911.636]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.772, -2.404, 2.216, 2.302, -9.936, 10.104, 6.681]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.136847
Adjusted Error 7.786086 cents
TE Error 1.904870 cents/octave

Bikleismic (72 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2671614]
0-6-5-22-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.2679, 283.4052]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.74582, 1.96578]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.536, 1901.176, 2784.849, 3369.371, 4152.672]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.536, -0.779, -1.465, 0.545, 1.354]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.180329
Adjusted Error 1.635451 cents
TE Error 0.472751 cents/octave

Bikleismic (72 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨267161414]
0-6-5-22-15-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3591, 283.4434]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.66468, 2.14298]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.718, 1901.494, 2785.297, 3369.991, 4153.377, 4436.820]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.718, -0.461, -1.017, 1.165, 2.059, -3.707]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.729773
Adjusted Error 2.302235 cents
TE Error 0.622152 cents/octave

Bimeantone (12 & 38d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
386088106131] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23445]
0141012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.7547, 96.1370]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.33851, 23.93282]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.509, 1898.401, 2787.567, 3364.388, 4157.417]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.509, -3.554, 1.253, -4.437, 6.099]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.890883
Adjusted Error 5.621786 cents
TE Error 1.625060 cents/octave

Bimeantone (12f & 38df)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
386088106131140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨234455]
014101215] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.8369, 95.9701]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.92134, 25.01626]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.674, 1898.481, 2787.228, 3363.049, 4155.826, 4443.736]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.674, -3.474, 0.914, -5.777, 4.508, 3.209]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.096330
Adjusted Error 5.741857 cents
TE Error 1.551669 cents/octave

Bipelog (14c & 2p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨14223239]
2356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2356]
01-3-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨603.8104, 81.7111]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨81.71107, 31.83293]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1207.621, 1893.142, 2773.919, 3377.729]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨7.621, -8.813, -12.395, 8.903]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.558956
Adjusted Error 15.852662 cents
TE Error 5.646832 cents/octave

Bipelog (14c & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1422323948]
23567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23567]
01-3-3-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨604.0123, 81.8231]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨81.82311, 31.25056]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1208.025, 1893.860, 2774.592, 3378.605, 4146.263]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨8.025, -8.095, -11.721, 9.779, -5.055]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.398558
Adjusted Error 17.655407 cents
TE Error 5.103557 cents/octave

Birds (31 & 217)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
217344504609751] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨31497287107]
01002] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨38.7101, 4.9378]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.14573, 4.93776]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.012, 1901.731, 2787.124, 3367.775, 4151.852]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.012, -0.224, 0.811, -1.051, 0.534]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.195381
Adjusted Error 0.855738 cents
TE Error 0.247364 cents/octave

Birds (31 & 217)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
217344504609751803] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨31497287107115]
01002-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨38.7074, 5.1699]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.51776, 5.16995]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.930, 1901.833, 2786.933, 3367.544, 4152.032, 4441.012]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.070, -0.122, 0.619, -1.282, 0.714, 0.484]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.335455
Adjusted Error 0.894060 cents
TE Error 0.241609 cents/octave

Birugugu (31 & 27 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
7111620] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1106]
001-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1808, 350.6521, 2788.8375]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.44414, 16.37959, 4.30910]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.181, 1900.485, 2788.837, 3370.671]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.819, -1.470, 2.524, 1.845]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.183325
Adjusted Error 2.489043 cents
TE Error 0.886615 cents/octave

Biruyo (12 & 10 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
46911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2001]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6767, 1901.9550, 2779.3415]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨58.66777, 44.25715, 13.19215]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.353, 1901.955, 2779.341, 3379.018]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.647, 0.000, -6.972, 10.192]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.088983
Adjusted Error 6.675330 cents
TE Error 2.377800 cents/octave

Biruyo Nowa (6 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨61417]
102328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨256]
0-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6767, 219.0420]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨104.14339, 57.44931]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.353, 2779.341, 3379.018]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.647, -6.972, 10.192]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.376091
Adjusted Error 7.708007 cents
TE Error 2.745647 cents/octave

Bischismic (130 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365]
118187274331] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2369]
01-8-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0073, 101.5934]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.06330, 3.48971]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.015, 1901.615, 2787.297, 3368.198]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.015, -0.340, 0.983, -0.628]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.190909
Adjusted Error 0.736645 cents
TE Error 0.262398 cents/octave

Bischismic (118 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331408]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨236912]
01-8-20-30] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0167, 101.6151]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.79523, 4.87843]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.033, 1901.665, 2787.180, 3367.849, 4151.748]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.033, -0.290, 0.866, -0.977, 0.430]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.427004
Adjusted Error 0.861705 cents
TE Error 0.249089 cents/octave

Bischismic (130 & 118p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
118187274331408437] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2369123]
01-8-20-3026] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9612, 101.5835]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.18631, 3.35341]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.922, 1901.467, 2787.099, 3367.981, 4152.030, 4441.054]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.078, -0.488, 0.785, -0.845, 0.712, 0.526]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.495950
Adjusted Error 0.916952 cents
TE Error 0.247795 cents/octave

Bisector (22 & 46 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨20003]
002-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3116, 1904.0766, 441.3351]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.82710, 20.24018, 8.52704]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.623, 1904.077, 2786.747, 3366.818, 4146.346]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.623, 2.122, 0.433, -2.008, -4.972]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.200323
Adjusted Error 3.386583 cents
TE Error 0.978942 cents/octave

Bisemidim (58 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
5079116140173] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21225]
0911158] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6377, 144.5392]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.65377, 5.82713]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.275, 1900.490, 2789.207, 3367.363, 4154.502]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.725, -1.465, 2.893, -1.463, 3.184]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.317080
Adjusted Error 3.113358 cents
TE Error 0.899962 cents/octave

Bisemidim (58 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
81319232830] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨212255]
091115810] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.5236, 144.5379]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.37192, -5.06551]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.047, 1900.365, 2788.964, 3367.116, 4153.921, 4442.997]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.953, -1.590, 2.651, -1.710, 2.603, 2.469]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.999952
Adjusted Error 3.240153 cents
TE Error 0.875613 cents/octave

Bisesqui (342 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3425427949601183]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨22141023]
04-32-15-55] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0429, 175.4474]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.26928, 0.63070]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.086, 1901.875, 2786.282, 3368.717, 4151.377]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.086, -0.080, -0.032, -0.109, 0.059]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.596803
Adjusted Error 0.168374 cents
TE Error 0.048671 cents/octave

Bison (130 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365]
4673107129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2573]
0-7-910] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9415, 156.9093]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.26559, -0.10096]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.883, 1901.342, 2787.406, 3368.918]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.117, -0.613, 1.093, 0.092]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.452257
Adjusted Error 0.871822 cents
TE Error 0.310549 cents/octave

Bison (46 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨25733]
0-7-91015] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8778, 156.8512]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.59706, 8.30993]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.756, 1901.431, 2787.484, 3368.145, 4152.401]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.244, -0.524, 1.170, -0.681, 1.083]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.267152
Adjusted Error 1.178230 cents
TE Error 0.340585 cents/octave

Bison (130 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨257334]
0-7-9101513] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9164, 156.8818]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.78361, 1.26009]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.833, 1901.409, 2787.478, 3368.567, 4152.976, 4439.129]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.167, -0.546, 1.165, -0.259, 1.659, -1.398]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.153599
Adjusted Error 1.333589 cents
TE Error 0.360387 cents/octave

Bisupermajor (140 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨140222325393]
118187274331] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2161]
08-517] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0295, 162.8141]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.56063, 3.57264]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.059, 1902.542, 2786.107, 3367.870]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.059, 0.587, -0.207, -0.956]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.837741
Adjusted Error 0.722428 cents
TE Error 0.257334 cents/octave

Bisupermajor (118 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331408]
2235516276] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21618]
08-517-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1226, 162.8066]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.49529, 3.62732]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.245, 1902.575, 2786.703, 3367.835, 4149.755]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.245, 0.620, 0.389, -0.991, -1.563]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.690287
Adjusted Error 1.168345 cents
TE Error 0.337727 cents/octave

Blackbirds (4 & 20)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨41415]
206974] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨41415]
0-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.9738, 53.3351]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.29812, 53.33513]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.895, 4146.298, 4446.272]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.105, -5.020, 5.744]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.528257
Adjusted Error 4.545285 cents
TE Error 1.228309 cents/octave

Blacksmith (5 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
10162328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨581214]
00-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.4454, 87.0309]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨65.38349, 87.03095]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.227, 1915.563, 2786.314, 3352.235]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.773, 13.608, -0.000, -16.590]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.934589
Adjusted Error 15.139493 cents
TE Error 5.392796 cents/octave

Blacksmith (5p & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121417]
1524354252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨58121417]
00-101] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.3606, 84.8252]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-15.11509, 84.82522]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.803, 1914.885, 2787.502, 3351.048, 4153.955]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.197, 12.930, 1.188, -17.778, 2.637]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.154217
Adjusted Error 16.785469 cents
TE Error 4.852089 cents/octave

Blacksmith (10p & 5p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623283537]
5812141719] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5811141818]
0010-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.2112, 150.5402]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨88.67103, 61.86918]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.056, 1913.690, 2781.864, 3348.957, 4155.262, 4456.343]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.944, 11.735, -4.450, -19.869, 3.944, 15.815]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.147218
Adjusted Error 18.109343 cents
TE Error 4.893835 cents/octave

Blacksmith-Farrier (5e & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812141819]
152435425256] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5812141819]
00-10-2-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.2234, 82.9185]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-9.53216, 82.91852]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.117, 1913.787, 2787.762, 3349.128, 4140.184, 4462.326]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.883, 11.832, 1.449, -19.698, -11.134, 21.799]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.158584
Adjusted Error 19.434078 cents
TE Error 5.251829 cents/octave

Blackwood (5 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812]
152435] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5812]
00-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨238.8615, 80.0247]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.21269, 80.02474]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.308, 1910.892, 2786.314]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.692, 8.937, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.019941
Adjusted Error 10.741151 cents
TE Error 4.625962 cents/octave

Blair (9 & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨103133]
07-3823] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.8377, 271.7161]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨31.43415, 41.76956]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.838, 1902.013, 2790.365, 3375.567, 4148.945, 4420.661]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.838, 0.058, 4.051, 6.741, -2.373, -19.866]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.879107
Adjusted Error 9.729646 cents
TE Error 2.629322 cents/octave

Blair (9 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914213133]
2235517681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10333]
07-323] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.0868, 272.0305]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.76238, 44.10115]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.087, 1904.214, 2790.169, 4150.321, 4422.352]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.087, 2.259, 3.855, -0.997, -18.176]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.898921
Adjusted Error 9.556963 cents
TE Error 2.582656 cents/octave

Bleu (17 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1727485963]
914253133] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11233]
05746] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.9922, 139.8722]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨59.85795, 20.15633]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.992, 1898.353, 3377.090, 4156.465, 4436.210]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.008, -3.602, 8.264, 5.148, -4.318]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.090525
Adjusted Error 7.102627 cents
TE Error 1.919401 cents/octave

Bluebird (15 & 31 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-1-59]
00135-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.7194, 1900.3688, 2789.3582]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.78755, 22.96145, 19.02696]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.719, 1900.369, 2789.358, 3368.618, 4152.456, 4443.159]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.281, -1.586, 3.045, -0.208, 1.138, 2.632]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.198683
Adjusted Error 3.371291 cents
TE Error 0.911052 cents/octave

Bluebirds (13 & 33)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨134548]
33114122] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨134]
03-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8805, 182.5019]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.15966, 29.23651]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.880, 4150.147, 4438.518]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.880, -1.171, -2.009]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.579391
Adjusted Error 2.325390 cents
TE Error 0.628409 cents/octave

Bohpier (41 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
8131923] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1000]
0131923] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0000, 146.4741]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.20745, 5.43680]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1904.163, 2783.007, 3368.904]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.000, 2.208, -3.306, 0.078]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.547488
Adjusted Error 2.796469 cents
TE Error 0.996122 cents/octave

Bohpier (41 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
813192328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10002]
013192312] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2362, 146.4513]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.62576, 8.32252]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.236, 1903.867, 2782.575, 3368.380, 4155.888]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.764, 1.912, -3.739, -0.446, 4.570]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.350742
Adjusted Error 3.914501 cents
TE Error 1.131545 cents/octave

Bohpier (41 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
81319232830] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100022]
01319231214] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.5564, 146.4263]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.14604, 10.69610]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.556, 1903.542, 2782.100, 3367.805, 4154.228, 4447.081]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.444, 1.587, -4.214, -1.021, 2.911, 6.553]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.135445
Adjusted Error 4.861676 cents
TE Error 1.313810 cents/octave

Borneo (270 & 72 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
87138202244301322] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨30048-3]
001201] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0003, 951.0850, 2786.5833]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.32231, 0.42081, 0.03080]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.001, 1902.170, 2786.583, 3368.827, 4151.087, 4439.838]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.001, 0.215, 0.270, 0.002, -0.231, -0.690]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.445227
Adjusted Error 0.402874 cents
TE Error 0.108872 cents/octave

Borwell (31 & 75e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
75119174211260] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨170917]
0-146-16-35] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0213, 464.2560]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.58372, 8.31901]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.021, 1900.565, 2785.536, 3372.095, 4151.401]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.021, -1.390, -0.778, 3.270, 0.084]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.942850
Adjusted Error 2.314885 cents
TE Error 0.669152 cents/octave

Bosonic (130 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2641607390]
01200] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨46.1443, 9.2497]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.24973, -0.10434]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.753, 1901.167, 2787.159, 3368.536, 4152.989]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.247, -0.788, 0.845, -0.290, 1.672]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.692850
Adjusted Error 1.280485 cents
TE Error 0.370143 cents/octave

Bosonic (130 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨264160739096]
012001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨46.1469, 9.2373]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.23730, -0.03955]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.820, 1901.262, 2787.291, 3368.726, 4153.224, 4439.343]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.180, -0.693, 0.977, -0.099, 1.906, -1.184]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.852046
Adjusted Error 1.358006 cents
TE Error 0.366985 cents/octave

Bossier (37 & 20)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨37104128137]
20566974] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1013]
0872] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8676, 421.2626]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.17856, 11.56305]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.868, 3370.101, 4148.706, 4442.128]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.132, 1.275, -2.612, 1.600]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.138138
Adjusted Error 1.832499 cents
TE Error 0.495211 cents/octave

Brahmagupta (441 & 1106)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨44169910241238]
1106175325683105] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨7111620]
038-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨171.4275, 5.4299]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.78600, 0.77158]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.993, 1901.992, 2786.280, 3368.822]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.007, 0.037, -0.034, -0.004]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 19.266779
Adjusted Error 0.040461 cents
TE Error 0.014412 cents/octave

Brahmagupta (224 & 217)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775]
217344504609751] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨711162024]
038-117] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨171.4208, 5.4184]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.45056, 1.96783]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.945, 1901.884, 2786.079, 3368.813, 4152.027]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.055, -0.071, -0.234, -0.013, 0.709]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 17.855458
Adjusted Error 0.370160 cents
TE Error 0.107000 cents/octave

breed (171 & 99 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
130206302365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1112]
0021] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0206, 350.9724, 617.6826]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.72522, 1.77208, 0.35056]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.021, 1901.965, 2786.358, 3368.696]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.021, 0.010, 0.044, -0.130]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.160134
Adjusted Error 0.076486 cents
TE Error 0.027245 cents/octave

Bridgetown (29 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨29463340]
5867] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1232]
0-2-9-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5045, 248.1827]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨41.40893, -0.27087]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.505, 1902.644, 1364.869, 1654.461]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.495, 0.689, -0.135, 0.247]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 3.031205
Adjusted Error 0.549309 cents
TE Error 0.346575 cents/octave

Bug (5 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812]
469] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-2-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0000, 260.3879]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨158.44830, 101.93963]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1879.224, 2818.836]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.000, -22.731, 32.523]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.601999
Adjusted Error 26.873841 cents
TE Error 11.573933 cents/octave

Bunya (41 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
34547996] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111-1]
04926] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3025, 175.7849]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.82512, 5.36684]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.302, 1903.442, 2782.367, 3370.105]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.302, 1.487, -3.947, 1.279]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.384711
Adjusted Error 2.831516 cents
TE Error 1.008606 cents/octave

Bunya (41 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111-12]
0492610] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7543, 175.7411]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.57543, 6.85770]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.754, 1902.718, 2781.424, 3369.513, 4156.919]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.246, 0.763, -4.890, 0.687, 5.601]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.056377
Adjusted Error 4.211139 cents
TE Error 1.217292 cents/octave

Bunya (41 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111-124]
0492610-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1124, 175.7557]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.86803, 11.30951]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.112, 1902.135, 2780.914, 3370.536, 4155.782, 4444.938]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.888, 0.180, -5.400, 1.710, 4.464, 4.411]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.210337
Adjusted Error 4.696797 cents
TE Error 1.269254 cents/octave

Buzzard (53 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
5892135163] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-64]
0421-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3071, 475.3615]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.09808, 8.70878]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.307, 1901.446, 2786.748, 3371.144]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.693, -0.509, 0.435, 2.318]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.931326
Adjusted Error 1.600518 cents
TE Error 0.570116 cents/octave

Buzzard (58 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-64-12]
0421-339] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2531, 475.4043]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.11401, 9.37058]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.253, 1901.617, 2787.972, 3370.799, 4149.731]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.747, -0.338, 1.658, 1.973, -1.587]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.934398
Adjusted Error 2.085980 cents
TE Error 0.602983 cents/octave

Buzzard (58 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-64-12-7]
0421-33927] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2406, 475.3962]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.94566, 9.55457]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.241, 1901.585, 2787.877, 3370.774, 4149.565, 4441.013]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.759, -0.370, 1.563, 1.948, -1.753, 0.486]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.636184
Adjusted Error 2.049116 cents
TE Error 0.553749 cents/octave

Calliope (12 & 14c & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
711161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-40-6]
00010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.1032, 1896.6716, 3368.8259]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨53.56660, 29.45074, 20.99908]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.103, 1896.672, 2778.274, 3368.826, 4167.411]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.103, -5.283, -8.040, 0.000, 16.093]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.094258
Adjusted Error 10.847896 cents
TE Error 3.135745 cents/octave

Canopus (b13 & b62)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨131923]
6291110] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨133]
0-5-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1901.7828, 583.9055]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨68.26738, 16.35979]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1901.783, 2785.821, 3369.726]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.172, -0.493, 0.900]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.564293
Adjusted Error 0.647803 cents
TE Error 0.230752 cents/octave

Canou (99 & 19 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
94149218264] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-1]
004-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9597, 1902.3090, -254.6168]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.61255, 3.38568, 3.01052]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.960, 1902.309, 2786.151, 3368.509]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.040, 0.354, -0.163, -0.317]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.316194
Adjusted Error 0.369246 cents
TE Error 0.131528 cents/octave

Cantrip (19p & 6f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
61014172123] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102231]
01025317] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4755, 190.4354]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨57.86329, 16.84550]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.475, 1904.354, 2781.822, 3353.128, 4172.733, 4437.877]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.475, 2.399, -4.492, -15.698, 21.415, -2.651]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.270513
Adjusted Error 13.201032 cents
TE Error 3.567423 cents/octave

Casablanca (31 & 42)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
426798118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-7-41]
019144] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6310, 542.0152]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.34969, 7.63787]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.631, 1900.872, 2789.689, 3367.692]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.369, -1.083, 3.375, -1.134]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.680948
Adjusted Error 2.381827 cents
TE Error 0.848424 cents/octave

Casablanca (31 & 11b)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1118263138] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-7-413]
0191441] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6479, 542.3693]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.17744, 4.37703]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.648, 1900.481, 2790.578, 3370.125, 4144.313]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.648, -1.474, 4.265, 1.299, -7.005]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.565016
Adjusted Error 4.634164 cents
TE Error 1.339574 cents/octave

Cassandra (41 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-313]
0-1814-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3108, 497.9720]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.32163, 11.56838]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.311, 1902.650, 2783.465, 3370.676, 4150.684]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.311, 0.695, -2.848, 1.850, -0.633]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.025735
Adjusted Error 2.326486 cents
TE Error 0.672505 cents/octave

Cassandra (41 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-31312]
0-1814-23-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1727, 497.9591]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.96746, 13.38692]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.173, 1902.386, 2783.500, 3370.909, 4149.186, 4442.891]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.173, 0.431, -2.814, 2.083, -2.132, 2.363]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.232965
Adjusted Error 2.577287 cents
TE Error 0.696481 cents/octave

Cata (53 & 34)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123196]
345479126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1010]
06514] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1213, 317.1076]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.43199, 5.00665]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.121, 1902.646, 2785.660, 4439.507]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.121, 0.691, -0.654, -1.021]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.553107
Adjusted Error 1.110388 cents
TE Error 0.300069 cents/octave

Cataclysmic (19e & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445365]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-3-5]
0652232] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9656, 317.0333]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.55973, 23.80384]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.966, 1902.200, 2785.132, 3374.835, 4145.236]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.034, 0.245, -1.182, 6.009, -6.082]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.461527
Adjusted Error 4.363850 cents
TE Error 1.261436 cents/octave

Cataclysmic (19e & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536570]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-3-50]
065223214] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0866, 317.0589]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.77585, 23.68663]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.087, 1902.354, 2785.381, 3375.037, 4145.453, 4438.825]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.087, 0.399, -0.932, 6.211, -5.865, -1.703]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.174415
Adjusted Error 4.329278 cents
TE Error 1.169936 cents/octave

Catafourth (130 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450]
103163239289356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113171332]
0-28-36-25-70] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0224, 489.2610]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.05181, 2.75037]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.022, 1900.982, 2786.983, 3368.765, 4152.443]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.022, -0.973, 0.669, -0.061, 1.125]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.275888
Adjusted Error 1.164860 cents
TE Error 0.336720 cents/octave

Catafourth (130 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
103163239289356381] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1131713329]
0-28-36-25-70-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1028, 489.2982]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.60143, 3.31958]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.103, 1900.986, 2787.012, 3368.881, 4152.415, 4440.048]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.103, -0.969, 0.698, 0.055, 1.097, -0.479]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.431710
Adjusted Error 1.162450 cents
TE Error 0.314138 cents/octave

Cataharry (72 & 53 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
130206302365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-2]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1074, 950.6741, 2786.6031]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.22183, 1.90466, 6.11683]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.107, 1901.348, 2786.603, 3369.249]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.107, -0.607, 0.289, 0.423]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.199749
Adjusted Error 0.621996 cents
TE Error 0.221559 cents/octave

Catakleismic (72 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
5384123149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-3]
06522] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5972, 316.8895]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.21978, 4.69383]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.597, 1901.337, 2785.045, 3369.777]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.597, -0.618, -1.269, 0.951]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.868157
Adjusted Error 1.348009 cents
TE Error 0.480170 cents/octave

Catakleismic (72 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-39]
06522-21] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6532, 316.8913]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.90831, 3.75953]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.653, 1901.348, 2785.109, 3369.648, 4151.162]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.653, -0.607, -1.204, 0.822, -0.155]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.587812
Adjusted Error 1.492236 cents
TE Error 0.431353 cents/octave

Catakleismic (72 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-390]
06522-2114] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7998, 316.9486]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.91967, 5.10536]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.800, 1901.692, 2785.543, 3370.471, 4151.277, 4437.281]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.800, -0.263, -0.771, 1.645, -0.041, -3.247]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.270026
Adjusted Error 2.077208 cents
TE Error 0.561341 cents/octave

Catakleismic (19 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445370]
5384123149196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-30]
0652214] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7854, 316.9483]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.73736, 18.09010]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.785, 1901.690, 2785.527, 3370.506, 4437.276]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.785, -0.265, -0.787, 1.680, -3.252]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.568542
Adjusted Error 2.275132 cents
TE Error 0.614827 cents/octave

Catalan (15 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10164]
065-12-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.0491, 317.4989]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.52110, 25.71272]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.049, 1904.993, 2784.544, 3372.308, 4153.199]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.951, 3.038, -1.770, 3.482, 1.881]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.739392
Adjusted Error 5.951380 cents
TE Error 1.720335 cents/octave

Cataleptic (19p & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-34]
06522-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.6702, 316.7315]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.16027, 24.54780]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.670, 1900.389, 2782.328, 3372.083, 4161.218]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.330, -1.566, -3.986, 3.257, 9.900]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.032524
Adjusted Error 6.036977 cents
TE Error 1.745078 cents/octave

Cataleptic (19p & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-340]
06522-214] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8549, 316.8149]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.98682, 25.20898]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.855, 1900.890, 2782.930, 3373.364, 4161.790, 4435.409]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.145, -1.065, -3.384, 4.538, 10.472, -5.119]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.800572
Adjusted Error 6.333493 cents
TE Error 1.711551 cents/octave

Catalytic (72 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-3-10]
0652251] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8112, 316.8671]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.41990, 0.97781]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.811, 1901.203, 2785.147, 3368.644, 4152.113]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.811, -0.752, -1.167, -0.182, 0.795]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.193826
Adjusted Error 1.689610 cents
TE Error 0.488407 cents/octave

Catalytic (72 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-3-100]
065225114] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0826, 316.9251]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.16329, 1.96453]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.083, 1901.550, 2785.708, 3369.104, 4152.353, 4436.951]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.083, -0.405, -0.606, 0.278, 1.035, -3.577]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.793839
Adjusted Error 2.310289 cents
TE Error 0.624328 cents/octave

Catbird (12f & 8d & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-120]
001325] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.8794, 1901.7723, 2788.7526]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.55860, 30.81909, 42.71703]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.879, 1901.772, 2788.753, 3365.834, 4167.719, 4434.901]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.121, -0.183, 2.439, -2.992, 16.401, -5.626]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.119813
Adjusted Error 9.161880 cents
TE Error 2.475889 cents/octave

Catcall (12 & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
2438566783] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1219283442]
000-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨99.8548, 32.7285]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.39790, 32.72846]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.258, 1897.242, 2795.935, 3362.335, 4161.174]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.742, -4.713, 9.621, -6.491, 9.856]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.916514
Adjusted Error 10.087167 cents
TE Error 2.915845 cents/octave

Catcall (12f & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
243856678389] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121928344245]
000-1-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨99.8353, 37.1711]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.49321, 37.17106]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.024, 1896.871, 2795.389, 3357.230, 4155.912, 4455.418]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.976, -5.084, 9.075, -11.596, 4.594, 14.891]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.860646
Adjusted Error 12.131649 cents
TE Error 3.278434 cents/octave

Catler (12 & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
24385667] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12192834]
000-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨99.8700, 26.7551]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨46.35988, 26.75508]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.440, 1897.531, 2796.361, 3368.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.560, -4.424, 10.047, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.853309
Adjusted Error 7.552312 cents
TE Error 2.690188 cents/octave

Cavalier (4e & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4691113]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21341]
043311] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.9715, 323.9503]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-4.55306, 46.92905]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.943, 1896.773, 2774.765, 3375.737, 4164.425]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.943, -5.182, -11.548, 6.911, 13.107]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.238691
Adjusted Error 11.945536 cents
TE Error 3.453034 cents/octave

Cavalier (4ef & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨469111314]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨213412]
04331110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.9786, 323.9232]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-4.15055, 46.86767]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.957, 1896.671, 2774.705, 3375.684, 4164.133, 4441.189]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.957, -5.284, -11.608, 6.858, 12.815, 0.661]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.198572
Adjusted Error 11.668770 cents
TE Error 3.153347 cents/octave

Ceratitid (22 & 1ce)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
12334] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12334]
0-9-15-4-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.3195, 54.3002]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨54.30018, 3.71556]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.320, 1907.937, 2780.456, 3377.758, 4141.676]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.680, 5.982, -5.858, 8.932, -9.642]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.453775
Adjusted Error 9.945670 cents
TE Error 2.874943 cents/octave

Ceratitid (22p & 1ce)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627681]
123344] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123344]
0-9-15-4-12-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4566, 54.6862]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨54.68618, -2.63937]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.457, 1908.738, 2781.077, 3382.625, 4145.592, 4419.023]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.457, 6.783, -5.237, 13.799, -5.726, -21.504]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.306086
Adjusted Error 13.868780 cents
TE Error 3.747874 cents/octave

Cerberus (72 & 58 & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨210231]
001012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9568, 433.8374, 2787.0177]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.56848, 8.30526, 1.33081]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.914, 1901.469, 2787.018, 3369.101, 4153.051, 4438.642]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.086, -0.486, 0.704, 0.275, 1.733, -1.885]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.295378
Adjusted Error 1.275955 cents
TE Error 0.344812 cents/octave

Chagall (83 & 17)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨83233263287307]
1748545963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-8-2-5-1]
023111810] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3135, 564.0052]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.41959, 0.20514]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.313, 3369.612, 3803.430, 4150.526, 4439.738]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.313, 0.786, -0.480, -0.792, -0.789]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.717901
Adjusted Error 0.902471 cents
TE Error 0.243882 cents/octave

Charisma (3de & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357911]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-10]
0511211] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5382, 379.8120]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.19843, 61.10226]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.538, 1899.060, 2780.888, 3357.206, 4177.932]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.538, -2.895, -5.425, -11.620, 26.614]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.681175
Adjusted Error 14.297395 cents
TE Error 4.132874 cents/octave

Charisma (19p & 3def)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
35791112] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-10-2]
051121118] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3673, 379.9070]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨60.64621, 16.02981]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.367, 1899.535, 2780.642, 3358.517, 4178.978, 4437.592]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.367, -2.420, -5.672, -10.309, 27.660, -2.936]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.826303
Adjusted Error 14.048084 cents
TE Error 3.796328 cents/octave

Chartreuse (b57 & b78)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨57101133147]
78138182201] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3779]
0-40-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨634.1772, 267.5916]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.56726, 10.82305]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1902.532, 3368.874, 4439.240, 4904.820]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.577, 0.048, -1.287, -0.136]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.120944
Adjusted Error 1.031524 cents
TE Error 0.252363 cents/octave

Chartreuse (b21 & b57)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2171216]
57193344] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3134]
00-3-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨635.2959, 268.4296]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.79473, 26.88067]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1905.888, 635.296, 1100.599, 1467.465]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.933, -1.322, -0.446, 0.594]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 3.089212
Adjusted Error 2.839387 cents
TE Error 1.791454 cents/octave

Chromat (99 & 60)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
6095139168] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3456]
051316] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.9549, 60.5216]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.56715, 2.56196]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.865, 1902.428, 2786.555, 3368.075]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.135, 0.473, 0.242, -0.751]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.965688
Adjusted Error 0.611181 cents
TE Error 0.217707 cents/octave

Clio (12 & 31 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-40-12]
00011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6459, 1898.2713, 3370.4426]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.01524, 36.88988, -3.87476]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.646, 1898.271, 2790.502, 3370.443, 4148.863]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.646, -3.684, 4.188, 1.617, -2.455]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.148233
Adjusted Error 4.869695 cents
TE Error 1.407658 cents/octave

Clyde (19 & 68)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
68108158191] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16612]
0-12-10-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8387, 441.2754]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.76218, 14.63761]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.839, 1903.727, 2786.278, 3366.178]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.161, 1.772, -0.036, -2.647]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.435155
Adjusted Error 2.065576 cents
TE Error 0.735773 cents/octave

Clyde (87 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16612-5]
0-12-10-2523] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9638, 441.3417]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.25507, -2.11722]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.964, 1903.683, 2786.366, 3366.024, 4151.039]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.036, 1.728, 0.053, -2.802, -0.279]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.646723
Adjusted Error 2.290989 cents
TE Error 0.662244 cents/octave

Clyde (87 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16612-514]
0-12-10-2523-28] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9311, 441.3380]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.09542, -1.38794]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.931, 1903.530, 2786.207, 3365.723, 4151.119, 4441.571]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.069, 1.575, -0.107, -3.103, -0.199, 1.043]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.449147
Adjusted Error 2.290816 cents
TE Error 0.619066 cents/octave

Coblack (15 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15243542]
5079116140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨571114]
0320] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨240.2510, 73.1208]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.45481, 20.88866]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.255, 1901.120, 2789.003, 3363.514]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.255, -0.835, 2.689, -5.311]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.891640
Adjusted Error 3.653398 cents
TE Error 1.301366 cents/octave

Coblack (15 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
5079116140173] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨57111417]
03201] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨240.1539, 73.3110]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.64838, 20.22088]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.770, 1901.011, 2788.315, 3362.155, 4155.928]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.770, -0.944, 2.002, -6.671, 4.610]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.572559
Adjusted Error 4.670264 cents
TE Error 1.350009 cents/octave

Coditone (53 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
5079116140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16313]
0-13-2-30] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4422, 407.8399]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.52114, 7.55643]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.442, 1900.734, 2785.647, 3370.551]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.442, -1.221, -0.667, 1.725]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.599911
Adjusted Error 1.568654 cents
TE Error 0.558766 cents/octave

Coditone (53 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183]
103163239289356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16313-3]
0-13-2-3019] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8030, 408.0143]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.63356, 10.30315]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.803, 1900.632, 2786.381, 3370.011, 4149.863]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.803, -1.323, 0.067, 1.185, -1.455]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.856475
Adjusted Error 2.015482 cents
TE Error 0.582605 cents/octave

Coditone (53 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
103163239289356381] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16313-32]
0-13-2-30195] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7386, 407.9866]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.23471, 9.99319]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.739, 1900.606, 2786.243, 3370.005, 4149.529, 4441.410]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.739, -1.349, -0.071, 1.179, -1.789, 0.883]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.570914
Adjusted Error 2.010564 cents
TE Error 0.543331 cents/octave

Coendou (7p & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711162024]
29466781100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12314]
0-3-513-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.0557, 166.4034]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.47691, 38.23163]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.056, 1906.901, 2777.150, 3366.300, 4146.609]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.056, 4.946, -9.164, -2.526, -4.709]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.481027
Adjusted Error 9.450477 cents
TE Error 2.731801 cents/octave

Coendou (7p & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123143]
0-3-513-45] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.0269, 166.3928]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.28455, 38.27707]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.027, 1906.875, 2777.117, 3366.134, 4146.536, 4441.045]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.027, 4.920, -9.197, -2.692, -4.782, 0.517]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.329514
Adjusted Error 9.231154 cents
TE Error 2.494610 cents/octave

Coleto (27e & 4p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
4691114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1014]
01097-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.1298, 309.8505]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.27217, 6.94531]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.130, 1902.375, 2788.655, 3365.083, 4164.818]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.870, 0.420, 2.341, -3.743, 13.500]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.541856
Adjusted Error 8.897054 cents
TE Error 2.571825 cents/octave

Comic (22 & 2cde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
23456] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23456]
027710] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨598.8325, 55.0762]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨55.07625, -7.00616]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.665, 1906.650, 2780.864, 3379.696, 4143.758]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.335, 4.695, -5.450, 10.871, -7.560]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.300232
Adjusted Error 9.724080 cents
TE Error 2.810889 cents/octave

Comic (22p & 2cde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627681]
234567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨234567]
0277104] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1383, 54.4472]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨54.44724, 1.21864]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.277, 1909.309, 2781.684, 3381.822, 4145.302, 4418.757]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.277, 7.354, -4.630, 12.996, -6.016, -21.771]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.189133
Adjusted Error 13.899279 cents
TE Error 3.756116 cents/octave

Commatic (58 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
118187274331408] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23456]
05191827] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0403, 20.3913]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.00608, 8.69261]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.081, 1902.077, 2787.596, 3367.245, 4150.807]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.081, 0.122, 1.282, -1.581, -0.511]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.217884
Adjusted Error 1.253414 cents
TE Error 0.362318 cents/octave

Compton (12 & 72)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
72114167] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121928]
00-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨100.0514, 15.1253]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.29940, 15.12533]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.617, 1900.976, 2786.314]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.617, -0.979, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.435023
Adjusted Error 1.169834 cents
TE Error 0.503820 cents/octave

Compton (72 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
1219283442] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1219283442]
00-1-2-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨100.0634, 16.7446]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.74460, -0.40420]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.761, 1901.205, 2785.031, 3368.666, 4152.429]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.761, -0.750, -1.283, -0.160, 1.111]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.279767
Adjusted Error 1.705134 cents
TE Error 0.492894 cents/octave

Compton (72 & 12f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
121928344245] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121928344245]
00-1-2-3-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨100.0509, 16.0454]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.04540, 3.77852]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.611, 1900.967, 2785.380, 3369.640, 4154.002, 4438.110]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.611, -0.988, -0.934, 0.814, 2.684, -2.418]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.947330
Adjusted Error 2.155824 cents
TE Error 0.582586 cents/octave

Comptone (72 & 60e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
6095139168207222] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121928344244]
00-1-2-32] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨100.0927, 17.4045]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.07009, 4.33444]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.113, 1901.762, 2785.192, 3368.344, 4151.681, 4438.889]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.113, -0.193, -1.122, -0.482, 0.363, -1.638]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.743623
Adjusted Error 1.983030 cents
TE Error 0.535890 cents/octave

Cotritone (72 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
375986104] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-13-4-4]
0301314] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4418, 583.5996]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.76761, 3.70740]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.442, 1902.244, 2785.027, 3368.627]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.442, 0.289, -1.286, -0.199]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.010225
Adjusted Error 1.031857 cents
TE Error 0.367555 cents/octave

Cotritone (72 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
375986104128] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-13-4-42]
03013143] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4063, 583.5847]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.67913, 3.87862]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.406, 1902.259, 2784.976, 3368.561, 4151.567]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.406, 0.304, -1.338, -0.265, 0.249]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.789379
Adjusted Error 1.145234 cents
TE Error 0.331047 cents/octave

Cotritone (72 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
375986104128137] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-13-4-42-7]
0301314322] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6126, 583.6844]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.70198, 3.83973]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.613, 1902.570, 2785.447, 3369.132, 4152.278, 4436.770]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.613, 0.615, -0.866, 0.306, 0.961, -3.758]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.196953
Adjusted Error 2.018463 cents
TE Error 0.545466 cents/octave

Countdown (65 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151225]
15243552] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨571117]
0321] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.9046, 74.0952]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.61901, 3.61912]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.523, 1901.617, 2787.140, 4152.473]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.477, -0.338, 0.827, 1.155]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.618120
Adjusted Error 1.236829 cents
TE Error 0.357524 cents/octave

Counteracro (270 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110112755]
0-32-33-92-196] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8877, 315.5238]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.48670, -0.60644]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.888, 1902.116, 2786.480, 3368.780, 4151.163]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.112, 0.161, 0.166, -0.046, -0.155]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 19.116050
Adjusted Error 0.269492 cents
TE Error 0.077901 cents/octave

Counteracro (270 & 251e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
251398583705869929] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11011275525]
0-32-33-92-196-81] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9285, 315.5348]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.94779, 0.53396]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.929, 1902.172, 2786.566, 3368.870, 4151.251, 4439.896]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.071, 0.217, 0.252, 0.044, -0.066, -0.632]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 17.482798
Adjusted Error 0.386545 cents
TE Error 0.104459 cents/octave

Countercata (53 & 140)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
140222325393] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10111]
065-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9175, 317.0996]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.00131, 7.43463]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.917, 1902.598, 2785.416, 3369.004]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.083, 0.643, -0.898, 0.178]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.796764
Adjusted Error 0.800088 cents
TE Error 0.284997 cents/octave

Countercata (87 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10111-5]
065-3132] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0987, 317.1881]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.58670, 6.90671]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.099, 1903.129, 2786.039, 3368.255, 4149.525]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.099, 1.174, -0.275, -0.571, -1.793]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.678189
Adjusted Error 1.452807 cents
TE Error 0.419955 cents/octave

Countercata (87 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10111-50]
065-313214] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0943, 317.1866]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.57052, 6.93320]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.094, 1903.120, 2786.027, 3368.252, 4149.500, 4440.613]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.094, 1.165, -0.286, -0.574, -1.818, 0.085]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.194935
Adjusted Error 1.419147 cents
TE Error 0.383508 cents/octave

Counterhanson (224 & 205)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520]
205325476] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-5-4]
02524] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0419, 316.0916]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.47823, 2.05326]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.042, 1902.081, 2786.031]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.042, 0.126, -0.282]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.541892
Adjusted Error 0.202736 cents
TE Error 0.087314 cents/octave

Countermeantone (19 & 183)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
183290425] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11012]
0-20-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9479, 504.8912]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.88819, 6.64931]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.948, 1901.654, 2786.876]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.052, -0.301, 0.562]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.423535
Adjusted Error 0.418450 cents
TE Error 0.180216 cents/octave

Counterschismic (730 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨73011571695]
5384123] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1221]
0-1-45] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0116, 498.0873]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.62765, 0.22321]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.012, 1901.936, 2786.315]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.012, -0.019, 0.001]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.990921
Adjusted Error 0.022436 cents
TE Error 0.009663 cents/octave

Crepuscular (8d & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨813192328]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨22346]
05774] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.1691, 140.3920]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.58869, 37.60110]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.338, 1900.298, 2780.251, 3379.420, 4156.582]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.662, -1.657, -6.063, 10.594, 5.264]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.421891
Adjusted Error 8.073023 cents
TE Error 2.333627 cents/octave

Crepuscular (8d & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319232830]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨223466]
057746] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.2713, 140.3832]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.16732, 37.73862]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.543, 1900.459, 2780.496, 3379.768, 4157.161, 4437.927]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.457, -1.496, -5.817, 10.942, 5.843, -2.601]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.225216
Adjusted Error 7.969480 cents
TE Error 2.153658 cents/octave

Cuboctahedra (31 & 14ce)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1422323949] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1386-4]
0-4-16-921] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.4501, 426.5073]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.14860, 5.77453]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.450, 1898.321, 2787.484, 3370.135, 4150.853]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.450, -3.634, 1.171, 1.309, -0.465]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.293619
Adjusted Error 4.334363 cents
TE Error 1.252912 cents/octave

Cynder (31 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
581214] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1103]
0312-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.9371, 232.3746]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.06418, -2.01049]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.937, 1898.061, 2788.495, 3370.437]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.937, -3.894, 2.181, 1.611]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.188080
Adjusted Error 4.001451 cents
TE Error 1.425346 cents/octave

Cynder (5e & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121418]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11030]
0312-118] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2016, 231.5487]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.25923, 43.45790]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.202, 1895.848, 2778.585, 3372.056, 4167.877]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.202, -6.107, -7.729, 3.230, 16.559]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.411381
Adjusted Error 11.114145 cents
TE Error 3.212708 cents/octave

Cynder (5e & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812141819]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110301]
0312-11814] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.1585, 231.5163]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.63084, 43.57709]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.159, 1895.707, 2778.195, 3371.959, 4167.293, 4442.387]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.159, -6.248, -8.118, 3.133, 15.975, 1.859]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.262379
Adjusted Error 10.886186 cents
TE Error 2.941863 cents/octave

Cypress (31 & 20cde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
2032475770] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨17101517]
0-12-17-27-30] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1196, 541.8260]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.44409, 5.06764]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.120, 1898.925, 2790.154, 3372.491, 4147.253]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.120, -3.030, 3.840, 3.665, -4.065]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.417715
Adjusted Error 4.765950 cents
TE Error 1.377668 cents/octave

Cypress (31 & 20cdef)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
203247577075] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1710151715]
0-12-17-27-30-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4530, 541.5309]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.54004, 4.88559]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.453, 1897.801, 2788.506, 3370.462, 4144.776, 4453.524]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.547, -4.154, 2.192, 1.636, -6.542, 12.996]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.121970
Adjusted Error 7.448625 cents
TE Error 2.012903 cents/octave

Dakota (53 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123196225]
24385689102] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-113]
0-216136] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2613, 249.1909]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.72632, 4.24026]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.261, 1902.141, 2786.792, 4439.742, 5095.929]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.261, 0.186, 0.479, -0.785, -1.584]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.867583
Adjusted Error 1.055341 cents
TE Error 0.248437 cents/octave

Dakota (53 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123196225276]
24385689102125] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1135]
0-2161361] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2990, 249.1928]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.86804, 3.92888]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.299, 1902.212, 2786.786, 4439.805, 5096.054, 6250.688]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.299, 0.257, 0.472, -0.723, -1.459, -0.656]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.713536
Adjusted Error 1.220018 cents
TE Error 0.234193 cents/octave

Dakota (53 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123196276]
77122179285401] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-115]
0-216131] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2237, 249.1807]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.66551, 4.11625]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.224, 1902.086, 2786.667, 4439.573, 6250.299]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.224, 0.131, 0.354, -0.955, -1.045]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.966926
Adjusted Error 1.007191 cents
TE Error 0.193339 cents/octave

Darjeeling (15 & 4e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
4691113] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10120]
065313] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.7103, 318.1084]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨70.72327, 35.21530]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.710, 1908.650, 2792.252, 3357.746, 4135.409]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.710, 6.695, 5.939, -11.080, -15.909]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.484613
Adjusted Error 12.380360 cents
TE Error 3.578727 cents/octave

Darjeeling (15 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101200]
06531314] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.9930, 317.8250]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.70966, 40.59726]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.993, 1906.950, 2791.118, 3357.461, 4131.725, 4449.550]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.993, 4.995, 4.804, -11.365, -19.593, 9.022]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.484504
Adjusted Error 12.871553 cents
TE Error 3.478385 cents/octave

Deca (270 & 190)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
190301441533657] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1014212432]
056117] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨120.0004, 44.4185]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.94768, 0.70595]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.004, 1902.099, 2786.520, 3368.614, 4150.943]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.004, 0.144, 0.206, -0.212, -0.375]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.258840
Adjusted Error 0.283382 cents
TE Error 0.081916 cents/octave

Deca (270 & 190)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
190301441533657703] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101421243237]
0561170] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨120.0067, 44.4006]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.56471, 1.25050]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.067, 1902.096, 2786.544, 3368.567, 4151.018, 4440.247]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.067, 0.141, 0.230, -0.259, -0.300, -0.281]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.908712
Adjusted Error 0.317019 cents
TE Error 0.085671 cents/octave

Decal (130 & 190)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450]
190301441533657] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1016242936]
0-1-5-6-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨120.0208, 18.7632]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.56180, 3.87986]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.208, 1901.569, 2786.683, 3368.023, 4151.879]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.208, -0.386, 0.369, -0.802, 0.561]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.049777
Adjusted Error 0.751108 cents
TE Error 0.217119 cents/octave

Decal (130 & 190)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
190301441533657703] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101624293637]
0-1-5-6-90] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨120.0182, 18.7510]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.78548, 3.72668]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.182, 1901.540, 2786.682, 3368.022, 4151.897, 4440.674]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.182, -0.415, 0.368, -0.804, 0.579, 0.146]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.751846
Adjusted Error 0.737430 cents
TE Error 0.199282 cents/octave

Decibel (4p & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4691114]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨22457]
02110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.5822, 356.2589]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.45174, 112.93573]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.164, 1911.682, 2754.588, 3354.170, 4197.075]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.836, 9.727, -31.726, -14.656, 45.757]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.923713
Adjusted Error 31.979188 cents
TE Error 9.244058 cents/octave

Decimal (4 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨46911]
10162328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2245]
0211] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨603.3490, 350.3879]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨58.10758, 97.42676]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1206.698, 1907.474, 2763.784, 3367.133]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨6.698, 5.519, -22.530, -1.693]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.919674
Adjusted Error 17.277237 cents
TE Error 6.154276 cents/octave

Decimal (4e & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4691113]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨22454]
02115] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨603.6249, 348.6008]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨67.87058, 93.57675]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1207.250, 1904.452, 2763.101, 3366.726, 4157.504]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨7.250, 2.497, -23.213, -2.100, 6.186]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.107518
Adjusted Error 19.492663 cents
TE Error 5.634643 cents/octave

Decimated (4p & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4691114]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨22458]
0211-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨604.6073, 347.5822]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-14.64658, 90.55721]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1209.215, 1904.379, 2766.011, 3370.619, 4141.694]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨9.215, 2.424, -20.302, 1.793, -9.624]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.192936
Adjusted Error 20.281104 cents
TE Error 5.862554 cents/octave

Decoid (270 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758]
130206302365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10162328]
0-231] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨119.9913, 8.9006]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.28317, 0.33428]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.913, 1902.060, 2786.502, 3368.657]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.087, 0.105, 0.188, -0.169]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.153794
Adjusted Error 0.208667 cents
TE Error 0.074329 cents/octave

Decoid (270 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1016232834]
0-2318] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨119.9921, 8.9294]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.90929, 1.11088]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.921, 1902.015, 2786.607, 3368.709, 4151.167]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.079, 0.060, 0.293, -0.117, -0.150]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.066818
Adjusted Error 0.255326 cents
TE Error 0.073806 cents/octave

Decoid (270 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
130206302365450481] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101623283437]
0-23180] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨119.9964, 8.9165]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.08155, 0.75342]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.964, 1902.109, 2786.667, 3368.816, 4151.210, 4439.867]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.036, 0.154, 0.353, -0.010, -0.108, -0.661]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 11.197247
Adjusted Error 0.390407 cents
TE Error 0.105503 cents/octave

Deecee (72 & 41 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
91421253133] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-51227]
0012-3-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7549, 1901.6515, 2784.5682]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.73960, 5.18024, -0.09851]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.755, 1901.651, 2784.568, 3368.665, 4153.702, 4438.881]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.755, -0.304, -1.745, -0.161, 2.384, -1.647]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.255259
Adjusted Error 2.053601 cents
TE Error 0.554961 cents/octave

Deflated (9 & 3p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨9142125]
3578] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3578]
0-101] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨402.0601, 118.9804]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨118.98037, 45.11901]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1206.180, 1891.320, 2814.421, 3335.461]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨6.180, -10.635, 28.107, -33.365]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.061595
Adjusted Error 27.036638 cents
TE Error 9.630645 cents/octave

Degrees (80 & 60e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨80127186225277]
6095139168207] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2032475770]
0-1-2-3-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨59.9929, 16.7666]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.69314, 7.07344]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.858, 1903.006, 2786.133, 3369.295, 4149.203]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.142, 1.051, -0.181, 0.470, -2.115]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.396047
Adjusted Error 1.441182 cents
TE Error 0.416595 cents/octave

Degrees (140 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨140222325393484518]
80127186225277296] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨203247577074]
0-1-2-3-30] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨59.9996, 16.9197]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.67911, 1.56145]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.992, 1903.067, 2786.141, 3369.218, 4149.212, 4439.970]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.008, 1.112, -0.172, 0.392, -2.106, -0.558]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.466997
Adjusted Error 1.441653 cents
TE Error 0.389590 cents/octave

Delorean (4 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨469]
172740] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨134]
0-6-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.1991, 283.8664]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.93199, 62.73360]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.199, 1891.399, 2805.732]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.801, -10.556, 19.418]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.635840
Adjusted Error 14.533727 cents
TE Error 6.259336 cents/octave

Demeter (19 & 27 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
10162328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1021]
0032] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7590, 1903.7715, 129.7983]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.88381, 23.44660, 3.69085]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.759, 1903.772, 2788.913, 3363.127]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.241, 1.817, 2.599, -5.699]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.130368
Adjusted Error 3.645614 cents
TE Error 1.298594 cents/octave

Demeter (10p & 19e & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1016232835]
2743637694] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1021-3]
00321] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4063, 1904.5751, 129.9744]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.27906, 23.35729, 25.66027]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.406, 1904.575, 2788.736, 3363.930, 4150.056]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.594, 2.620, 2.422, -4.896, -1.262]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.198434
Adjusted Error 4.193645 cents
TE Error 1.212235 cents/octave

Demeter (19e & 27e & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536570]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1021-32]
003211] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0478, 1905.1888, 129.6779]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.68683, 23.80469, 7.63005]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.048, 1905.189, 2789.129, 3364.592, 4150.290, 4434.962]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.048, 3.234, 2.816, -4.234, -1.028, -5.565]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.171286
Adjusted Error 4.838926 cents
TE Error 1.307662 cents/octave

Demeter (10 & 27eg & 19eg)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328353741]
19304453657077] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1021-32-1]
0032113] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0341, 1905.2007, 129.7033]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.54276, 23.94571, 25.16170]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.034, 1905.201, 2789.178, 3364.641, 4150.404, 4434.972, 4904.678]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.034, 3.246, 2.864, -4.185, -0.914, -5.556, -0.278]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.163832
Adjusted Error 4.950143 cents
TE Error 1.211055 cents/octave

Demeter (27eg & 29g & 19egh)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100111115]
1930445365707780] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1021-32-1-2]
0032113-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2266, 1905.8251, 129.2935]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.54582, 11.51404, 13.55696]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.227, 1905.825, 2788.334, 3364.639, 4151.914, 4435.572, 4905.129, 5093.553]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.227, 3.870, 2.020, -4.187, 0.596, -4.956, 0.174, -3.960]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.171566
Adjusted Error 5.134734 cents
TE Error 1.208762 cents/octave

Demolished (12 & 4e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
4691113] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4691113]
01113] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.6589, 89.7791]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨89.77912, 30.32157]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.636, 1887.733, 2786.709, 3386.027, 4164.903]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.364, -14.222, 0.396, 17.201, 13.585]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.158119
Adjusted Error 18.000718 cents
TE Error 5.203374 cents/octave

Deutone (6 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨619141722]
1960445370] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13224]
0125-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.3657, 191.5946]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨30.19977, 53.79827]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.366, 3801.692, 2789.920, 3364.704, 4430.274]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.366, -2.218, 3.607, -4.122, -10.254]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.789857
Adjusted Error 8.118179 cents
TE Error 2.193842 cents/octave

Diana (31 & 53 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-327]
002411] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.9152, 1902.4287, -159.1261]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.20691, 12.81646, 8.14581]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.915, 1902.429, 2785.092, 3370.465, 4145.133, 4442.423]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.915, 0.474, -1.222, 1.639, -6.185, 1.895]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.221633
Adjusted Error 3.379180 cents
TE Error 0.913183 cents/octave

Diaschismic (12 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
4673107129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2357]
01-2-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.4466, 103.5853]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.32554, 22.06493]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.893, 1901.925, 2790.062, 3367.444]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.107, -0.030, 3.749, -1.382]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.627079
Adjusted Error 2.833293 cents
TE Error 1.009239 cents/octave

Diaschismic (12 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
4673107129159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23579]
01-2-8-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.4488, 103.6189]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.55982, 22.26478]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.898, 1901.965, 2790.006, 3367.190, 4151.612]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.102, 0.010, 3.692, -1.636, 0.294]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.192346
Adjusted Error 3.129178 cents
TE Error 0.904535 cents/octave

Diaschismic (58 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2357910]
01-2-8-12-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.4468, 103.6080]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.80203, 7.39947]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.894, 1901.948, 2790.018, 3367.263, 4151.724, 4440.347]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.106, -0.007, 3.704, -1.563, 0.406, -0.181]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.561293
Adjusted Error 3.057136 cents
TE Error 0.826155 cents/octave

Dichosis (3p & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357810]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11245]
021-4-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.8896, 360.0244]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.57532, 117.81636]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.890, 1917.938, 2755.804, 3351.461, 4189.326]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.110, 15.983, -30.510, -17.365, 38.008]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.061977
Adjusted Error 32.370346 cents
TE Error 9.357129 cents/octave

Dichotic (10 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
7111620] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1124]
021-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.9794, 356.5546]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨93.92316, 37.39254]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.979, 1914.089, 2758.513, 3377.699]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.979, 12.134, -27.800, 8.873]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.972583
Adjusted Error 20.481512 cents
TE Error 7.295662 cents/octave

Dichotic (7p & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711162024]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11242]
021-45] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7252, 354.1814]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨57.36200, 79.81912]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.725, 1908.088, 2753.632, 3382.175, 4170.357]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.275, 6.133, -32.682, 13.350, 19.039]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.030746
Adjusted Error 25.235583 cents
TE Error 7.294719 cents/octave

Dicot (7 & 3)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
357] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
021] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1206.4097, 350.4563]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨155.04084, 40.37461]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1206.410, 1907.322, 2763.276]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨6.410, 5.367, -23.038]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.520928
Adjusted Error 16.472965 cents
TE Error 7.094520 cents/octave

Dicot (4 & 3d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨46911]
3579] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1122]
0213] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1206.2462, 338.1317]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨191.85106, 146.28064]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1206.246, 1882.510, 2750.624, 3426.887]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨6.246, -19.445, -35.690, 58.062]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.500706
Adjusted Error 41.008929 cents
TE Error 14.607675 cents/octave

Dicot (3de & 4e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357911]
4691113] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11222]
02135] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1204.1482, 343.3072]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨169.08063, 174.22658]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.148, 1890.763, 2751.604, 3438.218, 4124.833]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.148, -11.192, -34.710, 69.392, -26.485]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.540188
Adjusted Error 47.938641 cents
TE Error 13.857375 cents/octave

Diesic (31 & 1ce)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
12334] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12334]
0-13-21-6-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5005, 38.5809]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.58088, 4.49313]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.500, 1899.449, 2791.303, 3370.016, 4146.127]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.500, -2.506, 4.989, 1.190, -5.191]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.454361
Adjusted Error 4.842669 cents
TE Error 1.399845 cents/octave

Diesic (31 & 1ce)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
123344] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123344]
0-13-21-6-17-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3181, 38.4218]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.42184, 8.24110]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.318, 1899.152, 2791.096, 3367.423, 4144.101, 4451.476]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.682, -2.803, 4.782, -1.403, -7.217, 10.948]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.283704
Adjusted Error 6.953864 cents
TE Error 1.879199 cents/octave

Diminished (12 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
469] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨469]
011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.6536, 99.3923]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨99.39225, 1.47683]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.614, 1897.314, 2796.275]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.386, -4.641, 9.961]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.054166
Adjusted Error 7.206471 cents
TE Error 3.103658 cents/octave

Diminished (12 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
46911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨46911]
0111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.0548, 99.2099]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨99.20990, 1.42513]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.219, 1893.539, 2790.703, 3388.813]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.781, -8.416, 4.390, 19.987]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.914754
Adjusted Error 13.806908 cents
TE Error 4.918120 cents/octave

Diminished (12 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
813192328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4691114]
01110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨297.8775, 108.2476]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨81.38235, 26.86521]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1191.510, 1895.512, 2789.145, 3384.900, 4170.285]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-8.490, -6.443, 2.831, 16.074, 18.967]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.000471
Adjusted Error 19.132446 cents
TE Error 5.530517 cents/octave

Diminished (8d & 12f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319232830]
121928344245] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4710121415]
0-1-1-100] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨297.2914, 184.5453]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨40.94707, 71.79909]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1189.166, 1896.495, 2788.369, 3382.952, 4162.080, 4459.371]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-10.834, -5.460, 2.055, 14.126, 10.762, 18.844]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.009635
Adjusted Error 20.876177 cents
TE Error 5.641540 cents/octave

Ditonic (53 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123]
5079116] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨163]
0-13-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2973, 407.6749]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.31014, 1.41719]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.297, 1902.010, 2785.542]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.297, 0.055, -0.772]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.679404
Adjusted Error 0.599564 cents
TE Error 0.258218 cents/octave

Ditonic (50 & 3p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5079116140173185]
35781011] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨163-4-32]
0-13-220195] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3993, 408.3627]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.68886, 5.65206]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.399, 1899.680, 2787.472, 3361.657, 4154.694, 4444.612]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.399, -2.275, 1.159, -7.169, 3.376, 4.084]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.939798
Adjusted Error 5.438048 cents
TE Error 1.469568 cents/octave

Ditonic (53 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123183196]
5079116173185] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨163-32]
0-13-2195] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8035, 407.9652]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.40068, 7.69134]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.803, 1901.274, 2786.480, 4148.928, 4441.433]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.803, -0.681, 0.166, -2.390, 0.905]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.447208
Adjusted Error 1.938898 cents
TE Error 0.523964 cents/octave

Divination (22 & 60)

Contorted Magic (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
6095139168] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨25510]
0-5-1-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.5412, 219.8461]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.57050, 16.14219]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.082, 1903.476, 2782.860, 3367.259]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.082, 1.521, -3.454, -1.567]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.597358
Adjusted Error 3.015814 cents
TE Error 1.074254 cents/octave

Divination (22 & 38d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
386088106131] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨255108]
0-5-1-12-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.8336, 220.0719]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.46975, 17.45613]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.667, 1903.809, 2784.096, 3367.474, 4146.453]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.667, 1.854, -2.217, -1.352, -4.865]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.333439
Adjusted Error 4.171165 cents
TE Error 1.205737 cents/octave

Divination (22f & 38df)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627682]
386088106131140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨25510814]
0-5-1-12-3-18] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.9670, 220.4344]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.51483, 20.91073]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.934, 1902.663, 2784.401, 3364.457, 4146.433, 4445.718]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.934, 0.708, -1.913, -4.369, -4.885, 5.191]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.826548
Adjusted Error 5.010982 cents
TE Error 1.354158 cents/octave

Dodifo (289 & 494)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨289458671]
4947831147] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1125]
0-35-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0201, 357.0937]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.33149, 1.65024]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.020, 1901.962, 2786.257]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.020, 0.007, -0.057]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.626986
Adjusted Error 0.042694 cents
TE Error 0.018387 cents/octave

Dodifo (84 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨84133195311]
121192281448] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11254]
0-35-9-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7711, 357.0070]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.08352, 5.69219]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.771, 1902.009, 2785.793, 4442.077]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.229, 0.054, -0.521, 1.550]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.094965
Adjusted Error 0.977824 cents
TE Error 0.264245 cents/octave

Domain (171 & 1335)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
1335211631003748] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3-3-9-8]
0173536] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0013, 182.4672]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.33972, 0.59919]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.004, 1901.939, 2786.342, 3368.810]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.004, -0.016, 0.028, -0.016]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 17.348590
Adjusted Error 0.023954 cents
TE Error 0.008533 cents/octave

Dominant (12 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
581214] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1242]
0-1-42] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.4122, 496.5212]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨91.78184, 18.80602]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.412, 1894.303, 2795.564, 3383.867]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.588, -7.652, 9.250, 15.041]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.897840
Adjusted Error 13.237136 cents
TE Error 4.715163 cents/octave

Dominant (12 & 5p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
58121417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12421]
0-1-426] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1194.1045, 494.3059]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨83.32039, 38.85196]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.105, 1893.903, 2799.195, 3376.821, 4159.940]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.895, -8.052, 12.881, 7.995, 8.622]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.178787
Adjusted Error 15.902907 cents
TE Error 4.596971 cents/octave

Dominatrix (7p & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
5812141819] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124265]
0-1-42-6-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1193.3659, 498.6835]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨106.68574, 89.31315]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1193.366, 1888.048, 2778.730, 3384.099, 4168.094, 4470.779]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-6.634, -13.907, -7.584, 15.273, 16.776, 30.251]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.882143
Adjusted Error 23.963119 cents
TE Error 6.475749 cents/octave

Domineering (12 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12426]
0-1-42-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1194.8521, 499.0733]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨91.04309, 14.61929]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.852, 1890.631, 2783.115, 3387.851, 4174.673]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.148, -11.324, -3.199, 19.025, 23.355]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.963541
Adjusted Error 20.227906 cents
TE Error 5.847176 cents/octave

Dominion (5p & 12p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812141719]
121928344244] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124217]
0-1-426-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.1591, 493.0981]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨58.61804, 75.17241]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.159, 1897.220, 2808.244, 3376.515, 4153.748, 4421.329]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.841, -4.735, 21.930, 7.689, 2.430, -19.199]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.349678
Adjusted Error 18.897365 cents
TE Error 5.106789 cents/octave

Donar (270 & 494 & 684)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
68410841588192023662531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨201-227]
002-8-6-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0175, 1901.9810, 1093.1197]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.75195, 0.82817, 0.85949]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.035, 1901.981, 2786.257, 3368.874, 4151.222, 4440.467]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.035, 0.026, -0.057, 0.049, -0.096, -0.061]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.726719
Adjusted Error 0.088505 cents
TE Error 0.023917 cents/octave

Doublethink (9 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨103132]
014-616415] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6935, 135.8013]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.69403, 21.51787]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.694, 1901.218, 2787.273, 3373.514, 4145.286, 4438.406]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.694, -0.737, 0.959, 4.688, -6.032, -2.122]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.781183
Adjusted Error 4.004279 cents
TE Error 1.082109 cents/octave

Doublewide (22 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551]
264160] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨256]
0-4-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.6864, 274.7945]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨31.79016, 19.30728]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.373, 1904.254, 2779.735]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.373, 2.299, -6.579]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.058442
Adjusted Error 4.647023 cents
TE Error 2.001364 cents/octave

Doublewide (22 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
46911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2567]
0-4-3-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0467, 274.3022]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨51.44224, 17.09105]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.093, 1903.025, 2777.374, 3377.420]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.093, 1.070, -8.940, 8.594]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.793221
Adjusted Error 6.970653 cents
TE Error 2.482997 cents/octave

Doublewide (22 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨25676]
0-4-3-32] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1922, 274.5431]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.09258, 19.01337]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.384, 1902.788, 2777.524, 3377.716, 4150.239]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.384, 0.833, -8.790, 8.890, -1.079]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.154473
Adjusted Error 7.717000 cents
TE Error 2.230713 cents/octave

Draco (58 & 53 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-2-6]
001-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3884, 950.8215, 2788.2598]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.50657, 10.18078, -1.92865]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.388, 1901.643, 2788.260, 3370.357, 4149.323]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.612, -0.312, 1.946, 1.531, -1.995]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.308475
Adjusted Error 2.043853 cents
TE Error 0.590806 cents/octave

Draco (58 & 53 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-2-6-1]
001-111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3566, 950.7994, 2788.1041]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.24569, 8.61908, 1.69975]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.357, 1901.599, 2788.104, 3370.377, 4149.159, 4441.146]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.643, -0.356, 1.790, 1.551, -2.159, 0.618]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.268371
Adjusted Error 2.016510 cents
TE Error 0.544938 cents/octave

Duodecim (12 & 12e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
1219283441] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1219283442]
0000-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨99.6710, 34.8622]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨64.80875, 34.86220]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.051, 1893.748, 2790.787, 3388.812, 4151.318]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.949, -8.207, 4.473, 19.987, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.392080
Adjusted Error 15.221382 cents
TE Error 4.399966 cents/octave

Dwynwen (15 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112332]
095-3726] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1405, 78.2280]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.93382, 26.72061]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.141, 1904.192, 2791.421, 3365.738, 4148.018, 4434.209]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.141, 2.237, 5.107, -3.088, -3.300, -6.319]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.880939
Adjusted Error 5.208511 cents
TE Error 1.407539 cents/octave

Echidna (22 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
5892135163] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2437]
0-36-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.3067, 164.9535]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.80327, 16.56796]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.613, 1902.366, 2787.641, 3370.379]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.387, 0.411, 1.327, 1.554]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.628444
Adjusted Error 2.273362 cents
TE Error 0.809788 cents/octave

Echidna (22 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
5892135163201] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24375]
0-36-57] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.3096, 164.9576]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.70538, 16.60518]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.619, 1902.365, 2787.674, 3370.379, 4151.251]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.381, 0.410, 1.361, 1.553, -0.067]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.730106
Adjusted Error 2.505948 cents
TE Error 0.724381 cents/octave

Echidna (58 & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨243753]
0-36-5716] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.3410, 165.0629]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.66849, 7.90497]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.682, 1902.175, 2788.400, 3370.073, 4152.145, 4439.029]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.318, 0.220, 2.086, 1.247, 0.827, -1.499]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.595975
Adjusted Error 2.608914 cents
TE Error 0.705028 cents/octave

Echidnic (46 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨22763]
03-6-110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8052, 235.0197]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.51185, 7.20656]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.610, 1904.670, 2788.518, 3363.812, 4149.613]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.390, 2.715, 2.205, -5.014, -1.705]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.802631
Adjusted Error 4.214202 cents
TE Error 1.218178 cents/octave

Echidnic (10p & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623283537]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨227637]
03-6-1101] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9612, 235.0725]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.01567, 24.56013]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.922, 1905.140, 2789.294, 3364.695, 4150.608, 4434.801]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.078, 3.185, 2.980, -4.131, -0.709, -5.726]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.471183
Adjusted Error 4.846798 cents
TE Error 1.309790 cents/octave

Edson (29 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2946143340]
4165204757] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-2-3-4]
0-161013] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.9836, 496.4505]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.25310, 9.25960]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.984, 1901.517, 580.735, 1367.554, 1657.921]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.016, -0.438, -1.777, 2.549, 3.707]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 5.295594
Adjusted Error 3.666874 cents
TE Error 2.313540 cents/octave

Egads (1783 & 3125)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨178328264140]
312549537256] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11516]
0-51-52] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0006, 315.6481]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.25306, 0.23961]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.001, 1901.957, 2786.309]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.001, 0.002, -0.004]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.468279
Adjusted Error 0.003059 cents
TE Error 0.001318 cents/octave

Ekadash (72 & 190)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
190301441533657703] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2585619]
0-6-1123-38] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.2583, 183.2662]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.79734, 5.25846]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.517, 1901.694, 2786.138, 3367.824, 4151.348, 4440.792]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.517, -0.261, -0.176, -1.002, 0.030, 0.265]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.917398
Adjusted Error 0.993187 cents
TE Error 0.268397 cents/octave

Emka (224 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520]
87138202] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1146]
0-27-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1125, 551.8361]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.24097, 0.30040]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.113, 1902.000, 2785.986]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.113, 0.045, -0.328]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.353412
Adjusted Error 0.244883 cents
TE Error 0.105466 cents/octave

Emka (50 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5079116140]
87138202244] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨114612]
0-27-8-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4715, 551.9991]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.05860, 10.89128]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.472, 1902.626, 2786.837, 3365.677]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.472, 0.671, 0.523, -3.149]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.367636
Adjusted Error 1.835937 cents
TE Error 0.653974 cents/octave

Emka (87 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301]
5079116140173] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1146123]
0-27-8-201] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2568, 551.8832]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.74492, 3.56898]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.257, 1902.748, 2786.475, 3365.417, 4152.654]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.257, 0.793, 0.161, -3.409, 1.336]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.381019
Adjusted Error 2.157438 cents
TE Error 0.623640 cents/octave

Emka (87 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
5079116140173185] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11461236]
0-27-8-201-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1524, 551.8284]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.08354, 2.97769]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.152, 1902.766, 2786.287, 3365.260, 4152.286, 4441.772]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.152, 0.811, -0.027, -3.566, 0.968, 1.244]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.023687
Adjusted Error 2.183871 cents
TE Error 0.590165 cents/octave

Emka (87 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202301322]
224355520775829] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨114636]
0-27-81-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9718, 551.7624]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.32638, 4.45347]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.972, 1902.021, 2785.732, 4151.678, 4441.019]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.028, 0.066, -0.582, 0.360, 0.491]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.498734
Adjusted Error 0.506800 cents
TE Error 0.136957 cents/octave

Emka (87 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87202301322]
3786128137] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1636]
0-81-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8959, 551.6509]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.85077, 2.21296]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.896, 2786.169, 4151.339, 4441.121]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.104, -0.145, 0.021, 0.594]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.474972
Adjusted Error 0.372354 cents
TE Error 0.100624 cents/octave

Emkay (224 & 311)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775]
3114937228731076] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1146-283]
0-27-8671] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9959, 551.7727]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.90439, 2.48686]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.996, 1902.079, 2785.794, 3368.887, 4151.760]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.004, 0.124, -0.520, 0.062, 0.442]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.183589
Adjusted Error 0.418450 cents
TE Error 0.120959 cents/octave

Emkay (224 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775829]
87138202244301322] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1146-2836]
0-27-8671-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9695, 551.7609]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.41851, 2.41637]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.969, 1902.029, 2785.730, 3368.834, 4151.669, 4441.012]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.031, 0.074, -0.584, 0.008, 0.351, 0.485]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.060265
Adjusted Error 0.462754 cents
TE Error 0.125054 cents/octave

Enipucrop (7 & 1p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
122] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
0-32] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1210.2699, 174.5816]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨174.58158, -11.80110]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1210.270, 1896.795, 2769.703]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨10.270, -5.160, -16.611]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.140571
Adjusted Error 17.336749 cents
TE Error 7.466531 cents/octave

Enjera (12f & 2cde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
234567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨234567]
014463] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.2609, 94.0046]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨94.00458, 35.23343]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.522, 1891.787, 2773.062, 3372.323, 4159.593, 4476.840]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.478, -10.168, -13.252, 3.497, 8.275, 36.313]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.265551
Adjusted Error 20.238809 cents
TE Error 5.469298 cents/octave

Enlil (72 & 87 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10106]
0001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3808, 317.0421, 3368.5016]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.38207, 5.28237, 3.94917]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.381, 1902.253, 2785.591, 3368.502, 4150.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.381, 0.298, -0.722, -0.324, -0.492]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.305746
Adjusted Error 0.862347 cents
TE Error 0.249274 cents/octave

Enlil (72 & 87 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101060]
0001-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3561, 317.1025, 3368.4666]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.27367, 6.71953, 4.45383]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.356, 1902.615, 2785.868, 3368.467, 4150.772, 4439.435]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.356, 0.660, -0.445, -0.359, -0.546, -1.093]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.309713
Adjusted Error 1.030586 cents
TE Error 0.278504 cents/octave

Enneadecal (171 & 323)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397]
323512750] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨193044]
011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨63.1586, 7.2418]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.20620, 2.01781]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.013, 1901.999, 2786.219]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.013, 0.044, -0.095]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.001499
Adjusted Error 0.068354 cents
TE Error 0.029438 cents/octave

Enneadecal (171 & 323)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
323512750907] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨19304453]
0113] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨63.1599, 7.1437]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.87612, 1.13381]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.038, 1901.941, 2786.179, 3368.906]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.038, -0.014, -0.134, 0.080]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.303278
Adjusted Error 0.105920 cents
TE Error 0.037729 cents/octave

Ennealim (72 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨91522263334]
0-2-3-2-5-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.4088, 49.7357]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.79841, 2.34050]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.679, 1901.661, 2785.787, 3369.158, 4153.812, 4436.428]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.679, -0.294, -0.527, 0.332, 2.494, -4.099]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.575934
Adjusted Error 2.295347 cents
TE Error 0.620290 cents/octave

Ennealiminal (72 & 99p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
99157230278342] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨915222630]
0-2-3-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3884, 49.5240]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.21044, 3.97317]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.495, 1901.778, 2785.972, 3369.050, 4150.223]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.495, -0.177, -0.341, 0.224, -1.095]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.385776
Adjusted Error 0.961246 cents
TE Error 0.277862 cents/octave

Ennealimmal (612 & 441)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨6129701421]
4416991024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨91522]
0-2-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3333, 49.0141]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.69299, 0.37163]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1901.971, 2786.290]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.000, 0.016, -0.023]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.418750
Adjusted Error 0.019312 cents
TE Error 0.008317 cents/octave

Ennealimmal (171 & 441)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
44169910241238] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨9152226]
0-2-3-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3357, 49.0214]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.00342, 1.94430]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.022, 1901.993, 2786.322, 3368.687]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.022, 0.038, 0.009, -0.139]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.723799
Adjusted Error 0.083445 cents
TE Error 0.029724 cents/octave

Ennealimmal (270 & 99e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
99157230278343] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨915222637]
0-2-3-2-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3229, 48.8616]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.18570, 0.70472]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.906, 1902.121, 2786.519, 3368.673, 4151.163]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.094, 0.166, 0.206, -0.153, -0.155]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.347856
Adjusted Error 0.279114 cents
TE Error 0.080682 cents/octave

Ennealimmic (72 & 270 & 99e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
99157230278343] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨911120]
00001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3357, 884.3288, 4151.3179]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.23725, 3.65478, 0.52677]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.022, 1901.993, 2786.322, 3368.687, 4151.318]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.022, 0.038, 0.009, -0.139, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.488530
Adjusted Error 0.091972 cents
TE Error 0.026586 cents/octave

Ennealimmic (270 & 72 & 171)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
171271397480592633] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨911120-31]
000011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3276, 884.3660, 4151.5679]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.60698, -0.06699, 1.35022]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.949, 1902.060, 2786.426, 3368.664, 4151.568, 4440.242]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.051, 0.105, 0.112, -0.162, 0.250, -0.286]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.685706
Adjusted Error 0.233383 cents
TE Error 0.063069 cents/octave

Ennealimnic (72 & 99e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
99157230278343] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨915222633]
0-2-3-2-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3514, 49.4015]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.01058, 4.84244]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.163, 1901.469, 2785.527, 3368.335, 4153.590]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.163, -0.486, -0.786, -0.491, 2.272]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.792622
Adjusted Error 1.292073 cents
TE Error 0.373493 cents/octave

Ennealimnic (72 & 99ef)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
99157230278343367] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨91522263337]
0-2-3-2-5-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3468, 49.3464]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.42267, 5.26958]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.121, 1901.509, 2785.591, 3368.324, 4153.713, 4440.368]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.121, -0.446, -0.723, -0.502, 2.395, -0.159]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.347484
Adjusted Error 1.267325 cents
TE Error 0.342480 cents/octave

Enneaportent (72 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
914212531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨914212531]
02-121] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.4072, 16.8633]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.86335, -1.49958]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.665, 1901.428, 2784.688, 3368.907, 4152.487]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.665, -0.527, -1.626, 0.081, 1.169]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.240527
Adjusted Error 1.664828 cents
TE Error 0.481243 cents/octave

Enneaportent (72 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
91421253133] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨91421253133]
02-1212] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.4247, 16.9650]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.96501, -2.29543]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.822, 1901.875, 2784.953, 3369.547, 4153.130, 4436.944]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.822, -0.080, -1.361, 0.721, 1.812, -3.583]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.818699
Adjusted Error 2.290939 cents
TE Error 0.619099 cents/octave

Erato (31 & 12 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-4-130]
00001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2422, 1898.4580, 4151.3179]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨31.97721, 1.46038, 10.12759]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.242, 1898.458, 2788.863, 3368.432, 4151.318]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.242, -3.497, 2.550, -0.394, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.139617
Adjusted Error 4.275290 cents
TE Error 1.235836 cents/octave

Erato (31 & 12f & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-4-130-20]
000010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.6315, 1898.5660, 4151.3179]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨30.28950, -6.47856, 17.91578]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.631, 1898.566, 2787.738, 3364.451, 4151.318, 4445.861]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.631, -3.389, 1.425, -4.375, -0.000, 5.334]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.155952
Adjusted Error 5.258362 cents
TE Error 1.421010 cents/octave

Eris (31 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
224355520629775] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1100620]
0-298-11-57] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0220, 348.2255]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.08829, 5.20663]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.022, 1901.680, 2785.804, 3369.651, 4151.585]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.022, -0.275, -0.510, 0.825, 0.267]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.775038
Adjusted Error 0.640096 cents
TE Error 0.185029 cents/octave

Eros (31 & 46 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101327]
004322] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6458, 1902.5247, -78.6566]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.88622, 12.94092, 6.03071]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.646, 1902.525, 2788.544, 3365.967, 4146.503, 4442.158]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.646, 0.570, 2.230, -2.858, -4.815, 1.630]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.226666
Adjusted Error 3.253024 cents
TE Error 0.879091 cents/octave

Eros (46 & 31 & 29g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170188]
29466781100107118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1013276]
0043225] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6213, 1902.7264, -78.7966]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.19453, 12.54235, 7.06415]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.621, 1902.726, 2788.161, 3365.474, 4146.376, 4441.304, 4907.019]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.621, 0.771, 1.848, -3.352, -4.942, 0.776, 2.063]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.220878
Adjusted Error 3.461810 cents
TE Error 0.846934 cents/octave

Eros (31 & 29g & 46p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115127132]
4673107129159170188195] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10132769]
00432250] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6266, 1902.7249, -78.8007]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.58700, 7.10804, 13.13688]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.627, 1902.725, 2788.149, 3365.478, 4146.377, 4441.335, 4907.031, 5097.464]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.627, 0.770, 1.835, -3.348, -4.941, 0.807, 2.075, -0.049]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.258670
Adjusted Error 3.365443 cents
TE Error 0.792255 cents/octave

Eros (46p & 29g & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170188195208]
31497287107115127132140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101327693]
004322501] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7312, 1902.9800, -78.8827]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.11959, 7.69535, 12.06662]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.731, 1902.980, 2788.180, 3365.545, 4146.677, 4441.393, 4906.994, 5097.640, 5426.291]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.731, 1.025, 1.867, -3.280, -4.641, 0.865, 2.038, 0.127, -1.984]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.241926
Adjusted Error 3.458487 cents
TE Error 0.764550 cents/octave

Escapade (65 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151]
152241353] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
0-97] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8082, 55.2840]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.51155, 5.96419]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.808, 1902.060, 2786.605]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.192, 0.105, 0.291]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.604625
Adjusted Error 0.319725 cents
TE Error 0.137698 cents/octave

Escapade (22 & 43)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
4368100121] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1223]
0-97-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.9997, 55.2812]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.90832, 17.18643]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.000, 1900.469, 2784.968, 3375.874]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.000, -1.486, -1.346, 7.048]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.132455
Adjusted Error 4.097116 cents
TE Error 1.459422 cents/octave

Escaped (22 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
87138202244] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1224]
0-97-26] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9207, 55.1186]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.36109, 12.68939]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.921, 1903.774, 2785.672, 3366.598]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.079, 1.819, -0.642, -2.228]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.784514
Adjusted Error 1.999443 cents
TE Error 0.712216 cents/octave

Essence (58 & 190)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
190301441533657] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2-1-9-5-9]
011362842] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0989, 227.4387]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.11389, 5.36628]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.198, 1901.726, 2786.902, 3367.788, 4151.534]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.198, -0.229, 0.588, -1.038, 0.216]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.517691
Adjusted Error 0.795864 cents
TE Error 0.230056 cents/octave

Essence (58 & 190)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
190301441533657703] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2-1-9-5-9-7]
01136284238] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0807, 227.4286]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.81352, 5.45777]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.161, 1901.634, 2786.704, 3367.598, 4151.275, 4441.722]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.161, -0.321, 0.390, -1.228, -0.043, 1.195]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.654716
Adjusted Error 0.944738 cents
TE Error 0.255304 cents/octave

Etypyth (46 & 17g & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673129159170188]
5892163201215237] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100712-13]
001111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3615, 1903.0184, 3368.8116]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.19388, 5.71177, 10.12660]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.361, 1903.018, 3368.812, 4152.268, 4440.020, 4904.278]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.639, 1.063, -0.014, 0.950, -0.507, -0.677]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.177887
Adjusted Error 1.651598 cents
TE Error 0.404064 cents/octave

Etypythia (46 & 58 & 121 & 29g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170188]
29466781100107118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1000712-13]
0001111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3615, 1903.0184, 2786.3137, 3368.8116]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.91870, 3.13312, 6.99347, 1.28170]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.361, 1903.018, 2786.314, 3368.812, 4152.268, 4440.020, 4904.278]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.639, 1.063, 0.000, -0.014, 0.950, -0.507, -0.677]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.022979
Adjusted Error 1.529082 cents
TE Error 0.374091 cents/octave

Eugene (15 & 12e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
1219283441] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨357811]
0-102-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.1943, 85.6766]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨56.48782, 29.18880]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.583, 1910.295, 2794.360, 3364.908, 4134.108]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.417, 8.340, 8.047, -3.918, -17.210]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.665120
Adjusted Error 13.149191 cents
TE Error 3.800969 cents/octave

Euterpe (31 & 12 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-401]
00012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2821, 1898.2241, 3372.0269]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.76447, 7.93679, 6.45301]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.282, 1898.224, 2787.768, 3372.027, 4148.888]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.282, -3.731, 1.454, 3.201, -2.430]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.131905
Adjusted Error 4.735930 cents
TE Error 1.368991 cents/octave

Fantastic (72 & 22 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
1219283442] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨200-10-7]
00123] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.2901, 1901.5430, 2784.6434]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.46126, 3.74697, 0.41131]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.580, 1901.543, 2784.643, 3369.472, 4151.900]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.580, -0.412, -1.670, 0.646, 0.582]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.235104
Adjusted Error 1.549333 cents
TE Error 0.447858 cents/octave

Fasum (53 & 67p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123196]
67106156248] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-2128]
010-27-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2713, 430.2487]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.15300, 1.97257]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.271, 1901.945, 2786.540, 4439.186]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.271, -0.010, 0.227, -1.342]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.464096
Adjusted Error 0.857234 cents
TE Error 0.231657 cents/octave

Father (3 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357]
5812] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
0-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1181.3029, 448.9085]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨118.06310, 165.42272]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1181.303, 1913.697, 2811.514]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-18.697, 11.742, 25.201]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.442834
Adjusted Error 30.636037 cents
TE Error 13.194223 cents/octave

Father (5 & 3d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
3579] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1224]
0-11-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1181.0653, 450.7714]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨171.24892, 108.27359]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1181.065, 1911.359, 2812.902, 3371.947]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-18.935, 9.404, 26.588, 3.121]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.584293
Adjusted Error 32.195608 cents
TE Error 11.468307 cents/octave

Fermionic (130 & 156e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
156247362438539577] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨264160738996]
012051] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨46.1573, 8.7307]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.22686, 2.50384]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.090, 1901.181, 2786.901, 3369.485, 4151.655, 4439.834]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.090, -0.774, 0.587, 0.659, 0.337, -0.694]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.370455
Adjusted Error 0.967711 cents
TE Error 0.261512 cents/octave

Ferrier (15 & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
58121418] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨58121418]
00-10-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.4094, 81.7287]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨81.72871, -5.77672]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.047, 1915.275, 2791.184, 3351.732, 4145.912]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.953, 13.320, 4.871, -17.094, -5.406]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.260419
Adjusted Error 17.176938 cents
TE Error 4.965249 cents/octave

Fervor (27e & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
23567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-2-23]
0-59101] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.4439, 575.6559]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.13213, 1.93818]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.444, 1903.496, 2790.015, 3365.671, 4161.988]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.556, 1.541, 3.701, -3.155, 10.670]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.600856
Adjusted Error 9.155422 cents
TE Error 2.646511 cents/octave

Fervor (27e & 2f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100]
235678] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-2-23-4]
0-5910116] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.6630, 575.9712]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.72052, 7.60448]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.663, 1902.796, 2792.415, 3368.386, 4162.960, 4432.888]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.337, 0.841, 6.101, -0.440, 11.642, -7.640]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.694632
Adjusted Error 9.744740 cents
TE Error 2.633401 cents/octave

Festival (12 & 14c & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2001-4]
00111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.8749, 1896.3869, 2775.3068]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨48.97726, 41.54332, 3.24162]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.750, 1896.387, 2775.307, 3376.182, 4164.581]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.750, -5.568, -11.007, 7.356, 13.263]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.100777
Adjusted Error 11.927682 cents
TE Error 3.447873 cents/octave

Fibo (103 & 140)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨103163239289356]
140222325393484] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1198108]
0-46-15-19-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4067, 454.4716]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.47153, 5.28456]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.407, 1902.033, 2786.179, 3369.106, 4149.594]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.407, 0.078, -0.134, 0.280, -1.724]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.232107
Adjusted Error 1.013822 cents
TE Error 0.293060 cents/octave

Fibo (103 & 140)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨103163239289356381]
140222325393484518] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11981089]
0-46-15-19-12-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3732, 454.4578]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.30784, 5.40476]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.373, 1902.034, 2786.119, 3369.034, 4149.492, 4440.950]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.373, 0.078, -0.195, 0.209, -1.826, 0.422]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.551973
Adjusted Error 1.008637 cents
TE Error 0.272572 cents/octave

Fifive (34 & 60)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨345479]
6095139] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨223]
057] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0173, 140.6277]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.71076, 9.39781]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.035, 1903.173, 2784.446]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.035, 1.218, -1.868]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.910433
Adjusted Error 1.492195 cents
TE Error 0.642653 cents/octave

Fifives (26 & 60)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨26416073]
6095139168] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2237]
057-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.9338, 140.1267]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.73484, 18.84603]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.868, 1902.501, 2783.688, 3365.776]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.868, 0.546, -2.625, -3.050]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.413955
Adjusted Error 3.456893 cents
TE Error 1.231370 cents/octave

Fifives (34 & 8)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨345479118]
8131928] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2236]
0574] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.3177, 140.7817]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.19086, -3.98172]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.635, 1902.544, 2783.425, 4159.033]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.365, 0.589, -2.889, 7.715]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.641390
Adjusted Error 5.049334 cents
TE Error 1.459585 cents/octave

Fifives (34 & 8)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨345479118126]
813192830] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨22366]
05746] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.3154, 140.7816]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.18894, -3.97413]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.631, 1902.539, 2783.418, 4159.019, 4440.582]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.369, 0.584, -2.896, 7.701, 0.055]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.368519
Adjusted Error 4.830973 cents
TE Error 1.305513 cents/octave

Fifthplus (171 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
22355162] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111-320]
0-2313-42] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0934, 491.2643]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.97449, 0.33888]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.093, 1901.948, 2786.156, 3368.767]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.093, -0.007, -0.158, -0.059]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.989098
Adjusted Error 0.164929 cents
TE Error 0.058749 cents/octave

Flat (4 & 3p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨46911]
3578] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1123]
021-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1221.0611, 337.7412]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨207.83736, 129.90388]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1221.061, 1896.544, 2779.863, 3325.442]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨21.061, -5.411, -6.450, -43.384]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.593321
Adjusted Error 37.184446 cents
TE Error 13.245367 cents/octave

Flattone (19 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
26416073] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124-1]
0-1-49] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.6458, 507.7589]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.37218, 18.25286]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.646, 1899.533, 2783.547, 3366.184]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.646, -2.422, -2.766, -2.642]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.828956
Adjusted Error 5.944067 cents
TE Error 2.117319 cents/octave

Flattone (7p & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711162024]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124-16]
0-1-49-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.3659, 507.8733]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨30.66578, 51.98449]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.366, 1896.858, 2777.970, 3368.494, 4166.955]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.366, -5.097, -8.343, -0.332, 15.637]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.812780
Adjusted Error 10.862374 cents
TE Error 3.139930 cents/octave

Flattone (7p & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124-162]
0-1-49-64] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.5577, 508.0227]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨31.97044, 51.51393]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.558, 1897.093, 2778.140, 3369.647, 4167.210, 4437.206]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.558, -4.862, -8.174, 0.821, 15.892, -3.321]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.719377
Adjusted Error 10.718452 cents
TE Error 2.896535 cents/octave

Fleetwood (22 & 4e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
4691113] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨256711]
0-4-3-3-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6223, 272.7899]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨54.04257, 2.57701]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.245, 1906.952, 2779.364, 3378.987, 4140.737]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.755, 4.997, -6.949, 10.161, -10.581]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.948675
Adjusted Error 10.017260 cents
TE Error 2.895637 cents/octave

Fleetwood (22p & 18ddde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627681]
182942496367] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨256-31111]
0-4-319-9-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9480, 272.0893]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.01132, 6.75816]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.896, 1911.383, 2783.420, 3369.852, 4150.625, 4422.714]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.104, 9.428, -2.893, 1.026, -0.693, -17.813]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.570109
Adjusted Error 11.730533 cents
TE Error 3.170038 cents/octave

Fluorine (9 & 2cdd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨9142125]
2347] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨125-3]
0-1-613] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1206.5806, 538.0372]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨130.50615, 16.01260]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1206.581, 1875.124, 2804.680, 3374.742]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨6.581, -26.831, 18.366, 5.916]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.632061
Adjusted Error 27.963985 cents
TE Error 9.960972 cents/octave

Foreboding (31 & 15 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110351]
0010-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2334, 233.4118, 2782.8836]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.36558, -1.75036, 19.80868]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.233, 1900.469, 2782.884, 3367.288, 4151.931, 4449.941]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.233, -1.486, -3.430, -1.538, 0.613, 9.413]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.163292
Adjusted Error 4.757609 cents
TE Error 1.285688 cents/octave

Fortune (2513 & 612)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨251339835835]
6129701421] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-111]
014-47] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0016, 221.5682]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.44577, 0.13037]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.002, 1901.953, 2786.313]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.002, -0.002, -0.001]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.170501
Adjusted Error 0.002764 cents
TE Error 0.001190 cents/octave

Freivald (24p & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243856678389]
375986104128137] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-36-536]
010-8171-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.7891, 550.3503]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.45362, 21.72709]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.789, 1907.136, 2789.932, 3362.010, 4146.718, 4440.983]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.211, 5.181, 3.619, -6.816, -4.600, 0.455]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.654418
Adjusted Error 7.127194 cents
TE Error 1.926040 cents/octave

Freya (270 & 342 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
31497287107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11332]
0042-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0491, 350.9820, -466.6977]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.45508, 2.37963, -0.21476]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.049, 1902.013, 2786.302, 3368.716, 4151.173]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.049, 0.058, -0.011, -0.110, -0.145]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.350839
Adjusted Error 0.130007 cents
TE Error 0.037580 cents/octave

Freya (270 & 311 & 301)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
30147769984510411114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113324]
0042-3-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9870, 351.0502, -466.6900]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.85059, 1.39606, 0.88423]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.987, 1902.087, 2786.352, 3368.681, 4151.094, 4440.636]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.013, 0.132, 0.038, -0.145, -0.224, 0.108]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.818233
Adjusted Error 0.185676 cents
TE Error 0.050177 cents/octave

Frigg (270 & 58 & 373)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
373591866104712901380] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113345]
001051114] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0387, 350.9502, -186.6322]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.46947, 0.46446, 1.35749]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.039, 1901.939, 2786.645, 3368.856, 4151.001, 4440.193]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.039, -0.016, 0.331, 0.030, -0.317, -0.334]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.676451
Adjusted Error 0.296676 cents
TE Error 0.080173 cents/octave

Galaxy (46 & 121 & 270)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170188]
2704286277589349991104] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨105-4-5-4-1]
009-14-16-17-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9096, 1901.9711, -991.0288]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.43783, 0.04857, 4.66731]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.910, 1901.971, 2786.202, 3368.852, 4151.000, 4439.968, 4906.437]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.090, 0.016, -0.112, 0.026, -0.318, -0.560, 1.481]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.562315
Adjusted Error 0.643247 cents
TE Error 0.157371 cents/octave

Gallium (31 & 31f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
31497287107114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨31497287107115]
00000-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨38.7486, 15.5566]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.19198, 15.55658]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.205, 1898.679, 2789.896, 3371.125, 4146.096, 4440.528]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.205, -3.276, 3.583, 2.299, -5.222, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.118931
Adjusted Error 5.022641 cents
TE Error 1.357309 cents/octave

Gamel (31 & 41 & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
58121418] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1103-1]
00101] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6471, 233.4167, 2785.7134]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.27576, 15.28759, 1.46146]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.647, 1900.897, 2785.713, 3368.525, 4152.651]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.647, -1.058, -0.600, -0.301, 1.333]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.244216
Adjusted Error 1.615807 cents
TE Error 0.467073 cents/octave

Gamelan (31 & 41 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
4673107129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1103]
0010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4862, 233.7822, 2786.3137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.50212, 12.88714, 6.18582]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.486, 1901.833, 2786.314, 3367.676]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.486, -0.122, -0.000, -1.150]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.159340
Adjusted Error 0.898786 cents
TE Error 0.320154 cents/octave

Gamera (99 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
224355520629] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16103]
0-23-40-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8484, 230.3068]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.74934, 3.25743]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.848, 1902.033, 2786.210, 3369.238]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.152, 0.078, -0.103, 0.412]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.906094
Adjusted Error 0.310636 cents
TE Error 0.110651 cents/octave

Gammic (171 & 205)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397]
205325476] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
02011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0419, 35.0977]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.23284, 1.48891]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.042, 1901.995, 2786.158]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.042, 0.040, -0.156]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.204356
Adjusted Error 0.111271 cents
TE Error 0.047922 cents/octave

Gammic (171 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
34547996] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1120]
0201196] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0712, 35.0924]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.92811, 0.45191]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.071, 1901.920, 2786.159, 3368.875]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.071, -0.035, -0.154, 0.049]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.101044
Adjusted Error 0.142316 cents
TE Error 0.050694 cents/octave

Ganesha (270 & 152 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
31497287107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-22-9]
001104] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9177, 1902.0945, 2786.4995]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.88740, 0.92364, 0.32016]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.918, 1902.095, 2786.500, 3368.901, 4150.928]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.082, 0.140, 0.186, 0.075, -0.390]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.356837
Adjusted Error 0.286717 cents
TE Error 0.082880 cents/octave

Garibaldi (41 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
5384123149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-3]
0-1814] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1250, 497.9667]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.51411, 14.51031]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.125, 1902.283, 2783.609, 3371.159]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.125, 0.328, -2.705, 2.333]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.340841
Adjusted Error 2.037206 cents
TE Error 0.725667 cents/octave

Gariberttet (4 & 9qrr)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4351]
96102] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1000]
0351] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0000, 292.4181]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨231.76332, 30.32741]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 877.254, 1462.091, 292.418]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.000, -7.104, -4.780, 3.208]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 1.776901
Adjusted Error 10.326198 cents
TE Error 8.447531 cents/octave

Gentsemicanou (80 & 14cf & 38df)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨80127186225277296]
386088106131140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨200-210]
004-315] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9839, 1902.7366, -254.3343]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.46953, -1.92829, 8.14214]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.968, 1902.737, 2788.136, 3368.508, 4151.123, 4436.538]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.032, 0.782, 1.822, -0.318, -0.195, -3.989]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.486440
Adjusted Error 2.156855 cents
TE Error 0.582865 cents/octave

Gentsemiparakleismic (80 & 38df)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨80127186225277296]
386088106131140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2-3-2-11-4-4]
01314352324] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0578, 284.8435]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.50703, 7.35667]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.116, 1902.793, 2787.694, 3368.888, 4151.170, 4436.014]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.116, 0.838, 1.380, 0.062, -0.148, -4.514]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.342457
Adjusted Error 2.208053 cents
TE Error 0.596700 cents/octave

Gidorah (5 & 1b)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
1123] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1123]
032-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1193.2399, 229.4622]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨229.46225, 45.92861]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1193.240, 1881.627, 2845.404, 3350.257]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-6.760, -20.328, 59.090, -18.569]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.872852
Adjusted Error 42.147623 cents
TE Error 15.013286 cents/octave

Gizzard (72 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
94149218264325348] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21528-2]
06-110-326] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.2900, 216.9345]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.00959, 5.87117]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.580, 1901.897, 2784.516, 3369.925, 4151.517, 4439.717]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.580, -0.058, -1.798, 1.099, 0.199, -0.811]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.702621
Adjusted Error 1.614450 cents
TE Error 0.436286 cents/octave

Glacial (6 & 13)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨619142122]
1341304548] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13234]
0123-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.7334, 186.1510]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.49651, 85.82726]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.733, 3794.351, 2777.769, 4166.653, 4438.632]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.733, -9.559, -8.545, 15.335, -1.896]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.534218
Adjusted Error 11.704229 cents
TE Error 3.162929 cents/octave

Glamour (19p & 3de)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
35791111] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-104]
0511211-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.3024, 379.8436]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨62.77168, 3.21350]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.302, 1899.218, 2784.448, 3355.820, 4178.279, 4429.366]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.302, -2.737, -1.865, -13.006, 26.961, -11.162]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.788313
Adjusted Error 15.124191 cents
TE Error 4.087134 cents/octave

Godzilla (19 & 24)

Contorted Meantone (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
243856] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124]
0-2-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3969, 252.1739]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.18863, 14.28387]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.397, 1898.446, 2788.196]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.397, -3.509, 1.883]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.421604
Adjusted Error 3.673804 cents
TE Error 1.582221 cents/octave

Godzilla (19 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
581214] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1243]
0-2-8-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.8528, 253.4461]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨63.37782, -0.06516]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.853, 1900.813, 2787.842, 3358.112]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.853, -1.142, 1.529, -10.713]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.335513
Adjusted Error 7.734272 cents
TE Error 2.755003 cents/octave

Godzilla (14c & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1422323948]
58121418] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12436]
0-2-8-1-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1204.4719, 254.9740]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨70.39817, 43.77952]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.472, 1898.996, 2778.096, 3358.442, 4167.143]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.472, -2.959, -8.218, -10.384, 15.825]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.481913
Adjusted Error 13.001171 cents
TE Error 3.758181 cents/octave

Godzilla (5e & 14cf)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812141819]
142232394851] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124366]
0-2-8-1-12-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1204.4822, 254.5504]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.74069, 68.26991]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.482, 1899.864, 2781.525, 3358.896, 4172.288, 4426.839]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.482, -2.091, -4.788, -9.930, 20.970, -13.689]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.432137
Adjusted Error 14.253851 cents
TE Error 3.851934 cents/octave

Gorgik (58 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
375986104128] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15131]
0-187-113] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.4647, 227.2086]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.46364, 5.01550]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.465, 1902.570, 2788.925, 3368.186, 4152.176]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.535, 0.615, 2.611, -0.640, 0.858]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.437073
Adjusted Error 3.049553 cents
TE Error 0.881518 cents/octave

Gorgik (58 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
375986104128137] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨151312]
0-187-1139] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.4046, 227.1909]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.23092, 5.37868]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.405, 1902.587, 2788.741, 3368.023, 4151.886, 4441.527]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.595, 0.632, 2.427, -0.803, 0.568, 0.999]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.125067
Adjusted Error 3.013343 cents
TE Error 0.814320 cents/octave

Gorgo (5 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
16253745] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1113]
037-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0993, 228.5428]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨53.38679, 58.38534]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.099, 1886.728, 2800.899, 3374.755]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.099, -15.227, 14.585, 5.929]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.378885
Adjusted Error 16.455245 cents
TE Error 5.861476 cents/octave

Gorgo (5e & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121418]
1625374555] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11131]
037-113] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.4896, 227.6556]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.02055, 63.21168]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.490, 1884.456, 2795.079, 3376.813, 4161.012]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.490, -17.499, 8.765, 7.987, 9.694]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.617285
Adjusted Error 19.218186 cents
TE Error 5.555302 cents/octave

Gorgo (5e & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812141819]
162537455559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111312]
037-1139] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2346, 227.4634]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.71050, 63.91763]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.235, 1883.625, 2793.478, 3376.240, 4158.259, 4449.640]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.235, -18.330, 7.165, 7.415, 6.941, 9.112]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.504274
Adjusted Error 19.219791 cents
TE Error 5.193921 cents/octave

Gracecordial (125 & 113)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨125198290351432]
113179262317391] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-6-1328]
0-12038-59] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5580, 499.3986]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.81327, 4.19380]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.558, 1901.717, 2784.624, 3369.892, 4151.108]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.558, -0.238, -1.690, 1.066, -0.210]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.432514
Adjusted Error 1.556031 cents
TE Error 0.449794 cents/octave

Gracecordial (113 & 125f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨113179262317391418]
125198290351432462] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-6-132822]
0-12038-59-44] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6292, 499.4206]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.13970, 4.95874]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.629, 1901.838, 2784.637, 3369.804, 4151.801, 4439.335]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.629, -0.117, -1.676, 0.978, 0.483, -1.193]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.647025
Adjusted Error 1.632274 cents
TE Error 0.441103 cents/octave

Gracecordial (113 & 12e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨113179262317391418462]
12192834414449] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-6-1328227]
0-12038-59-44-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5073, 499.3704]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.09128, 5.01601]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.507, 1901.644, 2784.365, 3369.482, 4151.349, 4438.861, 4907.958]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.507, -0.311, -1.949, 0.656, 0.031, -1.666, 3.003]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.859629
Adjusted Error 2.071149 cents
TE Error 0.506708 cents/octave

Gracecordial (113 & 12e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨113179262317391418462480]
1219283441444951] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-6-13282273]
0-12038-59-44-73] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4435, 499.3426]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.10615, 4.87070]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.443, 1901.544, 2784.191, 3369.254, 4151.204, 4438.682, 4907.706, 5099.358]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.443, -0.411, -2.122, 0.428, -0.114, -1.846, 2.751, 1.845]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.247279
Adjusted Error 2.131421 cents
TE Error 0.501756 cents/octave

Gracecordial (113 & 12e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨113179262317391418462480511]
121928344144495154] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-6-1328227317]
0-12038-59-44-73-30] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4658, 499.3503]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.12505, 4.69458]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.466, 1901.581, 2784.212, 3369.257, 4151.373, 4438.833, 4907.808, 5099.448, 5427.409]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.466, -0.374, -2.102, 0.431, 0.055, -1.695, 2.853, 1.935, -0.866]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.892603
Adjusted Error 2.162569 cents
TE Error 0.478068 cents/octave

Gracecordial (113 & 12e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨113179262317391418462480511549]
12192834414449515458] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-6-132822731719]
0-12038-59-44-73-30-34] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4417, 499.3421]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.10300, 4.90021]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.442, 1901.541, 2784.192, 3369.259, 4151.182, 4438.664, 4907.697, 5099.352, 5427.245, 5830.760]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.442, -0.414, -2.121, 0.433, -0.136, -1.864, 2.742, 1.839, -1.029, 1.183]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.586234
Adjusted Error 2.239524 cents
TE Error 0.460999 cents/octave

Gracecordial (113p & 12e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨113179262317391418462480511549560]
1219283441444951545859] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-6-13282273171927]
0-12038-59-44-73-30-34-53] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4196, 499.3364]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.06190, 5.28539]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.420, 1901.503, 2784.209, 3369.326, 4150.905, 4438.432, 4907.583, 5099.268, 5427.043, 5830.537, 5946.503]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.420, -0.452, -2.104, 0.500, -0.413, -2.095, 2.628, 1.755, -1.231, 0.960, 1.468]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.542768
Adjusted Error 2.230799 cents
TE Error 0.450285 cents/octave

Grackle (12 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
77122179216] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-8]
0-1826] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7997, 498.6774]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.56800, 14.86992]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.800, 1900.922, 2789.619, 3367.214]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.200, -1.033, 3.306, -1.612]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.924477
Adjusted Error 2.357693 cents
TE Error 0.839827 cents/octave

Gravid (58 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163]
7111619] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-5-14]
061739] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3441, 516.8578]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.97251, 5.84840]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.344, 1901.803, 2789.863, 3366.638]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.656, -0.152, 3.549, -2.188]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.118588
Adjusted Error 2.581738 cents
TE Error 0.919634 cents/octave

Gravity (65 & 72)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151]
72114167] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-5]
0617] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1833, 516.9227]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.75386, 5.15531]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.183, 1901.353, 2786.770]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.183, -0.602, 0.456]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.989113
Adjusted Error 0.623652 cents
TE Error 0.268592 cents/octave

Greeley (8 & 23)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨861015]
23172843] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1122]
0-2-6-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1723, 156.0779]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.72638, 48.45049]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.172, 888.017, 1463.878, 2244.267]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.172, 3.658, -2.993, -5.096]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 1.943479
Adjusted Error 5.781580 cents
TE Error 3.084383 cents/octave

Greenland (270 & 72 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
130206302365450481] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨20137-1]
002132] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9868, 951.0539, 617.8062]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.06424, 0.15280, 0.70482]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.974, 1902.108, 2786.653, 3368.820, 4151.218, 4439.841]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.026, 0.153, 0.339, -0.005, -0.100, -0.686]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.406619
Adjusted Error 0.389866 cents
TE Error 0.105357 cents/octave

Greenwood (14c & 21p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1422323948]
2133495973] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨711151923]
00212] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨172.0869, 100.5302]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨42.58302, 28.97361]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.608, 1892.955, 2782.363, 3370.181, 4159.058]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.608, -9.000, -3.950, 1.355, 7.740]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.329799
Adjusted Error 12.143339 cents
TE Error 3.510212 cents/octave

Greenwood (14c & 21p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨142232394852]
213349597378] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨71115192326]
002120] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨171.6919, 104.4103]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨30.15302, 37.12862]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.843, 1888.611, 2784.199, 3366.557, 4157.735, 4463.990]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.843, -13.344, -2.114, -2.269, 6.417, 23.462]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.327913
Adjusted Error 16.507610 cents
TE Error 4.460986 cents/octave

Grendel (31 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
152241353427] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1927]
0-231-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7350, 386.7774]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.14758, 7.25105]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.735, 1901.735, 2786.247, 3370.039]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.265, -0.220, -0.066, 1.213]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.015477
Adjusted Error 0.738770 cents
TE Error 0.263155 cents/octave

Grendel (31 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
152241353427526] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨192717]
0-231-13-42] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7357, 386.7733]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.49161, 7.38484]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.736, 1901.836, 2786.245, 3370.097, 4151.029]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.264, -0.119, -0.069, 1.271, -0.289]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.153355
Adjusted Error 0.830905 cents
TE Error 0.240185 cents/octave

Grendel (31 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
121192281340419448] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨192717-5]
0-231-13-4227] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4419, 386.6458]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.91465, 8.39742]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.442, 1902.122, 2785.530, 3369.697, 4151.386, 4442.229]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.558, 0.167, -0.784, 0.871, 0.068, 1.701]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.535278
Adjusted Error 1.303632 cents
TE Error 0.352291 cents/octave

Gross (1783 & 3684)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨178328264140]
368458398554] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-24]
047-22] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9990, 91.5309]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.20837, 0.22489]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.999, 1901.955, 2786.316]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.001, 0.000, 0.002]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 16.667474
Adjusted Error 0.001788 cents
TE Error 0.000770 cents/octave

Grosstone (31 & 12p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
121928344244] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124711-3]
0-1-4-10-1816] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9495, 502.7151]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.83388, 15.17495]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.950, 1897.184, 2788.938, 3372.495, 4150.572, 4443.593]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.050, -4.771, 2.624, 3.669, -0.745, 3.066]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.003648
Adjusted Error 5.401098 cents
TE Error 1.459583 cents/octave

Guanyin (31 & 22 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
5892135163201] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002-2]
003-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2352, 1901.6519, 929.3140]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.09511, 9.52165, 12.20363]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.235, 1901.652, 2787.942, 3370.808, 4149.751]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.765, -0.303, 1.628, 1.982, -1.566]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.164735
Adjusted Error 2.085398 cents
TE Error 0.602815 cents/octave

Guanyin (58 & 31 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002-23]
003-155] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2030, 1901.6993, 929.2893]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.30339, -1.11422, 9.81410]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.203, 1901.699, 2787.868, 3370.816, 4149.740, 4440.657]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.797, -0.256, 1.554, 1.990, -1.578, 0.129]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.232411
Adjusted Error 2.038665 cents
TE Error 0.550925 cents/octave

Guanyintet (9 & 40)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨9211117]
40934975] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1313]
0-31-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.5799, 269.2999]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.22498, 26.53888]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.580, 2787.840, 1467.880, 2249.241]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.420, 1.527, 1.009, -0.122]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 1.323178
Adjusted Error 2.055351 cents
TE Error 0.885191 cents/octave

Guiron (41 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
118187274331] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1173]
03-24-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3400, 233.9964]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.75956, 8.86608]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.340, 1902.329, 2786.465, 3367.024]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.340, 0.374, 0.152, -1.802]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.773290
Adjusted Error 1.076192 cents
TE Error 0.383347 cents/octave

Guiron (41 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
118187274331408] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1173-2]
03-24-128] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3458, 233.9989]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.91559, 8.81192]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.346, 1902.343, 2786.447, 3367.039, 4151.277]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.346, 0.388, 0.134, -1.787, -0.041]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.930534
Adjusted Error 1.186491 cents
TE Error 0.342973 cents/octave

Guiron (41 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
77122179216266285] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1173-20]
03-24-12819] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1241, 233.9232]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.22187, 10.14321]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.124, 1901.894, 2786.713, 3366.449, 4149.600, 4444.540]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.124, -0.061, 0.399, -2.377, -1.718, 4.012]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.760649
Adjusted Error 2.233306 cents
TE Error 0.603524 cents/octave

Gwazy (22 & 52p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
5282121146180] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21648]
08-56-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8543, 162.5525]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.38614, 11.48487]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.709, 1900.275, 2786.363, 3374.732, 4148.624]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.291, -1.680, 0.049, 5.906, -2.694]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.140526
Adjusted Error 3.865380 cents
TE Error 1.117345 cents/octave

Gwazy (118 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274408]
22355176] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2168]
08-5-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0926, 162.7338]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.20587, -0.18668]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.185, 1901.963, 2786.886, 4149.805]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.185, 0.008, 0.573, -1.512]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.539510
Adjusted Error 0.925540 cents
TE Error 0.267541 cents/octave

Hades (72 & 130 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
152241353427] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2102]
0010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9938, 433.8840, 2786.3137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.75386, 3.15369, 3.41928]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.988, 1901.646, 2786.314, 3369.408]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.012, -0.309, 0.000, 0.582]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.280092
Adjusted Error 0.399850 cents
TE Error 0.142430 cents/octave

Hades (72 & 152 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21023]
00101] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9487, 433.9084, 2786.0238]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.59483, 4.54972, 1.91932]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.897, 1901.674, 2786.024, 3369.440, 4151.961]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.103, -0.281, -0.290, 0.614, 0.644]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.261229
Adjusted Error 0.578737 cents
TE Error 0.167293 cents/octave

Hades (72 & 130 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
224355520629775829] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21023-2]
001010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9598, 433.8891, 2786.0074]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.23023, 2.08443, 4.22107]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.920, 1901.627, 2786.007, 3369.365, 4151.998, 4440.639]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.080, -0.328, -0.306, 0.540, 0.680, 0.112]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.369031
Adjusted Error 0.571410 cents
TE Error 0.154417 cents/octave

Hagrid (72 & 58 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨200-4-1]
001-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0303, 950.5813, 2786.3017]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.70677, 5.81690, 0.58215]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.061, 1901.163, 2786.302, 3368.808, 4152.876]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.061, -0.792, -0.012, -0.018, 1.558]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.323777
Adjusted Error 1.045389 cents
TE Error 0.302185 cents/octave

Hagrid (58 & 72 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨200-4-1-2]
001-101] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9899, 950.6472, 2786.9793]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.76253, 10.32106, 0.19519]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.980, 1901.294, 2786.979, 3368.886, 4153.246, 4438.941]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.020, -0.661, 0.666, 0.060, 1.928, -1.587]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.311801
Adjusted Error 1.309375 cents
TE Error 0.353843 cents/octave

Hamity (14c & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1422323948]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-2-7-4-3]
010261918] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2284, 430.2738]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.17221, 22.69131]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.228, 1902.281, 2785.520, 3374.289, 4144.243]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.228, 0.326, -0.794, 5.463, -7.075]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.584859
Adjusted Error 4.424822 cents
TE Error 1.279060 cents/octave

Hamity (53 & 14cf)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
142232394851] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-2-7-4-3-11]
01026191841] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1448, 430.2683]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.03192, -1.46764]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.145, 1902.393, 2785.962, 3374.518, 4144.395, 4439.407]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.145, 0.438, -0.352, 5.692, -6.923, -1.121]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.800347
Adjusted Error 4.359741 cents
TE Error 1.178168 cents/octave

Hanson (53 & 34)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123]
345479] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101]
065] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1661, 317.0504]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.77955, 1.34853]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.166, 1902.303, 2785.418]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.166, 0.348, -0.895]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.550116
Adjusted Error 0.635053 cents
TE Error 0.273502 cents/octave

Hanuman (72 & 152 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
87138202244301] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨120-81]
00141] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9540, -165.9317, 2785.8301]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.75581, 4.69214, 2.48655]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.954, 1902.113, 2785.830, 3368.937, 4151.716]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.046, 0.158, -0.484, 0.111, 0.398]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.341341
Adjusted Error 0.409960 cents
TE Error 0.118505 cents/octave

Hanuman (72 & 224 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
87138202244301322] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨120-81-6]
001414] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0189, -166.0060, 2785.7243]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.84882, 4.13390, 2.44725]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.019, 1902.020, 2785.724, 3368.812, 4151.749, 4440.802]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.019, 0.065, -0.589, -0.013, 0.431, 0.274]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.460787
Adjusted Error 0.446922 cents
TE Error 0.120775 cents/octave

Harry (72 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
130206302365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2477]
0-6-17-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0857, 83.1679]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.14378, 6.38322]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.171, 1901.335, 2786.745, 3368.921]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.171, -0.620, 0.431, 0.095]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.178772
Adjusted Error 0.655297 cents
TE Error 0.233421 cents/octave

Harry (72 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
5892135163201] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24779]
0-6-17-10-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0506, 83.1740]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.84457, 5.98780]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.101, 1901.158, 2786.396, 3368.614, 4152.845]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.101, -0.797, 0.082, -0.212, 1.527]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.663086
Adjusted Error 1.054700 cents
TE Error 0.304877 cents/octave

Harry (72 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
5892135163201215] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2477911]
0-6-17-10-15-26] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9970, 83.1160]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.37651, 7.80837]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.994, 1901.292, 2787.007, 3368.819, 4153.233, 4438.951]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.006, -0.663, 0.693, -0.007, 1.915, -1.577]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.889000
Adjusted Error 1.310185 cents
TE Error 0.354062 cents/octave

Harry (72 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266294]
5892135163201215237] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24779119]
0-6-17-10-15-26-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1626, 83.1905]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.87468, 5.95428]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.325, 1901.507, 2786.899, 3369.233, 4153.605, 4438.835, 4902.320]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.325, -0.448, 0.586, 0.407, 2.288, -1.693, -2.635]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.950802
Adjusted Error 1.783239 cents
TE Error 0.436270 cents/octave

Haumea (29 & 140)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2946143340]
14022268159193] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-232]
0-212-9-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2483, 248.5714]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.20479, 7.08078]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.248, 1903.354, 582.360, 1363.602, 1654.782]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.248, 1.399, -0.152, -1.402, 0.569]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 11.349123
Adjusted Error 1.148979 cents
TE Error 0.724925 cents/octave

Hecate (72 & 41 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5122]
0012-3-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5798, 1901.8964, 2784.5069]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.01861, 5.91915, 5.82178]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.580, 1901.896, 2784.507, 3369.908, 4151.540, 4439.731]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.580, -0.059, -1.807, 1.082, 0.222, -0.796]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.254823
Adjusted Error 1.614370 cents
TE Error 0.436264 cents/octave

Hedgehog (22 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
14223239] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2467]
0-3-5-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6190, 164.2476]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.50466, 7.86683]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.238, 1905.733, 2776.476, 3376.095]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.762, 3.778, -9.838, 7.269]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.704799
Adjusted Error 7.805081 cents
TE Error 2.780226 cents/octave

Hedgehog (22 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24678]
0-3-5-5-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1297, 164.6498]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨47.71110, 10.75822]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.259, 1906.569, 2777.529, 3377.659, 4142.438]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.259, 4.614, -8.784, 8.833, -8.879]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.542366
Adjusted Error 9.704246 cents
TE Error 2.805156 cents/octave

Hedgehog (8d & 14cf)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319232830]
142232394851] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨246789]
0-3-5-5-4-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.4001, 164.2488]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨51.05857, 56.59511]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.800, 1908.854, 2781.156, 3381.557, 4146.205, 4418.108]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.800, 6.899, -5.157, 12.731, -5.113, -22.420]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.417248
Adjusted Error 13.843741 cents
TE Error 3.741107 cents/octave

Heimdall (72 & 270 & 251e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
251398583705869] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10012]
001-4-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0031, 950.9942, 2786.2875]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.24219, 3.37499, 0.50724]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.003, 1901.988, 2786.287, 3368.772, 4151.341]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.003, 0.033, -0.026, -0.054, 0.023]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.653139
Adjusted Error 0.048871 cents
TE Error 0.014127 cents/octave

Heinz (46 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
103163239289356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-8-1063]
02127-71] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6103, 547.9099]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.03401, 8.96161]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.610, 1901.225, 2787.464, 3368.292, 4149.741]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.610, -0.730, 1.150, -0.533, -1.577]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.542674
Adjusted Error 1.603178 cents
TE Error 0.463422 cents/octave

Heinz (46 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
103163239289356381] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-8-106311]
02127-71-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6352, 547.9186]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.76030, 9.08409]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.635, 1901.209, 2787.450, 3368.381, 4149.824, 4440.290]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.635, -0.746, 1.136, -0.445, -1.494, -0.238]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.823353
Adjusted Error 1.570165 cents
TE Error 0.424319 cents/octave

Helenus (12 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-3-9]
0-181430] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7153, 498.1566]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.56452, 20.69700]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.715, 1901.274, 2785.538, 3375.047, 4147.261]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.285, -0.681, -0.776, 6.221, -4.057]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.408639
Adjusted Error 3.993516 cents
TE Error 1.154385 cents/octave

Helenus (12f & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-3-9-10]
0-18143033] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7427, 498.1457]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.38201, 20.96526]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.743, 1901.340, 2785.423, 3374.811, 4146.686, 4441.381]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.257, -0.615, -0.891, 5.986, -4.632, 0.853]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.751732
Adjusted Error 3.926563 cents
TE Error 1.061107 cents/octave

Helmholtz (118 & 171)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274]
171271397] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1]
0-18] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0749, 498.2952]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.16220, 4.83588]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.075, 1901.855, 2786.287]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.075, -0.100, -0.027]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.791396
Adjusted Error 0.132425 cents
TE Error 0.057032 cents/octave

Hemiamity (152 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152241353427526]
4673107129159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21-11313]
0513-17-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8219, 260.4833]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.10313, 2.60802]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.644, 1902.238, 2786.461, 3369.469, 4150.919]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.356, 0.283, 0.147, 0.643, -0.399]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.673499
Adjusted Error 0.739729 cents
TE Error 0.213830 cents/octave

Hemiaug (27e & 3de)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
357911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨357911]
0-20-5-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.9029, 45.6629]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.66290, -12.06319]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.709, 1903.189, 2792.320, 3361.812, 4159.618]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.291, 1.234, 6.007, -7.014, 8.300]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.260992
Adjusted Error 8.492025 cents
TE Error 2.454746 cents/octave

Hemiaug (27e & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100]
243856678389] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨35791111]
0-20-5-51] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.1142, 46.1473]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.93562, 16.21170]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.343, 1903.277, 2793.800, 3361.291, 4159.520, 4436.404]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.657, 1.322, 7.486, -7.534, 8.202, -4.124]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.442964
Adjusted Error 8.574681 cents
TE Error 2.317206 cents/octave

Hemidim (12 & 4bcdee)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
47101215] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨47101215]
0-2-2-2-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨298.8163, 101.2776]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨101.27763, -5.01659]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.265, 1889.159, 2785.608, 3383.240, 4178.411]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.735, -12.796, -0.706, 14.414, 27.094]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.657250
Adjusted Error 20.489223 cents
TE Error 5.922714 cents/octave

Hemidim (4e & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4691113]
2438566783] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4691113]
02215] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨300.4441, 48.4138]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.96138, 48.41379]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.776, 1899.492, 2800.824, 3353.299, 4147.842]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.776, -2.463, 14.511, -15.527, -3.476]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.165144
Adjusted Error 13.507319 cents
TE Error 3.904491 cents/octave

Hemidim (4ef & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨469111314]
243856678389] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨469111314]
022155] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨300.4817, 47.8513]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.37364, 47.85133]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.927, 1898.593, 2800.038, 3353.150, 4145.518, 4446.000]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.927, -3.362, 13.724, -15.676, -5.800, 5.472]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.148433
Adjusted Error 13.455038 cents
TE Error 3.636065 cents/octave

Hemienneadecal (342 & 494)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3425427949601183]
494783114713871709] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨386088106131]
01132] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨31.5800, 7.1448]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.85803, 1.14290]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.041, 1901.946, 2786.187, 3368.917, 4151.273]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.041, -0.009, -0.127, 0.091, -0.045]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.082822
Adjusted Error 0.118925 cents
TE Error 0.034377 cents/octave

Hemiennealimmal (342 & 270)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3425427949601183]
270428627758934] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1828415062]
02321] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨66.6697, 17.6227]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.33774, 1.48350]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.054, 1901.996, 2786.325, 3368.729, 4151.143]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.054, 0.041, 0.011, -0.097, -0.175]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.264229
Adjusted Error 0.133017 cents
TE Error 0.038450 cents/octave

Hemiennealimmal (270 & 72)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
72114167202249266] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨182841506265]
023216] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨66.6667, 17.7504]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.33482, 0.41108]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1902.168, 2786.585, 3368.835, 4151.084, 4439.836]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.000, 0.213, 0.271, 0.009, -0.234, -0.691]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.431761
Adjusted Error 0.402904 cents
TE Error 0.108880 cents/octave

Hemif (31 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨314987107]
24386783] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1162]
02-115] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.7305, 349.3433]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.87525, 14.06657]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.731, 1900.417, 3367.607, 4150.177]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.731, -1.538, -1.219, -1.140]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.157182
Adjusted Error 3.558935 cents
TE Error 1.028763 cents/octave

Hemif (17 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1727485963]
4165115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-124]
02135-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.7629, 351.3282]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.30374, 21.23413]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.763, 1901.419, 3368.504, 4154.167, 4443.723]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.237, -0.536, -0.322, 2.849, 3.196]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.745777
Adjusted Error 2.905167 cents
TE Error 0.785087 cents/octave

Hemif (17 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172763]
243889] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨114]
02-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8943, 351.6847]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨48.17267, 15.83162]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.894, 1902.264, 4443.892]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.106, 0.309, 3.365]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.668335
Adjusted Error 3.086669 cents
TE Error 0.834136 cents/octave

Hemifamity (99 & 41 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
5384123149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10010]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7174, 1902.3810, 2786.1613]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.44929, 2.69056, 2.90424]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.717, 1902.381, 2786.161, 3369.049]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.283, 0.426, -0.152, 0.223]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.172683
Adjusted Error 0.566265 cents
TE Error 0.201708 cents/octave

Hemififths (99 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
416595115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-5-1]
022513] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7414, 351.4017]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.57251, 3.73324]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.741, 1902.545, 2786.335, 3368.481]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.259, 0.590, 0.022, -0.345]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.171558
Adjusted Error 0.659216 cents
TE Error 0.234818 cents/octave

Hemififths (41 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
5892135163201] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-5-12]
0225135] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2860, 351.3115]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.79788, 12.33747]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.286, 1901.909, 2786.356, 3367.763, 4155.129]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.714, -0.046, 0.043, -1.063, 3.811]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.888038
Adjusted Error 2.114583 cents
TE Error 0.611252 cents/octave

Hemififths (58 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-5-124]
0225135-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8903, 351.2483]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.49750, 8.73257]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.890, 1901.387, 2786.757, 3367.338, 4154.022, 4444.313]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.110, -0.568, 0.443, -1.488, 2.704, 3.785]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.835694
Adjusted Error 2.758677 cents
TE Error 0.745500 cents/octave

Hemififths (41 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4165115]
5892163] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-1]
0213] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7305, 351.4056]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.89184, 10.86491]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.730, 1902.542, 3368.543]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.270, 0.587, -0.283]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.955053
Adjusted Error 0.759991 cents
TE Error 0.270714 cents/octave

Hemififths (17 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17274859]
4165115142] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-12]
02135] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2648, 351.3193]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.91356, 23.89596]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.265, 1901.903, 3367.886, 4155.126]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.735, -0.052, -0.940, 3.808]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.708637
Adjusted Error 2.362451 cents
TE Error 0.682901 cents/octave

Hemigamera (224 & 198)

Contorted Gamera (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629]
198314460556] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨212206]
0-23-40-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9242, 230.3068]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.25743, 2.37467]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.848, 1902.033, 2786.210, 3369.238]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.152, 0.078, -0.103, 0.412]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 15.812189
Adjusted Error 0.310636 cents
TE Error 0.110651 cents/octave

Hemigamera (224 & 198)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775]
198314460556685] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2122065]
0-23-40-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9323, 230.3111]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.36724, 2.25052]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.865, 1902.033, 2786.204, 3369.283, 4151.217]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.135, 0.078, -0.110, 0.457, -0.101]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 16.044043
Adjusted Error 0.347161 cents
TE Error 0.100352 cents/octave

Hemigamera (224 & 198)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775829]
198314460556685733] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨212206517]
0-23-40-15-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9208, 230.3069]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.39077, 2.22378]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.842, 1901.991, 2786.141, 3369.218, 4151.138, 4440.981]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.158, 0.036, -0.173, 0.392, -0.180, 0.454]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.653856
Adjusted Error 0.395108 cents
TE Error 0.106773 cents/octave

Hemigari (53 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183]
29466781100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-32]
0-216287] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7357, 249.0709]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.64254, 7.33384]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.736, 1903.330, 2784.399, 3371.779, 4144.968]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.736, 1.375, -1.915, 2.953, -6.350]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.252037
Adjusted Error 3.928863 cents
TE Error 1.135696 cents/octave

Hemigari (53 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-321]
0-21628713] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8201, 249.0884]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.64241, 7.33698]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.820, 1903.463, 2784.594, 3372.014, 4145.259, 4438.969]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.820, 1.508, -1.720, 3.189, -6.059, -1.558]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.881291
Adjusted Error 3.899198 cents
TE Error 1.053712 cents/octave

Hemikleismic (53 & 68)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
68108158191] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1014]
01210-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3960, 158.5687]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.89078, 8.37036]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.396, 1902.825, 2785.083, 3370.466]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.604, 0.870, -1.230, 1.640]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.105329
Adjusted Error 1.592925 cents
TE Error 0.567411 cents/octave

Hemikleismic (15 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10142]
01210-911] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8057, 158.6514]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.88501, 19.84020]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.806, 1903.817, 2786.320, 3371.360, 4144.777]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.194, 1.862, 0.006, 2.534, -6.541]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.692909
Adjusted Error 3.728395 cents
TE Error 1.077748 cents/octave

Hemikleismic (15 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101420]
01210-91128] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8001, 158.6286]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.71408, 20.17149]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.800, 1903.543, 2786.086, 3371.543, 4144.515, 4441.600]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.200, 1.588, -0.228, 2.717, -6.803, 1.073]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.887960
Adjusted Error 3.682450 cents
TE Error 0.995139 cents/octave

Hemimaquila (130 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450]
121192281340419] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-65-5-1]
034-123520] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5849, 267.6249]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.18063, 3.27357]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.585, 1901.737, 2786.426, 3368.947, 4152.913]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.415, -0.218, 0.112, 0.121, 1.595]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.354647
Adjusted Error 0.988205 cents
TE Error 0.285655 cents/octave

Hemimaquila (130 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
121192281340419448] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-65-5-1-5]
034-12352039] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6188, 267.6344]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.94186, 3.53039]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.619, 1901.858, 2786.481, 3369.111, 4153.070, 4439.649]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.381, -0.097, 0.167, 0.285, 1.752, -0.879]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.646074
Adjusted Error 1.043829 cents
TE Error 0.282082 cents/octave

Hemimeantone (19e & 43)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536570]
4368100121149159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1247116]
0-2-8-20-36-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0483, 251.7545]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.00774, 20.85817]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.048, 1898.588, 2790.157, 3372.249, 4148.370, 4436.991]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.048, -3.367, 3.844, 3.423, -2.948, -3.537]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.542266
Adjusted Error 5.118377 cents
TE Error 1.383181 cents/octave

Hemimiracle (41 & 21p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
2133495973] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11334]
012-14-4-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2961, 58.4220]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.56607, 5.28987]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.296, 1901.360, 2782.980, 3367.200, 4158.542]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.296, -0.595, -3.334, -1.626, 7.224]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.558291
Adjusted Error 4.089166 cents
TE Error 1.182034 cents/octave

Hemimiracle (41 & 21p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
213349597378] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113344]
012-14-4-11-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8564, 58.4225]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.01633, 4.38985]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.856, 1900.926, 2781.654, 3365.879, 4156.778, 4448.890]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.144, -1.029, -4.660, -2.947, 5.460, 8.363]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.179604
Adjusted Error 5.482239 cents
TE Error 1.481510 cents/octave

Hemimist (87 & 111)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
111176258312384411] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3410161013]
02-8-201-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.8819, 151.4807]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.43793, 5.76168]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.646, 1902.489, 2786.974, 3368.497, 4150.300, 4441.061]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.354, 0.534, 0.660, -0.329, -1.018, 0.534]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.505774
Adjusted Error 1.003176 cents
TE Error 0.271096 cents/octave

Hemipaj (22 & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
23567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23567]
02-4-4-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.2460, 53.5496]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨53.54965, 10.19991]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.492, 1904.837, 2782.031, 3381.277, 4141.172]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.508, 2.882, -4.282, 12.452, -10.145]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.143304
Adjusted Error 9.443100 cents
TE Error 2.729668 cents/octave

Hemischis (53 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
130206302365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-18]
0-216-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8582, 249.1733]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.64841, 7.74225]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.858, 1901.370, 2786.914, 3369.534]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.142, -0.585, 0.600, 0.708]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.606342
Adjusted Error 0.751799 cents
TE Error 0.267796 cents/octave

Hemischis (130 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-18-9]
0-216-2560] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8485, 249.1674]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.54025, 4.14370]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.848, 1901.362, 2786.830, 3369.602, 4151.409]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.152, -0.593, 0.517, 0.776, 0.091]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.828443
Adjusted Error 0.832499 cents
TE Error 0.240646 cents/octave

Hemischis (130 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-18-91]
0-216-256013] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9143, 249.1817]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.57288, 4.06490]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.914, 1901.465, 2786.993, 3369.772, 4151.674, 4439.277]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.086, -0.490, 0.679, 0.946, 0.356, -1.251]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.063003
Adjusted Error 0.986989 cents
TE Error 0.266722 cents/octave

Hemisecordite (41 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
103163239289356381] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113322]
012-14-43035] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6984, 58.3218]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.65188, 10.20361]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.698, 1900.560, 2785.590, 3368.808, 4151.050, 4442.659]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.698, -1.395, -0.724, -0.018, -0.268, 2.131]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.840070
Adjusted Error 1.968298 cents
TE Error 0.531909 cents/octave

Hemisecordite (41p & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152168]
103163239289356381421] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1133222]
012-14-4303543] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6577, 58.2933]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.91956, 11.29083]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.658, 1900.177, 2785.867, 3368.800, 4150.114, 4441.580, 4907.927]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.658, -1.778, -0.446, -0.026, -1.204, 1.053, 2.971]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.006445
Adjusted Error 2.422301 cents
TE Error 0.592617 cents/octave

Hemisensi (27e & 38d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
386088106131] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-2-3]
014182635] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9333, 221.5931]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.00402, 16.65328]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.933, 1902.370, 2788.742, 3361.554, 4155.958]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.067, 0.415, 2.429, -7.272, 4.640]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.676363
Adjusted Error 4.812559 cents
TE Error 1.391141 cents/octave

Hemiseven (72 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
77122179216] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14142]
0-6-292] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5617, 483.4927]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.52668, 4.81352]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.562, 1901.290, 2786.575, 3368.109]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.562, -0.665, 0.261, -0.717]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.248226
Adjusted Error 1.058998 cents
TE Error 0.377223 cents/octave

Hemiseven (72 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
77122179216266] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14142-5]
0-6-29221] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6248, 483.5276]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.25615, 4.13223]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.625, 1901.334, 2786.447, 3368.305, 4150.955]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.625, -0.621, 0.133, -0.521, -0.363]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.155639
Adjusted Error 1.191168 cents
TE Error 0.344325 cents/octave

Hemiseven (72 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
77122179216266285] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14142-519]
0-6-29221-38] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6789, 483.5288]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.67329, 5.61301]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.679, 1901.543, 2787.169, 3368.415, 4150.711, 4438.804]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.679, -0.412, 0.855, -0.411, -0.607, -1.724]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.426054
Adjusted Error 1.459508 cents
TE Error 0.394415 cents/octave

Hemiskidoo (29 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨296781100107131]
347996118126154] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨159877]
0-13-30-22-16-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6140, 247.8140]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.37809, 17.07793]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.614, 2781.488, 3371.106, 4153.004, 4439.274, 5430.530]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.614, -4.826, 2.280, 1.686, -1.254, 2.256]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.301901
Adjusted Error 4.507333 cents
TE Error 0.996412 cents/octave

Hemitert (342 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3425427949601183]
31497287107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13236]
0-4410-6-79] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1008, 38.5988]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.53739, -0.31242]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.101, 1901.954, 2786.190, 3368.710, 4151.298]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.101, -0.001, -0.124, -0.116, -0.020]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.008348
Adjusted Error 0.187971 cents
TE Error 0.054336 cents/octave

Hemithir (31 & 68e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
68108158191236252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-122-35]
0162540-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1425, 193.7793]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.57382, 11.44638]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.142, 1901.327, 2785.844, 3367.181, 4153.745, 4445.478]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.858, -0.628, -0.470, -1.644, 2.427, 4.950]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.207988
Adjusted Error 2.849761 cents
TE Error 0.770114 cents/octave

Hemithirds (31 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
118187274331] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1422]
0-1525] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3109, 193.2945]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.83915, 9.42625]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.311, 1901.827, 2787.211, 3367.094]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.311, -0.128, 0.897, -1.732]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.522291
Adjusted Error 1.116782 cents
TE Error 0.397806 cents/octave

Hemithirds (31 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
118187274331408] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14227]
0-1525-22] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3582, 193.2845]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.76472, 9.97163]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.358, 1902.165, 2787.285, 3367.139, 4150.249]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.358, 0.210, 0.972, -1.687, -1.069]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.452319
Adjusted Error 1.364379 cents
TE Error 0.394394 cents/octave

Hemithirds (31 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
87138202244301322] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨142270]
0-1525-2223] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0616, 193.1759]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.44564, 11.85341]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.062, 1902.607, 2786.475, 3366.003, 4150.560, 4443.047]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.062, 0.652, 0.161, -2.823, -0.758, 2.519]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.235320
Adjusted Error 1.969998 cents
TE Error 0.532369 cents/octave

Hemiwar (31 & 6f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
61014172123] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-12220]
01625923] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9666, 193.6921]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.81389, 4.62265]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.967, 1899.107, 2787.317, 3368.394, 4143.162, 4454.919]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.033, -2.848, 1.004, -0.432, -8.156, 14.391]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.506972
Adjusted Error 7.419688 cents
TE Error 2.005083 cents/octave

Hemiwur (31 & 68p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
68108158191235] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1222]
016259] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1773, 193.9122]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.92317, 10.39057]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.177, 1902.417, 2788.179, 3369.915, 4145.564]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.177, 0.462, 1.865, 1.089, -5.754]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.619760
Adjusted Error 2.967379 cents
TE Error 0.857765 cents/octave

Hemiwur (31 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
375986104128137] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-12225]
016259-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5034, 193.9241]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.82813, 14.13058]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.503, 1903.282, 2786.855, 3368.627, 4144.324, 4446.124]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.497, 1.327, 0.541, -0.199, -6.994, 5.596]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.838338
Adjusted Error 4.104578 cents
TE Error 1.109214 cents/octave

Hemiwürschmidt (99 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
31497287] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-122]
01625] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7154, 193.8522]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.84243, 4.07466]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.715, 1901.920, 2787.135, 3368.692]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.285, -0.035, 0.822, -0.134]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.040174
Adjusted Error 0.641625 cents
TE Error 0.228551 cents/octave

Hemiwürschmidt (31 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-122-3]
0162540] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7868, 193.8059]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.75121, 9.04999]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.787, 1901.108, 2787.186, 3368.603, 4152.877]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.213, -0.847, 0.872, -0.223, 1.559]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.928704
Adjusted Error 1.276973 cents
TE Error 0.369128 cents/octave

Hemiwürschmidt (31 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
130206302365450481] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-122-310]
0162540-39] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8631, 193.8064]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.29311, 8.68290]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.863, 1901.039, 2787.339, 3368.758, 4152.667, 4440.182]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.137, -0.916, 1.025, -0.068, 1.349, -0.346]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.292742
Adjusted Error 1.271908 cents
TE Error 0.343718 cents/octave

Hendec (72 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨258568]
0-6-1123-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3833, 183.3149]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.56092, 4.87783]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.767, 1902.027, 2786.602, 3368.546, 4152.244, 4436.436]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.767, 0.072, 0.288, -0.280, 0.927, -4.091]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.393470
Adjusted Error 2.087353 cents
TE Error 0.564082 cents/octave

Hendecatonic (99 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
22355162] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11172630]
01-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨109.0526, 48.4912]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.07021, 0.21039]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.579, 1902.386, 2786.877, 3368.562]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.421, 0.431, 0.564, -0.264]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.169614
Adjusted Error 0.792784 cents
TE Error 0.282395 cents/octave

Hendecatonic (22 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
77122179216266] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1118253238]
0-11-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨109.0980, 61.0038]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.36497, 12.90972]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.078, 1902.760, 2788.453, 3369.127, 4145.723]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.078, 0.805, 2.139, 0.302, -5.595]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.729683
Adjusted Error 2.991964 cents
TE Error 0.864871 cents/octave

Hestia (72 & 34d & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
29466781100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-2]
00243] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5414, 950.6437, 917.0449]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.34847, 2.25961, 0.64222]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.541, 1901.287, 2784.733, 3369.335, 4152.627]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.541, -0.668, -1.580, 0.509, 1.309]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.318449
Adjusted Error 1.629739 cents
TE Error 0.471100 cents/octave

Hestia (72 & 34d & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-2-1]
002432] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7278, 950.8852, 917.0524]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.65264, 2.88828, 1.63918]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.728, 1901.770, 2784.990, 3369.882, 4153.242, 4436.918]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.728, -0.185, -1.324, 1.056, 1.924, -3.610]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.267592
Adjusted Error 2.276514 cents
TE Error 0.615201 cents/octave

Hestia (72 & 29g & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266294]
34547996118126139] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-2-11]
0024323] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8531, 950.8143, 917.3134]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.84028, 0.30754, 1.51278]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.853, 1901.629, 2785.441, 3369.874, 4153.491, 4437.031, 4903.608]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.853, -0.326, -0.873, 1.048, 2.173, -3.497, -1.348]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.270380
Adjusted Error 2.416748 cents
TE Error 0.591259 cents/octave

Hestia (29g & 72 & 34dh)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨29466781100107118123]
34547996118126139145] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-2-11-2]
00243233] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7518, 950.6044, 917.2711]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.16205, 16.65161, 0.19222]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.752, 1901.209, 2785.147, 3368.952, 4152.727, 4436.208, 4903.169, 5103.332]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.752, -0.746, -1.167, 0.126, 1.409, -4.320, -1.786, 5.819]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.239101
Adjusted Error 3.234199 cents
TE Error 0.761359 cents/octave

Hewuermity (99 & 31 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
5384123149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1014]
002-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7102, 1901.8888, -157.4297]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.46485, 3.26812, 3.04488]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.710, 1901.889, 2786.740, 3369.241]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.290, -0.066, 0.426, 0.415]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.172620
Adjusted Error 0.527536 cents
TE Error 0.187912 cents/octave

Hexe (12 & 18)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
18294251] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨691417]
0100] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨199.0572, 110.4398]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨66.79504, 21.82239]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.343, 1901.955, 2786.801, 3383.973]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.657, 0.000, 0.488, 15.147]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.646955
Adjusted Error 10.976771 cents
TE Error 3.910005 cents/octave

Hexe (12 & 6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
610141721] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨69141721]
01000] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨198.7098, 113.5669]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨85.14291, 28.42397]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1192.259, 1901.955, 2781.937, 3378.066, 4172.906]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-7.741, 0.000, -4.377, 9.241, 21.588]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.524048
Adjusted Error 16.464477 cents
TE Error 4.759301 cents/octave

Hexe (12f & 6f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
61014172123] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨6914172122]
010001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨198.4806, 109.1692]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨89.31142, 19.85776]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1190.884, 1895.495, 2778.728, 3374.170, 4168.093, 4475.743]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-9.116, -6.460, -7.585, 5.344, 16.775, 35.215]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.430170
Adjusted Error 22.815682 cents
TE Error 6.165668 cents/octave

History (72 & 130 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
87138202244] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1200]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1539, -83.0910, 2786.6692]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.18946, 5.14174, 2.64468]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.154, 1901.762, 2786.669, 3368.306]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.154, -0.193, 0.356, -0.520]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.341546
Adjusted Error 0.435488 cents
TE Error 0.155124 cents/octave

History (72 & 58 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
87138202244301] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12001]
00111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0908, -83.0793, 2786.3576]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.11877, 4.53622, 3.22343]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.091, 1901.706, 2786.358, 3367.913, 4152.607]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.091, -0.249, 0.044, -0.913, 1.289]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.279588
Adjusted Error 0.815697 cents
TE Error 0.235789 cents/octave

History (72 & 58 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
87138202244301322] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨120012]
001111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0246, -83.0177, 2786.7074]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.46506, 5.19161, 4.15433]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.025, 1901.943, 2786.707, 3367.832, 4152.767, 4439.597]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.025, -0.012, 0.394, -0.994, 1.449, -0.931]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.287653
Adjusted Error 0.947884 cents
TE Error 0.256154 cents/octave

Hitchcock (46 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨136-26]
0-5-1317-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0012, 339.3899]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.35142, 11.92143]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.001, 1903.054, 2787.938, 3369.626, 4145.498]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.001, 1.099, 1.624, 0.801, -5.820]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.977908
Adjusted Error 3.048196 cents
TE Error 0.881126 cents/octave

Hitchcock (46 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨136-262]
0-5-1317-96] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2078, 339.4781]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.77967, 13.28949]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.208, 1903.233, 2788.032, 3370.711, 4145.944, 4437.284]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.208, 1.278, 1.718, 1.886, -5.374, -3.244]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.765650
Adjusted Error 3.334998 cents
TE Error 0.901244 cents/octave

Hocus (41 & 3)

Contorted Magic (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595]
357] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨153]
0-10-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2480, 410.3971]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.94343, -8.81088]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.248, 1902.269, 2782.950]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.248, 0.314, -3.364]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.790526
Adjusted Error 2.577115 cents
TE Error 1.109903 cents/octave

Hocus (41 & 3d)

Contorted Magic (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
3579] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15311]
0-10-2-24] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0824, 410.1936]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.49854, -2.78584]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.082, 1903.476, 2782.860, 3367.259]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.082, 1.521, -3.454, -1.567]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.597358
Adjusted Error 3.015814 cents
TE Error 1.074254 cents/octave

Hocus (41 & 3de)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
357911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1531112]
0-10-2-24-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0810, 410.2790]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.75596, -6.30447]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.081, 1902.615, 2782.685, 3365.195, 4155.997]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.081, 0.660, -3.629, -3.631, 4.679]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.476867
Adjusted Error 4.176172 cents
TE Error 1.207185 cents/octave

Hocus (41 & 38df)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
386088106131140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨153111216]
0-10-2-24-25-36] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2908, 410.4448]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.87703, 10.16664]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.291, 1902.006, 2782.983, 3363.523, 4154.369, 4444.639]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.291, 0.051, -3.331, -5.303, 3.051, 4.111]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.705515
Adjusted Error 4.608383 cents
TE Error 1.245361 cents/octave

Homalic (65 & 87 & 72)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151225]
72114167249] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1201]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9175, -165.9462, 2786.0468]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.79356, 6.24391, 2.98772]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.917, 1901.996, 2786.047, 4151.910]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.083, 0.041, -0.267, 0.593]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.133089
Adjusted Error 0.386940 cents
TE Error 0.111851 cents/octave

Horcrux (19p & 60e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
6095139168207] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-112]
05112-27] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.0769, 380.5775]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.80960, 18.51157]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.077, 1902.888, 2784.731, 3364.853, 4149.329]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.077, 0.933, -1.583, -3.973, -1.988]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.219326
Adjusted Error 4.224717 cents
TE Error 1.221217 cents/octave

Hornbostel (7p & 23d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111620]
23365364] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1218]
0-13-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1208.0636, 524.5538]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.89852, 47.68582]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1208.064, 1891.573, 2781.725, 3369.863]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨8.064, -10.382, -4.589, 1.037]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.052251
Adjusted Error 14.852940 cents
TE Error 5.290724 cents/octave

Horoscope (22f & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627682]
162537455559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2556810]
0-5-1-1-3-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9187, 220.1334]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.68883, 21.79269]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.837, 1898.926, 2779.460, 3379.379, 4138.949, 4458.253]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.163, -3.029, -6.854, 10.553, -12.369, 17.725]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.177748
Adjusted Error 11.919039 cents
TE Error 3.220979 cents/octave

Hours (72 & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
2438566783] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2438566783]
00-110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨50.0301, 15.9559]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.95587, 2.16252]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.723, 1901.145, 2785.731, 3367.974, 4152.500]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.723, -0.810, -0.583, -0.852, 1.182]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.984447
Adjusted Error 1.589742 cents
TE Error 0.459539 cents/octave

Hours (72 & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
243856678389] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨243856678389]
00-110-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨50.0358, 15.3594]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.35943, 3.95755]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.860, 1901.361, 2786.647, 3367.760, 4152.974, 4437.829]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.860, -0.594, 0.333, -1.066, 1.656, -2.698]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.920004
Adjusted Error 2.029756 cents
TE Error 0.548518 cents/octave

Huntington (37 & 47)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3786104137]
47109132174] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1544]
0-9-4-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4794, 356.8472]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.89370, 9.07260]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.479, 2785.772, 3370.529, 4441.070]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.521, -0.541, 1.703, 0.543]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.531006
Adjusted Error 1.564360 cents
TE Error 0.422750 cents/octave

Hystrix (7p & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111620]
8131923] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1233]
0-3-5-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1188.1421, 157.2979]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨70.24094, 87.05695]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1188.142, 1904.391, 2777.937, 3407.129]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-11.858, 2.436, -8.377, 38.303]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.944866
Adjusted Error 25.963680 cents
TE Error 9.248450 cents/octave

Hystrix (7p & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711162024]
813192328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12334]
0-3-5-1-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1189.6067, 157.3753]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨69.39562, 87.97968]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1189.607, 1907.088, 2781.944, 3411.445, 4128.926]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-10.393, 5.133, -4.370, 42.619, -22.392]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.844368
Adjusted Error 30.725299 cents
TE Error 8.881603 cents/octave

Icosidillic (22 & 198)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
198314460556685] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2235516276]
0-11-21] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨54.5305, 6.1754]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.04825, 6.17542]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.671, 1902.391, 2787.230, 3368.539, 4150.492]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.329, 0.436, 0.916, -0.287, -0.826]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.307058
Adjusted Error 0.987598 cents
TE Error 0.285480 cents/octave

Ilo (7 & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71124]
237] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1206.7469, 514.9285]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨176.88987, -15.74111]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1206.747, 1898.565, 4135.169]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨6.747, -3.390, -16.149]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.381981
Adjusted Error 16.934153 cents
TE Error 4.895068 cents/octave

Immunity (34 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨345479]
5812] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨125]
0-2-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.9241, 246.8486]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.31892, -0.38386]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.924, 1904.151, 2785.589]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.076, 2.196, -0.725]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.400015
Adjusted Error 2.388589 cents
TE Error 1.028709 cents/octave

Immunity (5 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
29466781] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1253]
0-2-13-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.4780, 247.8597]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.93811, 37.82026]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.478, 1907.237, 2785.215, 3356.574]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.478, 5.282, -1.099, -12.252]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.235813
Adjusted Error 8.009409 cents
TE Error 2.853009 cents/octave

Immunity (5p & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121417]
29466781100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12532]
0-2-13-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.6368, 248.4707]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.17037, 39.71672]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.637, 1908.332, 2783.065, 3359.440, 4144.568]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.637, 6.377, -3.249, -9.386, -6.749]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.515011
Adjusted Error 9.795088 cents
TE Error 2.831416 cents/octave

Immunity (5p & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812141719]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨125327]
0-2-13-17-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.5977, 248.5061]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.90779, 39.93306]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.598, 1908.183, 2782.408, 3359.287, 4144.738, 4442.085]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.598, 6.228, -3.905, -9.539, -6.580, 1.558]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.600737
Adjusted Error 9.597087 cents
TE Error 2.593499 cents/octave

Impunity (5e & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121418]
29466781100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12538]
0-2-13-1-22] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.6312, 248.1094]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.61332, 38.91602]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.631, 1907.044, 2782.733, 3356.784, 4154.642]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.631, 5.089, -3.580, -12.042, 3.324]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.703519
Adjusted Error 9.109243 cents
TE Error 2.633162 cents/octave

Impunity (5e & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812141819]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨125387]
0-2-13-1-22-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.6116, 248.1160]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.30469, 38.96856]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.612, 1906.991, 2782.549, 3356.719, 4154.340, 4441.425]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.612, 5.036, -3.764, -12.107, 3.022, 0.897]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.539576
Adjusted Error 8.904454 cents
TE Error 2.406323 cents/octave

Inanna (31 & 15 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101321]
004327] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.7967, 1901.6184, -79.7288]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.60214, -2.95097, 17.73775]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.797, 1901.618, 2784.500, 3366.204, 4145.754, 4446.932]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.797, -0.337, -1.814, -2.622, -5.564, 6.404]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.179498
Adjusted Error 4.857239 cents
TE Error 1.312611 cents/octave

Indium (8 & 49)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨861015]
49366092] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002]
0610-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0431, 147.0420]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.79973, 22.70705]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.043, 882.252, 1470.420, 2251.044]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.957, -2.107, 3.549, 1.681]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 4.221510
Adjusted Error 4.011718 cents
TE Error 2.140189 cents/octave

Indra (72 & 31 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
152241353427526] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10002]
0054-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9694, 1901.7138, -583.8541]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.31365, 1.24324, 5.59767]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.969, 1901.714, 2785.871, 3369.725, 4151.501]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.031, -0.241, -0.443, 0.899, 0.183]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.223378
Adjusted Error 0.630030 cents
TE Error 0.182119 cents/octave

Inflated (3d & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3579]
15243542] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3579]
0-10-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.4348, 76.9782]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.54382, 76.97820]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.305, 1915.196, 2789.044, 3354.979]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.695, 13.241, 2.730, -13.847]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.361875
Adjusted Error 15.218747 cents
TE Error 5.421027 cents/octave

Inflated (3de & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357911]
1524354252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨357911]
0-10-3-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.4341, 77.0338]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.26533, 77.03376]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.302, 1915.137, 2789.039, 3354.806, 4151.674]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.698, 13.182, 2.725, -14.020, 0.356]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.329545
Adjusted Error 16.774921 cents
TE Error 4.849040 cents/octave

Infraorwell (58 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
914212531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-23-11]
016-31711] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.2966, 268.6540]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.29301, -4.07754]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.297, 1901.871, 2788.928, 3368.822, 4153.491]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.703, -0.084, 2.614, -0.004, 2.173]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.135791
Adjusted Error 3.305998 cents
TE Error 0.955648 cents/octave

Infraorwell (58 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
91421253133] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-23-11-1]
016-3171121] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.2258, 268.6229]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.15466, -3.19386]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.226, 1901.515, 2788.809, 3368.364, 4153.078, 4442.855]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.774, -0.440, 2.495, -0.462, 1.760, 2.328]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.853705
Adjusted Error 3.398576 cents
TE Error 0.918425 cents/octave

Injera (12 & 14c)

Contorted Meantone (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
142232] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨234]
014] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.6984, 96.3507]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨73.75637, 22.59432]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.397, 1898.446, 2788.196]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.397, -3.509, 1.883]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.421604
Adjusted Error 3.673804 cents
TE Error 1.582221 cents/octave

Injera (12 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
14223239] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2345]
0144] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.6826, 94.4827]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨60.69609, 33.78658]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.365, 1896.530, 2780.661, 3381.344]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.365, -5.425, -5.653, 12.518]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.350015
Adjusted Error 8.809216 cents
TE Error 3.137906 cents/octave

Injera (12 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23456]
01446] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.9599, 92.9887]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.96064, 43.02802]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.920, 1895.868, 2775.794, 3376.754, 4163.692]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.920, -6.087, -10.519, 7.928, 12.374]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.361830
Adjusted Error 11.956516 cents
TE Error 3.456208 cents/octave

Injera (12f & 14cf)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
142232394851] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨234566]
014469] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨601.0232, 92.8306]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨48.79100, 44.03960]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.046, 1895.900, 2775.415, 3376.438, 4163.123, 4441.615]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.046, -6.055, -10.899, 7.612, 11.805, 1.087]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.588675
Adjusted Error 11.691664 cents
TE Error 3.159534 cents/octave

Injera (26 & 26ccc)

Contorted 26 & 26c (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨264160739096]
264162739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨264160739096]
002000] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨46.2141, 6.7341]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.48004, 6.73405]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.566, 1894.778, 2786.314, 3373.629, 4159.268, 4436.553]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.566, -7.177, -0.000, 4.803, 7.950, -3.975]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.335292
Adjusted Error 8.588622 cents
TE Error 2.320973 cents/octave

Injerous (14c & 12e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1422323948]
1219283441] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23457]
0144-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨603.2132, 91.0332]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨57.01428, 34.01887]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1206.426, 1900.673, 2776.985, 3380.199, 4131.459]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨6.426, -1.282, -9.328, 11.373, -19.859]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.552256
Adjusted Error 16.037513 cents
TE Error 4.635881 cents/octave

Ino (2 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨238]
5821] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.2173, 714.9023]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.14076, 226.58716]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.217, 1918.120, 5039.457]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.217, 16.165, -58.057]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.267042
Adjusted Error 42.560794 cents
TE Error 10.019190 cents/octave

Interpental (53 & 43)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183]
4368100121149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-11-5]
0-811628] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9429, 362.4006]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.03296, 8.14410]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.943, 1900.567, 2786.464, 3374.346, 4147.502]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.057, -1.388, 0.150, 5.521, -3.816]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.434442
Adjusted Error 3.744544 cents
TE Error 1.082416 cents/octave

Interpental (53 & 43)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
4368100121149159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-11-54]
0-811628-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1102, 362.4355]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.70693, 7.31727]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.110, 1900.957, 2786.680, 3374.723, 4147.642, 4438.005]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.110, -0.998, 0.366, 5.897, -3.676, -2.522]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.133777
Adjusted Error 3.833598 cents
TE Error 1.035984 cents/octave

Intuition (19e & 22f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536570]
223551627682] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-1-1-2]
051121418] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3604, 380.9141]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.41345, 29.20477]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.360, 1904.570, 2783.635, 3369.608, 4131.436, 4453.732]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.360, 2.615, -2.679, 0.782, -19.881, 13.205]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.893861
Adjusted Error 10.866960 cents
TE Error 2.936667 cents/octave

Ishtar (15 & 29 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10132-1]
004321] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7963, 1904.6583, -79.0102]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-4.06891, 7.22953, 22.87334]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.796, 1904.658, 2789.414, 3365.359, 4148.231, 4434.168]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.796, 2.703, 3.100, -3.467, -3.087, -6.359]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.184473
Adjusted Error 4.918757 cents
TE Error 1.329236 cents/octave

Isis (31 & 41 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-51217]
0012-3-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1848, 1902.2085, 2783.6731]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.43083, 11.54333, 12.87835]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.185, 1902.208, 2783.673, 3370.839, 4148.990, 4443.288]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.185, 0.253, -2.641, 2.013, -2.328, 2.760]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.221631
Adjusted Error 2.562334 cents
TE Error 0.692440 cents/octave

Isis (31 & 22p & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115127]
10162328353741] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-512178]
0012-3-3-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8159, 1901.9194, 2782.7474]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.80243, 14.52281, 11.14387]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.816, 1901.919, 2782.747, 3370.254, 4147.629, 4440.950, 4913.860]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.184, -0.036, -3.566, 1.428, -3.689, 0.423, 8.905]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.192261
Adjusted Error 4.517035 cents
TE Error 1.105095 cents/octave

Jamesbond (7d & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111619]
7111620] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨7111619]
0001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨172.8118, 85.4021]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨87.40971, 85.40207]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1209.682, 1900.930, 2764.988, 3368.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨9.682, -1.025, -21.325, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.071031
Adjusted Error 18.754705 cents
TE Error 6.680561 cents/octave

Jamesbond (7d & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711161924]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨711161924]
00010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨172.8517, 84.6440]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨88.20763, 84.64405]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1209.962, 1901.368, 2765.627, 3368.826, 4148.440]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨9.962, -0.587, -20.687, -0.000, -2.878]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.989153
Adjusted Error 20.724378 cents
TE Error 5.990689 cents/octave

Jamesbond (7p & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
71116192426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨71116202426]
000-100] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨172.4313, 79.7993]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨92.63198, 79.79928]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1207.019, 1896.744, 2758.900, 3368.826, 4138.350, 4483.213]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨7.019, -5.211, -27.414, -0.000, -12.968, 42.685]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.923828
Adjusted Error 28.123958 cents
TE Error 7.600166 cents/octave

Jerome (17c & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172740485963]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110233]
0520746] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9035, 139.3757]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.05805, 30.41987]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.903, 1896.782, 2787.514, 3375.437, 4157.213, 4435.965]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.097, -5.173, 1.200, 6.611, 5.895, -4.563]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.767232
Adjusted Error 6.906221 cents
TE Error 1.866324 cents/octave

Joan (11 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨11353138]
319887107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1013]
0741] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8693, 543.0647]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.83517, 30.63492]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.869, 3801.453, 3373.128, 4145.673]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.869, -2.457, 4.302, -5.645]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.885962
Adjusted Error 4.364913 cents
TE Error 1.261743 cents/octave

Jofur (31 & 58 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111224]
002100] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.9562, 351.1420, 618.3508]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.51548, 13.89373, 8.44243]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.956, 1901.240, 2786.800, 3367.405, 4153.622, 4444.683]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.044, -0.715, 0.486, -1.421, 2.304, 4.155]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.199267
Adjusted Error 2.743251 cents
TE Error 0.741331 cents/octave

Jove (31 & 72 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
5892135163201] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11122]
00210] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0989, 350.5323, 617.8784]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.08269, 11.87013, 6.00023]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.099, 1901.163, 2786.388, 3368.609, 4152.859]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.099, -0.792, 0.074, -0.217, 1.541]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.174753
Adjusted Error 1.054645 cents
TE Error 0.304861 cents/octave

Jovial (72 & 58 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111221]
00210-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9779, 350.7115, 617.8173]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.21362, 7.07528, 3.07880]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.978, 1901.401, 2786.324, 3368.485, 4153.513, 4439.987]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.022, -0.554, 0.010, -0.341, 2.195, -0.541]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.283020
Adjusted Error 1.132082 cents
TE Error 0.305932 cents/octave

Jovis (72 & 58 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
31497287107115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111222]
002105] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1440, 350.4355, 618.1778]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.27031, 6.27880, 3.11327]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.144, 1901.015, 2786.935, 3368.901, 4152.466, 4439.870]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.144, -0.940, 0.621, 0.075, 1.148, -0.657]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.261024
Adjusted Error 1.156832 cents
TE Error 0.312620 cents/octave

Jubilee (12 & 22 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨20014]
00112] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6314, 1902.2461, 2778.9889]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.99924, 32.94429, 12.46410]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.263, 1902.246, 2778.989, 3378.620, 4152.011]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.737, 0.291, -7.325, 9.794, 0.693]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.112428
Adjusted Error 7.377756 cents
TE Error 2.132650 cents/octave

Jupiter (31 & 152 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1014-5]
002-38] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7234, 1901.6731, -157.4667]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.26982, 5.26677, 2.76777]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.723, 1901.673, 2786.463, 3369.621, 4151.688]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.277, -0.282, 0.149, 0.795, 0.370]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.289171
Adjusted Error 0.698523 cents
TE Error 0.201918 cents/octave

Kangaroo (15 & 2cde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
23456] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨137710]
0-3-10-9-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.0740, 558.7890]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨79.49594, 2.31743]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.074, 1914.855, 2791.628, 3350.417, 4147.694]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.926, 12.900, 5.314, -18.409, -3.624]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.590829
Adjusted Error 17.237531 cents
TE Error 4.982764 cents/octave

Kangaroo (15 & 2cde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
234567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1377107]
0-3-10-9-14-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1194.8592, 557.3722]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨80.11474, -3.43093]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.859, 1912.461, 2790.292, 3347.664, 4145.381, 4462.409]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.141, 10.506, 3.978, -21.162, -5.937, 21.881]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.485304
Adjusted Error 19.582683 cents
TE Error 5.291988 cents/octave

Karadeniz (41 & 65d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
65103151183225] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨117112]
02-16-285] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7376, 350.9174]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.61746, 9.23726]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.738, 1901.572, 2783.485, 3371.426, 4154.062]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.262, -0.383, -2.829, 2.600, 2.744]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.703256
Adjusted Error 2.723444 cents
TE Error 0.787252 cents/octave

Kastro (118 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331408]
914212531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15165]
0-3112-29-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2432, 132.2132]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.32464, -2.00720]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.243, 1902.608, 2786.801, 3367.277, 4150.232]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.243, 0.653, 0.488, -1.549, -1.086]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.563640
Adjusted Error 1.271774 cents
TE Error 0.367625 cents/octave

Kastro (9 & 118f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
118187274331408436] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨151657]
0-3112-29-14-30] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4323, 132.2265]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-2.88931, 10.39353]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.432, 1903.139, 2787.151, 3368.024, 4150.990, 4436.230]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.432, 1.184, 0.837, -0.802, -0.328, -4.298]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.865293
Adjusted Error 2.298104 cents
TE Error 0.621035 cents/octave

Keemun (19 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
15243542] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1012]
0653] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.6458, 317.1705]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨53.02605, 13.01006]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.646, 1903.023, 2788.498, 3356.803]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.646, 1.068, 2.185, -12.023]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.396293
Adjusted Error 7.250406 cents
TE Error 2.582647 cents/octave

Keemun (15 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10124]
0653-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7796, 317.5173]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.92970, 36.35969]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.780, 1905.104, 2787.366, 3352.111, 4164.084]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.220, 3.149, 1.052, -16.715, 12.766]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.560807
Adjusted Error 11.291479 cents
TE Error 3.263969 cents/octave

Keemun (19p & 4p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
469111415] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101245]
0653-2-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.9100, 317.1153]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨66.55113, -15.64038]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.910, 1902.692, 2787.486, 3355.166, 4173.409, 4423.973]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.910, 0.737, 1.173, -13.660, 22.091, -16.554]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.727915
Adjusted Error 14.218816 cents
TE Error 3.842467 cents/octave

Keen (22 & 34p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
34547995] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2354]
01-29] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6649, 107.5113]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.69675, 16.70592]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.330, 1906.506, 2783.302, 3366.261]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.670, 4.551, -3.012, -2.565]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.035543
Adjusted Error 4.699896 cents
TE Error 1.674137 cents/octave

Keen (22 & 34p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
34547995118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23548]
01-29-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6332, 107.5435]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.33971, 16.28803]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.266, 1906.443, 2783.079, 3366.424, 4151.805]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.734, 4.488, -3.234, -2.401, 0.487]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.362723
Adjusted Error 5.188903 cents
TE Error 1.499929 cents/octave

Kema (15 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101240]
0653-214] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8268, 317.3772]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨31.03303, 38.64902]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.827, 1904.263, 2786.713, 3351.785, 4164.553, 4443.281]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.173, 2.308, 0.399, -17.041, 13.235, 2.753]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.701899
Adjusted Error 11.123429 cents
TE Error 3.005975 cents/octave

Ketchup (46 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
94149218264325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23467]
0415-9-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0681, 25.6963]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.59012, 9.05309]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.136, 1902.990, 2785.717, 3369.142, 4149.084]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.136, 1.035, -0.597, 0.316, -2.234]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.529602
Adjusted Error 1.500181 cents
TE Error 0.433650 cents/octave

Ketchup (46 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
94149218264325348] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨234678]
0415-9-2-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0616, 25.7000]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.77912, 8.96047]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.123, 1902.985, 2785.747, 3369.069, 4149.031, 4440.692]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.123, 1.030, -0.567, 0.243, -2.287, 0.165]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.960782
Adjusted Error 1.467396 cents
TE Error 0.396547 cents/octave

Kiribati (14 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1412174]
2723338] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1110]
0-234] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.4710, 87.0244]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.28216, 20.87114]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.471, 1023.422, 1458.544, 348.098]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.529, 5.826, -8.327, 0.690]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 6.219809
Adjusted Error 6.282881 cents
TE Error 5.139823 cents/octave

Kleiboh (53 & 49)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183]
4978114138170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨166614]
0-18-15-13-43] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1436, 293.9713]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.86928, 8.38922]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.144, 1903.379, 2785.292, 3373.235, 4147.246]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.856, 1.424, -1.021, 4.409, -4.072]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.550016
Adjusted Error 3.656564 cents
TE Error 1.056984 cents/octave

Kleiboh (53 & 49f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
4978114138170182] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16661414]
0-18-15-13-43-42] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1564, 293.9801]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.14820, 8.08780]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.156, 1903.297, 2785.237, 3373.197, 4147.045, 4441.025]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.844, 1.342, -1.077, 4.371, -4.273, 0.498]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.462445
Adjusted Error 3.578511 cents
TE Error 0.967050 cents/octave

Kleischismic (118 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331408]
94149218264325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23647]
02-1619-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1646, 50.9319]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.85999, 4.15798]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.329, 1902.358, 2786.078, 3368.364, 4150.220]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.329, 0.403, -0.236, -0.462, -1.098]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.707138
Adjusted Error 0.862719 cents
TE Error 0.249382 cents/octave

Kleischismic (94 & 118p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨94149218264325348]
118187274331408437] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨236478]
02-1619-1-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0702, 50.9440]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.34507, 5.91274]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.140, 1902.099, 2785.317, 3368.217, 4149.547, 4443.954]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.140, 0.144, -0.997, -0.609, -1.771, 3.426]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.096863
Adjusted Error 1.773555 cents
TE Error 0.479282 cents/octave

Krypton (9 & 8d & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
101623283537] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102122]
0032-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.6808, 1902.3448, 132.1722]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨52.69706, 35.67216, 43.80299]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.681, 1902.345, 2791.878, 3364.370, 4165.534, 4429.879]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.319, 0.390, 5.564, -4.456, 14.216, -10.649]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.105907
Adjusted Error 9.418644 cents
TE Error 2.545277 cents/octave

Kryptonite (9 & 8)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨921111719]
819101517] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12122]
032-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.4370, 134.7860]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨118.14941, 16.63655]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.437, 2797.232, 1466.009, 2258.088, 2527.660]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.563, 10.918, -0.862, 8.725, -10.913]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 0.803623
Adjusted Error 9.493213 cents
TE Error 4.088504 cents/octave

Kumbaya (15 & 4p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
469111415] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101244]
0653-2-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.8786, 317.7664]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨74.18702, 21.01834]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.879, 1906.598, 2785.711, 3347.057, 4151.982, 4469.748]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.121, 4.643, -0.603, -21.769, 0.664, 29.220]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.542077
Adjusted Error 17.933190 cents
TE Error 4.846232 cents/octave

Kumhar (31 & 62e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
6298144174215229] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨31497287107115]
00001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨38.7249, 10.1238]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.47740, 10.12377]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.473, 1897.521, 2788.195, 3369.069, 4153.691, 4443.243]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.473, -4.434, 1.881, 0.243, 2.373, 2.715]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.005078
Adjusted Error 4.710112 cents
TE Error 1.272852 cents/octave

Kumonga (27 & 43)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨27436376]
4368100121] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1443]
0-13-9-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.0724, 222.4389]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.70670, 15.48817]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.072, 1900.584, 2790.340, 3371.778]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.928, -1.371, 4.026, 2.952]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.313327
Adjusted Error 4.110663 cents
TE Error 1.464248 cents/octave

Kumonga (27e & 43)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
4368100121149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14437]
0-13-9-1-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.9212, 222.5115]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.37599, 18.20394]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.921, 1899.036, 2789.081, 3371.252, 4157.730]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.079, -2.919, 2.768, 2.426, 6.412]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.113992
Adjusted Error 5.645935 cents
TE Error 1.632041 cents/octave

Kumonga (27e & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100]
162537455559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨144375]
0-13-9-1-19-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.5133, 222.6852]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.57644, 19.93433]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.513, 1899.145, 2789.886, 3372.855, 4158.574, 4433.770]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.487, -2.810, 3.572, 4.029, 7.256, -6.758]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.910702
Adjusted Error 6.322180 cents
TE Error 1.708494 cents/octave

Kwai (41 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
152241353427] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121614]
0-1-33-27] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7340, 497.2738]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.38245, 7.25035]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.734, 1902.194, 2785.707, 3369.882]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.266, 0.239, -0.607, 1.056]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.028423
Adjusted Error 0.773095 cents
TE Error 0.275382 cents/octave

Kwai (41 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
152241353427526] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121614-4]
0-1-33-2718] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6675, 497.2391]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.29835, 7.54234]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.667, 1902.096, 2785.788, 3369.888, 4151.635]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.333, 0.141, -0.526, 1.062, 0.317]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.041662
Adjusted Error 0.876823 cents
TE Error 0.253459 cents/octave

Kwai (41 & 111)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
111176258312384411] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121614-4-5]
0-1-33-271821] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4779, 497.1396]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.51488, 8.39971]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.478, 1901.816, 2786.039, 3369.921, 4150.602, 4442.543]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.522, -0.139, -0.275, 1.095, -0.716, 2.015]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.345048
Adjusted Error 1.339114 cents
TE Error 0.361880 cents/octave

Kwazy (612 & 730)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨6129701421]
73011571695] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨216]
08-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0034, 162.7435]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.05845, 0.75649]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.007, 1901.952, 2786.303]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.007, -0.003, -0.011]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.035623
Adjusted Error 0.011456 cents
TE Error 0.004934 cents/octave

Labizoyo (31 & 41 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
7111620] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1106]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8053, 350.3725, 2785.7348]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.50621, 17.24539, -2.56406]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.805, 1901.550, 2785.735, 3367.980]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.805, -0.405, -0.579, -0.846]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.209803
Adjusted Error 1.306829 cents
TE Error 0.465502 cents/octave

Laconic (5 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812]
162537] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111]
037] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.2992, 228.0507]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.91342, 63.04575]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.299, 1887.451, 2799.654]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.299, -14.504, 13.340]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.240638
Adjusted Error 15.144934 cents
TE Error 6.522568 cents/octave

Lafa (441 & 65)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4416991024]
65103151] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-19]
012-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9693, 258.4963]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.68729, 0.22886]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.969, 1901.986, 2786.339]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.031, 0.031, 0.026]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.649604
Adjusted Error 0.050963 cents
TE Error 0.021949 cents/octave

Lafayette (8 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319]
91421] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
053] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1194.0886, 140.3004]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨68.61518, 71.68524]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.089, 1895.591, 2809.078]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.911, -6.364, 22.765]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.301242
Adjusted Error 16.264079 cents
TE Error 7.004557 cents/octave

Lagaca (118 & 482)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274]
4827641119] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨252]
0-913] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0180, 122.0181]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.48885, 1.14596]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.036, 1901.927, 2786.272]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.036, -0.028, -0.042]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.207566
Adjusted Error 0.059038 cents
TE Error 0.025426 cents/octave

Lagaca (118 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331]
10162328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2525]
0-9133] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1358, 122.0543]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.13551, 0.42811]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.272, 1902.191, 2786.977, 3366.842]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.272, 0.236, 0.663, -1.984]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.028609
Adjusted Error 1.154930 cents
TE Error 0.411394 cents/octave

Lagu (7 & 12cc)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
121929] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨127]
0-1-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.7950, 512.6261]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨132.53834, 23.00222]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.795, 1894.964, 2787.678]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.795, -6.991, 1.364]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.093758
Adjusted Error 7.840097 cents
TE Error 3.376546 cents/octave

Lagugubi (2c & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨234]
162537] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨234]
015] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨603.4488, 75.8560]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-3.39876, 75.85595]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1206.898, 1886.202, 2793.075]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨6.898, -15.753, 6.761]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.797362
Adjusted Error 16.681086 cents
TE Error 7.184153 cents/octave

Lahoh (12 & 2cd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
23457] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23457]
01440] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨597.3906, 98.5700]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨98.57005, 5.97029]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.781, 1890.742, 2783.843, 3381.233, 4181.734]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.219, -11.213, -2.471, 12.407, 30.416]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.431832
Adjusted Error 20.481274 cents
TE Error 5.920416 cents/octave

Laka (152 & 41 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152241353427526]
5892135163201] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10010-18]
0011-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6204, 1902.0621, 2785.9190]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.99931, 1.73948, 1.11047]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.620, 1902.062, 2785.919, 3369.750, 4151.845]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.380, 0.107, -0.395, 0.924, 0.527]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.310170
Adjusted Error 0.860341 cents
TE Error 0.248694 cents/octave

Laka (58 & 41 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10010-18-13]
0011-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4749, 1901.8139, 2786.0466]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.43335, 6.50583, 8.36984]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.475, 1901.814, 2786.047, 3369.913, 4150.612, 4442.545]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.525, -0.141, -0.267, 1.087, -0.706, 2.018]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.298696
Adjusted Error 1.339079 cents
TE Error 0.361870 cents/octave

Lala-Gugu (7 & 17ccc)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
172741] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-2]
0215] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.1413, 346.2919]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨128.74351, 17.76098]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.141, 1895.725, 2788.096]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.141, -6.230, 1.783]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.788476
Adjusted Error 6.823301 cents
TE Error 2.938636 cents/octave

Lala-Quadbizo (24 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243867]
162545] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨81322]
0-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨150.3848, 54.8149]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨40.75493, 14.06001]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.078, 1900.187, 3363.280]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.078, -1.768, -5.545]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.256967
Adjusted Error 6.197839 cents
TE Error 2.207715 cents/octave

Lala-Quadyo (26 & 2p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨264160]
235] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235]
02-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨602.1404, 45.6162]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.61617, 9.13012]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.281, 1897.654, 2782.621]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.281, -4.301, -3.693]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.809992
Adjusted Error 7.121378 cents
TE Error 3.067011 cents/octave

Lala-Quadzo (24 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243867]
264173] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨236]
02-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨601.1575, 48.1644]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.97931, 23.18506]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.315, 1899.801, 3366.123]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.315, -2.154, -2.703]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.491730
Adjusted Error 4.622236 cents
TE Error 1.646474 cents/octave

Lala-Quintho (53 & 60)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384196]
6095222] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨132]
0-56] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3306, 339.8430]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.04200, 6.71841]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.331, 1901.777, 4439.719]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.331, -0.178, -0.808]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.982486
Adjusted Error 0.880025 cents
TE Error 0.237816 cents/octave

Lala-Quinyo (31 & 60)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨314972]
6095139] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-3]
0-511] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2027, 580.8003]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.14299, 13.22950]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.203, 1900.809, 2785.196]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.203, -1.146, -1.118]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.240211
Adjusted Error 1.988860 cents
TE Error 0.856555 cents/octave

Lala-Tribilo (24 & 27p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243883]
274393] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3510]
0-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.1600, 49.5776]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨46.03845, 3.53916]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.480, 1901.645, 4150.333]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.480, -0.310, -0.985]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.621390
Adjusted Error 1.181280 cents
TE Error 0.341467 cents/octave

Lala-Trigu (7 & 15cccc)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
152437] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨125]
0-3-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.7612, 169.7658]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨140.96487, 14.40047]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.761, 1896.225, 2788.255]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.761, -5.730, 1.942]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.489678
Adjusted Error 6.200560 cents
TE Error 2.670436 cents/octave

Lala-Triyo (26 & 21p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨264160]
213349] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨115]
03-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.9099, 231.1012]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.48491, 10.91915]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.910, 1897.213, 2784.133]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.910, -4.742, -2.181]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.367042
Adjusted Error 6.718765 cents
TE Error 2.893615 cents/octave

Lala-Trizo (36 & 7)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3657101]
71120] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121]
0-313] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6920, 166.7361]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.53914, -0.95959]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.692, 1901.176, 3368.262]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.692, -0.779, -0.564]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.738692
Adjusted Error 1.413994 cents
TE Error 0.503675 cents/octave

Lala-Yoyo (19 & 5c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
5811] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨120]
0-211] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.5582, 253.1873]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨63.37815, -0.32534]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.558, 1898.742, 2785.060]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.558, -3.213, -1.254]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.577078
Adjusted Error 4.435176 cents
TE Error 1.910127 cents/octave

Lala-Yoyo & Zozo (19 & 5c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
581114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1203]
0-211-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1204.0441, 253.2333]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨62.12239, 4.74375]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.044, 1901.622, 2785.566, 3358.899]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.044, -0.333, -0.747, -9.927]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.322932
Adjusted Error 7.559837 cents
TE Error 2.692868 cents/octave

Lala-Zozo (31 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨314987]
243867] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨116]
02-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.5739, 349.2451]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.13496, 12.43292]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.574, 1900.064, 3367.747]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.574, -1.891, -1.079]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.202634
Adjusted Error 3.261081 cents
TE Error 1.161621 cents/octave

Lalagu (12 & 55c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
5587127] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨129]
0-1-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8783, 501.3366]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨46.68938, 11.64738]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.878, 1900.420, 2786.520]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.878, -1.535, 0.206]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.108062
Adjusted Error 1.756696 cents
TE Error 0.756568 cents/octave

Lalayo (19 & 7c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
71117] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-4]
0-115] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.4118, 506.3641]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨62.68704, 1.62257]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.412, 1898.460, 2785.814]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.412, -3.495, -0.500]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.197991
Adjusted Error 4.390614 cents
TE Error 1.890934 cents/octave

Lalolo (24 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243883]
2946100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
0-27] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5935, 249.9059]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.71133, 5.22488]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.594, 1901.375, 4150.529]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.594, -0.580, -0.789]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.352514
Adjusted Error 1.465215 cents
TE Error 0.423542 cents/octave

Lalotriyo (72 & 31 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167249]
5384123183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10012]
001-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7081, 1901.8068, 2785.3594]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.93327, -1.12600, 7.10223]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.708, 1901.807, 2785.359, 4150.612]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.708, -0.148, -0.954, -0.706]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.141262
Adjusted Error 1.468414 cents
TE Error 0.424467 cents/octave

Lalu (7 & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71124]
5818] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨126]
0-1-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.6190, 509.8620]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨144.07208, 38.82288]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.619, 1895.376, 4156.542]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.619, -6.579, 5.224]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.715202
Adjusted Error 10.256384 cents
TE Error 2.964760 cents/octave

Lambda (b13 & b17)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨131923]
172530] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
02-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1903.7424, 440.9020]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨119.63514, 20.49916]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1903.742, 2785.546, 3366.583]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.787, -0.767, -2.243]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.322183
Adjusted Error 2.303277 cents
TE Error 0.820444 cents/octave

Landscape (171 & 270 & 183)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
183290425514] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3004]
0012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0012, 1901.9418, 2786.3421]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.51995, 1.82385, 0.57734]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.004, 1901.942, 2786.342, 3368.805]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.004, -0.013, 0.028, -0.021]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.233184
Adjusted Error 0.023702 cents
TE Error 0.008443 cents/octave

Lano (12 & 65)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121951]
65103276] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2499, 498.7541]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.26757, 16.20060]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.250, 1901.746, 5097.012]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.250, -0.209, -0.501]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.546067
Adjusted Error 0.751131 cents
TE Error 0.176823 cents/octave

Lanu (12 & 7h)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121951]
71129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨128]
0-1-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6246, 500.7063]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨96.92973, 5.35255]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.625, 1900.543, 5098.640]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.625, -1.412, 1.127]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.887749
Adjusted Error 2.746727 cents
TE Error 0.646604 cents/octave

Lanunu (12 & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121951]
238] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨238]
013] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0510, 100.2631]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨100.26305, -1.52726]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.102, 1900.416, 5101.198]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.102, -1.539, 3.685]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.633278
Adjusted Error 3.202759 cents
TE Error 0.753958 cents/octave

Laquadgu (5 & 18bc)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812]
182841] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-2]
0411] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.1042, 472.8082]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨88.81791, 42.16748]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.104, 1891.233, 2794.682]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.104, -10.722, 8.368]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.930399
Adjusted Error 11.086168 cents
TE Error 4.774552 cents/octave

Laquadlo (24 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243883]
4673159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨237]
02-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1591, 50.6918]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.40625, 8.14279]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.318, 1901.861, 4150.422]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.318, -0.094, -0.896]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.346444
Adjusted Error 0.828013 cents
TE Error 0.239350 cents/octave

Laquadthu (24 & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243889]
237] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨237]
025] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0609, 49.3553]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.35530, 7.79736]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.122, 1898.893, 4447.203]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.122, -3.062, 6.675]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.233833
Adjusted Error 5.652653 cents
TE Error 1.527563 cents/octave

Laquadzo-Atrigu (31 & 15 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
14223239] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1013]
0043] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7190, 1901.3529, -78.6165]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.38592, 14.92991, 6.91478]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.719, 1901.353, 2787.606, 3366.307]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.719, -0.602, 1.292, -2.518]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.201812
Adjusted Error 1.870488 cents
TE Error 0.666281 cents/octave

Laquinbitho (130 & 200)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206481]
200317740] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101637]
0-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨120.0071, 18.1591]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.16010, 3.94629]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.071, 1901.955, 4440.264]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.071, 0.000, -0.264]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.974055
Adjusted Error 0.215430 cents
TE Error 0.058217 cents/octave

Laquinzo (5 & 25b)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5814]
253970] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5814]
0-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨240.3144, 20.5601]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨137.51403, 20.56007]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.572, 1901.955, 3364.401]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.572, 0.000, -4.425]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.485169
Adjusted Error 3.607884 cents
TE Error 1.285154 cents/octave

Laru (31 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨314987]
193053] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨127]
0-1-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.5404, 504.1023]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.37964, 7.14588]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.540, 1898.978, 3369.760]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.540, -2.977, 0.934]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.549997
Adjusted Error 3.973586 cents
TE Error 1.415420 cents/octave

Laru + Ya (12 & 7d & 12c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
12192734] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-13]
0010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.5404, 1898.9784, 2786.3137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨72.46654, 41.52551, 3.43861]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.540, 1898.978, 2786.314, 3369.760]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.540, -2.977, 0.000, 0.934]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.250330
Adjusted Error 3.441226 cents
TE Error 1.225789 cents/octave

Larubi (2d & 7)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨235]
71120] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110]
015] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1207.3654, 676.0871]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨96.85166, 144.80886]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1207.365, 1883.452, 3380.436]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨7.365, -18.503, 11.610]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.732794
Adjusted Error 23.354984 cents
TE Error 8.319213 cents/octave

Laruru (12 & 14)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121934]
142239] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235]
014] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨601.1312, 92.0661]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.33139, 48.73469]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.262, 1895.460, 3373.920]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.262, -6.495, 5.094]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.163700
Adjusted Error 8.137427 cents
TE Error 2.898610 cents/octave

Laruyo (12 & 19 & 5c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
581114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-9]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.4237, 1899.5708, 2785.4609]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.87981, 39.32780, 7.12754]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.424, 1899.571, 2785.461, 3370.073]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.424, -2.384, -0.853, 1.247]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.164433
Adjusted Error 3.017670 cents
TE Error 1.074916 cents/octave

Lasepru (26 & 3d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨264173]
359] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨148]
0-7-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6101, 415.1760]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.91804, 10.91363]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.610, 1896.208, 3377.240]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.610, -5.747, 8.414]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.330057
Adjusted Error 7.688704 cents
TE Error 2.738772 cents/octave

Lasepyobi (3 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357]
264160] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨143]
0-7-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.9414, 415.5249]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.82684, 43.63311]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.941, 1903.092, 2777.775]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.941, 1.137, -8.539]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.906878
Adjusted Error 6.385818 cents
TE Error 2.750222 cents/octave

Laso (12 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121949]
71129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
0-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7909, 500.4545]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨99.19095, 1.49993]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.791, 1901.127, 4903.854]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.791, -0.828, -1.101]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.769227
Adjusted Error 2.325196 cents
TE Error 0.568861 cents/octave

Lasu (12 & 17g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121949]
172770] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨127]
0-1-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3237, 499.5054]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨89.32596, 7.55365]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.324, 1901.142, 4905.728]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.324, -0.813, 0.773]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.706981
Adjusted Error 1.499290 cents
TE Error 0.366802 cents/octave

Latho (7 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71126]
193070] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
0-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.1418, 507.4855]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.09054, 57.02674]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.142, 1898.798, 4436.226]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.142, -3.157, -4.302]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.705030
Adjusted Error 8.326593 cents
TE Error 2.250163 cents/octave

Lathuthu (24 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243889]
193070] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨126]
0-2-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8818, 251.1226]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.19856, 22.53243]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.882, 1899.518, 4442.942]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.882, -2.437, 2.415]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.217275
Adjusted Error 4.034833 cents
TE Error 1.090366 cents/octave

Latribilo (2 & 36e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨237]
3657124] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨237]
03-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨601.3019, 32.3601]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.82043, 32.36008]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.604, 1900.986, 4144.393]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.604, -0.969, -6.925]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.105964
Adjusted Error 6.672449 cents
TE Error 1.928770 cents/octave

Latribiru (36 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3657101]
94149264] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨247]
0-3-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9938, 166.1098]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.24213, 9.99224]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.988, 1901.646, 3369.408]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.012, -0.309, 0.582]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.734278
Adjusted Error 0.461708 cents
TE Error 0.164464 cents/octave

Latribitho (36 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3657133]
101637] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨227]
031] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.4316, 233.7733]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨31.99657, 4.89866]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.863, 1902.183, 4436.795]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.863, 0.228, -3.733]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.670570
Adjusted Error 2.853252 cents
TE Error 0.771058 cents/octave

Latribiyo (10 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623]
264160] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨225]
03-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨602.0993, 232.1719]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.73777, 43.33926]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.199, 1900.714, 2778.325]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.199, -1.241, -7.989]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.011383
Adjusted Error 7.352315 cents
TE Error 3.166470 cents/octave

Latrilu (7 & 22e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71124]
223577] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨125]
0-3-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0264, 168.0500]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨94.01994, 24.67667]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.026, 1897.903, 4156.583]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.026, -4.052, 5.265]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.304824
Adjusted Error 6.286086 cents
TE Error 1.817086 cents/octave

Latriru + Ya (19 & 53 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
17274048] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-3]
0010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2967, 633.6814, 2786.3137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.41013, 16.67627, 3.62719]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.297, 1901.044, 2786.314, 3369.605]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.297, -0.911, 0.000, 0.779]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.258332
Adjusted Error 0.987905 cents
TE Error 0.351899 cents/octave

Latriso (12 & 3p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121949]
3512] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3512]
0-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.2543, 99.6547]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨99.65466, 1.63566]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.763, 1901.617, 4902.706]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.763, -0.338, -2.249]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.105898
Adjusted Error 2.276192 cents
TE Error 0.556872 cents/octave

Latrisu (12 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121949]
87138356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3513]
0-1-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0051, 98.2428]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.00629, 7.03379]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.015, 1901.783, 4905.338]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.015, -0.172, 0.382]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.973317
Adjusted Error 0.340418 cents
TE Error 0.083284 cents/octave

Latritho (36 & 7)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3657133]
71126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-35] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0891, 166.9811]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.22150, 5.87359]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.089, 1901.235, 4438.173]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.089, -0.720, -2.355]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.329281
Adjusted Error 2.864380 cents
TE Error 0.774065 cents/octave

Latriyo (19 & 2p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
235] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13-1]
0-37] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.6377, 569.5116]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨63.61445, -3.01842]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.638, 1899.378, 2783.944]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.638, -2.577, -2.370]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.016431
Adjusted Error 4.373295 cents
TE Error 1.883476 cents/octave

Lawa + Za (14 & 7)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨142239]
71120] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨71119]
001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨172.1605, 97.7773]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨74.38320, 23.39406]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1205.123, 1893.765, 3368.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨5.123, -8.190, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.170416
Adjusted Error 11.794025 cents
TE Error 4.201116 cents/octave

Layo & Biruyo (12 & 22ccd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
22355061] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2367]
01-8-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.7660, 102.4162]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨72.95410, 14.73104]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.532, 1901.714, 2779.267, 3379.033]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.468, -0.241, -7.047, 10.207]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.518300
Adjusted Error 6.683597 cents
TE Error 2.380745 cents/octave

Layo & Zozo (29 & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨29466781]
24385667] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-13]
0-216-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.9822, 249.2934]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.87060, 17.61395]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.982, 1905.378, 2786.712, 3356.653]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.982, 3.423, 0.398, -12.173]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.244714
Adjusted Error 7.350581 cents
TE Error 2.618330 cents/octave

Layo + Za (171 & 130 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
5384123149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10150]
0001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0749, 1901.8546, 3368.8259]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.16656, 0.91576, 0.50083]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.075, 1901.855, 2786.287, 3368.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.075, -0.100, -0.027, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.239291
Adjusted Error 0.138659 cents
TE Error 0.049391 cents/octave

Layoyobi (2p & 14ccc)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨235]
142231] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235]
01-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨607.0019, 64.3945]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨156.24036, 64.39450]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1214.004, 1885.400, 2777.431]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨14.004, -16.555, -8.882]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.966429
Adjusted Error 23.974627 cents
TE Error 10.325310 cents/octave

Laz (9 & 40)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨921111719]
4093497585] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13131]
0-31-55] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.8846, 268.6246]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.97888, 21.85187]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.885, 2787.780, 1466.509, 2250.531, 2541.007]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.115, 1.466, -0.362, 1.168, 2.435]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 1.730417
Adjusted Error 2.682658 cents
TE Error 1.155358 cents/octave

Lazo (19 & 7)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193053]
71120] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1]
0-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.9362, 507.8223]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨54.05233, 25.13457]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.936, 1898.050, 3367.465]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.936, -3.905, -1.361]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.675732
Adjusted Error 6.262006 cents
TE Error 2.230571 cents/octave

Lazoyoyo (10 & 19 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
7111620] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1009]
001-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.4586, 1900.9896, 2782.1701]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.95421, 52.97484, 16.77064]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.459, 1900.990, 2782.170, 3365.797]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.459, -0.965, -4.144, -3.029]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.128589
Adjusted Error 5.732981 cents
TE Error 2.042129 cents/octave

Lazozo (14 & 2p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨142239]
236] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨236]
01-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨603.2291, 85.7783]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨85.77833, 2.78073]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1206.458, 1895.466, 3362.039]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨6.458, -6.489, -6.786]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.395413
Adjusted Error 12.998530 cents
TE Error 4.630170 cents/octave

Leantone (6 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨619141721]
722161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13223]
01253] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7573, 192.4613]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨147.47212, 44.98923]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.757, 3791.733, 2784.437, 3361.821, 4176.656]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.243, -12.177, -1.876, -7.004, 25.338]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.606640
Adjusted Error 13.428567 cents
TE Error 3.881726 cents/octave

Leapday (46 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
29466781100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121198]
0-1-21-15-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0803, 495.7828]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.26272, 4.48259]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.080, 1904.378, 2789.445, 3363.981, 4147.032]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.080, 2.423, 3.131, -4.845, -4.286]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.304982
Adjusted Error 4.556768 cents
TE Error 1.317201 cents/octave

Leapday (29 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨29466781100107]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1211987]
0-1-21-15-11-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4849, 495.9866]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.16843, 22.20871]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.485, 1904.983, 2789.616, 3364.566, 4148.027, 4435.502]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.485, 3.028, 3.303, -4.260, -3.291, -5.026]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.065830
Adjusted Error 5.001495 cents
TE Error 1.351595 cents/octave

Leapfrog (17 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1727485963]
4673129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12987]
0-1-15-11-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5683, 495.0768]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.26282, 19.32827]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.568, 1904.060, 3369.962, 4150.701, 4436.363]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.432, 2.105, 1.136, -0.617, -4.164]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.904494
Adjusted Error 3.056762 cents
TE Error 0.826054 cents/octave

Leapweek (46 & 63)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
63100146177218] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-898]
0-125-15-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7932, 495.3608]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.10408, 9.47628]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.793, 1904.226, 2785.673, 3367.728, 4149.377]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.207, 2.271, -0.641, -1.098, -1.941]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.559076
Adjusted Error 2.513280 cents
TE Error 0.726501 cents/octave

Leapweek (46 & 63)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
63100146177218233] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-8987]
0-125-15-11-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0104, 495.4334]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.03261, 10.26207]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.010, 1904.587, 2785.751, 3368.593, 4150.316, 4436.606]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.010, 2.632, -0.562, -0.233, -1.002, -3.922]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.157595
Adjusted Error 3.033201 cents
TE Error 0.819687 cents/octave

Lemba (10 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
26416073] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2256]
03-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨601.4794, 232.6610]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.19607, 39.65378]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.959, 1900.942, 2774.736, 3376.216]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.959, -1.013, -11.577, 7.390]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.889867
Adjusted Error 8.982907 cents
TE Error 3.199776 cents/octave

Lemba (10p & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1016232835]
1625374555] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨22565]
03-1-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨601.2020, 231.4369]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨47.88946, 45.21934]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.404, 1896.715, 2774.573, 3375.775, 4163.195]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.404, -5.240, -11.741, 6.949, 11.877]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.931522
Adjusted Error 12.002917 cents
TE Error 3.469621 cents/octave

Lemba (10p & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623283537]
162537455559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨225657]
03-1-151] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨601.2191, 231.4358]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨47.82898, 45.25928]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.438, 1896.746, 2774.660, 3375.879, 4163.274, 4439.969]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.438, -5.209, -11.654, 7.053, 11.956, -0.558]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.772197
Adjusted Error 11.723148 cents
TE Error 3.168042 cents/octave

Leonhard (31 & 24de)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
243856688489] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110-3-74]
0282036-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5616, 348.5169]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.52597, 7.96902]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.562, 1896.595, 2788.135, 3371.653, 4149.677, 4449.729]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.438, -5.360, 1.821, 2.827, -1.641, 9.202]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.920454
Adjusted Error 6.699254 cents
TE Error 1.810394 cents/octave

Lezo (41 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4165115]
91425] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨145]
0-11-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3938, 263.5419]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.91067, 1.67292]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.394, 1902.614, 3366.550]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.394, 0.659, -2.276]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.832737
Adjusted Error 1.608899 cents
TE Error 0.573101 cents/octave

Liese (19 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
17274048] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1388]
0-3-12-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.5712, 568.3375]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.16772, 15.72850]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.571, 1899.701, 2792.520, 3360.857]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.571, -2.254, 6.206, -7.969]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.966512
Adjusted Error 6.228870 cents
TE Error 2.218768 cents/octave

Liese (36 & 17)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3657101]
172748] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨138]
0-3-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2967, 566.6153]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨30.08639, 6.89332]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.297, 1901.044, 3369.605]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.297, -0.911, 0.779]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.599541
Adjusted Error 1.140734 cents
TE Error 0.406338 cents/octave

Liesel (19p & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
1727404859] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13883]
0-3-12-111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8849, 566.4001]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.72210, 28.36264]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.885, 1897.454, 2794.278, 3360.678, 4163.055]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.115, -4.501, 7.964, -8.148, 11.737]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.140801
Adjusted Error 9.906977 cents
TE Error 2.863759 cents/octave

Liesel (19p & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
172740485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨138837]
0-3-12-111-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5397, 566.7404]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.26982, 27.78900]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.540, 1898.398, 2795.432, 3362.173, 4165.360, 4429.595]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.460, -3.557, 9.119, -6.653, 14.042, -10.933]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.955365
Adjusted Error 10.840449 cents
TE Error 2.929503 cents/octave

Lisa (19p & 2cde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
23456] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨138812]
0-3-12-11-18] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.7536, 569.9351]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨62.88334, 3.98505]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.754, 1898.455, 2782.807, 3352.742, 4174.211]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.754, -3.500, -3.506, -16.084, 22.893]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.012475
Adjusted Error 14.786971 cents
TE Error 4.274393 cents/octave

Lisa (19p & 2cde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
234567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1388127]
0-3-12-11-18-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.6905, 570.5281]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨62.63427, 6.81963]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.690, 1899.487, 2783.187, 3353.715, 4174.780, 4432.137]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.690, -2.468, -3.127, -15.111, 23.462, -8.391]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.902484
Adjusted Error 14.952807 cents
TE Error 4.040819 cents/octave

Lizard (72 & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2152811]
06-110-3-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.4834, 216.7855]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.29248, -2.00417]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.967, 1901.197, 2785.631, 3368.822, 4153.510, 4437.462]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.967, -0.758, -0.682, -0.004, 2.192, -3.066]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.714381
Adjusted Error 2.309956 cents
TE Error 0.624238 cents/octave

Loki (270 & 152 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨200-21-18]
00134] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9481, 1902.0158, 2786.5561]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.56536, 0.67273, 1.03842]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.896, 1902.016, 2786.556, 3368.821, 4151.190]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.104, 0.061, 0.242, -0.005, -0.128]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.418915
Adjusted Error 0.242205 cents
TE Error 0.070013 cents/octave

Lologu (7 & 31 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
22355176] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1012]
0021] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6654, 1902.5122, -157.8340]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-3.06485, 25.31652, 19.87760]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.665, 1902.512, 2787.510, 4146.009]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.665, 0.557, 1.196, -5.309]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.079020
Adjusted Error 3.087772 cents
TE Error 0.892566 cents/octave

Loruru (17 & 31 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17274859]
581417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1001]
0012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3223, 1900.3359, 3373.9054]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.82971, 27.35624, 6.43476]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.322, 1900.336, 3373.905, 4147.461]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.322, -1.619, 5.080, -3.857]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.059972
Adjusted Error 4.116577 cents
TE Error 1.189958 cents/octave

Lovecraft (13 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨134548]
41415] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨133]
023] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5259, 279.2073]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨82.69680, 31.11688]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.526, 4156.992, 4436.199]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.474, 5.674, -4.328]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.340981
Adjusted Error 4.421572 cents
TE Error 1.194877 cents/octave

Loyo (7 & 3e & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
15243552] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1001]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7754, 1907.7987, 2782.1332]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨59.02807, -8.18176, 54.14161]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.775, 1907.799, 2782.133, 4142.038]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.775, 5.844, -4.180, -9.280]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.062843
Adjusted Error 8.584678 cents
TE Error 2.481528 cents/octave

Lozogugu Noca (b4 & b7 & b13)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4679]
13192328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1001]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1904.5606, 2797.4978, 3360.6513]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨96.41365, 4.00267, 114.68364]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1904.561, 2797.498, 3360.651, 4138.905]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.606, 11.184, -8.175, -12.413]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.023179
Adjusted Error 11.890747 cents
TE Error 3.437197 cents/octave

Lu (2 & 3e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨237]
3511] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1183.6971, 697.7806]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨274.05241, 211.86409]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1183.697, 1881.478, 4248.872]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-16.303, -20.477, 97.554]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.261338
Adjusted Error 69.988652 cents
TE Error 20.231258 cents/octave

Lulu + Ya (7 & 65 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
314972107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1102]
0010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0639, 350.5440, 2786.3137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.86455, 18.03867, -0.43552]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.064, 1901.152, 2786.314, 4152.848]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.064, -0.803, 0.000, 1.530]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.103756
Adjusted Error 1.168543 cents
TE Error 0.337785 cents/octave

Luna (118 & 441)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274]
4416991024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨142]
0-152] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9803, 193.1976]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.52722, 2.31240]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.980, 1901.958, 2786.356]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.020, 0.003, 0.042]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.677683
Adjusted Error 0.035933 cents
TE Error 0.015476 cents/octave

Lupercalia (15 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
31497287107115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112333]
095-3711] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9338, 77.7052]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.99382, 34.35569]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.934, 1899.281, 2788.394, 3366.686, 4143.738, 4454.559]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.066, -2.674, 2.080, -2.140, -7.580, 14.031]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.156779
Adjusted Error 7.309840 cents
TE Error 1.975398 cents/octave

Luquadzo (5 & 14 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581417]
4165115142] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-3]
0014] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3204, 1902.7598, 3365.4592]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.28677, 4.06647, 26.87697]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.320, 1902.760, 3365.459, 4152.596]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.320, 0.805, -3.367, 1.278]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.105779
Adjusted Error 2.406237 cents
TE Error 0.695559 cents/octave

Luyo (7 & 3e & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
581218] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-2]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.4775, 1895.7313, 2779.6352]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨134.54345, -6.62001, 56.10667]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.477, 1895.731, 2779.635, 4166.143]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.477, -6.224, -6.679, 14.825]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.055024
Adjusted Error 12.008051 cents
TE Error 3.471105 cents/octave

Luyoyo (7 & 22 & 34)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
345479118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002]
0012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2686, 1903.7922, 2782.3707]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.04468, 8.30407, 27.41960]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.269, 1903.792, 2782.371, 4155.694]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.731, 1.837, -3.943, 4.376]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.067726
Adjusted Error 4.363069 cents
TE Error 1.261210 cents/octave

Mabila (34 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨345479]
77122179] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨161]
0-103] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3550, 529.4002]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.25857, 9.28005]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.355, 1902.129, 2787.556]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.645, 0.174, 1.242]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.322708
Adjusted Error 1.132762 cents
TE Error 0.487854 cents/octave

Mabila (25 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨255870]
163745] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨115]
03-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2562, 527.7881]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.81566, 19.11654]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.256, 2784.621, 3367.341]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.256, -1.693, -1.485]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.258539
Adjusted Error 2.505618 cents
TE Error 0.892519 cents/octave

Machine (11 & 6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨11353138]
6191721] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1334]
01-1-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.2813, 213.8986]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨86.11004, 41.67848]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.281, 3805.742, 3377.945, 4147.429]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.719, 1.832, 9.119, -3.888]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.440411
Adjusted Error 7.646253 cents
TE Error 2.210263 cents/octave

Machine (11 & 17)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1135313841]
1754485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13343]
01-1-34] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.9401, 212.9252]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.90756, 51.70335]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.940, 3803.745, 3377.895, 4148.985, 4442.521]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.060, -0.165, 9.069, -2.333, 1.993]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.656026
Adjusted Error 7.501394 cents
TE Error 2.027163 cents/octave

Madagascar (72 & 58 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-26-1]
001-131] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9449, 950.7335, 2786.9475]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.83023, 7.34012, 3.97059]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.945, 1901.467, 2786.948, 3369.764, 4151.710, 4439.203]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.055, -0.488, 0.634, 0.938, 0.392, -1.325]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.287515
Adjusted Error 0.984868 cents
TE Error 0.266149 cents/octave

Magic (19 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
223551] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102]
051] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2480, 380.4537]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.75431, 21.13255]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.248, 1902.269, 2782.950]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.248, 0.314, -3.364]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.395263
Adjusted Error 2.577115 cents
TE Error 1.109903 cents/octave

Magic (19 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
416595115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-1]
05112] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0824, 380.6951]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.57169, 26.71269]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.082, 1903.476, 2782.860, 3367.259]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.082, 1.521, -3.454, -1.567]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.798679
Adjusted Error 3.015814 cents
TE Error 1.074254 cents/octave

Magic (22 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
416595115142] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-16]
05112-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1435, 380.7419]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.55411, 24.68178]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.143, 1903.710, 2781.029, 3368.760, 4154.925]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.143, 1.755, -5.285, -0.066, 3.607]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.349261
Adjusted Error 4.241032 cents
TE Error 1.225933 cents/octave

Magic (19p & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-16-2]
05112-818] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0449, 380.4415]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.48378, 28.11837]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.045, 1902.207, 2780.531, 3365.253, 4156.738, 4447.857]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.045, 0.252, -5.782, -3.573, 5.420, 7.329]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.560849
Adjusted Error 5.698019 cents
TE Error 1.539822 cents/octave

Magic (19 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445370]
416595115152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-1-2]
0511218] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3459, 380.4663]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.37617, 20.78533]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.346, 1902.332, 2783.158, 3364.250, 4445.702]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.346, 0.377, -3.156, -4.576, 5.175]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.982177
Adjusted Error 4.775429 cents
TE Error 1.290503 cents/octave

Magicaltet (15 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15114252]
431114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1124]
0-13-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.5060, 319.8246]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨77.79251, 8.65457]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.506, 881.681, 3362.486, 4166.375]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.506, -2.677, -6.340, 15.057]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 0.883441
Adjusted Error 10.872429 cents
TE Error 3.142837 cents/octave

Magician (41 & 19p & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-160]
000001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1435, 380.7419, 4440.5277]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.69567, 3.98611, 12.54022]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.143, 1903.710, 2781.029, 3368.760, 4154.925, 4440.528]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.143, 1.755, -5.285, -0.066, 3.607, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.215984
Adjusted Error 4.141232 cents
TE Error 1.119119 cents/octave

Magus (46 & 49)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
4978114138170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-22-6-6]
01112729] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.7193, 391.0852]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.33374, 9.12994]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.719, 1904.499, 2788.524, 3366.985, 4149.155]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.281, 2.544, 2.210, -1.841, -2.163]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.063437
Adjusted Error 3.771499 cents
TE Error 1.090208 cents/octave

Magus (46 & 3de)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
35791111] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-22-6-65]
01112729-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7804, 391.2943]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.89743, 2.83287]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.780, 1904.677, 2790.855, 3366.264, 4148.853, 4433.725]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.220, 2.722, 4.542, -2.561, -2.465, -6.803]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.358812
Adjusted Error 5.132516 cents
TE Error 1.387002 cents/octave

Maja (53 & 8)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123]
81319] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1811]
0-17-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0232, 452.8108]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.41712, 1.48946]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.023, 1902.401, 2785.606]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.023, 0.446, -0.708]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.874281
Adjusted Error 0.557209 cents
TE Error 0.239977 cents/octave

Maja (8d & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨813192328]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨18111311]
0-17-23-27-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7482, 453.1820]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-3.68151, 23.21133]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.748, 1901.892, 2785.044, 3373.813, 4144.591]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.748, -0.063, -1.269, 4.987, -6.727]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.983700
Adjusted Error 4.320173 cents
TE Error 1.248810 cents/octave

Maja (8d & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319232830]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1811131112]
0-17-23-27-20-22] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8564, 453.2283]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-3.97064, 23.25701]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.856, 1901.970, 2785.170, 3373.970, 4144.855, 4439.255]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.856, 0.015, -1.144, 5.144, -6.463, -1.273]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.666467
Adjusted Error 4.257386 cents
TE Error 1.150508 cents/octave

Maja (53 & 8)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123196]
8131930] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨181112]
0-17-23-22] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2005, 452.8832]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.46415, 1.20005]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.201, 1902.590, 2785.892, 4438.975]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.201, 0.635, -0.422, -1.552]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.239866
Adjusted Error 1.183897 cents
TE Error 0.319934 cents/octave

Majvam (34 & 183)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨345479]
183290425] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1105]
0-22-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8635, 458.9427]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.92573, 5.82726]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.864, 1901.895, 2786.718]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.136, -0.060, 0.405]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.961844
Adjusted Error 0.301086 cents
TE Error 0.129670 cents/octave

Majvam (34 & 217)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨345479126]
217344504803] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110519]
0-22-7-40] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8720, 458.9391]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.40913, 5.59347]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.872, 1902.060, 2786.786, 4440.004]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.128, 0.105, 0.472, -0.524]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.628959
Adjusted Error 0.530491 cents
TE Error 0.143359 cents/octave

Malcolm (41 & 53 & 60e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
6095139168207] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-3]
0012-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5278, 1902.7279, 2783.6322]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.55125, 10.15448, 2.46232]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.528, 1902.728, 2783.632, 3370.081, 4150.247]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.528, 0.773, -2.682, 1.255, -1.071]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.248542
Adjusted Error 2.266267 cents
TE Error 0.655098 cents/octave

Malcolm (41 & 53 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-32]
0012-2-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2451, 1902.4040, 2783.5613]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.12281, 12.95165, 0.88276]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.245, 1902.404, 2783.561, 3370.705, 4148.970, 4442.984]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.245, 0.449, -2.752, 1.879, -2.348, 2.456]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.246520
Adjusted Error 2.570256 cents
TE Error 0.694581 cents/octave

Mandos (31 & 27e & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11062]
001-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1976, 350.6143, 2788.8049]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.68642, 16.10914, 4.28168]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.198, 1900.426, 2788.805, 3370.647, 4151.466]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.802, -1.529, 2.491, 1.821, 0.148]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.187792
Adjusted Error 2.745019 cents
TE Error 0.793488 cents/octave

Maneh (31 & 4ef)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
469111314] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-101-3-3]
010972526] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9319, 309.7869]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.21571, -3.93880]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.932, 1897.937, 2788.082, 3368.440, 4144.877, 4454.664]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.068, -4.018, 1.768, -0.386, -6.441, 14.136]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.638139
Adjusted Error 7.567027 cents
TE Error 2.044900 cents/octave

Manna (72 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113320]
06-7-21538] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7580, 116.8130]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.69780, 5.23211]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.758, 1901.636, 2784.583, 3368.648, 4153.711, 4438.895]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.758, -0.319, -1.731, -0.178, 2.393, -1.633]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.324405
Adjusted Error 2.053714 cents
TE Error 0.554992 cents/octave

Manwe (31 & 15 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100128]
001-6-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3614, 1902.0569, 2788.0351]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.75741, 13.07965, 9.66727]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.361, 1902.057, 2788.035, 3370.297, 4148.922]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.639, 0.102, 1.721, 1.471, -2.396]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.203655
Adjusted Error 2.026638 cents
TE Error 0.585830 cents/octave

Maqamic (7p & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711162024]
1727404859] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11042]
028-45] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.0363, 349.7748]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.00914, 56.35131]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.036, 1895.586, 2798.199, 3385.046, 4140.947]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.964, -6.369, 11.885, 16.220, -10.371]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.624728
Adjusted Error 15.504076 cents
TE Error 4.481683 cents/octave

Maqamic (7p & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
172740485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110424]
028-45-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.3995, 349.7636]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.01657, 55.54609]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.400, 1895.927, 2798.109, 3386.544, 4141.617, 4435.834]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.600, -6.028, 11.795, 17.718, -9.701, -4.693]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.550803
Adjusted Error 15.297470 cents
TE Error 4.133960 cents/octave

Maquila (65 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151]
121192281] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-65]
017-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7467, 535.3243]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.08085, 3.42555]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.747, 1902.033, 2786.788]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.253, 0.078, 0.474]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.763863
Adjusted Error 0.441059 cents
TE Error 0.189954 cents/octave

Maquila (9 & 65d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
65103151183225241] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-65-7-1-7]
017-6221024] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2242, 534.9519]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.62574, 17.67065]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.224, 1898.838, 2786.409, 3374.373, 4150.295, 4444.277]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.776, -3.117, 0.096, 5.547, -1.023, 3.749]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.592973
Adjusted Error 4.653927 cents
TE Error 1.257669 cents/octave

Maquila (65 & 56)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151225]
5689130194] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-65-1]
017-610] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5915, 535.2542]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.55091, 3.37112]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.592, 1901.773, 2786.432, 4152.951]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.408, -0.182, 0.119, 1.633]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.992884
Adjusted Error 1.101406 cents
TE Error 0.318378 cents/octave

Marrakesh (31 & 42e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
426798118146] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-7-41-11]
01914432] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6343, 542.0441]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.20165, 8.48531]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.634, 1901.397, 2790.080, 3367.811, 4149.432]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.366, -0.558, 3.766, -1.015, -1.886]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.540236
Adjusted Error 2.817272 cents
TE Error 0.814374 cents/octave

Marrakesh (31 & 104c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
104165242292360385] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-7-41-1115]
01914432-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3771, 541.9627]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.60669, 9.56317]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.377, 1901.651, 2789.969, 3367.228, 4149.657, 4441.590]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.623, -0.304, 3.655, -1.598, -1.661, 1.062]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.236171
Adjusted Error 2.842310 cents
TE Error 0.768100 cents/octave

Marvel (31 & 19 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
416595115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5]
0012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5978, 1901.3543, 2785.0245]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.78961, -4.68063, 18.00127]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.598, 1901.354, 2785.024, 3369.768]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.598, -0.601, -1.289, 0.942]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.097165
Adjusted Error 1.347858 cents
TE Error 0.480117 cents/octave

Marvel (31 & 41 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
2235516276] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-512]
0012-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6402, 1901.4026, 2785.0255]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.32226, 14.05909, 3.96487]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.640, 1901.403, 2785.025, 3369.655, 4151.204]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.640, -0.552, -1.288, 0.829, -0.114]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.155664
Adjusted Error 1.489962 cents
TE Error 0.430695 cents/octave

Marvel (72 & 31 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-512-4]
0012-34] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8054, 1901.0117, 2785.9298]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.36882, 5.68835, 2.52664]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.805, 1901.012, 2785.930, 3369.856, 4150.863, 4439.486]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.805, -0.943, -0.384, 1.030, -0.455, -1.042]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.243101
Adjusted Error 1.696663 cents
TE Error 0.458503 cents/octave

Marvel (72 & 31 & 53p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266294]
5384123149183196217] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-512-4-13]
0012-346] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7990, 1900.9393, 2785.7703]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.56873, 5.13156, 1.22211]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.799, 1900.939, 2785.770, 3369.424, 4151.338, 4438.946, 4906.114]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.799, -1.016, -0.543, 0.598, 0.020, -1.582, 1.158]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.264503
Adjusted Error 1.835963 cents
TE Error 0.449169 cents/octave

Marvelcat (19p & 9 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-512-1]
0012-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7736, 950.8988, 2785.3761]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.22034, -0.68681, 18.03337]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.774, 1901.798, 2785.376, 3370.479, 4151.357, 4437.299]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.774, -0.157, -0.938, 1.654, 0.040, -3.229]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.264878
Adjusted Error 2.071217 cents
TE Error 0.559722 cents/octave

Marvell (31 & 72 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
91421253133] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-512-29]
0012-310] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6411, 1901.4091, 2785.0597]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.85249, 13.81879, -4.19323]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.641, 1901.409, 2785.060, 3369.732, 4151.106, 4440.458]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.641, -0.546, -1.254, 0.906, -0.212, -0.069]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.293236
Adjusted Error 1.456582 cents
TE Error 0.393624 cents/octave

Marveltri (22 & 47)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22518]
4710917] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121]
01-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8257, 382.8817]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.94763, 17.61655]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.826, 2784.533, 435.062]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.826, -1.781, -0.022]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 2.705714
Adjusted Error 1.512810 cents
TE Error 0.651532 cents/octave

Marveltwintri (34 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨342518]
15118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110]
0-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.6533, 318.1925]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.72561, 3.66551]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.653, 883.461, 636.385]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.653, -0.898, -0.233]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 2.165937
Adjusted Error 1.212465 cents
TE Error 1.212465 cents/octave

Marvo (72 & 65d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
65103151183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-5-17]
061746] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6311, 516.9661]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.87214, 1.99749]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.631, 1901.166, 2785.269, 3369.713]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.631, -0.789, -1.045, 0.888]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.068456
Adjusted Error 1.367244 cents
TE Error 0.487022 cents/octave

Marvo (72 & 65d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
65103151183225] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-5-17-3]
06174615] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5256, 516.9256]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.55056, 2.35208]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.526, 1901.028, 2785.108, 3369.644, 4152.308]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.526, -0.927, -1.206, 0.818, 0.990]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.522243
Adjusted Error 1.588850 cents
TE Error 0.459281 cents/octave

Marvolo (72 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
29466781100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12112]
0-6192621] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7085, 83.3889]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.86156, -0.45944]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.708, 1901.083, 2785.098, 3368.820, 4152.584]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.708, -0.872, -1.216, -0.006, 1.266]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.018299
Adjusted Error 1.703558 cents
TE Error 0.492439 cents/octave

Marvolo (72 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121123]
0-619262110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.9488, 83.3957]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.57798, 0.25291]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.949, 1901.523, 2785.467, 3369.237, 4153.207, 4436.803]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.949, -0.432, -0.847, 0.411, 1.889, -3.724]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.603488
Adjusted Error 2.359765 cents
TE Error 0.637698 cents/octave

Mavila (7 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
91421] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121]
0-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1208.3799, 523.8266]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨119.08011, 41.64656]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1208.380, 1892.933, 2779.860]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨8.380, -9.022, -6.454]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.794799
Adjusted Error 14.082267 cents
TE Error 6.064902 cents/octave

Mavila (7d & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111619]
16253745] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121-2]
0-1311] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1208.2869, 525.6927]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨46.92526, 54.98813]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1208.287, 1890.881, 2785.365, 3366.046]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨8.287, -11.074, -0.949, -2.780]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.732832
Adjusted Error 15.288902 cents
TE Error 5.446017 cents/octave

Maviloid (99 & 472)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
47274810961325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-21-22-15]
0525641] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9863, 521.1837]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.51138, 2.22534]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.986, 1901.840, 2786.588, 3368.737]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.014, -0.115, 0.274, -0.089]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.167617
Adjusted Error 0.200765 cents
TE Error 0.071514 cents/octave

Meanenneadecal (12 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
711161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12476]
0-1-4-10-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7573, 503.6480]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨73.73606, 44.98923]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.757, 1895.867, 2784.437, 3361.821, 4176.656]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.243, -6.088, -1.876, -7.004, 25.338]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.213279
Adjusted Error 13.428567 cents
TE Error 3.881726 cents/octave

Meanenneadecal (12f & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1247610]
0-1-4-10-6-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8561, 503.7938]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.76651, 46.24516]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.856, 1895.918, 2784.249, 3361.055, 4176.374, 4441.654]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.144, -6.037, -2.065, -7.771, 25.056, 1.126]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.452992
Adjusted Error 13.129200 cents
TE Error 3.548011 cents/octave

Meanertone (5p & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121417]
711161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12443]
0-1-4-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1209.0284, 507.1724]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨76.87848, 117.80514]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1209.028, 1910.884, 2807.424, 3314.596, 4134.258]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨9.028, 8.929, 21.110, -54.229, -17.060]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.719506
Adjusted Error 37.686388 cents
TE Error 10.893809 cents/octave

Meanplop (19p & 31f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
31497287107114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1247-22]
0-1-4-10134] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.3518, 504.7853]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.77022, 27.89412]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.352, 1899.918, 2790.266, 3368.610, 4157.505, 4423.845]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.352, -2.037, 3.952, -0.216, 6.187, -16.683]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.274087
Adjusted Error 8.758088 cents
TE Error 2.366769 cents/octave

Meanpop (31 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1247-2]
0-1-4-1013] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3528, 504.1332]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.29155, 10.54288]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.353, 1898.572, 2788.878, 3368.138, 4151.026]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.353, -3.383, 2.565, -0.688, -0.292]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.415715
Adjusted Error 4.285250 cents
TE Error 1.238715 cents/octave

Meanpop (31 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1247-210]
0-1-4-1013-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0874, 504.2450]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.04352, 17.45991]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.087, 1897.930, 2787.369, 3365.161, 4153.011, 4447.198]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.087, -4.025, 1.056, -3.664, 1.693, 6.671]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.585339
Adjusted Error 5.453590 cents
TE Error 1.473768 cents/octave

Meanpop (19 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445370]
31497287115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124710]
0-1-4-10-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.6315, 504.6969]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.39434, 23.81093]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.631, 1898.566, 2787.738, 3364.451, 4445.861]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.631, -3.389, 1.425, -4.375, 5.334]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.585813
Adjusted Error 5.760247 cents
TE Error 1.556639 cents/octave

Meantone (12 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
193044] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124]
0-1-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3969, 504.3477]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.56774, 45.18863]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.397, 1898.446, 2788.196]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.397, -3.509, 1.883]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.710802
Adjusted Error 3.673804 cents
TE Error 1.582221 cents/octave

Meantone (19 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
12192834] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1247]
0-1-4-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2422, 504.0263]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨42.10479, 33.43759]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.242, 1898.458, 2788.863, 3368.432]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.242, -3.497, 2.550, -0.394]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.350011
Adjusted Error 3.878941 cents
TE Error 1.381707 cents/octave

Meantone (31 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1219283442] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124711]
0-1-4-10-18] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7722, 503.3550]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.39920, 6.03307]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.772, 1898.189, 2789.669, 3371.855, 4148.104]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.772, -3.766, 3.355, 3.029, -3.214]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.917159
Adjusted Error 4.978765 cents
TE Error 1.439186 cents/octave

Meantone (12f & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12471110]
0-1-4-10-18-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8361, 503.7083]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.23020, 40.31967]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.836, 1897.964, 2788.511, 3368.769, 4142.447, 4452.736]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.836, -3.991, 2.197, -0.057, -8.871, 12.208]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.878016
Adjusted Error 7.613052 cents
TE Error 2.057337 cents/octave

Meantone & Lozogugu (7d & 19e & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711161924]
58121418] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-40-8]
0001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3477, 1901.1610, 3360.6957]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-14.83977, 59.90796, 33.39497]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.348, 1901.161, 2799.253, 3360.696, 4138.972]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.348, -0.794, 12.940, -8.130, -12.346]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.130146
Adjusted Error 11.394765 cents
TE Error 3.293826 cents/octave

Meantone + La (7 & 31 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
19304466] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-40]
0001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3969, 1898.4460, 4151.3179]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.40898, 30.97672, 11.80293]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.397, 1898.446, 2788.196, 4151.318]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.397, -3.509, 1.883, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.077050
Adjusted Error 4.740265 cents
TE Error 1.370244 cents/octave

Meantone + Tha (19 & 7 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304470]
24385689] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-40]
0001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3969, 1898.4460, 4440.5277]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.07038, 12.11826, 20.34300]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.397, 1898.446, 2788.196, 4440.528]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.397, -3.509, 1.883, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.072032
Adjusted Error 5.070505 cents
TE Error 1.370244 cents/octave

Meantone + Za (12 & 19 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
581214] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-40]
0001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3969, 1898.4460, 3368.8259]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.61845, 42.66328, -2.52535]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.397, 1898.446, 2788.196, 3368.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.397, -3.509, 1.883, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.094947
Adjusted Error 3.846761 cents
TE Error 1.370244 cents/octave

Mercury (9 & 10p & 12e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
121928344144] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5126]
0012-3-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.7129, 1902.5532, 2786.7379]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.15300, 51.77643, 30.63096]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.713, 1902.553, 2786.738, 3370.018, 4157.788, 4423.539]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.713, 0.598, 0.424, 1.192, 6.470, -16.988]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.133871
Adjusted Error 7.974391 cents
TE Error 2.154985 cents/octave

Meridetone (12f & 31f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
31497287107114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12471115]
0-1-4-10-18-27] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9297, 502.4416]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.39594, 29.65092]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.930, 1897.418, 2789.952, 3375.092, 4155.278, 4433.022]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.070, -4.537, 3.639, 6.266, 3.960, -7.506]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.577106
Adjusted Error 6.932995 cents
TE Error 1.873560 cents/octave

Merman (41 & 84)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
84133195236] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15-5-5]
0-71516] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3907, 585.7760]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.83759, 9.00059]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.391, 1901.522, 2784.686, 3370.462]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.391, -0.433, -1.628, 1.636]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.435134
Adjusted Error 1.444102 cents
TE Error 0.514400 cents/octave

Merman (41 & 43)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
4368100121149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15-5-52]
0-715163] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9612, 585.5875]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.92303, 9.86319]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.961, 1900.694, 2784.006, 3369.594, 4156.685]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.039, -1.261, -2.307, 0.768, 5.367]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.991277
Adjusted Error 3.134196 cents
TE Error 0.905986 cents/octave

Metakleismic (87 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-12-5]
0655632] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5434, 317.1903]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.41992, 6.05912]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.543, 1903.142, 2785.495, 3368.137, 4152.373]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.457, 1.187, -0.819, -0.689, 1.055]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.151450
Adjusted Error 1.582937 cents
TE Error 0.457571 cents/octave

Metakleismic (87 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-12-50]
065563214] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5348, 317.1884]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.40699, 6.09196]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.535, 1903.130, 2785.477, 3368.134, 4152.355, 4440.638]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.465, 1.175, -0.837, -0.692, 1.037, 0.110]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.639481
Adjusted Error 1.546499 cents
TE Error 0.417923 cents/octave

Migration (31 & 7d)

Contorted Meantone (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
7111619] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110-3]
02820] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2422, 348.6079]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.77119, 4.33360]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.242, 1898.458, 2788.863, 3368.432]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.242, -3.497, 2.550, -0.394]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.700023
Adjusted Error 3.878941 cents
TE Error 1.381707 cents/octave

Migration (31 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
711161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110-32]
028205] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.7504, 348.6903]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.33117, 6.35488]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.750, 1899.131, 2789.522, 3368.554, 4146.952]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.750, -2.824, 3.209, -0.271, -4.366]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.488401
Adjusted Error 4.830842 cents
TE Error 1.396427 cents/octave

Migration (31 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
71116192426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110-324]
028205-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2802, 348.5709]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.43598, -3.17645]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.280, 1897.422, 2788.567, 3370.577, 4143.415, 4452.550]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.280, -4.533, 2.253, 1.752, -7.903, 12.022]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.522093
Adjusted Error 7.608183 cents
TE Error 2.056021 cents/octave

Minerva (31 & 22 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1219283442] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-9]
00124] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1134, 1900.4389, 2786.8215]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.84909, 14.48034, 6.68533]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.113, 1900.439, 2786.821, 3373.954, 4147.143]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.113, -1.516, 0.508, 5.128, -4.175]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.126823
Adjusted Error 3.715763 cents
TE Error 1.074096 cents/octave

Minerva (12f & 9 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-9-8]
001243] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6523, 1898.5910, 2787.6324]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.17088, -4.12248, 41.66863]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.652, 1898.591, 2787.632, 3369.186, 4141.841, 4453.452]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.652, -3.364, 1.319, 0.360, -9.477, 12.924]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.121049
Adjusted Error 7.549287 cents
TE Error 2.040105 cents/octave

Minortone (730 & 559)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨73011571695]
5598861298] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-3]
01735] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0036, 182.4670]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.25237, 0.51122]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.004, 1901.935, 2786.334]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.004, -0.020, 0.020]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.334748
Adjusted Error 0.020929 cents
TE Error 0.009014 cents/octave

Minos (72 & 58 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
91421253133] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102121]
005135] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7673, 950.9363, -683.4019]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.42864, 8.27473, -3.44764]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.767, 1901.873, 2786.270, 3369.174, 4153.074, 4439.312]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.233, -0.082, -0.044, 0.348, 1.756, -1.216]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.324360
Adjusted Error 1.000085 cents
TE Error 0.270261 cents/octave

Mintone (58 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
103163239289356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨159712]
0-22-43-27-55] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1500, 186.3684]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.45244, 8.01853]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.150, 1900.645, 2787.508, 3369.102, 4151.537]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.150, -1.310, 1.194, 0.277, 0.219]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.480554
Adjusted Error 1.534786 cents
TE Error 0.443653 cents/octave

Mintone (58 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
103163239289356381] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15971211]
0-22-43-27-55-47] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0938, 186.3618]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.23117, 8.14258]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.094, 1900.509, 2787.285, 3368.887, 4151.224, 4442.025]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.094, -1.446, 0.971, 0.061, -0.094, 1.498]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.930838
Adjusted Error 1.642224 cents
TE Error 0.443792 cents/octave

Miracle (31 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
416595115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1133]
06-7-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8218, 116.7551]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.32860, 16.94232]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.822, 1901.352, 2785.180, 3368.955]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.822, -0.603, -1.134, 0.129]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.444032
Adjusted Error 1.445553 cents
TE Error 0.514916 cents/octave

Miracle (31 & 72)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
72114167202249] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11332]
06-7-215] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7635, 116.7070]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.44407, 15.62496]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.764, 1901.005, 2785.342, 3368.877, 4152.131]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.764, -0.950, -0.972, 0.051, 0.813]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.786247
Adjusted Error 1.675473 cents
TE Error 0.484320 cents/octave

Miracle (41 & 72)

Contorted Slendric (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4165115]
72114202] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
06-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4862, 116.8911]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.75666, 9.40921]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.486, 1901.833, 3367.676]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.486, -0.122, -1.150]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.973200
Adjusted Error 1.037829 cents
TE Error 0.369682 cents/octave

Miracle (41 & 72)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4165115142]
72114202249] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1132]
06-215] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4695, 116.7806]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.91672, 13.87339]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.469, 1901.153, 3367.847, 4152.648]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.469, -0.802, -0.979, 1.330]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.230437
Adjusted Error 1.493718 cents
TE Error 0.431781 cents/octave

Miraculous (31 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113324]
06-7-215-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1351, 116.7604]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.36536, 19.16607]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.135, 1900.697, 2783.083, 3366.884, 4151.676, 4450.259]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.135, -1.258, -3.231, -1.941, 0.358, 9.732]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.621542
Adjusted Error 4.774685 cents
TE Error 1.290302 cents/octave

Mirage (72 & 31 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113320]
000001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7635, 116.7070, 4440.5277]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.40562, 5.66341, 3.21934]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.764, 1901.005, 2785.342, 3368.877, 4152.131, 4440.528]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.764, -0.950, -0.972, 0.051, 0.813, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.256159
Adjusted Error 1.636046 cents
TE Error 0.442122 cents/octave

Mirkat (72 & 111)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
111176258312] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3212]
061314] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0278, 183.5515]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.06572, 4.93110]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.083, 1901.365, 2786.198, 3369.777]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.083, -0.590, -0.116, 0.951]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.522892
Adjusted Error 0.719727 cents
TE Error 0.256372 cents/octave

Mirkat (72 & 183)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
183290425514633] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨32129]
0613143] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0464, 183.5496]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.77405, 4.67982]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.139, 1901.390, 2786.191, 3369.787, 4151.066]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.139, -0.565, -0.123, 0.961, -0.252]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.688098
Adjusted Error 0.806269 cents
TE Error 0.233064 cents/octave

Mirkat (72 & 111)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
111176258312384411] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨321291]
061314322] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0246, 183.5886]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.64079, 5.85529]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.074, 1901.581, 2786.676, 3370.289, 4150.987, 4438.973]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.074, -0.374, 0.362, 1.464, -0.331, -1.554]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.911803
Adjusted Error 1.113097 cents
TE Error 0.300801 cents/octave

Mirkwai (31 & 72 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
152241353427] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1000]
0054] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0000, 1901.7828, -583.9055]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.53055, 4.86725, 5.48099]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1901.783, 2785.821, 3369.726]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.000, -0.172, -0.493, 0.900]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.211610
Adjusted Error 0.561014 cents
TE Error 0.199837 cents/octave

Mirwomo (31 & 41 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11062]
001-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7368, 350.1703, 2785.8143]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.62232, 15.54802, -2.00341]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.737, 1901.077, 2785.814, 3368.096, 4152.325]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.737, -0.878, -0.499, -0.730, 1.007]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.219611
Adjusted Error 1.583919 cents
TE Error 0.457855 cents/octave

Misneb (53 & 74)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123]
74117172] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨131]
0-1514] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2540, 113.2642]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.22389, 1.73497]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.254, 1901.798, 2785.953]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.254, -0.157, -0.360]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.375404
Adjusted Error 0.420442 cents
TE Error 0.181075 cents/octave

Misneb (53 & 21)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
21334959] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1313]
0-1514-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7666, 113.2131]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.05773, 1.46224]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.767, 1901.103, 2784.750, 3372.874]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.233, -0.852, -1.563, 4.048]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.526677
Adjusted Error 2.380305 cents
TE Error 0.847882 cents/octave

Misneb (53 & 21p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
213349597378] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨131312]
0-1514-22618] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1735, 113.3397]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.21395, 6.13495]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.174, 1900.425, 2786.929, 3373.841, 4147.005, 4440.461]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.174, -1.530, 0.615, 5.015, -4.313, -0.067]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.704111
Adjusted Error 3.631261 cents
TE Error 0.981305 cents/octave

Misneb (53 & 74)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123196]
74117172274] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1312]
0-151418] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3356, 113.2823]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.46141, 2.28218]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.336, 1901.773, 2786.287, 4439.752]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.336, -0.182, -0.026, -0.775]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.103025
Adjusted Error 0.762661 cents
TE Error 0.206100 cents/octave

Misty (12 & 99)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
99157230] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨356]
0-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.8596, 96.8546]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-2.67641, 12.44137]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.579, 1902.443, 2786.576]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.421, 0.488, 0.262]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.985238
Adjusted Error 0.715821 cents
TE Error 0.308287 cents/octave

Misty (99 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
12192834] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3566]
0-1410] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.8579, 96.9443]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.08064, 0.29922]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.574, 1902.345, 2786.925, 3368.591]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.426, 0.390, 0.611, -0.235]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.894491
Adjusted Error 0.792296 cents
TE Error 0.282222 cents/octave

Misty (12 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
87138202244301] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨35667]
0-141014] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.8730, 96.7588]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.89339, 12.83791]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.619, 1902.606, 2786.273, 3366.826, 4153.734]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.381, 0.651, -0.040, -2.000, 2.416]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.580637
Adjusted Error 1.770471 cents
TE Error 0.511781 cents/octave

Misty (87 & 12f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
121928344245] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨356677]
0-14101417] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.8894, 96.6698]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.21016, 4.19871]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.668, 1902.777, 2786.015, 3366.034, 4152.603, 4442.612]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.332, 0.822, -0.298, -2.792, 1.285, 2.084]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.011435
Adjusted Error 2.049097 cents
TE Error 0.553744 cents/octave

Mite (5 & 1cdd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
1234] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1234]
0-2-3-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1188.5549, 238.4157]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨238.41575, -3.52386]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1188.555, 1900.278, 2850.417, 3323.725]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-11.445, -1.677, 64.104, -45.101]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.769936
Adjusted Error 47.650693 cents
TE Error 16.973519 cents/octave

Mitonic (171 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
4673107129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-36]
01735-21] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0963, 182.4727]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.92807, 0.33470]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.096, 1901.940, 2786.257, 3368.650]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.096, -0.015, -0.057, -0.176]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.863778
Adjusted Error 0.165319 cents
TE Error 0.058888 cents/octave

Mockingbird (8d & 12f & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319232830]
152435425256] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-123]
001321] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1193.3894, 1903.5129, 2787.5268]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.85413, 38.40520, 44.11294]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1193.389, 1903.513, 2787.527, 3362.165, 4154.807, 4464.182]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-6.611, 1.558, 1.213, -6.661, 3.489, 23.655]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.092741
Adjusted Error 14.525282 cents
TE Error 3.925285 cents/octave

Modus (27e & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11142]
049-810] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.4392, 176.5276]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.25434, 19.51028]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.439, 1902.550, 2785.188, 3373.536, 4158.155]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.561, 0.595, -1.126, 4.710, 6.837]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.439222
Adjusted Error 6.879912 cents
TE Error 1.988741 cents/octave

Modus (27e & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100]
71116202426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111424]
049-810-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.8879, 176.4943]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.57223, 22.20539]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.888, 1902.865, 2785.337, 3375.597, 4158.719, 4434.563]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.112, 0.910, -0.977, 6.771, 7.401, -5.965]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.328370
Adjusted Error 7.274057 cents
TE Error 1.965728 cents/octave

Mohaha (7 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
314972107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1102]
0285] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.8629, 348.6342]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.10603, 36.71357]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.863, 1899.131, 2789.074, 4146.897]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.863, -2.824, 2.760, -4.421]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.231830
Adjusted Error 5.384511 cents
TE Error 1.556473 cents/octave

Mohajira (31 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
7111620] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1106]
028-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8228, 348.6538]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.93095, -0.86239]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.823, 1898.130, 2789.230, 3369.745]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.823, -3.825, 2.917, 0.919]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.674936
Adjusted Error 4.015824 cents
TE Error 1.430465 cents/octave

Mohajira (31 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11062]
028-115] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.1652, 348.8151]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.37499, -2.77993]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.165, 1898.795, 2790.521, 3370.026, 4146.406]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.165, -3.160, 4.207, 1.200, -4.912]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.443299
Adjusted Error 5.087415 cents
TE Error 1.470593 cents/octave

Mohajira (31 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
71116202426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110624]
028-115-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4464, 348.6879]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.92280, -5.30864]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.446, 1897.822, 2789.503, 3367.111, 4144.332, 4453.097]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.446, -4.133, 3.190, -1.715, -6.986, 12.570]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.247683
Adjusted Error 7.534541 cents
TE Error 2.036121 cents/octave

Mohajira (31 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115127]
7111620242629] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1106247]
028-115-1-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0634, 348.7544]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨41.15437, -10.81742]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.063, 1897.572, 2790.036, 3364.081, 4143.899, 4451.499, 4912.899]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.063, -4.383, 3.722, -4.745, -7.419, 10.971, 7.944]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.296774
Adjusted Error 8.495999 cents
TE Error 2.078551 cents/octave

Mohajira (7p & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711162024262930]
24385667838998102] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11062476]
028-115-1-10-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7762, 348.7453]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.54725, 41.66439]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.776, 1897.267, 2789.962, 3362.459, 4143.279, 4450.360, 4910.981, 5106.186]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.224, -4.688, 3.648, -6.366, -8.039, 9.832, 6.026, 8.673]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.194422
Adjusted Error 8.912108 cents
TE Error 2.097990 cents/octave

Mohamaq (7d & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711161924]
1727404859] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110-12]
028135] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2556, 350.3470]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨40.37834, 53.91807]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.256, 1899.950, 2802.776, 3355.256, 4150.246]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.744, -2.005, 16.463, -13.570, -1.072]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.658689
Adjusted Error 13.477112 cents
TE Error 3.895759 cents/octave

Mohamaq (7d & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116192426]
172740485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110-124]
028135-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.6632, 350.3542]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.29464, 55.15298]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.663, 1899.372, 2802.833, 3355.941, 4149.097, 4444.298]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.337, -2.583, 16.520, -12.885, -2.221, 3.771]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.764891
Adjusted Error 13.305948 cents
TE Error 3.595775 cents/octave

Mohoho (7 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711162426]
2438568389] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11024]
0285-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9040, 348.8876]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.02541, 42.40526]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.904, 1897.679, 2791.101, 4144.246, 4450.729]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.096, -4.276, 4.787, -7.072, 10.201]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.319550
Adjusted Error 7.990803 cents
TE Error 2.159420 cents/octave

Momentous (31 & 41 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110357]
0010-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0666, 234.1859, 2786.7536]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.65982, 11.06844, 12.40883]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.067, 1902.624, 2786.754, 3366.014, 4150.323, 4442.783]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.067, 0.669, 0.440, -2.812, -0.995, 2.255]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.248675
Adjusted Error 1.955859 cents
TE Error 0.528548 cents/octave

Monkey (41 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
7111620] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1115]
049-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8022, 175.7763]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.63158, -2.01322]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.802, 1903.907, 2782.788, 3367.367]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.802, 1.952, -3.525, -1.459]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.521239
Adjusted Error 3.054622 cents
TE Error 1.088078 cents/octave

Monkey (41 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11152]
049-1510] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4060, 175.6297]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.00217, 1.61670]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.406, 1902.925, 2781.074, 3367.584, 4157.109]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.406, 0.970, -5.240, -1.242, 5.791]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.320969
Adjusted Error 4.545097 cents
TE Error 1.313828 cents/octave

Monkey (41 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
71116202426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111524]
049-1510-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9326, 175.6125]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.35493, -0.51710]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.933, 1902.383, 2780.445, 3365.475, 4155.990, 4448.505]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.067, 0.428, -5.869, -3.350, 4.672, 7.978]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.073049
Adjusted Error 5.725066 cents
TE Error 1.547131 cents/octave

Monocerus (58 & 38d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
386088106131] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24689]
0-8-13-23-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8236, 62.2738]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.44523, 6.46906]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.647, 1901.104, 2789.382, 3366.292, 4152.937]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.353, -0.851, 3.069, -2.534, 1.619]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.378277
Adjusted Error 2.764568 cents
TE Error 0.799139 cents/octave

Monocerus (58 & 38df)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
386088106131140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2468910]
0-8-13-23-20-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8281, 62.2834]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.27153, 6.73441]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.656, 1901.045, 2789.284, 3366.106, 4152.785, 4441.196]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.344, -0.910, 2.971, -2.719, 1.467, 0.668]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.096072
Adjusted Error 2.717270 cents
TE Error 0.734310 cents/octave

Monzismic (1171 & 1783)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨117118562719]
178328264140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1210]
0-2-37] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9975, 249.0179]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.18166, 0.55371]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.998, 1901.959, 2786.313]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.002, 0.004, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.232806
Adjusted Error 0.004909 cents
TE Error 0.002114 cents/octave

Morfil (31 & 60e & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
94149218264325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101-3-2]
00364] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5944, 1901.8399, -739.7475]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.98846, 1.17681, 9.38663]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.594, 1901.840, 2785.032, 3370.771, 4149.021]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.594, -0.115, -1.282, 1.945, -2.297]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.255667
Adjusted Error 1.947479 cents
TE Error 0.562948 cents/octave

Mosura (31 & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
58121418] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1103-1]
0312-123] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7758, 232.5689]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.93114, 4.98207]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.776, 1898.483, 2790.827, 3369.759, 4148.310]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.776, -3.472, 4.514, 0.933, -3.008]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.789604
Adjusted Error 4.903795 cents
TE Error 1.417515 cents/octave

Mosura (31 & 36p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
365784101125133] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1103-17]
0312-123-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9460, 232.6297]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.95451, 11.84323]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.946, 1897.835, 2791.556, 3367.208, 4150.536, 4444.918]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.054, -4.120, 5.242, -1.617, -0.782, 4.390]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.718129
Adjusted Error 5.580954 cents
TE Error 1.508187 cents/octave

Mother (5 & 2p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
2356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1222]
0-112] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1187.9337, 473.6206]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨240.69254, -7.76449]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1187.934, 1902.247, 2849.488, 3323.109]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-12.066, 0.292, 63.174, -45.717]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.511426
Adjusted Error 47.623435 cents
TE Error 16.963810 cents/octave

Mothra (31 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11035]
0312-1-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.4058, 232.3025]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.83635, 7.05689]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.406, 1898.313, 2787.630, 3371.915, 4148.609]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.406, -3.642, 1.316, 3.089, -2.709]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.523244
Adjusted Error 4.743526 cents
TE Error 1.371187 cents/octave

Mothra (31 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110351]
0312-1-814] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.1135, 232.0260]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.10860, 13.87488]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.114, 1897.192, 2784.312, 3371.315, 4149.360, 4449.478]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.114, -4.763, -2.002, 2.489, -1.958, 8.950]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.545199
Adjusted Error 6.404287 cents
TE Error 1.730683 cents/octave

Mothwelltri (9 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91131]
4514] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.9278, 268.7157]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨126.06477, 16.58622]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.928, 1469.644, 4140.215]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.928, 2.773, -11.103]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 0.343089
Adjusted Error 8.065369 cents
TE Error 2.331414 cents/octave

Mowgli (19 & 66c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
66105154] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100]
01522] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0000, 126.7237]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.23401, 7.75082]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1900.856, 2787.922]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.000, -1.099, 1.608]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.463926
Adjusted Error 1.313917 cents
TE Error 0.565873 cents/octave

Muggles (19 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
16253745] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1025]
051-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.9778, 379.7340]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨55.85431, 8.92162]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.978, 1898.670, 2787.690, 3361.751]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.978, -3.285, 1.376, -7.075]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.996906
Adjusted Error 7.269475 cents
TE Error 2.589439 cents/octave

Muggles (19p & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
1625374555] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10250]
051-711] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.1288, 378.7089]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.69825, 23.30388]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.129, 1893.544, 2784.967, 3364.682, 4165.798]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.129, -8.411, -1.347, -4.144, 14.480]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.130593
Adjusted Error 11.780681 cents
TE Error 3.405381 cents/octave

Muggles (19p & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
162537455559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102504]
051-711-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.4797, 378.7481]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨42.57067, 24.66481]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.480, 1893.740, 2785.708, 3366.162, 4166.229, 4435.171]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.480, -8.215, -0.606, -2.664, 14.911, -5.357]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.988790
Adjusted Error 11.761392 cents
TE Error 3.178377 cents/octave

Murakuc (31 & 42ef)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
426798118146156] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-7-41-111]
019144326] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.6663, 541.6968]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.39207, 11.27410]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.666, 1901.576, 2789.091, 3365.454, 4148.970, 4448.847]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.334, -0.379, 2.777, -3.372, -2.348, 8.320]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.423255
Adjusted Error 4.830638 cents
TE Error 1.305423 cents/octave

Mutt (171 & 84)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
84133195236] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3578]
0-7-112] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0352, 14.0377]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.97898, 0.07975]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.105, 1901.912, 2786.208, 3368.734]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.105, -0.043, -0.105, -0.092]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.231230
Adjusted Error 0.171921 cents
TE Error 0.061240 cents/octave

Mutt (87 & 84p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301]
84133195236291] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨357810]
0-7-11211] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.9785, 13.9790]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.56596, 5.41306]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.936, 1902.039, 2785.871, 3367.576, 4153.554]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.064, 0.084, -0.443, -1.249, 2.236]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.170244
Adjusted Error 1.256353 cents
TE Error 0.363167 cents/octave

Mutt (87 & 84)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
84133195236291311] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨35781011]
0-7-112113] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.9612, 13.9768]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.61131, 5.36548]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.884, 1901.969, 2785.752, 3367.411, 4153.357, 4441.504]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.116, 0.014, -0.562, -1.415, 2.039, 0.976]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.377859
Adjusted Error 1.302250 cents
TE Error 0.351918 cents/octave

Myna (31 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-101]
01097] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3441, 309.9764]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.04645, 14.51497]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.344, 1900.420, 2789.787, 3369.179]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.656, -1.535, 3.474, 0.353]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.284905
Adjusted Error 2.671588 cents
TE Error 0.951639 cents/octave

Myna (31 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
2743637694] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-101-3]
0109725] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3471, 309.9755]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.09050, 14.46450]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.347, 1900.408, 2789.780, 3369.176, 4151.347]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.653, -1.547, 3.466, 0.350, 0.029]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.610142
Adjusted Error 2.944628 cents
TE Error 0.851188 cents/octave

Myna (31 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
5892135163201215] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-101-35]
0109725-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.6551, 309.9284]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.98175, 18.53829]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.655, 1900.629, 2789.355, 3368.154, 4152.244, 4443.634]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.345, -1.326, 3.042, -0.672, 0.926, 3.106]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.105132
Adjusted Error 3.397755 cents
TE Error 0.918203 cents/octave

Myno (31 & 4p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
4691114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1015]
01097-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0743, 310.0145]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.98359, -1.85428]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.074, 1899.070, 2790.130, 3371.176, 4145.285]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.074, -2.885, 3.816, 2.350, -6.033]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.829442
Adjusted Error 5.110184 cents
TE Error 1.477174 cents/octave

Mystery (58 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
87138202244301] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨29466882101]
00-1-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨41.3637, 25.3233]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.75767, 9.28280]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.548, 1902.731, 2787.410, 3366.502, 4152.413]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.452, 0.776, 1.096, -2.324, 1.095]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.260365
Adjusted Error 1.864543 cents
TE Error 0.538974 cents/octave

Mystery (58 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
87138202244301322] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨29466882101108]
00-1-1-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨41.3623, 25.4286]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.43894, 9.49481]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.507, 1902.667, 2787.209, 3366.282, 4152.166, 4441.702]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.493, 0.712, 0.896, -2.544, 0.848, 1.175]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.838940
Adjusted Error 1.896064 cents
TE Error 0.512389 cents/octave

Na"Naa' (46 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170188]
5892135163201215237] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23579108]
01-2-8-12-151] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6276, 103.7477]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.54526, 12.31333]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.255, 1902.631, 2790.643, 3367.412, 4151.676, 4440.061, 4900.769]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.745, 0.676, 4.329, -1.414, 0.358, -0.467, -4.187]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.584564
Adjusted Error 3.636913 cents
TE Error 0.889773 cents/octave

Na"Naa' (46 & 58i)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170188208]
5892135163201215237263] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2357910812]
01-2-8-12-151-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6297, 103.8059]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.22326, 10.98257]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.259, 1902.695, 2790.536, 3366.960, 4150.996, 4439.208, 4900.843, 5430.855]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.741, 0.740, 4.223, -1.866, -0.322, -1.320, -4.112, 2.581]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.676524
Adjusted Error 3.913983 cents
TE Error 0.865244 cents/octave

Namaka (58 & 87 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10010-6-1]
001111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7076, 951.2770, 2786.8466]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.03219, 6.63287, 6.24115]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.708, 1902.554, 2786.847, 3368.598, 4150.094, 4440.970]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.292, 0.599, 0.533, -0.228, -1.224, 0.442]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.339177
Adjusted Error 0.987187 cents
TE Error 0.266776 cents/octave

Namo (17 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17275963]
24388389] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1124]
025-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8578, 351.1531]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.66873, 24.68706]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.858, 1901.164, 4153.481, 4444.278]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.142, -0.791, 2.163, 3.751]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.753978
Adjusted Error 3.189623 cents
TE Error 0.861958 cents/octave

Nautilus (15 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15243542]
14223239] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1233]
0-6-10-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.1994, 82.6567]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.00607, 37.65059]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.199, 1908.459, 2780.032, 3358.628]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.199, 6.504, -6.282, -10.198]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.802224
Adjusted Error 9.117511 cents
TE Error 3.247723 cents/octave

Nautilus (15 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12334]
0-6-10-3-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.4141, 82.6698]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.03693, 37.63287]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.414, 1908.809, 2780.544, 3359.233, 4148.298]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.414, 6.854, -5.769, -9.593, -3.020]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.611696
Adjusted Error 10.161904 cents
TE Error 2.937449 cents/octave

Nautilus (15 & 14cf)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
142232394851] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123345]
0-6-10-3-8-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.4506, 82.6987]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.66827, 38.03047]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.451, 1908.709, 2780.364, 3359.255, 4148.212, 4440.977]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.451, 6.754, -5.949, -9.570, -3.106, 0.449]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.811081
Adjusted Error 9.925853 cents
TE Error 2.682344 cents/octave

Necromancy (41 & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-1611]
05112-8-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9740, 380.7791]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.67818, 12.28039]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.974, 1903.895, 2780.727, 3369.375, 4153.611, 4441.795]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.026, 1.940, -5.587, 0.549, 2.293, 1.268]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.471721
Adjusted Error 4.241685 cents
TE Error 1.146265 cents/octave

Negra (19 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445370]
1016232837] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12234]
0-43-2-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.7212, 125.9569]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨55.84757, 14.26174]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.721, 1903.615, 2785.313, 3359.250, 4437.014]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.721, 1.660, -1.001, -9.576, -3.514]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.235962
Adjusted Error 8.704564 cents
TE Error 2.352305 cents/octave

Negri (19 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
101623] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
0-43] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.3475, 126.0009]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨57.66160, 10.67771]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.347, 1900.691, 2782.698]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.347, -1.264, -3.616]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.581498
Adjusted Error 3.924823 cents
TE Error 1.690329 cents/octave

Negri (19 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
10162328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1223]
0-43-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.5032, 125.9747]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨56.24356, 13.48755]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.503, 1903.108, 2784.930, 3358.560]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.503, 1.153, -1.383, -10.266]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.374493
Adjusted Error 7.229649 cents
TE Error 2.575253 cents/octave

Negri (9 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914212531]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12234]
0-43-2-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.1813, 126.7042]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨64.86087, 61.84335]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.181, 1897.546, 2784.475, 3353.136, 4175.204]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.181, -4.409, -1.838, -15.690, 23.886]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.288952
Adjusted Error 14.842200 cents
TE Error 4.290358 cents/octave

Negri (9 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
101623283537] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122344]
0-43-2-5-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.6876, 126.7143]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨64.45527, 62.25902]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.688, 1898.518, 2785.518, 3354.634, 4177.179, 4430.608]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.688, -3.437, -0.796, -14.192, 25.861, -9.920]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.177188
Adjusted Error 15.157330 cents
TE Error 4.096089 cents/octave

Negric (9 & 10e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914212531]
1016232834] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12233]
0-43-24] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1205.8628, 127.6599]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨70.73648, 56.92345]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1205.863, 1901.086, 2794.705, 3362.269, 4128.228]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨5.863, -0.869, 8.392, -6.557, -23.090]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.390254
Adjusted Error 15.295152 cents
TE Error 4.421291 cents/octave

Negric (9 & 19p & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122304]
000010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.7212, -125.9569, 4151.3179]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-14.26174, 36.32685, 33.78246]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.721, 1903.615, 2785.313, 3359.250, 4151.318, 4437.014]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.721, 1.660, -1.001, -9.576, 0.000, -3.514]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.121547
Adjusted Error 7.946144 cents
TE Error 2.147351 cents/octave

Negric (9 & 10e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
101623283437] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122334]
0-43-24-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1205.8652, 127.6594]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨70.72847, 56.93090]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1205.865, 1901.093, 2794.708, 3362.277, 4128.233, 4440.483]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨5.865, -0.862, 8.395, -6.549, -23.085, -0.045]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.292031
Adjusted Error 14.935239 cents
TE Error 4.036071 cents/octave

Negril (19p & 10e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
1016232834] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12232]
0-43-214] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.7369, 125.0520]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨47.78358, 29.48489]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.737, 1905.266, 2780.630, 3358.107, 4156.202]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.737, 3.311, -5.684, -10.719, 4.884]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.187681
Adjusted Error 9.076449 cents
TE Error 2.623682 cents/octave

Negril (19p & 10e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
101623283437] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122324]
0-43-214-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.9617, 125.0235]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨47.27347, 30.47658]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.962, 1905.829, 2780.994, 3358.838, 4156.253, 4436.776]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.962, 3.874, -5.320, -9.988, 4.935, -3.751]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.048494
Adjusted Error 9.028371 cents
TE Error 2.439810 cents/octave

Negroni (10p & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1016232835]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12235]
0-43-2-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.5079, 124.9028]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.86359, 45.51958]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.508, 1907.405, 2781.724, 3360.718, 4143.998]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.508, 5.450, -4.590, -8.108, -7.320]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.966997
Adjusted Error 9.888528 cents
TE Error 2.858426 cents/octave

Negroni (10p & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623283537]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122354]
0-43-2-15-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.5696, 124.9153]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.74848, 45.58341]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.570, 1907.478, 2781.885, 3360.878, 4144.119, 4439.533]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.570, 5.523, -4.429, -7.948, -7.199, -0.995]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.803131
Adjusted Error 9.666167 cents
TE Error 2.612167 cents/octave

Neominor (72 & 89)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
89141207250308] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨131287]
0-6-41-22-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3471, 283.3578]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.55588, 4.13847]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.347, 1900.894, 2786.495, 3368.905, 4152.063]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.347, -1.061, 0.181, 0.079, 0.745]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.003820
Adjusted Error 1.219608 cents
TE Error 0.352546 cents/octave

Neominor (72 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
172740485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1312877]
0-6-41-22-15-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6892, 283.4566]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.00470, 2.84417]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.689, 1901.328, 2786.552, 3369.469, 4152.976, 4436.433]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.689, -0.627, 0.238, 0.644, 1.658, -4.095]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.587493
Adjusted Error 2.214485 cents
TE Error 0.598438 cents/octave

Neptune (171 & 68)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
68108158191] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1211313]
0-40-22-21] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0660, 582.4845]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.76498, 0.63609]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.066, 1902.008, 2786.200, 3368.684]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.066, 0.053, -0.114, -0.141]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.186369
Adjusted Error 0.143173 cents
TE Error 0.050999 cents/octave

Nessafof (99 & 183)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
183290425514] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨32510]
075-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.9024, 157.4419]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.29629, 3.14959]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.707, 1901.898, 2786.721, 3369.256]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.293, -0.057, 0.407, 0.430]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.634744
Adjusted Error 0.527788 cents
TE Error 0.188002 cents/octave

Nestoria (53 & 65)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123225]
65103151276] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-13]
0-183] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2252, 498.3475]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.49588, 7.46067]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.225, 1902.103, 2786.555, 5095.718]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.225, 0.148, 0.241, -1.795]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.554447
Adjusted Error 1.059308 cents
TE Error 0.249371 cents/octave

Neusec (190 & 198)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨190301441533657]
198314460556685] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨211151915]
0-31-41-53-32] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0382, 151.5570]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.18409, 3.00555]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.076, 1902.154, 2786.737, 3368.207, 4150.750]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.076, 0.199, 0.424, -0.619, -0.568]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 15.027367
Adjusted Error 0.558984 cents
TE Error 0.161583 cents/octave

Neusec (198 & 190)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨198314460556685733]
190301441533657703] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21115191517]
0-31-41-53-32-38] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0034, 151.5461]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.20403, 2.97689]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.007, 1902.109, 2786.662, 3368.123, 4150.577, 4441.307]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.007, 0.154, 0.348, -0.703, -0.741, 0.779]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.876683
Adjusted Error 0.649803 cents
TE Error 0.175602 cents/octave

Neutral (24 & 17)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243883]
172759] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
025] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0639, 350.5440]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨41.07083, 12.60964]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.064, 1901.152, 4152.848]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.064, -0.803, 1.530]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.642436
Adjusted Error 1.349317 cents
TE Error 0.390040 cents/octave

Newspeak (31 & 53e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
5384123149184] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1031-4]
07-3833] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2102, 271.3360]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.71355, 9.94510]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.210, 1899.352, 2786.623, 3370.898, 4153.248]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.210, -2.603, 0.309, 2.072, 1.930]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.798235
Adjusted Error 2.941519 cents
TE Error 0.850290 cents/octave

Newt (270 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758]
416595115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111911]
02-57-28] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9316, 351.0932]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.35876, 0.56257]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.932, 1902.118, 2786.389, 3368.638]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.068, 0.163, 0.075, -0.187]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.334220
Adjusted Error 0.202238 cents
TE Error 0.072039 cents/octave

Newt (270 & 311)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
3114937228731076] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111911-10]
02-57-2846] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9603, 351.1038]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.12136, 1.14853]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.960, 1902.168, 2786.332, 3368.658, 4151.170]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.040, 0.213, 0.018, -0.167, -0.148]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.655870
Adjusted Error 0.244958 cents
TE Error 0.070809 cents/octave

Newt (270 & 311)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
31149372287310761151] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111911-10-20]
02-57-284681] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9747, 351.1094]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.68140, 1.53053]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.975, 1902.194, 2786.285, 3368.659, 4151.284, 4440.366]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.025, 0.239, -0.029, -0.167, -0.033, -0.162]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 15.050420
Adjusted Error 0.257138 cents
TE Error 0.069488 cents/octave

Nickel (12 & 9 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
711162024] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002-2]
001-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8916, 1887.0925, 2789.3015]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨58.33734, 36.49818, 24.33714]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.892, 1887.092, 2789.301, 3382.667, 4165.703]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.108, -14.863, 2.988, 13.841, 14.385]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.073288
Adjusted Error 17.802756 cents
TE Error 5.146151 cents/octave

Nickel (9 & 7p & 12f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
121928344245] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002-2-1]
001-110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7458, 1884.6054, 2789.6651]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨50.22650, 29.22497, 45.26104]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.746, 1884.605, 2789.665, 3379.037, 4159.384, 4454.070]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.254, -17.350, 3.351, 10.211, 8.066, 13.543]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.070829
Adjusted Error 18.749238 cents
TE Error 5.066760 cents/octave

Nightingale (12f & 15 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-1-5-4]
001354] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1670, 1899.4669, 2788.5457]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.93772, 8.65395, 35.53184]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.167, 1899.467, 2788.546, 3366.536, 4142.960, 4454.048]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.167, -2.488, 2.232, -2.290, -8.358, 13.520]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.129227
Adjusted Error 7.287177 cents
TE Error 1.969273 cents/octave

Niner (27 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨27436376]
9142125] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨9142125]
0101] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.0290, 40.4081]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨40.40807, 11.80477]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.261, 1902.814, 2793.608, 3366.132]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.739, 0.859, 7.295, -2.694]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.392347
Adjusted Error 6.051717 cents
TE Error 2.155665 cents/octave

Niner (9 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914212531]
2743637694] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨914212531]
01011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨132.9580, 39.9461]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.11970, 39.94611]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.622, 1901.358, 2792.119, 3363.897, 4161.645]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.378, -0.597, 5.805, -4.929, 10.327]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.146353
Adjusted Error 8.444842 cents
TE Error 2.441107 cents/octave

Niner (9 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨91421253133]
010111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.0180, 40.1267]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.63781, 40.12672]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.162, 1902.378, 2793.377, 3365.576, 4163.684, 4429.719]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.838, 0.423, 7.063, -3.250, 12.366, -10.808]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.959107
Adjusted Error 9.558052 cents
TE Error 2.582950 cents/octave

Novemkleismic (72 & 117bd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
117186272329405] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨912192330]
06563] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3465, 50.3486]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.20113, 2.74904]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.119, 1902.250, 2785.327, 3369.062, 4151.442]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.119, 0.295, -0.987, 0.236, 0.124]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 11.587987
Adjusted Error 0.754187 cents
TE Error 0.218009 cents/octave

Novemkleismic (72 & 189f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
189300439531654700] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨91219233028]
0656314] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3385, 50.4208]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.87064, 3.35111]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.047, 1902.587, 2785.536, 3369.311, 4151.418, 4439.370]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.047, 0.632, -0.778, 0.485, 0.100, -1.157]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.516825
Adjusted Error 0.957831 cents
TE Error 0.258843 cents/octave

Nusecond (31 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
8131923] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1345]
0-11-13-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6189, 154.5295]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.61694, 8.06171]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.619, 1899.032, 2789.592, 3371.093]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.381, -2.923, 3.279, 2.268]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.727733
Adjusted Error 3.492746 cents
TE Error 1.244141 cents/octave

Nusecond (31 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
813192328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13455]
0-11-13-17-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3503, 154.6903]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.17205, 6.00209]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.350, 1899.458, 2790.427, 3372.016, 4145.468]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.350, -2.497, 4.114, 3.191, -5.850]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.483498
Adjusted Error 4.866708 cents
TE Error 1.406794 cents/octave

Nusecond (31 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
81319232830] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨134555]
0-11-13-17-12-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0160, 154.3517]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.79734, 11.16230]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.016, 1899.180, 2789.492, 3371.102, 4142.860, 4451.563]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.984, -2.775, 3.179, 2.276, -8.458, 11.036]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.357572
Adjusted Error 6.994543 cents
TE Error 1.890192 cents/octave

Nuso (12 & 2 & 5p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12194951]
582021] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-3]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6330, 1900.8948, 4901.4300]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨98.89792, 1.69204, 2.09479]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.633, 1900.895, 4901.430, 5101.321]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.633, -1.060, -3.525, 3.808]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.033316
Adjusted Error 3.287311 cents
TE Error 0.773862 cents/octave

Nusu (12 & 2 & 17g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12194951]
17277072] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8644, 1901.2738, 4906.0880]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨86.01801, -3.77794, 10.30613]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.864, 1901.274, 4906.088, 5098.736]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.136, -0.681, 1.133, 1.223]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.040358
Adjusted Error 1.279275 cents
TE Error 0.301153 cents/octave

Octacot (41 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1112]
081811] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6804, 88.0529]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.93157, 11.12911]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.680, 1904.104, 2784.633, 3367.943]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.320, 2.149, -1.681, -0.883]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.787037
Adjusted Error 2.247205 cents
TE Error 0.800470 cents/octave

Octacot (41 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
2743637694] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11122]
08181120] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6089, 87.9464]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.66377, 6.97757]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.609, 1903.181, 2782.645, 3366.629, 4158.147]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.391, 1.226, -3.669, -2.197, 6.829]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.574021
Adjusted Error 4.308745 cents
TE Error 1.245507 cents/octave

Octacot (41 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111224]
08181120-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8684, 88.0224]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.13141, 12.31409]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.868, 1903.048, 2783.272, 3365.984, 4158.185, 4443.384]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.132, 1.093, -3.042, -2.842, 6.867, 2.856]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.140388
Adjusted Error 4.540526 cents
TE Error 1.227023 cents/octave

Octagari (12 & 41 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1014]
0023] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5363, 1902.8869, 792.6387]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.95479, 21.15644, 7.43204]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.536, 1902.887, 2784.814, 3370.288]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.464, 0.932, -1.500, 1.462]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.145811
Adjusted Error 1.568804 cents
TE Error 0.558819 cents/octave

Octagari (12 & 41 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
1524354252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10144]
00234] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6201, 1903.2810, 791.5250]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.56000, 24.66531, 7.30816]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.620, 1903.281, 2782.670, 3366.493, 4158.018]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.380, 1.326, -3.644, -2.332, 6.700]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.137328
Adjusted Error 4.306531 cents
TE Error 1.244867 cents/octave

Octagari (12f & 15 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101442]
002345] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5511, 1902.7615, 789.6648]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-5.72187, -3.14656, 32.10761]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.551, 1902.762, 2779.881, 3365.676, 4155.341, 4446.665]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.551, 0.807, -6.433, -3.150, 4.023, 6.137]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.152376
Adjusted Error 5.571237 cents
TE Error 1.505561 cents/octave

Octant (224 & 472)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775]
472748109613251633] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨813162628]
0-18-11-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨150.0010, 48.2872]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.07141, 2.03392]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.008, 1901.726, 2786.314, 3368.866, 4151.741]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.008, -0.229, 0.000, 0.040, 0.423]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 18.699145
Adjusted Error 0.294068 cents
TE Error 0.085005 cents/octave

Octant (224 & 248)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775829]
248393576696858918] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨81316262828]
0-18-11-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨149.9957, 48.2739]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.46602, 1.70797]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.966, 1901.670, 2786.123, 3368.876, 4151.606, 4441.250]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.034, -0.285, -0.191, 0.050, 0.288, 0.722]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 17.748622
Adjusted Error 0.441730 cents
TE Error 0.119372 cents/octave

Octarod (19 & 22 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1000]
002-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0000, 1903.7424, 440.9020]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.93232, 17.42819, 11.99503]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1903.742, 2785.546, 3366.583]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.000, 1.787, -0.767, -2.243]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.120819
Adjusted Error 1.994696 cents
TE Error 0.710525 cents/octave

Octarod (22 & 41 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
2743637694] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10002]
002-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2907, 1903.9204, 439.2452]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.18670, 19.30784, 7.61340]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.291, 1903.920, 2782.411, 3368.596, 4155.562]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.709, 1.965, -3.903, -0.230, 4.244]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.147110
Adjusted Error 3.907201 cents
TE Error 1.129434 cents/octave

Octoid (72 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
152241353427] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨8131923]
0-3-4-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨150.0003, 16.0596]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.13147, 5.46406]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.002, 1901.825, 2785.767, 3369.709]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.002, -0.130, -0.546, 0.883]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.250515
Adjusted Error 0.563276 cents
TE Error 0.200643 cents/octave

Octoid (72 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
152241353427526] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨813192328]
0-3-4-5-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨149.9932, 16.0371]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.71866, 5.65922]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.946, 1901.800, 2785.722, 3369.658, 4151.698]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.054, -0.155, -0.591, 0.832, 0.380]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.799717
Adjusted Error 0.651443 cents
TE Error 0.188309 cents/octave

Octoid (72 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
224355520629775829] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨81319232831]
0-3-4-5-3-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨150.0006, 16.0955]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.67251, 5.14100]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.004, 1901.721, 2785.628, 3369.535, 4151.729, 4440.776]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.004, -0.234, -0.685, 0.709, 0.411, 0.248]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.569860
Adjusted Error 0.660931 cents
TE Error 0.178609 cents/octave

Octokaidecal (10 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
8131923] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2345]
0133] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨597.0628, 128.2428]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨84.09150, 44.15132]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.126, 1919.431, 2772.980, 3370.042]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.874, 17.476, -13.334, 1.216]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.990685
Adjusted Error 19.310292 cents
TE Error 6.878465 cents/octave

Octokaidecal (8d & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨813192328]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23457]
01330] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨595.2326, 131.2785]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨61.15983, 70.11866]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1190.465, 1916.976, 2774.766, 3369.998, 4166.628]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-9.535, 15.021, -11.548, 1.172, 15.310]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.074125
Adjusted Error 23.218357 cents
TE Error 6.711610 cents/octave

Octopod (41 & 14cf)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
142232394851] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111221]
0818112037] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5230, 87.7355]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.77367, 4.41446]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.523, 1902.407, 2779.762, 3366.136, 4155.756, 4446.736]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.523, 0.452, -6.552, -2.690, 4.438, 6.208]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.115933
Adjusted Error 5.590694 cents
TE Error 1.510819 cents/octave

Octopus (72 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
80127186225277296] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨81319232830]
0-3-4-5-3-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨150.0315, 16.1118]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.08702, 5.02483]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.252, 1902.074, 2786.151, 3370.165, 4152.546, 4436.497]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.252, 0.119, -0.163, 1.339, 1.228, -4.031]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.317754
Adjusted Error 1.919149 cents
TE Error 0.518627 cents/octave

Octowerck (72 & 176)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
176279409494609] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨812172227]
03723] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨150.0233, 33.7602]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.39163, 3.79539]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.186, 1901.560, 2786.718, 3368.033, 4151.910]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.186, -0.395, 0.404, -0.793, 0.592]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.400038
Adjusted Error 0.751685 cents
TE Error 0.217286 cents/octave

Octowerck (72 & 248)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
248393576696858918] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨81217222726]
0372316] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨150.0248, 33.7480]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.98447, 3.68273]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.198, 1901.541, 2786.657, 3368.041, 4151.913, 4440.612]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.198, -0.414, 0.343, -0.785, 0.595, 0.084]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 11.840010
Adjusted Error 0.736308 cents
TE Error 0.198979 cents/octave

Odin (342 & 1848 & 270)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3425427949601183]
270428627758934] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨600817]
00123] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨200.0008, 1901.9369, 2786.3443]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.18765, 0.63548, -0.14273]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.005, 1901.937, 2786.344, 3368.822, 4151.300]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.005, -0.018, 0.031, -0.004, -0.018]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.546727
Adjusted Error 0.029353 cents
TE Error 0.008485 cents/octave

Ogene (15 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨35781012]
0-1022-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.6583, 87.0984]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.43152, 36.83341]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.975, 1906.193, 2790.608, 3363.463, 4160.780, 4435.507]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.025, 4.238, 4.295, -5.362, 9.462, -5.021]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.895285
Adjusted Error 9.523787 cents
TE Error 2.573691 cents/octave

Omicronbeta (72 & 72f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
72114167202249267] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
000001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨16.6769, 4.4838]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.19306, 4.48380]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.734, 1901.162, 2785.035, 3368.725, 4152.537, 4440.528]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.734, -0.793, -1.279, -0.101, 1.219, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.246819
Adjusted Error 1.666988 cents
TE Error 0.450484 cents/octave

Ominous (72 & 31 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110351]
0010-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7027, 233.5455, 2787.0135]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.90293, 6.54038, 4.62913]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.703, 1901.339, 2787.013, 3368.563, 4150.682, 4439.275]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.703, -0.616, 0.700, -0.263, -0.636, -1.253]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.276468
Adjusted Error 1.427438 cents
TE Error 0.385748 cents/octave

Oodako (27e & 6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
610141721] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨337810]
04011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.6704, 176.3926]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.88533, -7.14876]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.011, 1901.582, 2790.693, 3365.756, 4163.097]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.989, -0.373, 4.379, -3.070, 11.779]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.878002
Adjusted Error 8.794239 cents
TE Error 2.542105 cents/octave

Oodako (27e & 21p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100]
213349597378] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨33781012]
04011-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.8713, 176.0531]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.75736, 11.00787]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.614, 1900.826, 2792.099, 3367.024, 4164.766, 4434.350]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.386, -1.129, 5.786, -1.802, 13.448, -6.178]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.937496
Adjusted Error 9.125992 cents
TE Error 2.466191 cents/octave

Oolong (27 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨27436376]
5079116140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1678]
0-17-18-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9214, 311.6589]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.03177, 15.34127]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.921, 1901.327, 2789.589, 3366.193]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.079, -0.628, 3.275, -2.633]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.938063
Adjusted Error 2.444600 cents
TE Error 0.870784 cents/octave

Opossum (7d & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111619]
8131923] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1234]
0-3-5-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.8949, 159.1451]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨77.26581, 81.87928]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.895, 1914.355, 2791.959, 3351.274]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.105, 12.400, 5.646, -17.552]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.160351
Adjusted Error 15.571104 cents
TE Error 5.546539 cents/octave

Opossum (7d & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711161924]
813192328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12344]
0-3-5-9-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.3363, 159.3188]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨78.21391, 81.10487]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.336, 1914.716, 2792.415, 3351.476, 4148.070]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.664, 12.761, 6.101, -17.350, -3.248]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.070412
Adjusted Error 17.243690 cents
TE Error 4.984544 cents/octave

Opossum (8d & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319232830]
71116192426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123444]
0-3-5-9-4-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1193.6766, 157.9679]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨87.90103, 70.06691]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1193.677, 1913.449, 2791.190, 3352.995, 4142.835, 4458.770]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-6.323, 11.494, 4.876, -15.831, -8.483, 18.243]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.068583
Adjusted Error 19.055563 cents
TE Error 5.149540 cents/octave

Oquatonic (224 & 84)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520]
84133195] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨284465]
010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨42.8618, 16.0379]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.25187, 0.28226]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.129, 1901.955, 2786.014]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.129, 0.000, -0.300]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.326952
Adjusted Error 0.244742 cents
TE Error 0.105405 cents/octave

Oquatonic (140 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨140222325393]
224355520629] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨28446579]
010-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨42.8570, 16.3993]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.62360, 3.71737]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.996, 1902.107, 2785.705, 3369.304]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.004, 0.152, -0.609, 0.478]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.959612
Adjusted Error 0.459031 cents
TE Error 0.163510 cents/octave

Oquatonic (140 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨140222325393518]
224355520629829] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨28446579104]
010-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨42.8566, 16.4238]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.82042, 3.59431]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.985, 1902.115, 2785.680, 3369.248, 4440.664]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.015, 0.160, -0.634, 0.422, 0.136]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.683268
Adjusted Error 0.546203 cents
TE Error 0.147605 cents/octave

Oracle (31 & 51p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
5181118143176] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨17-413]
0-121441] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2157, 542.2164]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.07527, 8.31142]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.216, 1901.913, 2786.167, 3370.081, 4145.864]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.216, -0.042, -0.147, 1.255, -5.454]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.372434
Adjusted Error 3.158725 cents
TE Error 0.913076 cents/octave

Oregon (11 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1135433138]
413161114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14524]
0-3-43-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.0409, 325.6069]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨104.38669, 12.44682]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.041, 3815.343, 4687.777, 3372.902, 4140.950]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.959, 11.433, -0.492, 4.077, -10.368]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 0.773551
Adjusted Error 9.237640 cents
TE Error 2.364448 cents/octave

Orga (270 & 1106)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758]
1106175325683105] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2-8-156]
02951-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9927, 231.1012]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.49605, 0.96388]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.985, 1901.992, 2786.269, 3368.855]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.015, 0.037, -0.045, 0.029]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 20.475544
Adjusted Error 0.049497 cents
TE Error 0.017631 cents/octave

Orga (270 & 836)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
8361325194123472892] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2-8-15610]
02951-1-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0025, 231.1039]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.02010, 1.10596]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.005, 1901.992, 2786.260, 3368.911, 4151.194]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.005, 0.037, -0.053, 0.085, -0.124]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 20.785488
Adjusted Error 0.089126 cents
TE Error 0.025763 cents/octave

Orgone (26 & 11)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨267390]
113138] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124]
03-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6602, 323.2801]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨42.89931, 7.66164]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.660, 3369.161, 4152.080]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.340, 0.335, 0.763]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.682345
Adjusted Error 0.843344 cents
TE Error 0.243781 cents/octave

Orson (53 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123]
314972] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨103]
07-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2903, 271.6930]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.45005, 3.75606]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.290, 1901.851, 2785.792]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.290, -0.104, -0.522]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.443501
Adjusted Error 0.499951 cents
TE Error 0.215317 cents/octave

Orwell (31 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
5384123149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1031]
07-38] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0210, 271.5134]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.04072, 16.76903]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.021, 1900.594, 2785.523, 3372.128]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.021, -1.361, -0.791, 3.303]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.256775
Adjusted Error 2.099766 cents
TE Error 0.747952 cents/octave

Orwell (31 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
2235516276] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10313]
07-382] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6045, 271.5628]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.63963, 14.21709]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.604, 1900.940, 2787.125, 3373.107, 4144.939]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.604, -1.015, 0.811, 4.281, -6.379]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.050464
Adjusted Error 3.981596 cents
TE Error 1.150939 cents/octave

Orwell (31 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨103138]
07-382-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3681, 271.6297]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.04409, 17.94342]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.368, 1901.408, 2786.215, 3373.405, 4144.364, 4441.981]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.368, -0.547, -0.099, 4.580, -6.954, 1.453]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.044773
Adjusted Error 4.029042 cents
TE Error 1.088801 cents/octave

Orwell (53 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123183196]
314972107115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10338]
07-32-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7260, 271.8185]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.29171, 2.33114]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.726, 1902.730, 2786.723, 4145.815, 4441.257]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.726, 0.775, 0.409, -5.503, 0.729]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.079123
Adjusted Error 3.036164 cents
TE Error 0.820487 cents/octave

Orwellian (31 & 22 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002]
003-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4187, 1901.2248, 928.9454]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.94558, 12.47677, 7.91173]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.419, 1901.225, 2786.836, 3371.117]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.581, -0.730, 0.522, 2.291]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.140541
Adjusted Error 1.579810 cents
TE Error 0.562740 cents/octave

Orwellian (22 & 31 & 5p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
58121417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10025]
003-1-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7889, 1900.4915, 928.6520]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.85422, 30.33329, -4.46715]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.789, 1900.491, 2785.956, 3373.417, 4146.641]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.789, -1.464, -0.358, 4.591, -4.677]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.161849
Adjusted Error 3.790139 cents
TE Error 1.095596 cents/octave

Osiris (171 & 328)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
328520762921] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1133321]
0-32-86-51] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0285, 428.0763]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.68170, 0.69652]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.028, 1901.930, 2786.381, 3368.709]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.028, -0.025, 0.068, -0.117]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.118326
Adjusted Error 0.084836 cents
TE Error 0.030219 cents/octave

Oxpecker (31 & 15 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
711161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10122]
00261] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4168, 1901.5485, -155.8298]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨31.79592, 14.22082, 0.20443]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.417, 1901.549, 2790.306, 3367.404, 4146.552]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.417, -0.406, 3.992, -1.422, -4.766]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.164152
Adjusted Error 3.578414 cents
TE Error 1.034394 cents/octave

Oxygen (7d & 1c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111619]
1233] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1233]
0-3-5-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1214.4235, 171.1446]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨171.14457, 16.41156]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1214.424, 1915.413, 2787.548, 3300.981]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨14.424, 13.458, 1.234, -67.844]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.864946
Adjusted Error 41.270289 cents
TE Error 14.700773 cents/octave

Pajara (12 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
22355162] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2356]
01-2-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨598.8593, 106.8442]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.43268, 42.20575]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.719, 1903.422, 2780.608, 3379.468]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.281, 1.467, -5.705, 10.642]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.196130
Adjusted Error 7.221543 cents
TE Error 2.572365 cents/octave

Pajara (12 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
2235516276] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23568]
01-2-2-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨598.8595, 106.6820]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.21730, 41.23234]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.719, 1903.260, 2780.934, 3379.793, 4150.784]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.281, 1.305, -5.380, 10.967, -0.534]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.608577
Adjusted Error 7.969546 cents
TE Error 2.303715 cents/octave

Pajara (10e & 12p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623283437]
121928344244] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235687]
01-2-2-62] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0085, 108.9205]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨53.51426, 55.40620]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.017, 1908.946, 2782.201, 3382.210, 4146.545, 4417.900]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.017, 6.991, -4.112, 13.384, -4.773, -22.628]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.670656
Adjusted Error 13.896354 cents
TE Error 3.755325 cents/octave

Pajara (10 & 22)

Contorted Archy (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101628]
223562] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨236]
01-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨598.4834, 109.0449]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.52750, 53.25871]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.967, 1904.495, 3372.810]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.033, 2.540, 3.984]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.100288
Adjusted Error 6.017469 cents
TE Error 2.143466 cents/octave

Pajaric (12 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23567]
01-2-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨597.5361, 105.0907]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨72.08280, 33.00785]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.072, 1897.699, 2777.499, 3375.035, 4182.752]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.928, -4.256, -8.815, 6.209, 31.435]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.088802
Adjusted Error 17.866553 cents
TE Error 5.164592 cents/octave

Pajaric (10p & 12f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623283537]
121928344245] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235678]
01-2-20-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨597.2629, 106.9520]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.44904, 62.50295]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.526, 1898.741, 2772.410, 3369.673, 4180.840, 4457.247]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.474, -3.214, -13.903, 0.847, 29.522, 16.720]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.098097
Adjusted Error 19.303038 cents
TE Error 5.216417 cents/octave

Pajaro (10p & 22f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623283537]
223551627682] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235668]
01-2-25-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨598.8578, 110.6068]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.95933, 45.82374]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.716, 1907.180, 2773.075, 3371.933, 4146.181, 4459.042]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.284, 5.225, -13.238, 3.107, -5.137, 18.514]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.711646
Adjusted Error 13.261168 cents
TE Error 3.583674 cents/octave

Pajarous (22 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23566]
01-2-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.4227, 109.4723]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨52.06108, 5.35017]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.845, 1907.741, 2778.169, 3377.592, 4143.898]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.155, 5.786, -8.145, 8.766, -7.420]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.718856
Adjusted Error 9.943874 cents
TE Error 2.874424 cents/octave

Pajarous (10p & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623283537]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235667]
01-2-252] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9396, 110.2286]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.63592, 48.79636]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.879, 1910.047, 2779.241, 3379.180, 4150.781, 4420.034]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.121, 8.092, -7.073, 10.354, -0.537, -20.493]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.601677
Adjusted Error 13.483370 cents
TE Error 3.643721 cents/octave

Paradigmic (80 & 99e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨80127186225277]
99157230278343] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15612-1]
0-13-14-3517] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0627, 314.8495]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.52820, 7.64451]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.063, 1902.270, 2786.483, 3369.019, 4153.379]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.937, 0.315, 0.169, 0.193, 2.061]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.141486
Adjusted Error 1.752411 cents
TE Error 0.506560 cents/octave

Paradigmic (19p & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
80127186225277296] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15612-110]
0-13-14-3517-24] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2713, 314.8885]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.38601, 13.47421]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.271, 1902.805, 2787.188, 3370.157, 4153.834, 4435.388]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.729, 0.850, 0.875, 1.331, 2.516, -5.140]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.661339
Adjusted Error 2.883625 cents
TE Error 0.779265 cents/octave

Parahemfi (99 & 41 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
19304453] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-1]
0031] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8556, 1902.4627, -1139.3891]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.44256, 3.07366, 2.10645]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.856, 1902.463, 2786.469, 3368.143]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.144, 0.508, 0.156, -0.683]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.181247
Adjusted Error 0.607084 cents
TE Error 0.216248 cents/octave

Parahemif (58 & 41 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110-124]
001000] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.7629, 351.3282, 2786.3137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.14752, 8.08661, 3.07811]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.763, 1901.419, 2786.314, 3368.504, 4154.167, 4443.723]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.237, -0.536, -0.000, -0.322, 2.849, 3.196]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.255790
Adjusted Error 2.652043 cents
TE Error 0.716683 cents/octave

Parahemwuer (31 & 99 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
19304453] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-3]
0025] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8196, 1901.9550, 1393.5621]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.34447, 10.70869, 1.89372]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.820, 1901.955, 2787.124, 3368.352]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.180, 0.000, 0.811, -0.474]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.172089
Adjusted Error 0.600337 cents
TE Error 0.213844 cents/octave

Parakleismic (118 & 99)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274]
99157230] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨156]
0-13-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9712, 315.2329]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.80622, 1.62461]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.971, 1901.828, 2786.566]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.029, -0.127, 0.253]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.469778
Adjusted Error 0.185181 cents
TE Error 0.079753 cents/octave

Parakleismic (99 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
19304453] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15612]
0-13-14-35] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7822, 315.1240]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.55578, 2.93471]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.782, 1902.300, 2786.958, 3368.048]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.218, 0.345, 0.644, -0.778]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.496772
Adjusted Error 0.699652 cents
TE Error 0.249221 cents/octave

Parakleismic (118 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331408]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15612-6]
0-13-14-3536] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3303, 315.3377]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.23546, -0.39229]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.330, 1902.262, 2787.254, 3367.145, 4150.175]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.330, 0.307, 0.940, -1.681, -1.143]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.925793
Adjusted Error 1.364986 cents
TE Error 0.394569 cents/octave

Parapyth (17 & 41 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1727485963]
4673129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100712]
00111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3714, 1902.8589, 3368.1420]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.57134, 12.05644, 10.31184]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.371, 1902.859, 3368.142, 4152.306, 4440.586]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.629, 0.904, -0.684, 0.988, 0.058]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.112815
Adjusted Error 1.536092 cents
TE Error 0.415111 cents/octave

Parizekmic (53 & 34 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123196]
24385689] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-1]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9502, 951.0713, 2786.5822]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.71753, 4.46996, 4.53928]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.950, 1902.143, 2786.582, 4439.846]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.050, 0.188, 0.268, -0.682]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.093131
Adjusted Error 0.467354 cents
TE Error 0.126297 cents/octave

Parkleismic (80 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨80127186225277]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1561220]
0-13-14-35-63] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1868, 314.8467]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.84600, 4.81614]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.187, 1902.926, 2787.266, 3370.606, 4148.392]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.813, 0.971, 0.953, 1.780, -2.926]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.125013
Adjusted Error 2.357927 cents
TE Error 0.681594 cents/octave

Parkleismic (19e & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536570]
80127186225277296] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨156122010]
0-13-14-35-63-24] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5349, 314.9526]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.97718, 13.57461]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.535, 1903.290, 2787.873, 3371.077, 4148.683, 4436.486]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.465, 1.335, 1.559, 2.251, -2.635, -4.042]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.666668
Adjusted Error 2.942220 cents
TE Error 0.795100 cents/octave

Passion (12 & 13p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
132130] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
0-54] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.8135, 98.4903]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨82.56022, 15.93007]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.814, 1903.176, 2789.588]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.186, 1.221, 3.274]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.023259
Adjusted Error 3.637493 cents
TE Error 1.566583 cents/octave

Passion (12 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
375986104] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1222]
0-5410] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.0466, 97.9116]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨31.58925, 22.10745]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.047, 1904.535, 2785.739, 3373.209]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.953, 2.580, -0.574, 4.383]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.479636
Adjusted Error 5.227958 cents
TE Error 1.862236 cents/octave

Passion (12 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
375986104128] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12222]
0-541018] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.9428, 97.7696]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.64683, 23.70759]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.943, 1905.038, 2784.964, 3371.582, 4153.738]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.057, 3.083, -1.350, 2.756, 2.420]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.903092
Adjusted Error 5.975930 cents
TE Error 1.727431 cents/octave

Pater (3p & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3578]
8131923] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1221]
0-115] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1179.7898, 439.3609]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.48247, 138.29279]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1179.790, 1920.219, 2798.940, 3376.594]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-20.210, 18.264, 12.627, 7.768]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.899822
Adjusted Error 33.760236 cents
TE Error 12.025639 cents/octave

Pele (41 & 58 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
4673107129159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1001017]
00111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5434, 1902.5550, 2786.7299]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.29796, 7.62353, 6.39484]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.543, 1902.555, 2786.730, 3366.834, 4153.418]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.457, 0.600, 0.416, -1.992, 2.100]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.212770
Adjusted Error 1.733731 cents
TE Error 0.501161 cents/octave

Pele (58 & 41 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100101722]
001111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4978, 1902.6178, 2787.0303]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.54523, 9.94446, 8.95981]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.498, 1902.618, 2787.030, 3366.302, 4152.316, 4441.951]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.502, 0.663, 0.717, -2.524, 0.998, 1.424]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.232703
Adjusted Error 1.887950 cents
TE Error 0.510196 cents/octave

Pelogic (7d & 2p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111619]
2356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1211]
0-134] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1210.4941, 531.7568]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨146.98054, 90.81516]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1210.494, 1889.231, 2805.764, 3337.521]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨10.494, -12.724, 19.451, -31.305]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.859878
Adjusted Error 26.966953 cents
TE Error 9.605823 cents/octave

Penta (5 & 1bd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
1122] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1122]
0324] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1187.7601, 237.5291]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨237.52910, 0.11455]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1187.760, 1900.347, 2850.578, 3325.637]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-12.240, -1.608, 64.265, -43.189]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.712157
Adjusted Error 47.674526 cents
TE Error 16.982009 cents/octave

Penta (11 & 52)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨11353138]
52165146180] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1552]
0-5-64] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4851, 438.2766]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.16909, 23.10279]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.485, 3806.042, 3367.765, 4152.077]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.515, 2.132, -1.060, 0.759]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.300217
Adjusted Error 1.648544 cents
TE Error 0.476536 cents/octave

Pental (65 & 60)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151]
6095139] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5812]
0-1-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨240.0389, 18.7932]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.52025, 4.27298]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.195, 1901.518, 2786.501]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.195, -0.437, 0.187]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.518667
Adjusted Error 0.465047 cents
TE Error 0.200285 cents/octave

Pentoid (5p & 4p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121417]
4691114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12333]
0-2-3-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1205.6925, 265.5661]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨143.42808, 122.13802]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1205.692, 1880.253, 2820.379, 3351.511, 4148.210]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨5.692, -21.702, 34.065, -17.315, -3.108]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.722505
Adjusted Error 33.682186 cents
TE Error 9.736335 cents/octave

Pentoid (5p & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812141719]
91421253133] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123335]
0-2-3-12-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1205.6883, 265.1858]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.70415, 120.24084]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1205.688, 1881.005, 2821.507, 3351.879, 4147.437, 4437.327]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨5.688, -20.950, 35.194, -16.947, -3.881, -3.201]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.786477
Adjusted Error 32.933842 cents
TE Error 8.899981 cents/octave

Pepperoni (29 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨29461926]
46733041] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-2]
0-147] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1887, 495.6128]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.60539, 17.49201]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.189, 1902.765, 783.263, 1070.912]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.811, 0.810, 0.771, -0.789]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 3.709379
Adjusted Error 1.394584 cents
TE Error 0.879884 cents/octave

Peregrine (36 & 63)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3657101133163]
63100177233285] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨914253341]
0111-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3301, 36.1999]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.26058, 11.46968]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.971, 1902.822, 3369.453, 4436.094, 5430.335]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.029, 0.867, 0.627, -4.434, 2.060]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.645715
Adjusted Error 2.855807 cents
TE Error 0.631318 cents/octave

Petredecu (37 & 50 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3786128137]
16375559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1001]
0031] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9572, 2786.1601, 454.9958]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.96479, 12.56486, 1.12608]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.957, 2786.160, 4151.147, 4441.113]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.043, -0.154, -0.171, 0.585]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.054145
Adjusted Error 0.339483 cents
TE Error 0.091741 cents/octave

Petrtri (29 & 8)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨293340]
8911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101]
031] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7413, 454.9642]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨40.48981, 3.19210]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.741, 1364.893, 1654.706]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.259, -0.112, 0.492]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 1.112663
Adjusted Error 0.359213 cents
TE Error 0.260581 cents/octave

Phicordial (103 & 10p)

Contorted Miracle (order 3)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨103163239289356]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨17-4117]
0-18216-45] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7635, 361.3522]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.23133, 4.39363]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.764, 1901.005, 2785.342, 3368.877, 4152.131]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.764, -0.950, -0.972, 0.051, 0.813]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.358741
Adjusted Error 1.675473 cents
TE Error 0.484320 cents/octave

Phicordial (103 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨103163239289356381]
101623283537] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨17-41174]
0-18216-45-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7066, 361.3333]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.21314, 4.57530]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.707, 1900.947, 2785.173, 3368.706, 4152.014, 4441.493]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.707, -1.008, -1.141, -0.119, 0.696, 0.966]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.681546
Adjusted Error 1.692817 cents
TE Error 0.457464 cents/octave

Phicordial (10 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328353741]
103163239289356381421] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨17-411748]
0-18216-45-1-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5933, 361.3011]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.38327, 11.23069]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.593, 1900.734, 2784.949, 3368.400, 4151.539, 4441.072, 4907.833]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.593, -1.221, -1.365, -0.426, 0.221, 0.545, 2.877]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.119967
Adjusted Error 2.092847 cents
TE Error 0.512016 cents/octave

Photia (12 & 65)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219284951]
65103151266276] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-173]
0-18-73] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7244, 498.4156]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.45625, 17.63461]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.724, 1901.033, 2787.601, 4909.162, 5094.420]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.276, -0.922, 1.287, 4.206, -3.093]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.735140
Adjusted Error 2.887580 cents
TE Error 0.679762 cents/octave

Picasso (83 & 11)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨83233263287307]
1131353841] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1114-1]
01012-326] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2643, 216.9370]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.22130, 1.80876]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.264, 3369.634, 3803.509, 4150.246, 4440.098]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.264, 0.809, -0.401, -1.072, -0.429]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.850774
Adjusted Error 0.873037 cents
TE Error 0.235928 cents/octave

Picasso (11 & 83)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨113135384143]
83233263287307324] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1114-13]
01012-3265] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4325, 216.9475]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.15146, 14.44297]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.433, 3369.907, 3803.802, 4150.888, 4440.202, 4686.035]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.433, 1.081, -0.108, -0.430, -0.326, -2.234]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 2.655369
Adjusted Error 1.321745 cents
TE Error 0.338311 cents/octave

Picasso (11 & 83)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨11313538414345]
83233263287307324339] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1114-133]
01012-32656] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5237, 216.9544]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.64022, 14.54899]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.524, 3370.068, 3803.976, 4151.231, 4440.291, 4686.343, 4903.297]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.524, 1.242, 0.066, -0.086, -0.237, -1.926, -1.658]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 2.482796
Adjusted Error 1.451343 cents
TE Error 0.355072 cents/octave

Pirate (4296 & 2513)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨429668099975]
251339835835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-60]
04915] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0002, 185.7542]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.25192, 0.04686]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1901.955, 2786.313]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.000, 0.000, -0.001]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.314114
Adjusted Error 0.000428 cents
TE Error 0.000184 cents/octave

Plutino (41 & 2cde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
23456] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15151522]
0-7-26-25-38] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7860, 585.1786]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.42890, -3.39942]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.786, 1902.680, 2782.148, 3367.326, 4158.507]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.214, 0.725, -4.166, -1.500, 7.189]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.307709
Adjusted Error 4.397230 cents
TE Error 1.271085 cents/octave

Plutino (41 & 2cde)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
234567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1515152212]
0-7-26-25-38-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0433, 584.7650]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.51332, -5.50149]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.043, 1901.862, 2781.760, 3366.525, 4157.883, 4447.515]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.957, -0.093, -4.554, -2.301, 6.565, 6.987]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.044364
Adjusted Error 5.363265 cents
TE Error 1.449359 cents/octave

Pluto (41 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
80127186225] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨151515]
0-7-26-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4731, 584.8899]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.74237, 8.97545]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.473, 1903.136, 2784.959, 3369.849]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.527, 1.181, -1.355, 1.023]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.299998
Adjusted Error 1.604247 cents
TE Error 0.571444 cents/octave

Pluto (41 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
80127186225277] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1515152]
0-7-26-253] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1848, 584.7164]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.10860, 10.32165]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.185, 1902.909, 2785.144, 3369.861, 4152.519]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.815, 0.954, -1.169, 1.035, 1.201]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.758473
Adjusted Error 1.917903 cents
TE Error 0.554398 cents/octave

Pluto (41 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
80127186225277296] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1515152-8]
0-7-26-25324] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2482, 584.7568]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.86156, 9.93655]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.248, 1902.944, 2785.047, 3369.804, 4152.767, 4440.177]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.752, 0.989, -1.267, 0.978, 1.449, -0.351]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.030057
Adjusted Error 1.885396 cents
TE Error 0.509506 cents/octave

Pnict (171 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
15243542] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨310116]
0-13-106] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0312, 161.4116]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.99562, 0.25614]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.094, 1901.961, 2786.227, 3368.657]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.094, 0.006, -0.087, -0.169]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 11.951884
Adjusted Error 0.164853 cents
TE Error 0.058722 cents/octave

Pocus (19 & 44)

Contorted Magic (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
4470102124] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-1]
010224] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0824, 190.3476]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.28438, 13.35635]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.082, 1903.476, 2782.860, 3367.259]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.082, 1.521, -3.454, -1.567]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.597358
Adjusted Error 3.015814 cents
TE Error 1.074254 cents/octave

Pogo (130 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450]
224355520629775] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24-270]
0-324-525] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9701, 166.0803]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.91697, 4.24435]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.940, 1901.640, 2785.986, 3369.389, 4152.007]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.060, -0.315, -0.328, 0.563, 0.689]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.089528
Adjusted Error 0.585023 cents
TE Error 0.169110 cents/octave

Pogo (130 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
224355520629775829] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24-27011]
0-324-525-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9671, 166.0803]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.01588, 4.18692]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.934, 1901.627, 2785.993, 3369.368, 4152.008, 4440.594]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.066, -0.328, -0.320, 0.542, 0.690, 0.066]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.335462
Adjusted Error 0.572219 cents
TE Error 0.154635 cents/octave

Polypyth (46 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
121192281340419] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1211-10-11]
0-1-213135] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3343, 495.5482]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.37825, 7.86723]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.334, 1903.120, 2786.164, 3368.652, 4151.511]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.666, 1.165, -0.149, -0.174, 0.193]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.488952
Adjusted Error 1.543110 cents
TE Error 0.446059 cents/octave

Polypyth (46 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
121192281340419448] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1211-10-11-12]
0-1-21313538] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3777, 495.5754]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.26541, 8.29065]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.378, 1903.180, 2786.072, 3369.060, 4151.983, 4439.332]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.622, 1.225, -0.242, 0.234, 0.665, -1.196]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.454519
Adjusted Error 1.615710 cents
TE Error 0.436626 cents/octave

Ponens (7p & 27p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
2743637693100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111434]
049-83-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.5795, 176.9873]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.66082, 40.33162]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.580, 1906.529, 2791.465, 3378.420, 4126.700, 4440.343]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.420, 4.574, 5.152, 9.594, -24.618, -0.184]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.164838
Adjusted Error 13.306703 cents
TE Error 3.595979 cents/octave

Pontiac (171 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
5384123149] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-119]
0-18-39] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0989, 498.2844]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.89674, 0.39162]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.099, 1901.913, 2786.176, 3368.788]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.099, -0.042, -0.137, -0.038]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.605902
Adjusted Error 0.167030 cents
TE Error 0.059497 cents/octave

Porcupine (7 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
152435] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-3-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5623, 163.8906]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨59.23368, 52.32843]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.562, 1907.453, 2779.234]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.438, 5.498, -7.080]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.959950
Adjusted Error 6.218940 cents
TE Error 2.678352 cents/octave

Porcupine (22 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
15243542] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1232]
0-3-56] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.8391, 162.5868]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.12358, 16.60803]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.839, 1907.918, 2780.583, 3371.199]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.161, 5.963, -5.730, 2.373]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.726220
Adjusted Error 7.106033 cents
TE Error 2.531220 cents/octave

Porcupine (15 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
2235516276] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12324]
0-3-56-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.3520, 162.5239]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.53090, 41.15402]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.352, 1909.132, 2782.437, 3371.847, 4143.313]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.648, 7.177, -3.877, 3.021, -8.005]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.567100
Adjusted Error 8.823097 cents
TE Error 2.550447 cents/octave

Porcupine (7p & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
152435425256] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123244]
0-3-56-4-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.0716, 162.3112]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨40.52487, 60.89317]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.072, 1907.210, 2779.659, 3368.010, 4139.041, 4463.664]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.928, 5.255, -6.655, -0.816, -12.276, 23.136]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.432343
Adjusted Error 13.474050 cents
TE Error 3.641202 cents/octave

Porcupinefish (15 & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123246]
0-3-56-4-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.3520, 162.0544]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.85856, 34.11244]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.352, 1910.541, 2784.784, 3369.031, 4145.190, 4435.187]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.648, 8.586, -1.530, 0.205, -6.128, -5.341]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.062455
Adjusted Error 9.278158 cents
TE Error 2.507312 cents/octave

Porkpie (7p & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123243]
0-3-56-45] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0929, 163.7005]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.13168, 54.18959]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.093, 1909.084, 2781.776, 3382.389, 4145.570, 4418.781]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.093, 7.129, -4.537, 13.563, -5.748, -21.747]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.605095
Adjusted Error 13.903164 cents
TE Error 3.757165 cents/octave

Porky (22 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
7111619] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1235]
0-3-5-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0870, 164.4241]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.11845, 17.06873]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.087, 1906.902, 2778.141, 3369.650]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.087, 4.947, -8.173, 0.824]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.058862
Adjusted Error 6.617392 cents
TE Error 2.357162 cents/octave

Porky (22 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
711161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12354]
0-3-5-16-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8930, 164.6746]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨48.17103, 20.16147]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.893, 1907.762, 2779.306, 3369.672, 4144.874]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.893, 5.807, -7.008, 0.846, -6.444]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.910073
Adjusted Error 8.022808 cents
TE Error 2.319112 cents/octave

Porky (22p & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627681]
71116192426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123543]
0-3-5-16-45] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.1850, 165.2534]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.41083, 29.02096]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.185, 1908.610, 2780.288, 3366.870, 4147.726, 4432.822]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.185, 6.655, -6.026, -1.956, -3.592, -7.706]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.181670
Adjusted Error 8.942171 cents
TE Error 2.416516 cents/octave

Porkypine (7 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
15243552] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1234]
0-3-5-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3508, 164.1256]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨61.18301, 51.47132]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.351, 1908.325, 2780.424, 4144.901]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.351, 6.370, -5.889, -6.417]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.834962
Adjusted Error 8.845052 cents
TE Error 2.556793 cents/octave

Portending (72 & 87 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110356]
0010-1-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4547, 234.0014, 2785.7830]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.21332, 6.84773, 0.32545]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.455, 1902.459, 2785.783, 3367.363, 4152.496, 4439.180]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.455, 0.504, -0.531, -1.463, 1.178, -1.348]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.253596
Adjusted Error 1.417595 cents
TE Error 0.383088 cents/octave

Portent (31 & 72 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
4673107129159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11035]
0010-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4905, 233.7840, 2786.3003]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.49840, 12.96206, 6.14506]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.491, 1901.842, 2786.300, 3367.688, 4151.288]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.491, -0.113, -0.013, -1.138, -0.030]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.177081
Adjusted Error 0.990839 cents
TE Error 0.286417 cents/octave

Portentous (72 & 87 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
31497287107115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11035-5]
0010-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4891, 233.7796, 2786.1182]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.71961, 5.75845, 4.63524]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.489, 1901.828, 2786.118, 3367.688, 4151.446, 4440.688]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.489, -0.127, -0.196, -1.138, 0.128, 0.161]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.313256
Adjusted Error 0.979478 cents
TE Error 0.264692 cents/octave

Potassium (12 & 9 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
711161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-2]
00121] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7734, 1895.8134, 2784.5241]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨73.55038, 0.36423, 44.84154]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.773, 1895.813, 2784.524, 3361.808, 4176.604]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.227, -6.142, -1.790, -7.018, 25.286]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.082053
Adjusted Error 13.428297 cents
TE Error 3.881648 cents/octave

Potassium (9 & 12f & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
101623283537] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-2-8]
001213] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8821, 1895.8240, 2784.4049]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨46.59732, 26.74212, 45.96007]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.882, 1895.824, 2784.405, 3361.047, 4176.289, 4441.630]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.118, -6.131, -1.909, -7.779, 24.971, 1.102]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.090119
Adjusted Error 13.128385 cents
TE Error 3.547791 cents/octave

Prajapati (31 & 31e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
31497287108] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨31497287107]
00001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨38.7364, 6.5236]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.21278, 6.52362]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.828, 1898.083, 2789.020, 3370.066, 4151.318]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.828, -3.872, 2.707, 1.241, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.581929
Adjusted Error 4.432153 cents
TE Error 1.281179 cents/octave

Prajapati (31 & 31e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
31497287108115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨31497287107115]
000010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨38.7116, 9.1717]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.54000, 9.17165]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.061, 1896.871, 2787.239, 3367.913, 4151.318, 4451.839]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.061, -5.084, 0.925, -0.913, -0.000, 11.312]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.339397
Adjusted Error 6.739592 cents
TE Error 1.821295 cents/octave

Prodigal (31 & 19e & 72)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
72114167202249266] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-13-4]
001234] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7810, 1900.7226, 2785.9117]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.17162, -1.00457, 13.85483]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.781, 1900.723, 2785.912, 3369.364, 4151.918, 4439.800]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.781, -1.232, -0.402, 0.538, 0.600, -0.727]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.271358
Adjusted Error 1.755222 cents
TE Error 0.474328 cents/octave

Prodigious (72 & 41 & 12f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
121928344245] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-13-23]
001234] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6299, 1901.3383, 2784.7202]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.02225, 4.09105, 1.94123]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.630, 1901.338, 2784.720, 3368.967, 4154.001, 4439.114]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.630, -0.617, -1.594, 0.141, 2.683, -1.414]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.255122
Adjusted Error 2.009513 cents
TE Error 0.543047 cents/octave

Prodigy (31 & 41 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1219283442] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-13]
00123] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7864, 1901.0431, 2785.3356]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.11550, 15.69133, -0.34489]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.786, 1901.043, 2785.336, 3368.825, 4152.042]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.786, -0.912, -0.978, -0.001, 0.724]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.165602
Adjusted Error 1.673972 cents
TE Error 0.483886 cents/octave

Prodigy (31 & 41 & 12f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
121928344245] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-13-8]
001233] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8322, 1901.7185, 2783.3313]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.40326, 20.21403, -8.78701]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.832, 1901.719, 2783.331, 3365.939, 4149.487, 4448.492]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.832, -0.236, -2.982, -2.887, -1.831, 7.964]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.156666
Adjusted Error 4.361387 cents
TE Error 1.178613 cents/octave

Progress (15 & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
23567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13003]
0-3561] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.5543, 560.0029]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨75.54847, 31.16364]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.554, 1906.654, 2800.015, 3360.018, 4146.666]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.446, 4.699, 13.701, -8.808, -4.652]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.517379
Adjusted Error 13.400564 cents
TE Error 3.873632 cents/octave

Progress (15 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
172740485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨130037]
0-3561-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.1433, 560.0892]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.63015, 35.33477]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.143, 1905.162, 2800.446, 3360.535, 4145.519, 4445.379]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.857, 3.207, 14.132, -8.291, -5.799, 4.851]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.657158
Adjusted Error 13.340158 cents
TE Error 3.605020 cents/octave

Progression (8d & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨8131923]
9142125] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1122]
0537] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1194.0766, 140.2313]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨68.00500, 72.22629]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.077, 1895.233, 2808.847, 3369.772]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.923, -6.722, 22.533, 0.946]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.209782
Adjusted Error 17.039863 cents
TE Error 6.069722 cents/octave

Progression (9 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914212531]
813192328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11223]
05374] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1194.8347, 140.1410]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨73.70675, 66.43425]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.835, 1895.540, 2810.092, 3370.656, 4145.068]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.165, -6.415, 23.779, 1.831, -6.250]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.106094
Adjusted Error 19.050692 cents
TE Error 5.506885 cents/octave

Progression (9 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
81319232830] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112233]
053746] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.5069, 140.2242]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨73.71367, 66.51048]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.507, 1896.628, 2811.686, 3372.583, 4147.417, 4427.866]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.493, -5.327, 25.373, 3.757, -3.901, -12.662]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.009153
Adjusted Error 19.444241 cents
TE Error 5.254576 cents/octave

Protannic (31 & 72 & 29g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115127]
29466781100107118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-5-132112]
00123-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.9353, 1901.1068, 2785.6154]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.43275, 13.12730, 1.94327]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.935, 1901.107, 2785.615, 3368.768, 4151.328, 4439.557, 4905.690]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.935, -0.848, -0.698, -0.058, 0.010, -0.971, 0.734]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.280398
Adjusted Error 1.797195 cents
TE Error 0.439685 cents/octave

Ptolemy (7p & 38d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711162024]
386088106131] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11082]
028-185] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.8972, 348.0490]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.00545, 28.54892]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.897, 1899.995, 2784.392, 3366.295, 4148.040]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.897, -1.960, -1.921, -2.531, -3.278]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.355075
Adjusted Error 6.763626 cents
TE Error 1.955126 cents/octave

Ptolemy (7p & 38df)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
386088106131140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110826]
028-185-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.9617, 348.0556]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.46616, 28.46575]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.962, 1900.073, 2784.445, 3366.693, 4148.201, 4439.326]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.962, -1.882, -1.869, -2.133, -3.116, -1.202]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.161292
Adjusted Error 6.627732 cents
TE Error 1.791066 cents/octave

Pycnic (19 & 17p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
17273948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13-18]
0-37-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.3583, 569.3091]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨51.38753, 13.35266]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.358, 1902.148, 2781.805, 3364.467]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.358, 0.193, -4.509, -4.359]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.545778
Adjusted Error 5.867712 cents
TE Error 2.090121 cents/octave

Qak (171 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
121192281340] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-14-3-20]
0411460] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0566, 456.1655]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.57554, 0.62512]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.057, 1901.994, 2786.147, 3368.799]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.057, 0.039, -0.166, -0.027]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.639883
Adjusted Error 0.133331 cents
TE Error 0.047494 cents/octave

Qeema (4e & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4691113]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1012-1]
065317] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1204.6156, 315.9410]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.19892, 59.14842]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.616, 1895.646, 2784.321, 3357.054, 4166.382]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.616, -6.309, -1.993, -11.772, 15.064]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.772634
Adjusted Error 13.347129 cents
TE Error 3.858185 cents/octave

Qeema (4ef & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨469111314]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1012-10]
06531714] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1204.5699, 316.2441]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.21072, 60.40668]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.570, 1897.465, 2785.791, 3357.872, 4171.580, 4427.418]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.570, -4.490, -0.523, -10.954, 20.262, -13.110]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.699550
Adjusted Error 14.414472 cents
TE Error 3.895340 cents/octave

Qilin (58 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12346]
0-8-13-23-49] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3892, 62.1646]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.26094, 7.38184]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.389, 1901.461, 2790.027, 3367.770, 4150.268]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.611, -0.494, 3.714, -1.056, -1.050]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.622448
Adjusted Error 2.794058 cents
TE Error 0.807664 cents/octave

Qilin (58 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123465]
0-8-13-23-49-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2904, 62.1603]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.24542, 7.42401]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.290, 1901.299, 2789.788, 3367.476, 4149.890, 4442.446]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.710, -0.656, 3.474, -1.350, -1.428, 1.918]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.220443
Adjusted Error 2.859994 cents
TE Error 0.772879 cents/octave

Qintosec (65 & 270)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151]
270428627] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5713]
02-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.9786, 111.0952]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.32403, 4.36604]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.893, 1902.041, 2786.436]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.107, 0.086, 0.123]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.213690
Adjusted Error 0.175550 cents
TE Error 0.075605 cents/octave

Qintosec (10 & 65d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
65103151183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨591013]
0-232] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.8408, 128.3623]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.17588, 16.88377]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.204, 1901.842, 2783.494, 3374.654]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.796, -0.113, -2.819, 5.829]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.767157
Adjusted Error 3.557630 cents
TE Error 1.267253 cents/octave

Quadbilu (24 & 200)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243883]
200317692] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨81328]
0-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨149.9917, 48.0261]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.71807, 5.91350]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.934, 1901.866, 4151.742]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.066, -0.089, 0.424]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.063126
Adjusted Error 0.299946 cents
TE Error 0.086704 cents/octave

Quadbiru (22 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223562]
264173] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨257]
0-4-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.4799, 274.1626]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.76524, 18.38941]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.960, 1900.749, 3373.871]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.040, -1.206, 5.045]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.070438
Adjusted Error 3.584592 cents
TE Error 1.276857 cents/octave

Quadbizo (41 & 14)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4165115]
142239] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
0811] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1746, 87.8432]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.62981, -1.04626]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.175, 1902.920, 3366.624]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.175, 0.965, -2.202]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.162618
Adjusted Error 1.633976 cents
TE Error 0.582034 cents/octave

Quadla-Quadzo (77 & 125)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨77122216]
125198351] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨120]
0-427] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3112, 124.7646]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.47104, 4.38433]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.311, 1901.564, 3368.644]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.311, -0.391, -0.182]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.229734
Adjusted Error 0.652154 cents
TE Error 0.232302 cents/octave

Quadlo (7 & 6p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71124]
61021] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
043] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.0318, 175.3655]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨150.83891, 24.52658]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.032, 1904.494, 4135.192]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.032, 2.539, -16.126]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.044320
Adjusted Error 11.557972 cents
TE Error 3.341003 cents/octave

Quadluyo (7 & 6 & 20ce)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
20324770] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1101]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5650, 175.5064, 2783.1870]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨80.43827, -4.06408, 33.04408]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.565, 1901.591, 2783.187, 4158.259]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.435, -0.364, -3.127, 6.941]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.166986
Adjusted Error 4.265225 cents
TE Error 1.232926 cents/octave

Quadraennealimmal (342 & 369)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3425427949601183]
36958585710361277] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨917252839]
0-8-12-8-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3372, 45.5963]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.72658, 0.72505]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.034, 1901.962, 2786.274, 3368.670, 4151.435]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.034, 0.007, -0.040, -0.155, 0.117]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 20.829309
Adjusted Error 0.116971 cents
TE Error 0.033812 cents/octave

Quadritikleismic (72 & 140)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
140222325393] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨46911]
0654] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨300.0520, 17.0029]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.00321, 5.99983]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.208, 1902.329, 2785.482, 3368.584]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.208, 0.374, -0.831, -0.242]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.454858
Adjusted Error 0.679974 cents
TE Error 0.242212 cents/octave

Quadritikleismic (72 & 140)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
140222325393484] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4691114]
0654-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨300.0996, 16.9303]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.63695, 4.64670]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.398, 1902.179, 2785.548, 3368.816, 4150.603]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.398, 0.224, -0.766, -0.009, -0.715]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.523765
Adjusted Error 0.889025 cents
TE Error 0.256986 cents/octave

Quadritikleismic (72 & 140)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
140222325393484518] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨469111414]
0654-314] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨300.0959, 16.9941]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.39828, 5.79791]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.384, 1902.540, 2785.834, 3369.031, 4150.360, 4439.260]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.384, 0.585, -0.480, 0.205, -0.958, -1.268]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.012147
Adjusted Error 1.095096 cents
TE Error 0.295937 cents/octave

Quadru (12 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121934]
4611] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4611]
011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.1341, 100.1896]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨100.18961, -1.43475]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.536, 1894.994, 3390.664]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.464, -6.961, 21.839]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.036126
Adjusted Error 15.529450 cents
TE Error 5.531702 cents/octave

Quadru + Ya (4 & 8d & 4c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨46911]
461011] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4005]
0010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.1341, 1894.9941, 2786.3137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨104.83745, 100.18961, -6.08259]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.536, 1894.994, 2786.314, 3390.664]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.464, -6.961, -0.000, 21.839]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.167338
Adjusted Error 13.448898 cents
TE Error 4.790594 cents/octave

Quadru-Asepyo (12 & 41 & 18)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
18294251] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1034]
0047] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3479, 1901.9550, -204.3389]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.47897, 25.68549, -1.47250]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.348, 1901.955, 2783.688, 3371.019]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.348, 0.000, -2.626, 2.193]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.246555
Adjusted Error 1.990133 cents
TE Error 0.708900 cents/octave

Quadru-Ayo (31 & 22 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
14223239] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1031]
0041] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8936, 1900.6182, -1628.9488]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.01119, 17.15855, -1.06724]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.894, 1900.618, 2785.740, 3372.181]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.106, -1.337, -0.574, 3.355]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.169079
Adjusted Error 2.087733 cents
TE Error 0.743666 cents/octave

Quadtho (19 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193070]
101637] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124]
0-4-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.6460, 125.0241]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨48.59541, 27.83333]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.646, 1903.196, 4431.512]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.646, 1.241, -9.016]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.050581
Adjusted Error 6.500675 cents
TE Error 1.756730 cents/octave

Quanharuk (41 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
224355520629775] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101512-7]
05-40-2933] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9711, 380.3424]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.25403, 5.58655]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.971, 1901.712, 2785.871, 3369.724, 4151.501]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.029, -0.243, -0.443, 0.898, 0.183]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.594441
Adjusted Error 0.630038 cents
TE Error 0.182122 cents/octave

Quanharuk (224 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775829]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101512-7-15]
05-40-293359] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9664, 380.3403]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.61103, -1.38793]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.966, 1901.701, 2785.884, 3369.728, 4151.465, 4440.581]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.034, -0.254, -0.430, 0.902, 0.147, 0.054]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 11.243430
Adjusted Error 0.615987 cents
TE Error 0.166463 cents/octave

Quanic (94 & 111)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨94149218264325348]
111176258312384411] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-4013]
055424216] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6648, 140.4563]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.99602, 6.57692]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.665, 1901.946, 2785.980, 3370.951, 4149.247, 4441.732]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.335, -0.009, -0.334, 2.125, -2.071, 1.204]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.750103
Adjusted Error 1.634299 cents
TE Error 0.441650 cents/octave

Quartemka (87 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202]
264160] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨146]
0-21-32] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9798, 137.9596]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.98880, 2.69055]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.980, 1902.767, 2785.170]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.020, 0.812, -1.143]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.375118
Adjusted Error 0.952848 cents
TE Error 0.410369 cents/octave

Quartemka (87 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14623]
0-21-3274] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3063, 138.0247]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.27604, 5.08809]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.306, 1902.706, 2785.047, 3366.786, 4153.018]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.306, 0.751, -1.267, -2.040, 1.700]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.260369
Adjusted Error 1.821203 cents
TE Error 0.526446 cents/octave

Quartemka (87 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨146236]
0-21-3274-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2719, 138.0213]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.26254, 5.13196]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.272, 1902.641, 2784.951, 3366.693, 4152.901, 4441.206]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.272, 0.686, -1.363, -2.133, 1.583, 0.678]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.633525
Adjusted Error 1.804085 cents
TE Error 0.487533 cents/octave

Quartemka (87 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202301322]
2641609096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14636]
0-21-324-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9127, 137.9468]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.12071, 2.24658]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.913, 1902.768, 2785.178, 4151.526, 4440.540]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.087, 0.813, -1.136, 0.208, 0.012]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.330523
Adjusted Error 1.185677 cents
TE Error 0.320415 cents/octave

Quarto (27e & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12334]
0-11-18-5-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.3216, 45.0693]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.52022, 18.54907]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.322, 1900.881, 2783.718, 3369.618, 4162.317]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.678, -1.074, -2.596, 0.793, 10.999]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.956943
Adjusted Error 5.934439 cents
TE Error 1.715437 cents/octave

Quarto (27e & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123344]
0-11-18-5-14-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.9466, 45.1655]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.64246, 20.52308]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.947, 1901.072, 2783.860, 3371.012, 4163.469, 4434.462]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.053, -0.883, -2.454, 2.186, 12.151, -6.066]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.793470
Adjusted Error 6.438958 cents
TE Error 1.740052 cents/octave

Quartonic (53 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1233]
0-11-18-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1441, 45.1064]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.72952, 7.64739]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.144, 1902.117, 2785.517, 3371.900]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.856, 0.162, -0.797, 3.074]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.303549
Adjusted Error 2.014710 cents
TE Error 0.717654 cents/octave

Quartonic (27e & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
5384123149183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12335]
0-11-18-5-41] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8811, 44.9995]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.78950, 16.10499]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.881, 1902.768, 2786.653, 3371.646, 4149.427]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.119, 0.813, 0.339, 2.820, -1.891]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.280311
Adjusted Error 2.609139 cents
TE Error 0.754210 cents/octave

Quartonic (53 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123354]
0-11-18-5-41-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3026, 45.0541]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.15692, 10.74022]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.303, 1903.011, 2786.935, 3372.638, 4149.297, 4436.778]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.697, 1.056, 0.621, 3.812, -2.021, -3.750]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.118643
Adjusted Error 3.100820 cents
TE Error 0.837960 cents/octave

Quartz (53 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12333]
0-11-18-512] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5143, 45.4049]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.98669, 5.43153]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.514, 1901.575, 2784.255, 3374.518, 4146.402]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.514, -0.380, -2.059, 5.692, -4.916]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.232407
Adjusted Error 4.162717 cents
TE Error 1.203295 cents/octave

Quartz (53 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123334]
0-11-18-512-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5961, 45.4099]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.93921, 5.53146]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.596, 1901.683, 2784.410, 3374.739, 4146.707, 4439.105]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.596, -0.272, -1.903, 5.913, -4.611, -1.422]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.866838
Adjusted Error 4.114320 cents
TE Error 1.111846 cents/octave

Quasiorwell (270 & 301)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758]
301477699845] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-731]
038-38] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9403, 271.0935]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.21642, 1.10135]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.940, 1901.973, 2786.540, 3368.689]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.060, 0.018, 0.227, -0.137]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.267246
Adjusted Error 0.175305 cents
TE Error 0.062445 cents/octave

Quasiorwell (270 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
31497287107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-731-11]
038-3864] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9484, 271.0989]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.42649, 0.15468]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.948, 1902.119, 2786.549, 3368.739, 4150.896]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.052, 0.164, 0.235, -0.086, -0.422]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.383885
Adjusted Error 0.307024 cents
TE Error 0.088750 cents/octave

Quasiorwell (270 & 301)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
30147769984510411114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-731-1122]
038-3864-81] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9916, 271.1051]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.21575, 1.10212]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.992, 1902.054, 2786.659, 3368.833, 4150.821, 4440.300]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.008, 0.099, 0.346, 0.007, -0.497, -0.228]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.856517
Adjusted Error 0.339748 cents
TE Error 0.091813 cents/octave

Quasisuper (22 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
17274048] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-32]
0-1132] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.9954, 490.5302]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.95340, 18.70709]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.995, 1903.460, 2785.907, 3375.051]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.005, 1.505, -0.407, 6.225]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.465117
Adjusted Error 5.414273 cents
TE Error 1.928603 cents/octave

Quasisupra (22 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1727404859] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-321]
0-11326] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.5868, 490.8064]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.39834, 19.46019]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.587, 1904.367, 2787.723, 3376.786, 4142.425]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.413, 2.412, 1.409, 7.960, -8.893]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.207375
Adjusted Error 7.444854 cents
TE Error 2.152045 cents/octave

Quasisupra (17c & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172740485963]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-3210]
0-113269] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.3002, 491.2995]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.88742, 36.00973]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.300, 1905.301, 2791.993, 3379.199, 4146.097, 4421.696]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.700, 3.346, 5.679, 10.374, -5.221, -18.832]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.044763
Adjusted Error 11.219833 cents
TE Error 3.032027 cents/octave

Quasitemp (41 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
46911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1555]
0-14-11-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.9278, 292.9360]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.18359, 1.10015]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.928, 1903.534, 2782.342, 3368.214]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.928, 1.579, -3.971, -0.611]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.174878
Adjusted Error 3.083727 cents
TE Error 1.098446 cents/octave

Quasitemp (41 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
375986104128] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15552]
0-14-11-96] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9647, 292.5380]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.22254, 5.59028]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.965, 1904.292, 2781.906, 3366.982, 4155.157]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.035, 2.337, -4.408, -1.844, 3.839]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.701437
Adjusted Error 4.220557 cents
TE Error 1.220015 cents/octave

Quasithird (612 & 836)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨612970142117182117]
8361325194123472892] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4551920]
0516-29-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨300.0073, 80.3890]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.88553, 0.78719]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.029, 1901.981, 2786.260, 3368.859, 4151.200]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.029, 0.026, -0.054, 0.033, -0.118]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 25.217374
Adjusted Error 0.084279 cents
TE Error 0.024362 cents/octave

Quasithird (224 & 612)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775829]
6129701421171821172265] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨455192014]
0516-29-233] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.9985, 80.3848]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.06398, 1.57134]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.994, 1901.916, 2786.149, 3368.812, 4151.119, 4441.133]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.006, -0.039, -0.165, -0.014, -0.199, 0.605]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 23.252755
Adjusted Error 0.285623 cents
TE Error 0.077186 cents/octave

Quato (41 & 4e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
4691113] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨155512]
0-14-11-9-35] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2786, 293.1627]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.62785, 6.88418]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.279, 1902.115, 2781.603, 3367.929, 4154.649]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.279, 0.160, -4.710, -0.897, 3.331]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.696034
Adjusted Error 4.031284 cents
TE Error 1.165302 cents/octave

Quato (41 & 4ef)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
469111314] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15551212]
0-14-11-9-35-34] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.4158, 293.2736]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.32143, 10.05924]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.416, 1901.249, 2781.069, 3367.617, 4152.414, 4445.687]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.416, -0.706, -5.244, -1.209, 1.096, 5.160]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.659507
Adjusted Error 4.664699 cents
TE Error 1.260580 cents/octave

Quatracot (224 & 34)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520]
345479] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨277]
0-13-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0409, 176.7875]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.18279, 1.15107]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.082, 1902.049, 2785.986]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.082, 0.094, -0.327]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.724984
Adjusted Error 0.232492 cents
TE Error 0.100129 cents/octave

Quatracot (224 & 190)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775]
190301441533657] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2772319]
0-13-8-59-41] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0847, 176.8311]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.41902, 2.28584]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.169, 1901.789, 2785.944, 3368.915, 4151.535]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.169, -0.166, -0.369, 0.089, 0.217]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.557195
Adjusted Error 0.409128 cents
TE Error 0.118265 cents/octave

Quatracot (224 & 190)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨224355520629775829]
190301441533657703] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨277231913]
0-13-8-59-41-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0571, 176.8206]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.64702, 2.01674]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.114, 1901.733, 2785.836, 3368.901, 4151.443, 4441.152]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.114, -0.222, -0.478, 0.075, 0.125, 0.625]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.583004
Adjusted Error 0.491039 cents
TE Error 0.132697 cents/octave

Quinbigu (31 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨314972]
274363] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-10]
0109] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4049, 309.9865]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.19891, 14.34218]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.405, 1900.460, 2789.879]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.595, -1.495, 3.565]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.599401
Adjusted Error 2.543821 cents
TE Error 1.095564 cents/octave

Quinbiru (58 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892163]
314987] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-11]
0107] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6399, 310.1222]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.67035, 7.50838]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.640, 1901.582, 3370.496]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.360, -0.373, 1.670]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.595329
Adjusted Error 1.189553 cents
TE Error 0.423727 cents/octave

Quincy (72 & 145)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
145230337407502] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12334]
0-30-49-14-39] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1288, 16.6148]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.88117, 3.86679]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.129, 1901.815, 2786.264, 3367.780, 4152.540]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.129, -0.140, -0.050, -1.046, 1.222]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.021903
Adjusted Error 0.830913 cents
TE Error 0.240188 cents/octave

Quincy (72 & 217)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
217344504609751803] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123345]
0-30-49-14-39-94] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0557, 16.6028]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.65081, 4.65068]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.056, 1902.026, 2786.628, 3367.727, 4152.712, 4439.611]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.056, 0.071, 0.314, -1.099, 1.394, -0.917]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.023036
Adjusted Error 0.955750 cents
TE Error 0.258280 cents/octave

Quindecic (15 & 15f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
152435425255] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨152435425256]
00000-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨79.7773, 27.0010]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨52.77629, 27.00100]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.659, 1914.655, 2792.205, 3350.646, 4148.419, 4440.528]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.341, 12.700, 5.892, -18.179, -2.898, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.514881
Adjusted Error 16.852245 cents
TE Error 4.554120 cents/octave

Quinlu (17 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172759]
91431] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
054] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.7760, 140.4122]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨64.93365, 10.54488]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.776, 1900.837, 4157.977]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.224, -1.118, 6.659]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.304415
Adjusted Error 4.768812 cents
TE Error 1.378496 cents/octave

Quinmite (99 & 301)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230]
301477699] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-7-5]
03429] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9229, 302.9778]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.17671, 3.27053]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.923, 1901.785, 2786.742]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.077, -0.170, 0.428]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.797531
Adjusted Error 0.304038 cents
TE Error 0.130942 cents/octave

Quinmite (99 & 301)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
301477699845] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-7-5-3]
0342923] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9362, 302.9808]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.06656, 3.30680]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.936, 1901.793, 2786.762, 3368.749]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.064, -0.162, 0.448, -0.076]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.737744
Adjusted Error 0.321492 cents
TE Error 0.114518 cents/octave

Quinru (17 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172748]
91425] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
057] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3660, 139.7745]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨58.60493, 22.56469]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.366, 1898.239, 3377.154]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.634, -3.716, 8.328]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.359072
Adjusted Error 6.214241 cents
TE Error 2.213557 cents/octave

Quint (5 & 25d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
25405871] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨581214]
00-21] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨238.5093, 36.7010]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨55.00425, 36.70102]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1192.547, 1908.075, 2788.710, 3375.832]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-7.453, 6.120, 2.396, 7.006]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.257075
Adjusted Error 12.377277 cents
TE Error 4.408875 cents/octave

Quintannic (43 & 60e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4368100121149159176]
6095139168207222245] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1157837]
05-23-36-396-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7423, 139.9018]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.08953, 12.06488]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.742, 1900.251, 2785.971, 3368.732, 4149.769, 4441.638, 4907.652]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.742, -1.704, -0.343, -0.094, -1.549, 1.110, 2.696]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.104754
Adjusted Error 2.420690 cents
TE Error 0.592223 cents/octave

Quinthu (17 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172763]
77122285] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
056] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8407, 140.3695]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.88548, 13.39984]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.841, 1901.688, 4441.739]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.159, -0.267, 1.212]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.288219
Adjusted Error 0.856948 cents
TE Error 0.231580 cents/octave

Quinzogu (31 & 27 & 60)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
6095139168] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1400]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1657, -579.7624, 2787.4307]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.56231, 10.54138, 8.76861]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.166, 1901.851, 2787.431, 3367.193]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.166, -0.104, 1.117, -1.633]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.226455
Adjusted Error 1.088620 cents
TE Error 0.387774 cents/octave

Radon (41 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4165115142]
581417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1136]
03-1-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9725, 234.3752]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.09672, 9.60141]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.973, 1903.098, 3365.542, 4152.958]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.027, 1.143, -3.283, 1.640]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.037043
Adjusted Error 2.514679 cents
TE Error 0.726905 cents/octave

Ragismic (171 & 270 & 323)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
323512750907] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1001]
001-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0018, 1901.9869, 2786.2746]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.41727, 1.44123, 0.70129]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.002, 1901.987, 2786.275, 3368.812]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.002, 0.032, -0.039, -0.014]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.178734
Adjusted Error 0.037604 cents
TE Error 0.013395 cents/octave

Raider (4296 & 1171)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨429668099975]
117118562719] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-9-26]
03799] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9999, 343.2961]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.26979, 0.03499]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1901.955, 2786.313]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.000, 0.000, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 17.432683
Adjusted Error 0.000434 cents
TE Error 0.000187 cents/octave

Restles (87 & 164)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202]
164260381] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-28]
012-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6887, 358.4657]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.63123, 5.38885]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.689, 1902.211, 2786.661]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.311, 0.256, 0.347]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.434833
Adjusted Error 0.511184 cents
TE Error 0.220155 cents/octave

Restles (10 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
77122179216] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-284]
012-19-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0335, 358.5585]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.23336, 14.51558]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.034, 1902.635, 2787.657, 3365.900]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.034, 0.680, 1.343, -2.926]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.596154
Adjusted Error 1.778781 cents
TE Error 0.633615 cents/octave

Restles (87 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301]
77122179216266] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-284-7]
012-19-435] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1125, 358.6049]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.99384, 4.29414]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.112, 1903.034, 2787.406, 3366.030, 4150.386]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.112, 1.079, 1.092, -2.796, -0.932]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.566135
Adjusted Error 2.053666 cents
TE Error 0.593643 cents/octave

Restles (87 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
77122179216266285] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-284-74]
012-19-435-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0498, 358.5888]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.19048, 4.07114]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.050, 1902.966, 2787.212, 3365.844, 4150.259, 4441.610]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.050, 1.011, 0.898, -2.982, -1.059, 1.083]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.035427
Adjusted Error 2.063760 cents
TE Error 0.557707 cents/octave

Restles (10 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1016232837]
77122179216285] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-2844]
012-19-4-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9767, 358.5411]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.19971, 14.51922]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.977, 1902.540, 2787.533, 3365.742, 4441.366]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.023, 0.585, 1.219, -3.084, 0.838]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.006502
Adjusted Error 2.138580 cents
TE Error 0.577926 cents/octave

Restles (87 & 164)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202322]
164260381607] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-284]
012-19-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7048, 358.4705]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.62704, 5.39117]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.705, 1902.236, 2786.699, 4440.349]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.295, 0.281, 0.385, -0.179]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.572728
Adjusted Error 0.713051 cents
TE Error 0.192694 cents/octave

Revelation (31 & 10e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1016232834] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11335]
06-7-2-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3405, 116.4065]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.27576, 4.57919]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.341, 1899.779, 2789.176, 3371.209, 4144.199]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.341, -2.176, 2.863, 2.383, -7.119]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.865488
Adjusted Error 4.930414 cents
TE Error 1.425209 cents/octave

Revelation (31 & 10e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
101623283437] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113354]
06-7-2-16-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6267, 116.3283]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.34392, 4.29651]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.627, 1898.596, 2787.582, 3369.224, 4141.881, 4453.522]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.627, -3.359, 1.268, 0.398, -9.437, 12.994]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.617653
Adjusted Error 7.549560 cents
TE Error 2.040179 cents/octave

Rhinoceros (19p & 1ce)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
12334] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12334]
0-8-13-4-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2212, 62.9378]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨62.93776, 5.40379]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.221, 1898.940, 2785.473, 3351.913, 4175.507]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.221, -3.015, -0.841, -16.913, 24.189]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.116229
Adjusted Error 14.712027 cents
TE Error 4.252730 cents/octave

Rhinoceros (19p & 1ce)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
123344] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123344]
0-8-13-4-10-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.2886, 63.1635]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨63.16354, 2.18134]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.289, 1899.269, 2785.740, 3354.212, 4177.519, 4430.173]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.289, -2.686, -0.574, -14.614, 26.201, -10.355]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.996356
Adjusted Error 15.141891 cents
TE Error 4.091917 cents/octave

Ringo (10p & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1016232835]
2743637694] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11542]
02-9-45] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.4391, 354.0683]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-3.66938, 45.63455]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.439, 1903.576, 2790.581, 3365.483, 4161.220]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.561, 1.621, 4.267, -3.343, 9.902]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.976770
Adjusted Error 9.131184 cents
TE Error 2.639504 cents/octave

Ringo (10p & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623283537]
172740485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨115424]
02-9-45-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.0316, 354.2805]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨42.61112, 45.28943]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.032, 1904.593, 2791.633, 3367.004, 4163.466, 4429.846]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.968, 2.638, 5.319, -1.822, 12.148, -10.682]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.806034
Adjusted Error 10.117263 cents
TE Error 2.734070 cents/octave

Ripple (12 & 11c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
111725] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-5-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2835, 100.8618]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨90.80316, 10.05868]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.283, 1896.258, 2793.956]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.283, -5.697, 7.642]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.559790
Adjusted Error 6.544574 cents
TE Error 2.818595 cents/octave

Ripple (12 & 1c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
1233] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1233]
0-5-8-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.1130, 99.0775]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨99.07746, 6.18352]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.113, 1894.839, 2792.719, 3387.184]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.887, -7.116, 6.406, 18.358]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.502931
Adjusted Error 13.639176 cents
TE Error 4.858373 cents/octave

Ripple (12 & 1ce)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
12334] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12334]
0-5-8-2-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1192.9322, 98.7996]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨98.79956, 7.33752]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1192.932, 1891.867, 2788.400, 3381.197, 4178.931]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-7.068, -10.088, 2.086, 12.372, 27.614]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.347230
Adjusted Error 20.431709 cents
TE Error 5.906089 cents/octave

Rodan (46 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107]
416595] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-1]
0317] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5623, 234.4425]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.64311, 11.70681]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.562, 1902.890, 2785.960]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.438, 0.935, -0.354]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.104140
Adjusted Error 1.005529 cents
TE Error 0.433058 cents/octave

Rodan (41 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
4673107129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-13]
0317-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2164, 234.4590]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.83192, 11.08930]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.216, 1903.593, 2785.587, 3366.190]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.216, 1.638, -0.727, -2.636]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.069361
Adjusted Error 2.031656 cents
TE Error 0.723691 cents/octave

Rodan (41 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
4673107129159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-136]
0317-1-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0571, 234.4699]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.89911, 12.80855]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.057, 1903.467, 2785.931, 3365.702, 4152.234]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.057, 1.512, -0.383, -3.124, 0.916]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.639409
Adjusted Error 2.320151 cents
TE Error 0.670674 cents/octave

Rodan (41 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-1368]
0317-1-13-22] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9887, 234.4799]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.82153, 13.76752]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.989, 1903.429, 2786.170, 3365.486, 4151.693, 4441.351]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.011, 1.474, -0.144, -3.340, 0.375, 0.824]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.216320
Adjusted Error 2.313272 cents
TE Error 0.625134 cents/octave

Rodan (46 & 41p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170188]
416595115142152168] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-13688]
0317-1-13-22-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8361, 234.4925]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.50170, 11.87215]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.836, 1903.314, 2786.536, 3365.016, 4150.615, 4439.855, 4908.840]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.164, 1.359, 0.222, -3.810, -0.703, -0.673, 3.884]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.243542
Adjusted Error 2.927186 cents
TE Error 0.716138 cents/octave

Roman (26 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨264160739096]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨143-103]
0-7-211102] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.8528, 415.4576]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.74424, 23.77595]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.853, 1903.207, 2777.643, 3367.181, 4154.576, 4439.474]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.853, 1.252, -8.671, -1.645, 3.259, -1.054]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.687216
Adjusted Error 7.403823 cents
TE Error 2.000796 cents/octave

Roulette (37 & 6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3786104128137]
614172122] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12225]
0259-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3084, 194.4822]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.41511, -0.00843]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.308, 2787.581, 3371.028, 4148.957, 4440.684]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.692, 1.268, 2.202, -2.361, 0.157]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.641449
Adjusted Error 2.256465 cents
TE Error 0.609783 cents/octave

Ru + Ya (12 & 22 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1006]
0010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.9667, 1904.4950, 2786.3137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.45930, 19.82580, 23.97361]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.967, 1904.495, 2786.314, 3372.810]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.033, 2.540, -0.000, 3.984]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.088850
Adjusted Error 5.211281 cents
TE Error 1.856296 cents/octave

Rugu (12 & 5 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
46911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.4298, 1892.9863, 2795.9377]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨87.08356, 22.51610, 9.71166]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.430, 1892.986, 2795.938, 3382.895]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.570, -8.969, 9.624, 14.069]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.063240
Adjusted Error 13.097097 cents
TE Error 4.665280 cents/octave

Ruru (3d & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨359]
4611] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
023] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.9490, 341.0064]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨167.07648, 173.92990]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.949, 1878.962, 3416.917]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.051, -22.993, 48.091]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.556252
Adjusted Error 36.718700 cents
TE Error 13.079465 cents/octave

Rurugu (5 & 12 & 6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
6101417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1004]
002-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1193.9725, 1901.9550, 1395.1879]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.32002, 83.55912, 20.77717]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1193.972, 1901.955, 2790.376, 3380.702]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-6.028, -0.000, 4.062, 11.876]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.121542
Adjusted Error 10.624223 cents
TE Error 3.784425 cents/octave

Rurugu Nowa (6 & 1)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨61417]
123] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
02-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1193.9725, 201.2154]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨201.21542, -13.32002]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1193.972, 2790.376, 3380.702]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-6.028, 4.062, 11.876]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.513704
Adjusted Error 12.267796 cents
TE Error 4.369877 cents/octave

Ruyo (4 & 3d & 2cd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨46911]
2345] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-1]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1207.1162, 1884.0784, 2747.9479]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨186.90727, 146.80832, 9.53107]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1207.116, 1884.078, 2747.948, 3424.910]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨7.116, -17.877, -38.366, 56.084]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.049568
Adjusted Error 40.923293 cents
TE Error 14.577171 cents/octave

Ruyoyobi (10 & 8d & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
7111620] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1003]
0012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.1878, 1914.0437, 2769.0177]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨67.97749, 38.42817, 29.71252]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.188, 1914.044, 2769.018, 3381.468]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.812, 12.089, -17.296, 12.642]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.094538
Adjusted Error 17.593379 cents
TE Error 6.266888 cents/octave

Rym (270 & 224 & 118p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
118187274331408437] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2002522]
001-4-33] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9913, 1902.0079, 2786.2805]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.60628, 1.85927, 0.67636]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.983, 1902.008, 2786.280, 3368.916, 4151.154, 4440.578]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.017, 0.053, -0.033, 0.090, -0.163, 0.050]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.861463
Adjusted Error 0.107604 cents
TE Error 0.029079 cents/octave

Sagugu & Bizozogu (58 & 68)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163]
68108158191] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2435]
0-483] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.4452, 123.6699]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.66089, 10.24351]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.890, 1903.101, 2787.695, 3368.236]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.110, 1.146, 1.381, -0.590]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.292516
Adjusted Error 2.059237 cents
TE Error 0.733515 cents/octave

Sagugu & Latrizo (10 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
4673107129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2276]
03-6-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.7236, 234.8341]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.67267, 25.27653]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.447, 1903.950, 2789.060, 3363.508]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.553, 1.995, 2.747, -5.318]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.181494
Adjusted Error 3.681176 cents
TE Error 1.311261 cents/octave

Sagugu & Lulu (34 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨345479118]
24385683] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2439]
0-24-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.2099, 247.5951]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.90786, 14.64802]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.420, 1901.649, 2788.010, 4154.913]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.580, -0.306, 1.696, 3.595]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.534477
Adjusted Error 3.522970 cents
TE Error 1.018367 cents/octave

Sagugu & Rugu (12 & 2d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
2355] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2355]
01-24] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨598.3030, 97.8609]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨97.86094, 11.13734]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.606, 1892.770, 2795.793, 3382.959]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.394, -9.185, 9.479, 14.133]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.682089
Adjusted Error 13.101165 cents
TE Error 4.666729 cents/octave

Sagugu & Rurugu (12 & 8cd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
8131823] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨461011]
01-21] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨298.9983, 101.5586]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨95.88116, 5.67740]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.993, 1895.548, 2786.866, 3390.540]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.007, -6.407, 0.552, 21.714]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.255115
Adjusted Error 13.483705 cents
TE Error 4.802993 cents/octave

Sagugu & Zozo (10 & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
24385667] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2436]
0-24-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.2914, 247.0987]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.27287, 34.91059]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.583, 1906.968, 2789.269, 3354.650]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.583, 5.013, 2.955, -14.176]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.163233
Adjusted Error 8.591510 cents
TE Error 3.060358 cents/octave

Salo (17 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172759]
4673159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨128]
0-1-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1847, 494.8051]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.47265, 17.39456]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.185, 1903.564, 4150.621]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.815, 1.609, -0.697]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.375502
Adjusted Error 2.631737 cents
TE Error 0.760743 cents/octave

Salo & Thulo (17 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17275963]
2946100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1287]
0-1-11-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2986, 494.7170]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.78964, 15.09913]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.299, 1903.880, 4152.501, 4437.354]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.701, 1.925, 1.184, -3.174]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.252195
Adjusted Error 3.107017 cents
TE Error 0.839634 cents/octave

Salolo (10 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101635]
223576] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨236]
015] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.0163, 110.3976]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.34074, 47.02842]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.033, 1907.446, 4146.086]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.967, 5.491, -5.232]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.185204
Adjusted Error 8.512029 cents
TE Error 2.460528 cents/octave

Saloyoyo (7 & 87 & 34)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
345479118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-3]
001-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8142, 1903.0444, 2785.6457]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.23228, 14.25451, -1.23395]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.814, 1903.044, 2785.646, 4150.577]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.186, 1.089, -0.668, -0.741]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.126358
Adjusted Error 1.379027 cents
TE Error 0.398628 cents/octave

Salsa (41 & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
2438566783] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨117-12]
02-16135] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3938, 351.1289]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.33627, 8.44195]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.394, 1902.651, 2784.695, 3364.281, 4156.432]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.394, 0.696, -1.619, -4.545, 5.114]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.808423
Adjusted Error 3.674190 cents
TE Error 1.062079 cents/octave

Salsa (41 & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
243856678389] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨117-124]
02-16135-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9459, 351.0089]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.59242, 7.98569]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.946, 1901.964, 2783.479, 3363.170, 4154.936, 4448.775]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.054, 0.009, -2.835, -5.656, 3.618, 8.247]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.480477
Adjusted Error 5.148281 cents
TE Error 1.391262 cents/octave

Salu (17 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172759]
223576] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121]
0-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.2300, 492.4529]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.89331, 15.91108]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.230, 1904.007, 4152.947]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.770, 2.052, 1.629]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.001527
Adjusted Error 4.479969 cents
TE Error 1.295001 cents/octave

Salulugu (65 & 87 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151225]
4673107159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1007]
002-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7330, 1902.0987, 442.1589]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.11529, 6.71941, 0.49239]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.733, 1902.099, 2786.417, 4151.774]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.267, 0.144, 0.103, 0.457]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.161890
Adjusted Error 0.543971 cents
TE Error 0.157243 cents/octave

Salururu (135 & 41 & 359)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨135214379467]
35956910081242] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10017]
001-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9460, 1901.9949, 3368.8760]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.62439, 1.16867, 1.84607]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.946, 1901.995, 3368.876, 4151.356]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.054, 0.040, 0.050, 0.038]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.161454
Adjusted Error 0.109205 cents
TE Error 0.031567 cents/octave

Saluzo (17 & 41 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17274859]
581417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1007]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3781, 1902.8478, 3368.1257]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.44403, 22.44727, 10.09828]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.378, 1902.848, 3368.126, 4152.381]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.622, 0.893, -0.700, 1.063]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.084798
Adjusted Error 1.604756 cents
TE Error 0.463879 cents/octave

Sanjaab (29 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨29466781100]
94149218264325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-30]
0-3244225] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2016, 166.0021]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.57250, 13.25324]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.202, 1902.397, 2783.848, 3371.481, 4150.051]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.202, 0.442, -2.466, 2.656, -1.267]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.304782
Adjusted Error 2.333627 cents
TE Error 0.674570 cents/octave

Sanjaab (29 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨29466781100107]
94149218264325348] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-30-1]
0-324422534] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1249, 165.9803]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.52625, 12.92964]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.125, 1902.309, 2783.403, 3370.799, 4149.508, 4443.206]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.125, 0.354, -2.911, 1.973, -1.810, 2.678]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.867822
Adjusted Error 2.585264 cents
TE Error 0.698637 cents/octave

Saquadbizo (24 & 32)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243867]
325190] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨81323]
0-1-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨149.9613, 43.3948]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.61798, 19.77684]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.690, 1906.102, 3362.320]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.310, 4.147, -6.505]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.547622
Adjusted Error 5.687268 cents
TE Error 2.025846 cents/octave

Saquadnu (12 & 32)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121951]
3251136] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4617]
010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.9268, 102.3941]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨80.62770, 7.25547]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.707, 1901.955, 5098.756]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.293, -0.000, 1.243]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.189983
Adjusted Error 1.015059 cents
TE Error 0.238954 cents/octave

Saquadyobi (22 & 20c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551]
203247] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨234]
027] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨598.9751, 55.2876]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨46.09946, 9.18811]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.950, 1907.500, 2782.913]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.050, 5.545, -3.400]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.476599
Adjusted Error 5.779649 cents
TE Error 2.489159 cents/octave

Saquadzo (22 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223562]
4673129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235]
027] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.6435, 52.6521]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.71233, 20.46991]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.287, 1904.235, 3366.782]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.713, 2.280, -2.043]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.037152
Adjusted Error 2.857037 cents
TE Error 1.017697 cents/octave

Saquadzogu (19 & 58 & 68)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
68108158191] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1201]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6091, -124.1112, 2787.7188]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.16869, 7.39574, 8.77134]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.609, 1902.773, 2787.719, 3366.772]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.391, 0.818, 1.405, -2.054]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.213422
Adjusted Error 1.613270 cents
TE Error 0.574658 cents/octave

Saquinlo (7 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71124]
4673159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨136]
0-5-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2286, 339.4016]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.50008, 24.64626]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.229, 1903.678, 4146.758]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.229, 1.723, -4.560]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.375153
Adjusted Error 3.443133 cents
TE Error 0.995289 cents/octave

Saquinru (5 & 35d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5814]
355599] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5814]
0-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.7273, 15.0853]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨134.13042, 15.08527]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.637, 1902.733, 3371.268]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.363, 0.778, 2.442]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.043150
Adjusted Error 2.739409 cents
TE Error 0.975797 cents/octave

Saquinzo (41 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4165115]
223562] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-1]
0512] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8230, 380.6045]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.46245, 7.08467]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.823, 1903.022, 3367.431]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.177, 1.067, -1.395]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.810026
Adjusted Error 1.386579 cents
TE Error 0.493909 cents/octave

Saruruyo (12 & 68 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
581214] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1008]
0021] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8354, 1903.4177, 1392.9607]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.77891, 16.20397, -1.67624]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.835, 1903.418, 2785.921, 3369.973]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.165, 1.463, -0.392, 1.147]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.257706
Adjusted Error 2.176152 cents
TE Error 0.775161 cents/octave

Sasa-Gugu (10 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623]
274363] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨115]
02-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.4409, 354.8746]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.08601, 40.57707]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.441, 1906.190, 2788.334]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.559, 4.235, 2.020]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.192688
Adjusted Error 6.079052 cents
TE Error 2.618105 cents/octave

Sasa-Quadgubi (10 & 39)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623]
396291] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121]
0-413] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.2499, 122.3878]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.87718, 26.62764]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.250, 1904.949, 2788.291]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.750, 2.994, 1.977]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.402083
Adjusted Error 4.615874 cents
TE Error 1.987949 cents/octave

Sasa-Quinbiru (135 & 400)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨135214379]
4006341123] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5814]
0-21] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.9934, 8.9904]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.75008, 2.74676]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.967, 1901.967, 3368.898]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.033, 0.012, 0.072]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.471132
Adjusted Error 0.068770 cents
TE Error 0.024496 cents/octave

Sasa-Sepru (94 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨94149264]
5814] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨132]
0-74] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7547, 242.4592]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.54129, 4.17475]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.755, 1902.050, 3369.346]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.245, 0.095, 0.520]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.487293
Adjusted Error 0.507632 cents
TE Error 0.180822 cents/octave

Sasa-Trilo & Thulo (17 & 70)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17275963]
70111242259] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13117]
0-3-16-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6871, 565.3743]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.47213, 13.86658]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.687, 1902.938, 4150.569, 4440.189]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.313, 0.983, -0.749, -0.338]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.649075
Adjusted Error 1.357171 cents
TE Error 0.366759 cents/octave

Sasa-Trizo (22 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223562]
294681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨125]
0-3-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.7255, 164.1609]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.23630, 15.36300]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.726, 1904.968, 3367.053]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.274, 3.013, -1.773]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.372572
Adjusted Error 3.848436 cents
TE Error 1.370840 cents/octave

Sasagu (22 & 39)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551]
396291] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-3]
0-113] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.8828, 490.8045]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.74978, 16.75353]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.883, 1904.961, 2786.810]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.117, 3.006, 0.496]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.804827
Adjusted Error 3.821311 cents
TE Error 1.645749 cents/octave

Sasaru (135 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨135214379]
94149264] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-3]
0-114] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9155, 497.7571]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.53915, 1.93756]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.915, 1902.074, 3368.853]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.085, 0.119, 0.027]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.512972
Adjusted Error 0.183807 cents
TE Error 0.065473 cents/octave

Sasazo (17 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172748]
4673129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨129]
0-1-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1820, 494.9413]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.15933, 19.72768]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.182, 1903.423, 3368.519]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.818, 1.468, -0.307]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.385635
Adjusted Error 2.010491 cents
TE Error 0.716151 cents/octave

Saseplo (7 & 70)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71124]
70111242] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨71124]
012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨171.4370, 17.1829]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.39239, 17.18294]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.059, 1902.990, 4148.853]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.059, 1.035, -2.465]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.000446
Adjusted Error 1.933561 cents
TE Error 0.558924 cents/octave

Sasepzo (19 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193053]
274376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-2]
0713] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9306, 443.4505]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.14291, 26.04501]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.931, 1904.223, 3364.995]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.069, 2.268, -3.831]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.134358
Adjusted Error 3.206650 cents
TE Error 1.142232 cents/octave

Satho (17 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172763]
121944] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨127]
0-1-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1232, 494.3336]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨63.61278, 9.80883]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.123, 1903.913, 4439.194]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.877, 1.958, -1.334]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.908395
Adjusted Error 3.326660 cents
TE Error 0.898990 cents/octave

Sathu (17 & 5f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172763]
5818] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨120]
0-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.6071, 493.5097]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨70.33425, 0.58496]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.607, 1903.705, 4441.587]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.393, 1.750, 1.060]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.322132
Adjusted Error 3.845947 cents
TE Error 1.039322 cents/octave

Satin (217 & 311)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨217344504]
311493722] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1212]
0-3-70] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9009, 165.8930]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.00499, 1.76147]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.901, 1902.123, 2786.298]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.099, 0.168, -0.015]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 13.788277
Adjusted Error 0.194539 cents
TE Error 0.083783 cents/octave

Satin (311 & 217)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨311493722873]
217344504609] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1212-3]
0-3-7042] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0199, 165.9161]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.18941, 0.95905]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.020, 1902.292, 2786.114, 3368.415]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.020, 0.337, -0.200, -0.411]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 16.304189
Adjusted Error 0.382611 cents
TE Error 0.136289 cents/octave

Satin (311 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3114937228731076]
94149218264325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1212-313]
0-3-7042-69] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9932, 165.9145]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.95038, -0.30398]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.993, 1902.243, 2785.905, 3368.428, 4151.812]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.007, 0.288, -0.409, -0.397, 0.494]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 15.874104
Adjusted Error 0.500215 cents
TE Error 0.144594 cents/octave

Satin (311 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31149372287310761151]
94149218264325348] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1212-313-1]
0-3-7042-6934] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9608, 165.9086]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.08501, -0.74976]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.961, 1902.196, 2785.930, 3368.277, 4151.799, 4440.930]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.039, 0.241, -0.384, -0.549, 0.481, 0.403]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 15.755744
Adjusted Error 0.526237 cents
TE Error 0.142209 cents/octave

Satin (94 & 217)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨94149218264325348384]
217344504609751803887] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1212-313-111]
0-3-7042-6934-50] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9844, 165.9110]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.15225, 4.16439]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.984, 1902.236, 2786.044, 3368.308, 4151.939, 4440.989, 4904.279]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.016, 0.281, -0.270, -0.518, 0.621, 0.462, -0.676]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.826721
Adjusted Error 0.606929 cents
TE Error 0.148486 cents/octave

Satin (217 & 311)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨217344504609751803887922]
3114937228731076115112711321] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1212-313-11116]
0-3-7042-6934-50-85] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9877, 165.9111]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.11682, 3.07922]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.988, 1902.242, 2786.075, 3368.303, 4151.974, 4440.990, 4904.309, 5097.359]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.012, 0.287, -0.239, -0.523, 0.656, 0.462, -0.646, -0.154]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.651726
Adjusted Error 0.593214 cents
TE Error 0.139648 cents/octave

Satin (94 & 217)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨94149218264325348384399425]
217344504609751803887922982] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1212-313-1111616]
0-3-7042-6934-50-85-83] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9746, 165.9104]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.30922, 4.09635]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.975, 1902.218, 2785.970, 3368.311, 4151.855, 4440.978, 4904.203, 5097.214, 5429.034]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.025, 0.263, -0.343, -0.515, 0.537, 0.450, -0.752, -0.300, 0.760]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.227698
Adjusted Error 0.656720 cents
TE Error 0.145178 cents/octave

Satribigubi (8 & 6b)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319]
6914] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨245]
0-3-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨595.1616, 161.0371]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨112.05042, 48.98664]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1190.323, 1897.535, 2814.771]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-9.677, -4.420, 28.457]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.633218
Adjusted Error 21.264885 cents
TE Error 9.158288 cents/octave

Satribizo (27 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨274376]
243867] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨359]
0-2-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.7827, 46.7245]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.98689, 20.73759]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.348, 1905.464, 3364.422]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.652, 3.509, -4.404]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.244854
Adjusted Error 4.523507 cents
TE Error 1.611306 cents/octave

Satrigu (15 & 2p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435]
235] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨130]
0-35] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1194.1448, 558.5254]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨77.09388, 18.86827]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.145, 1906.858, 2792.627]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.855, 4.903, 6.314]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.661080
Adjusted Error 9.596658 cents
TE Error 4.133056 cents/octave

Satrilu (17 & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172759]
237] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨133]
0-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.9188, 563.7885]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨70.34170, 1.05496]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.919, 1902.391, 4157.545]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.081, 0.436, 6.227]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.969306
Adjusted Error 5.523190 cents
TE Error 1.596560 cents/octave

Satritho (17 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172763]
5384196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨137]
0-3-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0000, 565.8271]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.16560, 19.06009]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1902.519, 4439.211]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.000, 0.564, -1.317]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.892005
Adjusted Error 1.075097 cents
TE Error 0.290532 cents/octave

Satriyo (15 & 2c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435]
234] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨137]
0-3-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.7050, 559.6543]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨77.39644, 17.87917]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.705, 1911.152, 2780.392]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.295, 9.197, -5.922]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.767344
Adjusted Error 9.576640 cents
TE Error 4.124434 cents/octave

Sawa + La (5 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5817]
101635] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5817]
001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨238.8615, 90.6718]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨57.51795, 90.67180]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.308, 1910.892, 4151.318]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.692, 8.937, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.684572
Adjusted Error 16.003200 cents
TE Error 4.625962 cents/octave

Sawa + Za (5 & 5d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5814]
5815] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5814]
001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨238.8615, 24.7644]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨214.09716, 24.76437]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.308, 1910.892, 3368.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.692, 8.937, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.843581
Adjusted Error 12.986718 cents
TE Error 4.625962 cents/octave

Sazoyo (5 & 22 & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
7111619] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-6]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.5570, 1906.1842, 2785.0171]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.68722, 45.49180, 12.04303]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.557, 1906.184, 2785.017, 3366.930]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.443, 4.229, -1.297, -1.895]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.158844
Adjusted Error 4.432152 cents
TE Error 1.578764 cents/octave

Schism (12 & 5c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
581114] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-12]
0-182] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.4210, 497.3726]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨92.02105, 18.63367]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.421, 1897.469, 2781.560, 3389.587]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.579, -4.486, -4.754, 20.761]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.557903
Adjusted Error 12.037574 cents
TE Error 4.287870 cents/octave

Schism (12 & 5cee)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
58111416] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-12-4]
0-18218] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.5730, 496.9605]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨89.65665, 24.33864]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.573, 1898.185, 2778.111, 3389.067, 4154.998]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.427, -3.770, -8.202, 20.241, 3.680]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.222882
Adjusted Error 13.588312 cents
TE Error 3.927903 cents/octave

Score (20 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨20566974]
9253133] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1131]
0416] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.5566, 540.8000]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨60.97318, -1.98965]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.557, 3364.757, 4145.470, 4446.356]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.557, -4.069, -5.848, 5.829]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.699383
Adjusted Error 5.810729 cents
TE Error 1.570281 cents/octave

Secant (58 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21056]
071523] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.5798, 185.8316]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.49154, 7.10192]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.160, 1900.401, 2787.474, 3369.562, 4154.973]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.840, -1.554, 1.160, 0.736, 3.655]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.020837
Adjusted Error 2.725163 cents
TE Error 0.787749 cents/octave

Secant (58 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨210564]
07152311] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.5446, 185.8141]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.40443, 7.29356]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.089, 1900.243, 2787.211, 3369.351, 4154.710, 4442.133]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.911, -1.712, 0.897, 0.525, 3.392, 1.606]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.597687
Adjusted Error 2.756800 cents
TE Error 0.744992 cents/octave

Secund (9 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914212531]
2641607390] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11323]
05-674] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.9865, 138.2429]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.64397, 41.19964]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.986, 1894.201, 2779.502, 3373.673, 4161.931]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.986, -7.754, -6.812, 4.847, 10.613]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.025773
Adjusted Error 11.353313 cents
TE Error 3.281843 cents/octave

Secund (9 & 17ff)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
172739485964] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113232]
05-67415] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.5463, 137.2279]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨72.21863, 32.50463]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.546, 1888.686, 2784.272, 3365.688, 4156.550, 4463.511]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.546, -13.269, -2.042, -3.138, 5.232, 22.983]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.201562
Adjusted Error 16.511612 cents
TE Error 4.462067 cents/octave

Secundly (9 & 26)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
264160739096] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113233]
05-6746] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.0647, 138.2694]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.18983, 41.35985]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.065, 1894.412, 2779.578, 3374.015, 4162.272, 4438.810]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.065, -7.543, -6.736, 5.189, 10.954, -1.717]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.871592
Adjusted Error 11.113360 cents
TE Error 3.003254 cents/octave

Selenium (15 & 9 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10025]
0010-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0823, 951.7943, 2790.8402]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.48682, 41.35799, 28.05581]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.082, 1903.589, 2790.840, 3351.959, 4161.366]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.082, 1.634, 4.526, -16.867, 10.048]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.103154
Adjusted Error 10.874175 cents
TE Error 3.143342 cents/octave

Selenium (9 & 10p & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
152435425256] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10025-1]
0010-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1213, 951.3403, 2789.8776]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.78390, 31.21612, 32.92700]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.121, 1902.681, 2789.878, 3351.583, 4162.069, 4443.777]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.121, 0.726, 3.564, -17.243, 10.751, 3.249]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.103136
Adjusted Error 10.760475 cents
TE Error 2.907891 cents/octave

Semafour (14c & 5p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1422323948]
58121417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12433]
0-2-8-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1207.0291, 255.5302]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨70.62196, 43.66433]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1207.029, 1902.998, 2783.875, 3365.557, 4132.148]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨7.029, 1.043, -2.439, -3.269, -19.170]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.398962
Adjusted Error 14.095456 cents
TE Error 4.074501 cents/octave

Semaja (53 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123]
162537] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-21]
0197] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2745, 226.4553]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.46091, 0.61540]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.275, 1902.101, 2785.462]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.275, 0.146, -0.852]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.090290
Adjusted Error 0.626770 cents
TE Error 0.269935 cents/octave

Semaja (53 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
375986104] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-213]
0197-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4881, 226.3868]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.10473, 3.61993]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.488, 1902.373, 2784.196, 3372.077]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.512, 0.418, -2.118, 3.251]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.984390
Adjusted Error 2.221710 cents
TE Error 0.791389 cents/octave

Semaja (53 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183]
1625374555] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-2131]
0197-113] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9882, 226.4833]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.76870, -3.73457]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.988, 1903.207, 2785.371, 3373.481, 4144.271]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.012, 1.252, -0.942, 4.655, -7.046]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.456480
Adjusted Error 4.289530 cents
TE Error 1.239952 cents/octave

Semaja (53 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
162537455559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-21312]
0197-1139] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1086, 226.4999]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.67276, -3.40923]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.109, 1903.281, 2785.608, 3373.826, 4144.608, 4438.717]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.109, 1.326, -0.706, 5.000, -6.710, -1.811]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.094310
Adjusted Error 4.267172 cents
TE Error 1.153153 cents/octave

Semaja (53 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123196]
16253759] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-212]
01979] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4532, 226.4772]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.27493, 1.24263]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.453, 1902.160, 2785.793, 4439.201]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.453, 0.205, -0.520, -1.327]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.545734
Adjusted Error 1.171431 cents
TE Error 0.316565 cents/octave

Semaphore (5 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5814]
91425] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-2-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.8536, 250.9801]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨146.88680, 52.04663]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.854, 1903.747, 3357.581]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.854, 1.792, -11.245]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.529918
Adjusted Error 8.179376 cents
TE Error 2.913553 cents/octave

Semaphore (5 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581417]
9142531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1233]
0-2-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1207.2576, 257.4565]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨97.40706, 80.02470]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1207.258, 1899.602, 3364.316, 4136.686]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨7.258, -2.353, -4.510, -14.632]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.663634
Adjusted Error 15.014348 cents
TE Error 4.340120 cents/octave

Semiaug (27 & 3d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨27436376]
3579] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3579]
0-20-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨398.9339, 44.9980]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.99803, -6.04840]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.802, 1904.673, 2792.537, 3365.415]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.198, 2.718, 6.223, -3.411]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.353933
Adjusted Error 6.558551 cents
TE Error 2.336203 cents/octave

Semicanou (118 & 80 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331408]
94149218264325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨200-21]
004-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0143, 1902.4304, -254.6228]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.06440, 2.69151, 2.86285]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.029, 1902.430, 2786.369, 3368.701, 4150.252]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.029, 0.475, 0.056, -0.125, -1.066]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.506801
Adjusted Error 0.671244 cents
TE Error 0.194033 cents/octave

Semicanou (94 & 198 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨94149218264325348]
80127186225277296] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨200-2111]
004-311] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8579, 1902.4283, -254.6061]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.02642, 5.12228, -0.06224]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.716, 1902.428, 2786.432, 3368.959, 4150.108, 4441.403]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.284, 0.473, 0.118, 0.133, -1.210, 0.875]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.661485
Adjusted Error 0.897481 cents
TE Error 0.242533 cents/octave

Semicanousmic (31 & 118 & 80 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
94149218264325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10201]
00010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0496, 1902.3290, -854.5774, 3368.8259]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.11938, 5.75172, 2.72720, 2.85607]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.050, 1902.329, 2786.447, 3368.826, 4150.130]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.050, 0.374, 0.134, 0.000, -1.188]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.019102
Adjusted Error 0.655184 cents
TE Error 0.189391 cents/octave

Semidim (8d & 24p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨813192328]
2438566783] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨813192328]
0-1-1-2-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨149.7171, 43.2731]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.89767, 43.27314]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.737, 1903.049, 2801.351, 3356.946, 4148.805]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.263, 1.094, 15.038, -11.880, -2.513]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.038338
Adjusted Error 12.566434 cents
TE Error 3.632514 cents/octave

Semidim (24p & 8df)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243856678389]
81319232829] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨81319232829]
0-1-1-2-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨149.8623, 45.7380]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.73796, 12.64841]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.898, 1902.472, 2801.645, 3355.357, 4150.406, 4437.482]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.102, 0.517, 15.332, -13.469, -0.912, -3.046]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.397799
Adjusted Error 12.520232 cents
TE Error 3.383444 cents/octave

Semidim (8 & 45)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨86101517]
4533558495] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13534]
0-6-10-3-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.1274, 453.9933]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.46928, 25.56385]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.127, 882.423, 1470.704, 2244.403, 2538.543]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.127, -1.936, 3.834, -4.960, -0.029]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 3.430456
Adjusted Error 5.029829 cents
TE Error 2.377633 cents/octave

Semidimfourth (99 & 91)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
91144211255] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-10-13-17]
0314153] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9937, 448.4533]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.46443, 2.89027]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.994, 1902.115, 2786.667, 3368.132]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.006, 0.160, 0.353, -0.694]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.125338
Adjusted Error 0.431594 cents
TE Error 0.153737 cents/octave

Semidimi (171 & 863)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
863136820042423] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-19-25-32]
0557393] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0018, 449.1277]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.42105, 0.71263]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.002, 1901.986, 2786.273, 3368.814]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.002, 0.031, -0.040, -0.012]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.374402
Adjusted Error 0.037628 cents
TE Error 0.013403 cents/octave

Semiennealimmal (72 & 369)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
36958585710361277] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨915222632]
0-6-9-6-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3264, 16.3291]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.86038, 2.69374]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.937, 1901.921, 2786.218, 3368.511, 4152.140]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.063, -0.034, -0.096, -0.315, 0.822]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.768737
Adjusted Error 0.424107 cents
TE Error 0.122594 cents/octave

Semiennealimmal (72 & 441)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
4416991024123815261632] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨91522263236]
0-6-9-6-7-22] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3262, 16.3283]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.13145, 2.69948]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.936, 1901.923, 2786.222, 3368.512, 4152.140, 4440.520]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.064, -0.032, -0.092, -0.314, 0.823, -0.007]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 16.737059
Adjusted Error 0.414155 cents
TE Error 0.111920 cents/octave

Semigamera (198 & 125)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨198314460556685]
125198290351432] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1610312]
0-46-80-2-89] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8847, 115.1532]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.47027, 2.51817]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.885, 1902.263, 2786.594, 3369.348, 4149.985]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.115, 0.308, 0.280, 0.522, -1.333]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 14.662934
Adjusted Error 0.771371 cents
TE Error 0.222976 cents/octave

Semihemi (58 & 140)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
140222325393484] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24151121]
0-2-25-13-34] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8558, 248.4356]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.32566, 6.36303]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.712, 1902.552, 2786.947, 3368.751, 4150.161]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.288, 0.597, 0.633, -0.075, -1.157]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.730731
Adjusted Error 0.992944 cents
TE Error 0.287025 cents/octave

Semihemi (58 & 140)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
140222325393484518] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2415112119]
0-2-25-13-34-28] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8515, 248.4366]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.13325, 6.44268]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.703, 1902.533, 2786.858, 3368.691, 4150.038, 4440.955]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.297, 0.578, 0.545, -0.135, -1.280, 0.427]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.147653
Adjusted Error 0.989030 cents
TE Error 0.267274 cents/octave

Semihemififths (41 & 198)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
198314460556685] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-5-18]
045026-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7522, 175.7016]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.90603, 5.25053]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.752, 1902.558, 2786.317, 3368.488, 4151.269]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.248, 0.603, 0.003, -0.338, -0.049]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.175460
Adjusted Error 0.727329 cents
TE Error 0.210245 cents/octave

Semihemisecordite (62 & 144g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨6298144174214229253]
144228334404498533588] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2266447]
012-14-4303512] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3959, 58.3260]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.29638, 6.91956]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.792, 1900.704, 2785.811, 3369.071, 4151.365, 4442.995, 4902.684]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.792, -1.251, -0.503, 0.245, 0.047, 2.467, -2.271]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.813118
Adjusted Error 2.216199 cents
TE Error 0.542194 cents/octave

Semihemisecordite (62 & 144gh)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨6298144174214229253263]
144228334404498533588611] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨22664478]
012-14-43035125] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.4428, 58.3256]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.65461, 6.76597]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.886, 1900.793, 2786.098, 3369.354, 4151.540, 4443.168, 4903.007, 5095.171]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.886, -1.162, -0.216, 0.529, 0.222, 2.641, -1.948, -2.342]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.187530
Adjusted Error 2.331669 cents
TE Error 0.548896 cents/octave

Semihemisecordite (62 & 144gh)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨6298144174214229253263280]
144228334404498533588611651] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨226644787]
012-14-4303512521] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.4461, 58.3265]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.61295, 6.78396]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.892, 1900.810, 2786.105, 3369.370, 4151.580, 4443.213, 4903.041, 5095.201, 5427.980]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.892, -1.145, -0.208, 0.545, 0.262, 2.685, -1.914, -2.312, -0.295]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.674670
Adjusted Error 2.343311 cents
TE Error 0.518023 cents/octave

Semihemiwürschmidt (31 & 198)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
198314460556685] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1154724]
0-32-4-10-49] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7363, 502.9299]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.00408, 5.74550]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.736, 1902.288, 2787.226, 3368.855, 4150.107]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.264, 0.333, 0.912, 0.029, -1.211]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.871426
Adjusted Error 0.966976 cents
TE Error 0.279519 cents/octave

Semiluna (118 & 292)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331]
292463678820] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨28423]
0-152-54] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9685, 193.1624]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.18538, 2.82213]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.937, 1902.313, 2786.199, 3368.508]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.063, 0.358, -0.115, -0.318]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 16.327680
Adjusted Error 0.371762 cents
TE Error 0.132424 cents/octave

Semimiracle (72 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
101623283537] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨226647]
06-7-2152] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.4854, 116.7184]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.89324, -1.53429]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.971, 1901.281, 2785.883, 3369.475, 4152.718, 4436.834]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.971, -0.674, -0.431, 0.649, 1.400, -3.693]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.092330
Adjusted Error 2.326065 cents
TE Error 0.628591 cents/octave

Semimiracle (72 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266294]
10162328353741] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2266477]
06-7-21526] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.5052, 116.7266]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.87232, -1.37970]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.010, 1901.370, 2785.945, 3369.578, 4152.919, 4436.990, 4903.896]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.010, -0.585, -0.369, 0.752, 1.601, -3.538, -1.060]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.735980
Adjusted Error 2.418113 cents
TE Error 0.591593 cents/octave

Semiparakleismic (118 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331408]
80127186225277] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2-3-2-11-4]
013143523] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9272, 284.7842]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.24912, 4.30573]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.854, 1902.413, 2787.124, 3368.247, 4150.327]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.146, 0.458, 0.810, -0.579, -0.991]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.043615
Adjusted Error 0.916490 cents
TE Error 0.264925 cents/octave

Semiparakleismic (80 & 198)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨80127186225277296]
198314460556685733] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2-3-2-11-415]
013143523-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8255, 284.7609]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.46881, 6.24826]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.651, 1902.415, 2787.001, 3368.551, 4150.199, 4441.208]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.349, 0.460, 0.688, -0.275, -1.119, 0.680]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 11.005172
Adjusted Error 1.004301 cents
TE Error 0.271400 cents/octave

Semisept (31 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
80127186225] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-50-3]
017615] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2979, 464.5726]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.42679, 10.17584]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.298, 1901.245, 2787.436, 3370.695]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.702, -0.710, 1.122, 1.869]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.979944
Adjusted Error 1.643351 cents
TE Error 0.585373 cents/octave

Semisept (31 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
80127186225277] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-50-3-7]
01761527] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3088, 464.6069]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.02142, 11.10806]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.309, 1901.773, 2787.641, 3371.177, 4149.225]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.691, -0.182, 1.328, 2.351, -2.093]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.775261
Adjusted Error 2.124334 cents
TE Error 0.614070 cents/octave

Semiseptiquarter (94 & 198)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨94149218264325]
198314460556685] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2620415]
0-7-384-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8954, 242.4088]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.65456, 4.79931]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.791, 1902.511, 2786.374, 3369.217, 4150.255]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.209, 0.556, 0.060, 0.391, -1.063]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.537090
Adjusted Error 0.820396 cents
TE Error 0.237148 cents/octave

Semishly (31 & 49f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
4978114138170182] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-50-3-71]
017615277] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.3173, 464.3275]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.98036, 14.34543]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.317, 1901.981, 2785.965, 3369.961, 4148.622, 4448.610]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.683, 0.026, -0.349, 1.135, -2.696, 8.082]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.675154
Adjusted Error 4.377260 cents
TE Error 1.182903 cents/octave

Semisupermajor (342 & 764)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3425427949601183]
7641211177421452643] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2-7-8-15-6]
037467547] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0103, 164.9205]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.47186, 0.91184]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.021, 1901.984, 2786.258, 3368.879, 4151.199]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.021, 0.029, -0.056, 0.053, -0.119]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 18.819336
Adjusted Error 0.082993 cents
TE Error 0.023990 cents/octave

Semivalentine (46 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
162537455559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨224667]
095-373] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3527, 77.8849]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.72647, 9.70549]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.705, 1901.669, 2790.835, 3368.461, 4147.310, 4436.124]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.705, -0.286, 4.522, -0.364, -4.008, -4.404]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.273242
Adjusted Error 4.024639 cents
TE Error 1.087611 cents/octave

Sengagen (99 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
5079116140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1122]
0291640] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8394, 24.2133]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.82588, 2.56154]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.839, 1902.025, 2787.092, 3368.211]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.161, 0.070, 0.778, -0.615]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.009415
Adjusted Error 0.608607 cents
TE Error 0.216790 cents/octave

Senior (2513 & 1171)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨251339835835]
117118562719] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11119]
0-35-62] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0002, 322.8014]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.39051, 0.18671]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1901.953, 2786.316]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.000, -0.002, 0.003]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 11.652102
Adjusted Error 0.002397 cents
TE Error 0.001033 cents/octave

Seniority (171 & 145)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
145230337407] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111192]
0-35-623] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0745, 322.8245]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.64430, 0.44068]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.075, 1901.963, 2786.298, 3368.622]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.075, 0.008, -0.016, -0.203]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.574727
Adjusted Error 0.146373 cents
TE Error 0.052139 cents/octave

Sensa (22 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
87138202244301] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12243]
0-97-2610] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9497, 55.1242]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.99499, 12.78230]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.950, 1903.782, 2785.769, 3366.570, 4151.091]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.050, 1.827, -0.545, -2.256, -0.227]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.881549
Adjusted Error 2.207548 cents
TE Error 0.638124 cents/octave

Sensa (8d & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨813192328]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-2-1]
0791312] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0940, 443.9222]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.86455, 51.90408]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.094, 1906.362, 2794.206, 3368.801, 4125.973]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.094, 4.407, 7.892, -0.025, -25.345]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.687525
Adjusted Error 13.322762 cents
TE Error 3.851142 cents/octave

Sensa (8d & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319232830]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-2-10]
079131210] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.1899, 443.9460]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.64578, 52.00124]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.190, 1906.432, 2794.325, 3368.919, 4126.163, 4439.460]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.190, 4.477, 8.011, 0.093, -25.155, -1.067]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.555230
Adjusted Error 13.018169 cents
TE Error 3.518006 cents/octave

Sensa (87 & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122432]
0-97-261037] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9944, 55.1379]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.03972, 2.97902]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.994, 1903.748, 2785.954, 3366.392, 4151.362, 4440.091]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.006, 1.793, -0.360, -2.434, 0.044, -0.436]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.262121
Adjusted Error 2.172957 cents
TE Error 0.587216 cents/octave

Sensamagic (41 & 22 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
4673107129159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10007]
002-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9684, 1903.7503, 440.9062]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.52595, 3.84946, 12.18948]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.968, 1903.750, 2785.563, 3366.594, 4151.372]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.032, 1.795, -0.751, -2.232, 0.054]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.202022
Adjusted Error 2.199240 cents
TE Error 0.635723 cents/octave

Sensawer (41 & 46 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
2743637694] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1000-3]
002-1-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1672, 1903.4553, 441.1974]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.24067, 13.13902, -1.07760]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.167, 1903.455, 2785.850, 3365.713, 4151.985]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.167, 1.500, -0.464, -3.113, 0.667]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.205954
Adjusted Error 2.310540 cents
TE Error 0.667896 cents/octave

Sensawer (41 & 46 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1000-32]
002-1-4-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9820, 1903.4299, 441.3712]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.81349, 13.72996, 0.07595]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.982, 1903.430, 2786.172, 3365.489, 4151.719, 4441.339]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.018, 1.475, -0.141, -3.337, 0.401, 0.811]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.241499
Adjusted Error 2.313216 cents
TE Error 0.625119 cents/octave

Sensei (19 & 84)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
84133195236] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-9]
07932] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6436, 442.9925]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.57793, 12.35313]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.644, 1900.304, 2786.289, 3369.969]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.644, -1.651, -0.024, 1.143]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.106393
Adjusted Error 1.811191 cents
TE Error 0.645159 cents/octave

Sensi (65 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151]
193044] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1]
079] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9432, 443.0366]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.09230, 1.26018]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.943, 1901.313, 2787.386]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.057, -0.642, 1.072]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.967089
Adjusted Error 0.827081 cents
TE Error 0.356204 cents/octave

Sensi (19 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-2]
07913] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7139, 443.2770]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.65993, 24.26575]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.714, 1903.225, 2789.779, 3363.173]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.286, 1.270, 3.465, -5.653]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.885921
Adjusted Error 3.715310 cents
TE Error 1.323420 cents/octave

Sensis (19p & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
813192328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-22]
079134] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.8588, 442.8002]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨48.17469, 35.19247]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.859, 1902.743, 2788.343, 3362.685, 4164.919]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.141, 0.788, 2.030, -6.141, 13.601]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.884447
Adjusted Error 8.630401 cents
TE Error 2.494745 cents/octave

Sensis (8d & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319232830]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-220]
07913410] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.4675, 443.0086]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.88983, 48.33415]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.468, 1903.592, 2789.609, 3364.176, 4166.969, 4430.086]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.532, 1.637, 3.296, -4.650, 15.651, -10.442]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.719903
Adjusted Error 9.634215 cents
TE Error 2.603532 cents/octave

Sensis (19 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445370]
27436376100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-20]
0791310] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3226, 443.4411]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨30.31521, 23.12347]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.323, 1903.765, 2790.648, 3364.090, 4434.411]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.323, 1.810, 4.334, -4.736, -6.116]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.699154
Adjusted Error 5.355006 cents
TE Error 1.447127 cents/octave

Sensor (46 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-29]
07913-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0427, 443.3096]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.58382, 8.48353]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.043, 1903.125, 2789.744, 3362.940, 4150.740]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.043, 1.170, 3.430, -5.886, -0.578]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.464703
Adjusted Error 4.137734 cents
TE Error 1.196074 cents/octave

Sensor (19p & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-290]
07913-1510] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3259, 443.4414]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.23490, 23.10571]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.326, 1903.764, 2790.647, 3364.087, 4151.312, 4434.414]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.326, 1.809, 4.333, -4.739, -0.006, -6.114]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.183301
Adjusted Error 4.888433 cents
TE Error 1.321041 cents/octave

Sensus (27e & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
4673107129159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-2-8]
0791331] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0778, 443.2855]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.81178, 22.06869]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.078, 1903.921, 2790.492, 3364.556, 4149.229]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.922, 1.966, 4.178, -4.270, -2.089]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.847815
Adjusted Error 4.458425 cents
TE Error 1.288774 cents/octave

Sensus (19e & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536570]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-1-2-80]
079133110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6985, 443.4477]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.89782, 27.61629]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.698, 1904.435, 2791.331, 3365.423, 4149.290, 4434.477]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.302, 2.480, 5.017, -3.403, -2.028, -6.051]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.672265
Adjusted Error 5.166281 cents
TE Error 1.396126 cents/octave

Sentinel (31 & 17p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
17273948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13-36]
0-415-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8673, 425.9034]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨35.15366, 6.53552]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.867, 1898.988, 2785.949, 3372.073]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.867, -2.967, -0.365, 3.248]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.813222
Adjusted Error 3.327161 cents
TE Error 1.185159 cents/octave

Sentinel (31 & 17p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1727394859] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13-367]
0-415-9-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0949, 425.9378]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.37413, 7.97040]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.095, 1899.533, 2785.783, 3373.129, 4148.286]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.095, -2.422, -0.531, 4.303, -3.032]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.624443
Adjusted Error 4.005477 cents
TE Error 1.157842 cents/octave

Sentinel (31 & 17p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
172739485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13-3673]
0-415-9-102] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4208, 425.6507]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.53646, 9.45827]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.421, 1898.660, 2783.497, 3371.669, 4146.439, 4452.564]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.421, -3.295, -2.816, 2.843, -4.879, 12.036]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.330270
Adjusted Error 6.682109 cents
TE Error 1.805761 cents/octave

Sentry (11 & 8)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1184]
863] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100]
021] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0000, 438.5743]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨91.40525, 24.31778]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 877.149, 438.574]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.000, -7.210, 3.490]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 1.289786
Adjusted Error 7.924279 cents
TE Error 7.924279 cents/octave

Sepgubi (12 & 1b)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
112] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
074] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.4374, 100.2775]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨100.27751, -5.89276]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.437, 1899.380, 2795.985]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.563, -2.575, 9.671]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.821379
Adjusted Error 6.908108 cents
TE Error 2.975160 cents/octave

Sephiroth (13 & 3)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1330454853]
37101112] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12545]
01-5-1-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.6925, 373.3812]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨83.54895, 39.18541]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.693, 2780.766, 4151.557, 4441.389, 4898.319]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.693, -5.547, 0.239, 0.861, -6.636]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.641611
Adjusted Error 8.581302 cents
TE Error 2.099420 cents/octave

Sepru (22 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223562]
314987] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101]
078] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6023, 271.5447]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.67099, 24.02711]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.602, 1900.813, 3371.960]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.398, -1.142, 3.134]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.828813
Adjusted Error 2.248017 cents
TE Error 0.800760 cents/octave

Sepruyo (41 & 84 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
80127186225] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1500]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8491, -585.3164, 2785.1747]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.53927, 5.66406, 4.67448]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.849, 1902.031, 2785.175, 3370.491]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.151, 0.076, -1.139, 1.665]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.315005
Adjusted Error 1.103043 cents
TE Error 0.392912 cents/octave

Septhu (17 & 33)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172763]
3352122] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124]
0-7-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5562, 71.0667]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨53.91052, 8.57810]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.556, 1901.645, 4442.891]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.444, -0.310, 2.363]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.848428
Adjusted Error 1.713275 cents
TE Error 0.462992 cents/octave

Septidiasemi (171 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
10162328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-164]
026-37-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1043, 119.3076]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.02807, -0.16964]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.104, 1901.894, 2786.244, 3368.726]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.104, -0.061, -0.070, -0.100]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 11.592883
Adjusted Error 0.169294 cents
TE Error 0.060304 cents/octave

Septimal (7p & 7df)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116202426]
71116192425] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨71116202426]
000-10-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨172.9012, 76.6691]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨96.23207, 76.66908]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1210.308, 1901.913, 2766.418, 3381.354, 4149.628, 4418.761]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨10.308, -0.042, -19.895, 12.528, -1.690, -21.767]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.039132
Adjusted Error 23.130401 cents
TE Error 6.250717 cents/octave

Septimin (41 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
5079116140] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1415]
0-116-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2472, 263.9063]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.40573, 8.93224]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.247, 1902.020, 2784.685, 3367.173]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.247, 0.065, -1.629, -1.653]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.596880
Adjusted Error 2.172688 cents
TE Error 0.773927 cents/octave

Septimin (41 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
914212531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14155]
0-116-10-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8111, 263.8118]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.31582, 8.98474]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.811, 1901.314, 2783.682, 3365.937, 4157.373]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.811, -0.641, -2.632, -2.889, 6.055]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.218363
Adjusted Error 3.860921 cents
TE Error 1.116056 cents/octave

Septimin (41 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
91421253133] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨141557]
0-116-10-7-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6072, 263.8338]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.71018, 11.72107]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.607, 1900.257, 2783.610, 3364.698, 4156.199, 4446.743]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.607, -1.698, -2.704, -4.128, 4.881, 6.216]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.037476
Adjusted Error 4.740543 cents
TE Error 1.281076 cents/octave

Septiquarter (99 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
94149218264] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13102]
0-7-384] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7213, 242.3962]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.45886, 2.80100]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.721, 1902.390, 2786.156, 3369.028]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.279, 0.435, -0.158, 0.202]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.996176
Adjusted Error 0.566458 cents
TE Error 0.201777 cents/octave

Septisuperfourth (130 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365]
152241353427] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2447]
0-97-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8763, 55.3089]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.34279, 4.17888]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.753, 1901.725, 2786.667, 3369.500]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.247, -0.230, 0.354, 0.674]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.340064
Adjusted Error 0.567095 cents
TE Error 0.202003 cents/octave

Septisuperfourth (152 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152241353427526]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24476]
0-97-1510] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8384, 55.2895]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.21478, 3.13100]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.677, 1901.748, 2786.380, 3369.527, 4151.925]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.323, -0.207, 0.066, 0.701, 0.607]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.644167
Adjusted Error 0.718018 cents
TE Error 0.207554 cents/octave

Septisuperfourth (130 & 152f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
152241353427526563] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2447611]
0-97-1510-39] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8332, 55.3093]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.67239, 3.89642]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.666, 1901.549, 2786.498, 3369.193, 4152.092, 4441.103]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.334, -0.406, 0.184, 0.367, 0.774, 0.576]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.951477
Adjusted Error 0.791464 cents
TE Error 0.213884 cents/octave

Septisuperquad (130 & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨244765]
0-97-151026] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9155, 55.3510]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.94509, 1.68040]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.831, 1901.503, 2787.119, 3369.144, 4153.002, 4438.702]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.169, -0.452, 0.805, 0.318, 1.684, -1.825]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.202616
Adjusted Error 1.284746 cents
TE Error 0.347187 cents/octave

Sesesix (171 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397]
223551] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111-3]
0-2313] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0899, 491.2641]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.00036, 0.13765]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.090, 1901.915, 2786.163]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.090, -0.040, -0.151]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.473811
Adjusted Error 0.152325 cents
TE Error 0.065603 cents/octave

Sesquart (41 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11752]
04-32-1510] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8176, 175.3794]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.78791, 8.35010]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.818, 1901.335, 2786.582, 3368.397, 4153.429]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.182, -0.620, 0.268, -0.429, 2.111]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.255752
Adjusted Error 1.193756 cents
TE Error 0.345073 cents/octave

Sesquart (130 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11752-2]
04-32-151039] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8357, 175.3853]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.21910, 3.20372]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.836, 1901.377, 2786.522, 3368.400, 4153.524, 4440.353]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.164, -0.578, 0.208, -0.426, 2.206, -0.174]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.557580
Adjusted Error 1.170221 cents
TE Error 0.316238 cents/octave

Sesquiquartififths (171 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
130206302365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1175]
04-32-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0847, 175.4460]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.37268, 0.84890]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.085, 1901.869, 2786.320, 3368.733]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.085, -0.086, 0.007, -0.093]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.243621
Adjusted Error 0.148762 cents
TE Error 0.052990 cents/octave

Sesquiquartififths (342 & 130)

Contorted Sesquiquartififths (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨342542794960]
130206302365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨221410]
04-32-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0423, 175.4460]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.18634, 0.84890]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.085, 1901.869, 2786.320, 3368.733]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.085, -0.086, 0.007, -0.093]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.487242
Adjusted Error 0.148762 cents
TE Error 0.052990 cents/octave

Sevond (7 & 42)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
426798] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨71116]
012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨171.3455, 20.5638]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨47.96243, 20.56384]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.418, 1905.364, 2782.655]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.582, 3.409, -3.658]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.549905
Adjusted Error 3.658333 cents
TE Error 1.575558 cents/octave

Sextile (270 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
1219283442] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨610111010]
0-161422] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨199.9818, 97.7887]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.40430, 0.89402]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.891, 1902.029, 2786.532, 3368.860, 4151.169]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.109, 0.074, 0.218, 0.034, -0.149]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 16.325858
Adjusted Error 0.244371 cents
TE Error 0.070639 cents/octave

Sextilififths (130 & 159)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
159252369446550588] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-1-101]
0-648555039] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1059, 83.0566]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.83577, 3.59406]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.106, 1901.872, 2786.611, 3368.008, 4152.831, 4439.314]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.106, -0.083, 0.298, -0.818, 1.513, -1.214]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.270107
Adjusted Error 0.972177 cents
TE Error 0.262719 cents/octave

Sfourth (46 & 183)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107]
183290425] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-19-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0235, 26.2347]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.84993, 6.77115]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.024, 1901.588, 2786.796]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.024, -0.367, 0.482]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.998134
Adjusted Error 0.417914 cents
TE Error 0.179986 cents/octave

Sfourth (46 & 91)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129]
91144211255] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1233]
0-19-31-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8348, 26.3054]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.88132, 9.21202]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.835, 1901.868, 2787.038, 3365.756]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.835, -0.087, 0.724, -3.070]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.664676
Adjusted Error 1.981600 cents
TE Error 0.705860 cents/octave

Sfourth (46 & 45e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
4571104126155] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12334]
0-19-31-9-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.1520, 26.3113]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.14339, 9.16792]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.152, 1902.389, 2787.806, 3366.654, 4146.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.152, 0.434, 1.492, -2.171, -4.492]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.065430
Adjusted Error 3.132580 cents
TE Error 0.905519 cents/octave

Sfourth (46 & 45ef)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
4571104126155166] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123344]
0-19-31-9-25-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.4999, 26.3424]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.09107, 10.25135]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.500, 1902.494, 2787.885, 3367.418, 4147.439, 4437.206]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.500, 0.539, 1.571, -1.408, -3.879, -3.322]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.789991
Adjusted Error 3.424200 cents
TE Error 0.925350 cents/octave

Sharp (3d & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3579]
10162328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1121]
0216] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.7003, 358.7434]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-20.66706, 126.47015]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.700, 1920.187, 2764.144, 3355.161]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.700, 18.232, -22.170, -13.665]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.816468
Adjusted Error 22.391733 cents
TE Error 7.976096 cents/octave

Sharp (3de & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357911]
711161924] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11212]
02165] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.8487, 356.6548]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨92.88622, 131.88429]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.849, 1915.158, 2760.352, 3341.777, 4186.971]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.849, 13.203, -25.962, -27.048, 35.653]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.756296
Adjusted Error 30.820978 cents
TE Error 8.909261 cents/octave

Sharptone (5 & 2cd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
2345] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1244]
0-1-4-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1204.7503, 501.8390]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨201.07232, 99.69436]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.750, 1907.662, 2811.645, 3313.484]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.750, 5.707, 25.332, -55.342]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.625884
Adjusted Error 32.713714 cents
TE Error 11.652860 cents/octave

Shibboleth (15 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435]
416595] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨145]
0-9-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4017, 321.9593]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.08778, 27.78256]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.402, 1903.973, 2782.416]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.402, 2.018, -3.898]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.418401
Adjusted Error 2.875570 cents
TE Error 1.238440 cents/octave

Shibi (72 & 41 & 111)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
111176258312384411] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10002-3]
0054-3-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9764, 1901.6997, -583.8446]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.72090, 4.19814, 5.54908]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.976, 1901.700, 2785.876, 3369.721, 4151.487, 4440.548]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.024, -0.255, -0.438, 0.895, 0.169, 0.021]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.412622
Adjusted Error 0.615545 cents
TE Error 0.166344 cents/octave

Shoe (37 & 21)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3786104128137]
2149597378] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11312]
07-1139] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1658, 226.9498]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨30.71806, 2.98084]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.166, 2787.814, 3370.548, 4149.513, 4440.879]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.834, 1.500, 1.722, -1.805, 0.352]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.649963
Adjusted Error 2.202264 cents
TE Error 0.595136 cents/octave

Shrusus (22 & 27e & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
4673107129159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1000-4]
002-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.9162, 1904.6484, 441.7154]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.55654, 6.67425, 16.61886]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.916, 1904.648, 2788.079, 3367.581, 4148.075]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.084, 2.693, 1.766, -1.245, -3.243]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.177319
Adjusted Error 3.698781 cents
TE Error 1.069188 cents/octave

Shrutar (22 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
4673107129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2355]
02-47] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.5414, 52.7709]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.64693, 19.06196]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.083, 1904.166, 2786.623, 3367.103]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.917, 2.211, 0.310, -1.723]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.123994
Adjusted Error 2.503721 cents
TE Error 0.891843 cents/octave

Shrutar (22 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
4673107129159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23557]
02-47-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.7749, 52.6602]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.63501, 20.51260]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.550, 1904.645, 2788.234, 3367.496, 4145.764]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.450, 2.690, 1.920, -1.330, -5.554]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.865039
Adjusted Error 3.965226 cents
TE Error 1.146207 cents/octave

Shrutar (46 & 22f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
223551627682] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235576]
02-47-116] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.7727, 52.6338]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.80047, 11.03289]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.545, 1904.586, 2788.328, 3367.300, 4145.775, 4440.778]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.455, 2.631, 2.014, -1.526, -5.543, 0.250]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.952929
Adjusted Error 3.875597 cents
TE Error 1.047334 cents/octave

Sidi (3d & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3579]
14223239] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1336]
0-4-2-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1207.3172, 429.8134]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.19829, 82.12303]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1207.317, 1902.698, 2762.325, 3375.583]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨7.317, 0.743, -23.989, 6.757]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.269759
Adjusted Error 18.101067 cents
TE Error 6.447730 cents/octave

Sidi (3de & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357911]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13367]
0-4-2-9-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1207.3392, 429.8867]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.28256, 82.32082]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1207.339, 1902.471, 2762.244, 3375.055, 4152.508]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨7.339, 0.516, -24.069, 6.229, 1.190]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.238524
Adjusted Error 19.961172 cents
TE Error 5.770073 cents/octave

Siegfried (6691 & 1848 & 342)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨669110605155361878423147]
3425427949601183] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101142]
0042167] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0001, 1901.9583, -564.9380]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.17064, 0.03393, -0.01298]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1901.958, 2786.314, 3368.826, 4151.309]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.000, 0.003, 0.001, 0.000, -0.009]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.592098
Adjusted Error 0.005054 cents
TE Error 0.001461 cents/octave

Silver (47 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨47109132174192]
1023283741] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨15442]
0-9-4-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0953, 357.3175]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.11089, -7.41167]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.095, 2784.619, 3371.111, 4443.064, 4901.413]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.095, -1.695, 2.285, 2.536, -3.542]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.848220
Adjusted Error 2.846696 cents
TE Error 0.696446 cents/octave

Sirius (b13 & b6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨131923]
6911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111]
035] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1902.4482, 293.7397]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨140.00974, 13.72027]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1902.448, 2783.667, 3371.147]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.493, -2.646, 2.321]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.473917
Adjusted Error 2.337175 cents
TE Error 0.832518 cents/octave

Sixix (7 & 11b)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
111826] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨134]
0-5-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0456, 338.6603]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨122.12692, 31.46883]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.046, 1909.835, 2772.220]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.046, 7.880, -14.093]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.371314
Adjusted Error 10.611063 cents
TE Error 4.569936 cents/octave

Skadi (342 & 152 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3425427949601183]
31497287107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10581]
006141] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0399, 1901.9513, -852.6616]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.01279, 1.12912, -0.06319]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.040, 1901.951, 2786.181, 3368.911, 4151.281]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.040, -0.004, -0.132, 0.085, -0.037]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.485531
Adjusted Error 0.118648 cents
TE Error 0.034297 cents/octave

Skateboard (4 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨435142]
1914236610] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11240]
0-1-3-22] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.3236, 317.1946]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-10.07908, 65.45473]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.324, 886.129, 1455.063, 4178.905, 634.389]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.324, 1.770, -11.807, 27.587, -2.228]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 2.107623
Adjusted Error 21.401381 cents
TE Error 6.186386 cents/octave

Skidoo (17 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172748596377]
4673129159170208] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨129877]
0-1-15-11-8-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6669, 495.1336]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.52483, 19.60315]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.667, 1904.200, 3369.998, 4150.865, 4436.599, 5426.866]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.333, 2.245, 1.172, -0.453, -3.928, -1.408]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.773140
Adjusted Error 3.471052 cents
TE Error 0.767327 cents/octave

Skwairs (17 & 31p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1727485963]
314987107115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13673]
0-4-9-102] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.8895, 424.3094]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.19408, 19.92226]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.890, 1899.431, 3374.553, 4149.133, 4445.287]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.110, -2.524, 5.727, -2.185, 4.760]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.565940
Adjusted Error 5.228948 cents
TE Error 1.413061 cents/octave

Skwares (17 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17274859]
314987107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1367]
0-4-9-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3776, 425.3774]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.45416, 29.15022]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.378, 1899.623, 3373.869, 4148.869]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.378, -2.332, 5.043, -2.449]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.267025
Adjusted Error 4.249284 cents
TE Error 1.228319 cents/octave

Slender (31 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
94149218264] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1223]
0-1310-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3825, 38.4256]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.86203, 9.18787]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.382, 1901.232, 2785.021, 3370.594]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.382, -0.723, -1.292, 1.768]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.506676
Adjusted Error 1.445753 cents
TE Error 0.514988 cents/octave

Slender (31 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
94149218264325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12234]
0-1310-6-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4996, 38.4031]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.38999, 10.00436]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.500, 1901.759, 2785.030, 3371.080, 4149.146]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.500, -0.196, -1.284, 2.255, -2.172]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.254347
Adjusted Error 1.962786 cents
TE Error 0.567372 cents/octave

Slender (31 & 63)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
63100146177218233] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122343]
0-1310-6-1722] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1752, 38.3193]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.76576, 12.27677]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.175, 1902.200, 2783.544, 3370.610, 4149.273, 4443.550]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.175, 0.245, -2.770, 1.784, -2.045, 3.023]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.927354
Adjusted Error 2.571951 cents
TE Error 0.695039 cents/octave

Slendi (41 & 42eeff)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
426798118144154] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123322]
0-17-28-86070] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1274, 29.1662]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.85441, 4.31182]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.127, 1904.429, 2783.728, 3367.052, 4150.229, 4441.891]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.127, 2.474, -2.586, -1.774, -1.089, 1.364]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.303252
Adjusted Error 3.142403 cents
TE Error 0.849197 cents/octave

Slendric (36 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3657101]
4165115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
03-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4862, 233.7822]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.81842, 12.75666]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.486, 1901.833, 3367.676]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.486, -0.122, -1.150]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.986600
Adjusted Error 1.037829 cents
TE Error 0.369682 cents/octave

Slithy (27e & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694]
94149218264325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13548]
0-19-36-16-61] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5895, 89.2608]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.60815, 10.86350]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.589, 1902.813, 2784.557, 3370.185, 4151.805]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.411, 0.858, -1.756, 1.359, 0.487]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.496383
Adjusted Error 1.755471 cents
TE Error 0.507445 cents/octave

Slithy (27e & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100]
94149218264325348] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨135484]
0-19-36-16-61-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5043, 89.2487]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.14882, 10.70730]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.504, 1902.787, 2784.567, 3370.037, 4151.861, 4441.022]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.496, 0.832, -1.747, 1.211, 0.543, 0.494]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.829669
Adjusted Error 1.732971 cents
TE Error 0.468315 cents/octave

Slurpee (17c & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1727404859]
1625374555] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12334]
0-7-11-3-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.5083, 72.2067]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.20042, 29.00633]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.508, 1891.569, 2801.251, 3378.905, 4144.173]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.492, -10.386, 14.937, 10.079, -7.145]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.844388
Adjusted Error 15.754708 cents
TE Error 4.554132 cents/octave

Slurpee (17c & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172740485963]
162537455559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123344]
0-7-11-3-9-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.1129, 72.3560]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨41.41748, 30.93849]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.113, 1891.734, 2801.423, 3380.271, 4145.248, 4434.672]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.887, -10.221, 15.109, 11.445, -6.070, -5.856]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.742652
Adjusted Error 15.620940 cents
TE Error 4.221374 cents/octave

Smate (3de & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357911]
1727404859] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13267]
0-41-9-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1192.0234, 419.4104]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.16451, 66.20764]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1192.023, 1898.429, 2803.457, 3377.447, 4150.060]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-7.977, -3.526, 17.143, 8.621, -1.258]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.544793
Adjusted Error 17.818705 cents
TE Error 5.150761 cents/octave

Smate (3de & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨35791111]
172740485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨132673]
0-41-9-102] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1194.1802, 420.9682]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.62120, 68.72451]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.180, 1898.668, 2809.329, 3376.367, 4149.579, 4424.477]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.820, -3.287, 23.015, 7.541, -1.739, -16.050]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.626959
Adjusted Error 19.269639 cents
TE Error 5.207392 cents/octave

Snape (72 & 58 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-2-7]
001-1-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2227, 950.6273, 2786.7879]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.78067, 6.55904, 2.29424]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.223, 1901.255, 2786.788, 3368.412, 4151.878]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.223, -0.700, 0.474, -0.413, 0.560]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.328066
Adjusted Error 0.894763 cents
TE Error 0.258645 cents/octave

Snape (72 & 58 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-2-7-1]
001-1-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1736, 950.6938, 2787.3813]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.32052, 8.15398, 2.95607]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.174, 1901.388, 2787.381, 3368.516, 4151.904, 4439.289]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.174, -0.567, 1.068, -0.310, 0.586, -1.239]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.323445
Adjusted Error 1.092186 cents
TE Error 0.295150 cents/octave

Sodium (4 & 3ccd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨46911]
3589] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1112]
0253] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1208.6821, 322.4986]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨241.18615, 81.31249]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1208.682, 1853.679, 2821.175, 3384.860]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨8.682, -48.276, 34.862, 16.034]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.759915
Adjusted Error 49.848224 cents
TE Error 17.756296 cents/octave

Sogu (12 & 22 & 7g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192849]
7111628] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-3]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2863, 1903.7478, 2787.5963]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.33596, 30.24980, 1.96560]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.286, 1903.748, 2787.596, 4900.981]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.714, 1.793, 1.283, -3.975]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.060898
Adjusted Error 3.563069 cents
TE Error 0.871707 cents/octave

Sonic (22 & 15 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12304]
00010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3508, -164.1256, 3368.8259]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.92382, 23.54750, 16.62960]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.351, 1908.325, 2780.424, 3368.826, 4144.901]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.351, 6.370, -5.889, -0.000, -6.417]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.106408
Adjusted Error 7.911255 cents
TE Error 2.286866 cents/octave

Soothsaying (22p & 60p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627681]
6095139168208222] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2551043]
0-5-1-12812] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.2961, 219.6006]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.23917, 14.42217]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.592, 1903.477, 2781.880, 3367.754, 4157.989, 4436.095]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.592, 1.522, -4.434, -1.072, 6.671, -4.433]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.375530
Adjusted Error 4.829280 cents
TE Error 1.305056 cents/octave

Sorcery (19p & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-164]
05112-8-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2666, 380.8783]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.54247, 29.08907]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.267, 1904.392, 2783.412, 3369.274, 4160.573, 4424.188]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.267, 2.437, -2.902, 0.448, 9.255, -16.340]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.203272
Adjusted Error 8.573792 cents
TE Error 2.316966 cents/octave

Soso (12 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121949]
223590] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨238]
011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1473, 101.8092]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨80.39362, 10.70778]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.295, 1902.251, 4902.987]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.295, 0.296, -1.968]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.519333
Adjusted Error 1.403020 cents
TE Error 0.343250 cents/octave

Spartan (5p & 21p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121417]
2133495973] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11135]
037-1-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0653, 229.3566]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.22844, 52.28205]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.065, 1887.135, 2804.562, 3367.839, 4160.473]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.935, -14.820, 18.248, -0.987, 9.155]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.853095
Adjusted Error 19.397038 cents
TE Error 5.607002 cents/octave

Spectacle (31 & 41 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110-32]
00120] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.5494, 350.2173, 2785.2070]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.35924, 14.33446, 2.19706]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.549, 1900.984, 2785.207, 3369.635, 4152.185]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.549, -0.971, -1.107, 0.809, 0.868]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.198553
Adjusted Error 1.585511 cents
TE Error 0.458315 cents/octave

Spell (19 & 25)

Contorted Magic (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
254058] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102]
0102] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2480, 190.2269]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.32059, 10.56627]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.248, 1902.269, 2782.950]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.248, 0.314, -3.364]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.790526
Adjusted Error 2.577115 cents
TE Error 1.109903 cents/octave

Spell (19 & 6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
6101417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1022]
01025] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.8302, 190.3746]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨60.58268, 8.62653]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.830, 1903.746, 2786.410, 3357.533]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.830, 1.791, 0.096, -11.293]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.427784
Adjusted Error 7.083901 cents
TE Error 2.523336 cents/octave

Spell (19p & 6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
610141721] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10223]
010253] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4793, 190.3611]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨58.31256, 15.42344]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.479, 1903.611, 2781.681, 3352.764, 4172.521]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.479, 1.656, -4.633, -16.062, 21.203]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.243685
Adjusted Error 13.452007 cents
TE Error 3.888502 cents/octave

Spell (19p & 6p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
61014172122] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102234]
010253-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.9028, 190.2288]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨60.53010, 8.63847]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.903, 1902.288, 2784.263, 3354.949, 4176.395, 4427.154]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.903, 0.333, -2.051, -13.876, 25.077, -13.374]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.247982
Adjusted Error 14.684444 cents
TE Error 3.968297 cents/octave

Sqrtphi (72 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
121192281340419] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112111617]
0-30-25-38-39] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0518, 416.6221]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.10167, 4.50191]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.052, 1901.958, 2785.017, 3369.188, 4152.618]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.052, 0.003, -1.297, 0.362, 1.300]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.170018
Adjusted Error 1.063495 cents
TE Error 0.307419 cents/octave

Sqrtphi (72 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
121192281340419448] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11211161728]
0-30-25-38-39-70] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9320, 416.5611]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.74759, 5.90170]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.932, 1902.351, 2785.225, 3369.591, 4152.962, 4438.820]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.068, 0.396, -1.089, 0.765, 1.644, -1.708]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.376183
Adjusted Error 1.351238 cents
TE Error 0.365156 cents/octave

Squares (31 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
14223239] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1386]
0-4-16-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2552, 426.3871]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.85725, 4.19146]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.255, 1898.217, 2787.849, 3370.048]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.255, -3.738, 1.535, 1.222]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.462755
Adjusted Error 3.910942 cents
TE Error 1.393106 cents/octave

Squares (31 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13867]
0-4-16-9-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.6744, 426.5516]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨36.64916, 4.68219]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.674, 1898.817, 2788.569, 3371.082, 4146.205]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.674, -3.138, 2.255, 2.256, -5.113]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.204518
Adjusted Error 5.012782 cents
TE Error 1.449019 cents/octave

Squares (31 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
172740485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨138673]
0-4-16-9-102] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8615, 425.5004]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨34.33847, 7.96288]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.861, 1897.583, 2790.885, 3369.665, 4144.026, 4450.585]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.139, -4.372, 4.571, 0.839, -7.292, 10.058]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.430127
Adjusted Error 7.311612 cents
TE Error 1.975877 cents/octave

Squares (17 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172748]
314987] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨136]
0-4-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3747, 425.4983]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.67460, 31.22279]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.375, 1899.131, 3372.764]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.375, -2.824, 3.938]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.378457
Adjusted Error 3.725269 cents
TE Error 1.326968 cents/octave

Squarschmidt (118 & 357)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274]
357566829] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-81]
0294] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9653, 396.6094]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.36042, 1.25892]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.965, 1901.949, 2786.403]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.035, -0.006, 0.089]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.249498
Adjusted Error 0.069506 cents
TE Error 0.029935 cents/octave

Srutal (12 & 34)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928]
345479] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235]
01-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.4116, 104.7953]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.71470, 29.36020]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.823, 1903.030, 2787.467]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.177, 1.075, 1.154]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.224477
Adjusted Error 1.938887 cents
TE Error 0.835033 cents/octave

Srutal (46 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
80127186225277] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨23535]
01-21511] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.4423, 104.7588]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.74523, 11.68255]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.885, 1903.086, 2787.694, 3369.708, 4149.558]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.115, 1.131, 1.380, 0.883, -1.760]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.569033
Adjusted Error 2.428524 cents
TE Error 0.702001 cents/octave

Srutar (22p & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627681]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨235578]
02-47-1-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0164, 52.2985]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.83365, 24.73245]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.033, 1904.646, 2790.888, 3366.172, 4147.816, 4434.041]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.033, 2.691, 4.574, -2.654, -3.502, -6.486]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.102128
Adjusted Error 5.179710 cents
TE Error 1.399755 cents/octave

Sruti (58 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨243119]
0-24-13-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.1970, 247.8046]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.29947, 4.03014]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.394, 1901.179, 2788.810, 3369.707, 4153.750]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.606, -0.776, 2.496, 0.881, 2.432]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.180399
Adjusted Error 3.306292 cents
TE Error 0.955733 cents/octave

Sruti (58 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2431197]
0-24-13-51] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.1499, 247.7629]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.92053, 4.67379]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.300, 1901.074, 2788.501, 3369.731, 4153.534, 4441.812]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.700, -0.881, 2.188, 0.905, 2.216, 1.285]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.955619
Adjusted Error 3.282939 cents
TE Error 0.887175 cents/octave

Stacks (11 & 30)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨113543313841]
309511784104111] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨155527]
0-5-3-64-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7048, 438.8691]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨30.67912, 28.74115]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.705, 3804.178, 4681.917, 3365.309, 4154.886, 4448.112]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.295, 0.268, -6.352, -3.517, 3.568, 7.584]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 1.250057
Adjusted Error 4.934385 cents
TE Error 1.262995 cents/octave

Starling (19 & 12 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-1]
0013] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7955, 1900.9275, 2789.6215]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.70386, 19.41227, 14.90647]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.795, 1900.927, 2789.622, 3367.214]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.205, -1.028, 3.308, -1.612]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.099367
Adjusted Error 2.357680 cents
TE Error 0.839823 cents/octave

Starling (31 & 15 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-18]
0013-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6166, 1901.0499, 2789.5578]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.39796, 12.17549, 7.24460]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.617, 1901.050, 2789.558, 3365.957, 4149.851]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.617, -0.905, 3.244, -2.869, -1.467]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.172733
Adjusted Error 3.048386 cents
TE Error 0.881181 cents/octave

Starlingtet (4 & 19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨435]
191423] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
0-1-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.1314, 310.7280]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨86.82472, 44.78066]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.131, 887.403, 1464.079]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.869, 3.045, -2.792]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 1.005349
Adjusted Error 3.583177 cents
TE Error 2.931282 cents/octave

Stearnscape (72 & 210e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
210333488590727] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨69131620]
0611109] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨199.9835, 16.9487]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.74735, 3.40044]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.901, 1901.543, 2786.221, 3369.223, 4152.208]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.099, -0.412, -0.093, 0.397, 0.890]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.709262
Adjusted Error 0.628393 cents
TE Error 0.181646 cents/octave

Stones (5 & 14d)

Contorted Archy (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5814]
142240] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
0-24] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.9667, 244.7192]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨164.83114, 26.62936]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.967, 1904.495, 3372.810]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.033, 2.540, 3.984]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.100288
Adjusted Error 6.017469 cents
TE Error 2.143466 cents/octave

Stützel (12 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192851]
19304481] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1243]
0-1-43] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5640, 501.9508]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨59.44686, 25.58956]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.564, 1897.177, 2790.453, 5104.544]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.436, -4.778, 4.139, 7.031]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.892799
Adjusted Error 8.279261 cents
TE Error 1.949012 cents/octave

Su (2 & 5g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨238]
5821] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.4348, 687.6079]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨151.26482, 178.78104]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.435, 1884.043, 4964.520]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.565, -17.912, 59.565]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.271071
Adjusted Error 44.325378 cents
TE Error 10.844228 cents/octave

Subfourth (58 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
121192281340419] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1017411]
04-37-3-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0811, 475.6307]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.58102, 7.71390]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.081, 1902.523, 2786.044, 3369.432, 4152.909]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.919, 0.568, -0.270, 0.606, 1.591]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.513804
Adjusted Error 1.725876 cents
TE Error 0.498890 cents/octave

Subfourth (58 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
121192281340419448] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101741116]
04-37-3-19-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0757, 475.6295]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.46623, 7.76888]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.076, 1902.518, 2785.996, 3369.414, 4152.873, 4440.697]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.924, 0.563, -0.318, 0.588, 1.555, 0.170]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.166892
Adjusted Error 1.687098 cents
TE Error 0.455918 cents/octave

Submajor (53 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
10162328] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-11]
0-8116] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7423, 362.1769]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.54208, 0.50119]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.742, 1901.554, 2784.204, 3372.804]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.258, -0.401, -2.110, 3.978]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.594275
Adjusted Error 2.416590 cents
TE Error 0.860807 cents/octave

Submajor (53 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-1111]
0-8116-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0712, 362.1220]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.00675, 8.67134]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.071, 1903.309, 2783.271, 3372.804, 4147.732]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.071, 1.354, -3.042, 3.978, -3.585]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.446783
Adjusted Error 3.639150 cents
TE Error 1.051950 cents/octave

Submajor (53 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
101623283537] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-11114]
0-8116-25-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1818, 362.1597]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.05203, 8.44243]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.182, 1903.449, 2783.575, 3373.140, 4148.006, 4438.568]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.182, 1.494, -2.738, 4.314, -3.312, -1.960]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.070161
Adjusted Error 3.660600 cents
TE Error 0.989234 cents/octave

Subneutral (441 & 472)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨44169910241238]
47274810961325] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11906]
0-608-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9998, 348.3005]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.15274, 0.53102]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1901.968, 2786.404, 3368.694]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.000, 0.013, 0.090, -0.132]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 16.530375
Adjusted Error 0.086429 cents
TE Error 0.030787 cents/octave

Subpental (19 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
130206302365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16817]
0-14-18-45] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9264, 378.4439]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.72107, 9.12482]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.926, 1901.344, 2787.421, 3368.774]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.074, -0.611, 1.108, -0.051]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.682138
Adjusted Error 0.867435 cents
TE Error 0.308987 cents/octave

Subpental (130 & 111)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450]
111176258312384] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16817-6]
0-14-18-4530] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6575, 378.3324]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.88107, 2.74882]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.658, 1901.292, 2787.277, 3369.221, 4152.026]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.342, -0.663, 0.964, 0.395, 0.708]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.435804
Adjusted Error 1.122383 cents
TE Error 0.324441 cents/octave

Subpental (130 & 111)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
111176258312384411] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16817-616]
0-14-18-4530-39] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6824, 378.3369]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.51717, 3.17523]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.682, 1901.377, 2787.394, 3369.438, 4152.014, 4439.777]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.318, -0.578, 1.080, 0.612, 0.696, -0.750]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.993469
Adjusted Error 1.149987 cents
TE Error 0.310770 cents/octave

Subsemifourth (152 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152241353427526]
103163239289356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-8-4-8-10]
047315366] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9231, 244.7033]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.05854, 2.70898]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.923, 1901.672, 2786.111, 3369.892, 4151.189]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.077, -0.283, -0.203, 1.066, -0.129]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.665194
Adjusted Error 0.676167 cents
TE Error 0.195456 cents/octave

Subsemifourth (103 & 152f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨103163239289356381]
152241353427526563] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-8-4-8-10-12]
04731536677] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9007, 244.6933]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.53903, 5.49593]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.901, 1901.380, 2785.890, 3369.540, 4150.751, 4442.576]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.099, -0.575, -0.424, 0.714, -0.567, 2.049]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.989401
Adjusted Error 1.143399 cents
TE Error 0.308990 cents/octave

Sugu (12 & 34 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192849]
314972127] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1008]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3883, 1902.1471, 2786.7260]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.06036, 24.30938, 11.23049]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.388, 1902.147, 2786.726, 4906.233]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.612, 0.192, 0.412, 1.278]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.078223
Adjusted Error 1.471113 cents
TE Error 0.359908 cents/octave

Suhajira (17 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17274859]
10162835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1142]
02-45] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.3657, 352.8857]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨60.24063, 17.22750]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.366, 1902.137, 3373.920, 4157.160]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.634, 0.182, 5.094, 5.842]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.154612
Adjusted Error 7.611862 cents
TE Error 2.200322 cents/octave

Sulis (3p & 28p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3711]
2865108] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121-1]
01-24] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1207.9997, 388.5075]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.21327, 42.47714]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1208.000, 2804.507, 430.985, 346.030]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨8.000, 18.193, -4.099, -1.378]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 7.067024
Adjusted Error 19.282812 cents
TE Error 8.304655 cents/octave

Superkleismic (41 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115]
15243542] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1452]
0-9-103] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7680, 322.1361]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.96998, 0.86659]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.768, 1903.847, 2782.479, 3367.944]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.768, 1.892, -3.835, -0.881]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.829176
Adjusted Error 3.088435 cents
TE Error 1.100123 cents/octave

Superkleismic (41 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
1524354252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14524]
0-9-103-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1761, 321.8938]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.70243, 4.29175]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.176, 1903.660, 2781.943, 3366.033, 4156.917]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.176, 1.705, -4.371, -2.792, 5.599]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.616430
Adjusted Error 4.468221 cents
TE Error 1.291606 cents/octave

Superkleismic (15 & 41)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
416595115142152] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨145248]
0-9-103-2-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0380, 322.0041]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.74855, 29.90893]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.038, 1902.115, 2780.149, 3366.088, 4156.144, 4448.239]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.038, 0.160, -6.164, -2.738, 4.826, 7.711]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.553954
Adjusted Error 5.712662 cents
TE Error 1.543779 cents/octave

Supermagic (19 & 22 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
15243542] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1005]
001-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0529, 1903.5419, 2782.9079]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.06694, 26.57931, 0.46908]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.053, 1903.542, 2782.908, 3367.166]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.053, 1.587, -3.406, -1.660]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.123392
Adjusted Error 3.014460 cents
TE Error 1.073772 cents/octave

Supermagic (22 & 41 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1524354252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10052]
001-32] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9929, 1904.1873, 2781.5229]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.13071, 23.62539, 3.49842]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.993, 1904.187, 2781.523, 3367.957, 4154.657]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.007, 2.232, -4.791, -0.868, 3.339]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.149078
Adjusted Error 4.170916 cents
TE Error 1.205665 cents/octave

Supermajor (171 & 593)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
59394013771665] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1151930]
0-37-46-75] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0067, 435.0845]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.67232, 0.96465]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.007, 1901.974, 2786.240, 3368.863]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.007, 0.019, -0.074, 0.037]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.376241
Adjusted Error 0.051908 cents
TE Error 0.018490 cents/octave

Supernatural (22 & 19p & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-10]
00001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0824, 380.6951, 4151.3179]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.71269, 22.66877, 9.61561]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.082, 1903.476, 2782.860, 3367.259, 4151.318]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.082, 1.521, -3.454, -1.567, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.186018
Adjusted Error 3.323969 cents
TE Error 0.960842 cents/octave

Supernatural (41 & 19p & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-10-2]
000010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3459, 380.4663, 4151.3179]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.78533, 5.34965, 13.02652]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.346, 1902.332, 2783.158, 3364.250, 4151.318, 4445.702]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.346, 0.377, -3.156, -4.576, 0.000, 5.175]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.194931
Adjusted Error 4.359350 cents
TE Error 1.178063 cents/octave

Superpelog (9 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨9142125]
14223239] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1213]
0-26-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1208.9172, 261.8837]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.62049, 60.88091]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1208.917, 1894.067, 2780.219, 3364.868]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨8.917, -7.888, -6.094, -3.958]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.418018
Adjusted Error 14.931949 cents
TE Error 5.318868 cents/octave

Superpelog (9 & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914212531]
1422323948] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12133]
0-26-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1208.9613, 261.9008]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.72747, 60.81529]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1208.961, 1894.121, 2780.366, 3364.983, 4150.686]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨8.961, -7.834, -5.947, -3.843, -0.632]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.275293
Adjusted Error 16.460761 cents
TE Error 4.758227 cents/octave

Superpyth (22 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551]
5812] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨126]
0-1-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.6631, 488.9683]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨49.51537, 21.66501]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.663, 1906.358, 2785.264]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.337, 4.403, -1.050]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.701451
Adjusted Error 4.904046 cents
TE Error 2.112058 cents/octave

Superpyth (22 & 27)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨22355162]
27436376] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1262]
0-1-92] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.0671, 488.5121]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.08828, 26.33796]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.067, 1905.622, 2785.794, 3371.158]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.933, 3.667, -0.520, 2.332]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.759998
Adjusted Error 5.380956 cents
TE Error 1.916735 cents/octave

Superpyth (22 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
2743637694] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨126210]
0-1-92-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.0798, 488.6333]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.22198, 23.78504]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.080, 1905.526, 2784.779, 3371.426, 4152.665]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.920, 3.571, -1.535, 2.600, 1.347]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.156643
Adjusted Error 6.002102 cents
TE Error 1.734997 cents/octave

Superpyth (22p & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627681]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1262109]
0-1-92-16-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.3300, 488.4316]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.02389, 30.47424]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.330, 1906.228, 2788.095, 3371.523, 4158.394, 4426.359]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.670, 4.273, 1.782, 2.697, 7.076, -14.169]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.083521
Adjusted Error 8.906073 cents
TE Error 2.406761 cents/octave

Supers (152 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152241353427526]
5892135163201] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2411713]
0-3-23-5-22] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8052, 165.7296]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.71663, 0.46003]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.610, 1902.032, 2786.077, 3369.989, 4151.417]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.390, 0.077, -0.237, 1.163, 0.099]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.258026
Adjusted Error 0.897952 cents
TE Error 0.259566 cents/octave

Supers (58 & 94)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
94149218264325348] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨241171311]
0-3-23-5-22-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.7321, 165.7048]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.39337, 7.58137]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.464, 1901.814, 2785.844, 3369.601, 4151.013, 4442.891]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.536, -0.141, -0.470, 0.775, -0.305, 2.364]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.635894
Adjusted Error 1.374602 cents
TE Error 0.371470 cents/octave

Supersharp (10 & 8)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨101623]
81319] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨234]
013] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨597.0639, 128.4648]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨83.20462, 45.26021]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1194.128, 1919.657, 2773.650]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-5.872, 17.702, -12.663]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.060164
Adjusted Error 18.427864 cents
TE Error 7.936449 cents/octave

Supra (17 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17274859]
581417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1221]
0-126] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.2813, 491.6914]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨63.89426, 22.21578]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.281, 1902.871, 3377.945, 4147.429]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.719, 0.916, 9.119, -3.888]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.880823
Adjusted Error 7.646253 cents
TE Error 2.210263 cents/octave

Supraphon (17 & 5f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1727485963]
58141718] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12210]
0-1269] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.2128, 492.7163]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨69.15594, 4.31237]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.213, 1901.709, 3379.858, 4153.511, 4434.447]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.787, -0.246, 11.032, 2.193, -6.081]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.117932
Adjusted Error 8.492955 cents
TE Error 2.295121 cents/octave

Suprapyth (22 & 5p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
58121417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12621]
0-1-926] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.7287, 489.9858]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨52.47178, 8.86988]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.729, 1907.472, 2782.500, 3377.429, 4138.644]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.271, 5.517, -3.814, 8.603, -12.674]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.904057
Adjusted Error 9.691650 cents
TE Error 2.801515 cents/octave

Suprapyth (22p & 5f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627681]
5812141718] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨126210]
0-1-9269] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0546, 491.3195]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨56.48849, -8.53843]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.055, 1908.790, 2778.452, 3382.748, 4147.972, 4421.876]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.055, 6.835, -7.862, 13.922, -3.346, -18.652]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.034189
Adjusted Error 13.596147 cents
TE Error 3.674198 cents/octave

Swetneus (58 & 149)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201]
149236346418515] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨148813]
0-20-47-43-79] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1556, 144.9595]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.83285, 6.56275]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.156, 1901.432, 2788.148, 3367.986, 4150.221]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.156, -0.523, 1.834, -0.840, -1.097]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.954772
Adjusted Error 1.505516 cents
TE Error 0.435192 cents/octave

Swetneus (58 & 149)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
149236346418515551] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14881313]
0-20-47-43-79-77] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1481, 144.9570]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.07629, 6.46794]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.148, 1901.453, 2788.207, 3368.035, 4150.324, 4440.238]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.148, -0.502, 1.893, -0.791, -0.994, -0.290]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.667563
Adjusted Error 1.476437 cents
TE Error 0.398990 cents/octave

Sycamore (19 & 56)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
5689130] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
0116] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6043, 63.8109]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.40200, 11.80297]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.604, 1902.524, 2784.074]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.604, 0.569, -2.240]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.862516
Adjusted Error 1.600047 cents
TE Error 0.689103 cents/octave

Sycamore (19 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
375986104] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1122]
011615] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7296, 64.0338]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.20693, 15.91346]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.730, 1905.102, 2785.662, 3361.967]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.730, 3.147, -0.651, -6.859]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.650412
Adjusted Error 4.553310 cents
TE Error 1.621922 cents/octave

Sycamore (19p & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
375986104128] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11224]
011615-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4246, 64.2370]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.08170, 21.07763]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.425, 1906.031, 2784.271, 3362.403, 4155.329]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.575, 4.076, -2.043, -6.422, 4.011]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.553044
Adjusted Error 5.849759 cents
TE Error 1.690960 cents/octave

Sycamore (19p & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
375986104128137] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112243]
011615-1013] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6742, 64.2786]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.03999, 21.61931]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.674, 1906.739, 2785.020, 3363.527, 4155.911, 4434.644]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.326, 4.784, -1.294, -5.299, 4.593, -5.883]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.269455
Adjusted Error 6.297791 cents
TE Error 1.701903 cents/octave

Symbolic (3 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357]
172740] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨132]
0-41] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1191.9881, 418.0449]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨45.16553, 62.14656]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1191.988, 1903.785, 2802.021]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-8.012, 1.830, 15.707]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.311857
Adjusted Error 14.141906 cents
TE Error 6.090587 cents/octave

Tannic (72 & 46 & 31 & 29g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266294]
29466781100107118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1000-3117]
00012-2-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7328, 1901.4706, 2786.6961, 3368.3032]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.94112, 4.36642, 5.95586, 0.94778]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.733, 1901.471, 2786.696, 3368.303, 4150.653, 4438.964, 4905.807]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.733, -0.484, 0.382, -0.523, -0.665, -1.564, 0.851]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.015394
Adjusted Error 1.506607 cents
TE Error 0.368592 cents/octave

Taylor (53 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123196]
77122179285] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-11]
0-21613] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1498, 249.1757]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.86668, 4.66514]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.150, 1901.948, 2786.662, 4439.434]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.150, -0.007, 0.348, -1.093]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.182497
Adjusted Error 0.672844 cents
TE Error 0.181828 cents/octave

Telepathy (22 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-1-1]
0511214] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7988, 381.2725]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨39.38523, 17.59599]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.799, 1906.363, 2782.870, 3374.472, 4137.017]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.799, 4.408, -3.444, 5.646, -14.301]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.811626
Adjusted Error 8.711358 cents
TE Error 2.518147 cents/octave

Telepathy (19e & 22p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536570]
223551627681] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-1-14]
0511214-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.6029, 381.3473]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.57873, 29.98214]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.603, 1906.737, 2786.553, 3373.565, 4136.260, 4429.064]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.603, 4.782, 0.239, 4.739, -15.058, -11.463]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.923297
Adjusted Error 10.387695 cents
TE Error 2.807152 cents/octave

Term (171 & 183)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
183290425514] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3554]
0-1818] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0257, 98.2641]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.27431, 0.69492]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.077, 1901.864, 2786.242, 3368.857]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.077, -0.091, -0.072, 0.031]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.497780
Adjusted Error 0.142486 cents
TE Error 0.050755 cents/octave

Ternary (3d & 3p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3579]
3578] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3579]
000-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨392.4069, 162.8358]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨229.57102, 162.83584]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1177.221, 1962.034, 2746.848, 3368.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-22.779, 60.079, -39.466, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.471558
Adjusted Error 66.503051 cents
TE Error 23.688865 cents/octave

Terrain (171 & 138)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17114562]
13811750] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨332]
0-1-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0101, 182.4665]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.75086, 0.33067]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.030, 1017.564, 435.087]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.030, -0.033, 0.003]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 7.115138
Adjusted Error 0.028630 cents
TE Error 0.028630 cents/octave

Terrapyth (46 & 121 & 29g)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170188]
29466781100107118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-310712-13]
0001111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3793, 1903.1779, 3368.9186]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.27871, 8.21583, 0.29116]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.379, 1903.178, 2785.977, 3368.919, 4151.862, 4439.225, 4905.588]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.621, 1.223, -0.337, 0.093, 0.544, -1.303, 0.633]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.430568
Adjusted Error 1.674878 cents
TE Error 0.409760 cents/octave

Tertia (31 & 140)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
140222325393484] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13235]
0-225-3-24] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2342, 77.1882]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.24382, 7.63340]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.234, 1902.562, 2786.410, 3369.138, 4148.654]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.234, 0.607, 0.096, 0.312, -2.664]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.807403
Adjusted Error 1.391159 cents
TE Error 0.402135 cents/octave

Tertiaseptal (171 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
31497287] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1323]
0-225-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1004, 77.1979]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.06553, -0.26144]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.100, 1901.947, 2786.190, 3368.707]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.100, -0.008, -0.123, -0.119]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.274696
Adjusted Error 0.170228 cents
TE Error 0.060636 cents/octave

Tertiaseptal (31 & 171p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
171271397480592] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13237]
0-225-3-55] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1038, 77.2340]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.87076, 5.95386]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.104, 1901.164, 2786.377, 3368.609, 4152.857]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.104, -0.791, 0.064, -0.217, 1.539]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.569528
Adjusted Error 1.054697 cents
TE Error 0.304876 cents/octave

Tertiaseptal (31 & 171)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
171271397480592633] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨132371]
0-225-3-5542] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8790, 77.1948]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.64316, 6.71895]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.879, 1901.351, 2785.732, 3368.053, 4153.438, 4442.061]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.121, -0.604, -0.582, -0.773, 2.121, 1.533]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.398605
Adjusted Error 1.389386 cents
TE Error 0.375465 cents/octave

Tertiosec (171 & 75)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397]
75119174] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨375]
0-87] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0308, 112.2894]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.01924, -0.00265]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.092, 1901.900, 2786.180]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.092, -0.055, -0.134]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.977404
Adjusted Error 0.153146 cents
TE Error 0.065956 cents/octave

Tetracot (34 & 7)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨345479]
71116] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111]
049] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5606, 176.0953]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.10668, 10.56191]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.561, 1903.942, 2784.419]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.439, 1.987, -1.895]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.606899
Adjusted Error 2.090068 cents
TE Error 0.900143 cents/octave

Tho (2 & 3)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨237]
3511] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨113]
011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1213.7164, 705.4671]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨311.03145, 197.21784]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1213.716, 1919.184, 4346.616]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨13.716, 17.229, -93.911]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.255470
Adjusted Error 65.862311 cents
TE Error 17.798509 cents/octave

Thogugu (5 & 3 & 12p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581219]
12192844] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-1]
0012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.1273, 1901.9550, 2806.5061]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.62687, 8.80458, 84.04827]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.127, 1901.955, 2806.506, 4414.885]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.873, -0.000, 20.192, -25.643]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.055271
Adjusted Error 20.863577 cents
TE Error 5.638135 cents/octave

Thogugu Nowa (3 & 2f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3711]
258] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.1273, 410.2514]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨377.62453, 32.62687]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.127, 2806.506, 4414.885]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.873, 20.192, -25.643]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.233605
Adjusted Error 24.091184 cents
TE Error 6.510357 cents/octave

Thomas (27e & 44p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100]
4470102124152163] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-34-64]
0218-432-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.5086, 354.2993]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.55693, 13.98799]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.509, 1906.107, 2784.861, 3372.837, 4152.526, 4435.735]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.491, 4.152, -1.452, 4.011, 1.208, -4.793]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.163958
Adjusted Error 6.283885 cents
TE Error 1.698146 cents/octave

Thor (342 & 270 & 494)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3425427949601183]
494783114713871709] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨20025]
001-4-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0103, 1901.9875, 2786.2657]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.47984, 0.99663, 0.85997]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.021, 1901.988, 2786.266, 3368.871, 4151.192]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.021, 0.033, -0.048, 0.045, -0.126]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.324696
Adjusted Error 0.082592 cents
TE Error 0.023874 cents/octave

Thotho (2 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨237]
101637] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨237]
012] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3816, 108.4786]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨57.98866, 108.47858]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.763, 1909.623, 4419.628]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.763, 7.668, -20.900]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.556758
Adjusted Error 15.971767 cents
TE Error 4.316181 cents/octave

Thothoru (17 & 36 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17274863]
10162837] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1012]
0021] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4156, 1902.3030, 133.5996]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.90018, 27.96985, 5.91980]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.416, 1902.303, 3369.918, 4436.734]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.416, 0.348, 1.092, -3.794]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.065380
Adjusted Error 2.207379 cents
TE Error 0.596518 cents/octave

Thoyo (7 & 19 & 3)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111626]
35711] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1006]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.9237, 1901.9550, 2783.6866]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.75832, 56.64732, 12.43875]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.924, 1901.955, 2783.687, 4433.855]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.924, -0.000, -2.627, -6.672]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.068125
Adjusted Error 6.691338 cents
TE Error 1.808255 cents/octave

Thoyoyo (19 & 34 & 7)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304470]
7111626] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002]
001-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1343, 1902.6297, 2785.5897]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.36257, 24.39208, 0.41641]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.134, 1902.630, 2785.590, 4439.608]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.134, 0.675, -0.724, -0.919]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.081817
Adjusted Error 1.107418 cents
TE Error 0.299266 cents/octave

Thrasher (12 & 15 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
1930445366] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-12]
00132] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.9440, 1903.1386, 2788.4188]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.15604, 36.35928, 13.35170]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.944, 1903.139, 2788.419, 3362.035, 4164.449]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.056, 1.184, 2.105, -6.791, 13.131]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.099396
Adjusted Error 8.610585 cents
TE Error 2.489017 cents/octave

Thrasher (15 & 8d & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-122]
00132-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.5010, 1904.9025, 2789.2153]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.61726, 25.77371, 40.63434]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.501, 1904.903, 2789.215, 3360.340, 4163.628, 4436.181]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.499, 2.948, 2.902, -8.486, 12.310, -4.346]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.119870
Adjusted Error 8.866019 cents
TE Error 2.395937 cents/octave

Thrush (31 & 46 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1219283442] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-1-5]
00135] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4769, 1901.1163, 2789.9739]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.83278, 16.58382, 10.98373]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.477, 1901.116, 2789.974, 3368.212, 4150.252]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.523, -0.839, 3.660, -0.614, -1.066]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.138485
Adjusted Error 2.759405 cents
TE Error 0.797647 cents/octave

Thrush (31 & 58 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-1-50]
001355] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2756, 1901.5631, 2789.9088]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.96145, 10.78121, 8.46000]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.276, 1901.563, 2789.909, 3367.325, 4150.040, 4441.729]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.724, -0.392, 3.595, -1.501, -1.278, 1.201]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.186407
Adjusted Error 2.830689 cents
TE Error 0.764960 cents/octave

Thu (7 & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71126]
237] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨125]
0-1-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.7516, 514.7485]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨172.25456, -2.01517]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.752, 1888.755, 4464.512]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.752, -13.200, 23.985]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.347115
Adjusted Error 22.855298 cents
TE Error 6.176373 cents/octave

Thuja (15 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
5892135163201] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-4073]
0125-91] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.5511, 557.9453]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.05414, 20.67868]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.551, 1901.139, 2789.726, 3368.350, 4153.599]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.449, -0.816, 3.413, -0.476, 2.281]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.555391
Adjusted Error 3.455254 cents
TE Error 0.998792 cents/octave

Thuja (58 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
152435425256] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-4073-7]
0125-9123] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1198.5126, 557.8962]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.14509, -1.86016]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.513, 1900.704, 2789.481, 3368.522, 4153.434, 4442.025]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.487, -1.251, 3.167, -0.304, 2.116, 1.497]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.716869
Adjusted Error 3.459956 cents
TE Error 0.935012 cents/octave

Thulo (17 & 7 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17275963]
2946100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1005]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6639, 1902.4616, 4150.5135]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.03841, 18.73039, 11.61718]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.664, 1902.462, 4150.513, 4441.448]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.336, 0.507, -0.804, 0.920]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.052735
Adjusted Error 1.064612 cents
TE Error 0.287699 cents/octave

Thulu (17 & 7 & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17275963]
2377] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1004]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0668, 1900.7828, 4154.1101]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨59.55917, 25.68782, 3.37307]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.067, 1900.783, 4154.110, 4443.722]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.933, -1.172, 2.792, 3.195]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.044301
Adjusted Error 3.104163 cents
TE Error 0.838863 cents/octave

Thulugu Noca (b15 & b6 & b17)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15223335]
17253740] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1006]
001-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1897.7900, 2787.8035, 4154.6250]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨69.35842, 5.75603, 48.40456]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1897.790, 2787.804, 4154.625, 4444.312]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.165, 1.490, 3.307, 3.784]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.029245
Adjusted Error 5.635296 cents
TE Error 1.522872 cents/octave

Thunor (270 & 72 & 224)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934999]
224355520629775829] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨20025-3]
001-4-3-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9809, 1902.0266, 2786.2665]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.86764, -0.18372, 1.95949]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.962, 1902.027, 2786.267, 3369.082, 4151.238, 4440.324]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.038, 0.072, -0.047, 0.256, -0.080, -0.203]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.511278
Adjusted Error 0.189826 cents
TE Error 0.051298 cents/octave

Thuyo (7 & 5 & 3)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111626]
35711] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1003]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.7024, 1905.5537, 2778.5904]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨98.66543, 64.51994, 60.81490]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.702, 1905.554, 2778.590, 4460.144]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.298, 3.599, -7.723, 19.616]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.050772
Adjusted Error 14.661144 cents
TE Error 3.962000 cents/octave

Tinia (9 & 15 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
31497287107115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101422]
002-31-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9446, 1899.2543, -155.3594]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.38491, 9.14373, 34.17176]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.945, 1899.254, 2788.480, 3366.602, 4143.784, 4454.503]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.055, -2.701, 2.166, -2.224, -7.534, 13.975]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.126787
Adjusted Error 7.309361 cents
TE Error 1.975268 cents/octave

Tobago (24 & 34)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨24388333]
345411847] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2494]
0-2-5-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.8234, 248.6812]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.81618, 14.94290]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.647, 1901.931, 4155.005, 1653.250]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.353, -0.024, 3.687, -0.964]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 1.567417
Adjusted Error 2.287957 cents
TE Error 0.661368 cents/octave

Tokko (171 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
581214] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-114]
01367-6] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0850, 238.6157]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.00646, 0.39623]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.085, 1901.919, 2786.318, 3368.646]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.085, -0.036, 0.004, -0.180]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.242676
Adjusted Error 0.152838 cents
TE Error 0.054442 cents/octave

Tolerant (41 & 46 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-10-3]
001-2-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4404, 1903.1533, 2785.9929]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.24546, 12.79405, 6.81912]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.440, 1903.153, 2785.993, 3368.296, 4151.766]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.560, 1.198, -0.321, -0.530, 0.448]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.271387
Adjusted Error 1.512833 cents
TE Error 0.437307 cents/octave

Tolerant (41 & 46 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-10-32]
001-2-2-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5170, 1903.1941, 2785.8612]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.18772, 12.28287, 6.37672]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.517, 1903.194, 2785.861, 3368.243, 4152.085, 4440.088]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.483, 1.239, -0.452, -0.583, 0.767, -0.440]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.314313
Adjusted Error 1.502315 cents
TE Error 0.405983 cents/octave

Toliman (b17 & b6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172530]
6911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-3-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1898.4178, 333.2980]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨101.37008, 29.18774]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1898.418, 2796.942, 3362.168]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.537, 10.628, -6.658]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.643585
Adjusted Error 9.105047 cents
TE Error 3.243283 cents/octave

Tremka (111 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨111176258384411]
5079116173185] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-4-241]
03124-315] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7105, 216.1336]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.28699, 3.37708]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.711, 1901.301, 2787.786, 4150.441, 4441.715]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.289, -0.654, 1.473, -0.877, 1.187]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.587243
Adjusted Error 1.501874 cents
TE Error 0.405864 cents/octave

Tribilo (159 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨159252550]
243883] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3410]
021] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0154, 150.9576]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.61504, -0.44770]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.046, 1901.977, 4151.111]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.046, 0.022, -0.207]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.619252
Adjusted Error 0.153172 cents
TE Error 0.044277 cents/octave

Tribiru (17 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨172748]
4611] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨134]
0-6-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.9618, 282.4625]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨68.11184, 10.01514]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.962, 1899.110, 3379.535]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.038, -2.845, 10.709]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.548975
Adjusted Error 7.589582 cents
TE Error 2.703464 cents/octave

Tribithu (24 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨243889]
152456] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3410]
023] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.7390, 150.3931]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨47.51267, 3.92754]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.217, 1899.742, 4448.569]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.783, -2.213, 8.041]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.567250
Adjusted Error 5.766380 cents
TE Error 1.558296 cents/octave

Tricot (441 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4416991024]
5384123] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1316]
0-3-29] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9762, 565.9764]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.65621, 0.53939]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.976, 1901.999, 2786.304]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.024, 0.044, -0.010]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.496230
Adjusted Error 0.049621 cents
TE Error 0.021371 cents/octave

Tricot (53 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183]
1727404859] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1316811]
0-3-29-11-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9494, 565.9489]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.53538, 3.44554]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.949, 1902.002, 2786.674, 3374.158, 4144.262]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.051, 0.047, 0.360, 5.332, -7.056]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.270991
Adjusted Error 4.319451 cents
TE Error 1.248601 cents/octave

Tricot (53 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183196]
172740485963] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13168117]
0-3-29-11-16-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1281, 566.0489]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.80602, 2.61229]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.128, 1902.238, 2786.632, 3374.487, 4144.627, 4438.555]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.128, 0.283, 0.319, 5.661, -6.691, -1.973]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.025421
Adjusted Error 4.315059 cents
TE Error 1.166094 cents/octave

Tridec (66 & 37)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨66327591]
37184251] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1201]
0-431] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4947, 454.6483]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.06049, 5.58114]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.495, 582.396, 1363.945, 1655.143]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.495, -0.116, -1.059, 0.929]
Show POTE tunings
These calculations use inharmonic TE. You can also use subgroup TE
Complexity 4.164667
Adjusted Error 0.878175 cents
TE Error 0.637046 cents/octave

Triforce (15 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15243542]
9142125] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3478]
0201] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.7677, 152.8623]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨58.81912, 35.22403]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.303, 1904.795, 2798.374, 3351.004]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.697, 2.840, 12.060, -17.822]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.548603
Adjusted Error 11.825644 cents
TE Error 4.212379 cents/octave

Triforce (15 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
914212531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨347810]
02011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.7852, 152.8496]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨58.76372, 35.32219]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.355, 1904.840, 2798.496, 3351.131, 4150.701]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.645, 2.885, 12.182, -17.695, -0.617]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.391974
Adjusted Error 13.037670 cents
TE Error 3.768732 cents/octave

Triforce (9 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
152435425256] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨34781010]
020113] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.7342, 151.5857]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨41.53977, 55.02298]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.203, 1902.108, 2798.139, 3349.459, 4148.928, 4452.099]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.797, 0.153, 11.826, -19.367, -2.390, 11.571]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.358576
Adjusted Error 13.881150 cents
TE Error 3.751216 cents/octave

Triforce (15 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15243552]
24385683] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨34710]
0201] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.2424, 152.8119]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.76807, 34.42526]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.727, 1902.593, 2794.697, 4145.236]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.273, 0.638, 8.383, -6.082]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.557822
Adjusted Error 8.011734 cents
TE Error 2.315910 cents/octave

Triglav (31 & 87 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
80127186225277] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10221]
004101] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8767, 1902.3071, -854.2909]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.08774, 6.91999, 4.33897]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.877, 1902.307, 2787.204, 3368.379, 4150.200]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.123, 0.352, 0.890, -0.447, -1.118]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.303183
Adjusted Error 0.903752 cents
TE Error 0.261243 cents/octave

Trigu & Latrizo (15 & 21)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15243542]
21334959] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3678]
0-301] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.5279, 165.3284]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨41.28484, 27.58624]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.584, 1901.182, 2796.695, 3361.551]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.416, -0.773, 10.381, -7.274]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.652338
Adjusted Error 7.552325 cents
TE Error 2.690192 cents/octave

Trigu + La (15 & 12 & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15243552]
24385683] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3070]
0001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.0176, 1901.9550, 4151.3179]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.48526, 16.39900, 25.12442]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.053, 1901.955, 2793.123, 4151.318]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.947, -0.000, 6.810, -0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.096959
Adjusted Error 7.191674 cents
TE Error 2.078860 cents/octave

Trigu + Tha (15 & 12p & 24)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15243556]
24385689] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3070]
0001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.0176, 1901.9550, 4440.5277]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.48526, 16.95062, 24.84860]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.053, 1901.955, 2793.123, 4440.528]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.947, -0.000, 6.810, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.090644
Adjusted Error 7.692696 cents
TE Error 2.078860 cents/octave

Trigu + Za (12 & 15 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
9142125] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3070]
0001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.0176, 1901.9550, 3368.8259]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨47.48540, 36.06648, 9.58122]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.053, 1901.955, 2793.123, 3368.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.947, 0.000, 6.810, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.119480
Adjusted Error 5.836098 cents
TE Error 2.078860 cents/octave

Trigu Nowa + Za (6 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨61417]
92125] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨379]
00-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.0176, 222.3327]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨131.03727, 45.64769]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.053, 2793.123, 3368.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.947, 6.810, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.504992
Adjusted Error 6.738945 cents
TE Error 2.400461 cents/octave

Trila-Quadtriru (36 & 56d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3657101]
5689158] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4713]
0-3-8] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨300.0390, 66.3517]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.80662, 2.91282]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.156, 1901.218, 3369.693]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.156, -0.737, 0.867]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.735777
Adjusted Error 0.939662 cents
TE Error 0.334714 cents/octave

Trila-Quadzo (171 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271480]
130206365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨115]
04-15] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0845, 175.4449]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.22582, 1.04207]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.085, 1901.864, 3368.750]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.085, -0.091, -0.076]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.279419
Adjusted Error 0.171378 cents
TE Error 0.061046 cents/octave

Trila-Tribizo (36 & 2p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3657101]
236] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨236]
03-7] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3423, 33.4369]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨33.43688, -1.52150]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.685, 1901.338, 3367.996]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.685, -0.617, -0.830]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.590477
Adjusted Error 1.363723 cents
TE Error 0.485768 cents/octave

Trilagu (19 & 12cc)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
121929] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1212]
0-1-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.1661, 506.0581]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨61.86651, 2.22520]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.166, 1898.274, 2786.657]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.166, -3.681, 0.343]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.519979
Adjusted Error 4.261930 cents
TE Error 1.835514 cents/octave

Trilo (7 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71124]
223576] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124]
0-3-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.1259, 165.8228]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.72415, 40.36622]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.126, 1904.783, 4141.212]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.126, 2.828, -10.106]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.778302
Adjusted Error 7.197315 cents
TE Error 2.080491 cents/octave

Trilu-Ayoyo (7 & 34 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111624]
9142131] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1011]
0032] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8395, 1900.7454, 528.2478]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.81313, 29.31424, 10.27372]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.839, 1900.745, 2784.583, 4157.081]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.161, -1.210, -1.731, 5.763]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.121400
Adjusted Error 3.432768 cents
TE Error 0.992293 cents/octave

Trilu-Azo (17 & 41 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨17274859]
9142531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002]
0031] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3448, 1901.6807, -145.1320]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.54636, 23.32425, 1.41805]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.345, 1901.681, 3367.965, 4155.238]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.655, -0.274, -0.861, 3.920]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.100808
Adjusted Error 2.344655 cents
TE Error 0.677757 cents/octave

Triluzo (9 & 24 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨9142531]
12193442] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3002]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.8083, 1901.9550, 3362.0264]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-11.46270, 42.07531, 24.39848]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.425, 1901.955, 3362.026, 4161.643]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.575, -0.000, -6.799, 10.325]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.109746
Adjusted Error 6.722542 cents
TE Error 1.943250 cents/octave

Triluzo Nowa (6 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨61721]
154252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3911]
0-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.8083, 236.2481]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.18435, 72.68792]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.425, 3362.026, 4161.643]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.575, -6.799, 10.325]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.463847
Adjusted Error 7.762522 cents
TE Error 2.243872 cents/octave

Trimot (53 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
17274048] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13168]
0-3-29-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.4469, 565.7132]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.54901, 3.37350]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.447, 1901.201, 2785.468, 3372.730]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.553, -0.754, -0.846, 3.904]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.777065
Adjusted Error 2.262888 cents
TE Error 0.806057 cents/octave

Trimyna (31 & 58 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
118187274331408] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14005]
00111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0914, -579.6644, 2787.6194]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.38350, 2.98093, 8.60431]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.091, 1902.044, 2787.619, 3367.284, 4150.761]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.091, 0.089, 1.306, -1.542, -0.557]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.233691
Adjusted Error 1.252422 cents
TE Error 0.362031 cents/octave

Trimyna (58 & 31 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5892135163201215]
87138202244301322] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14005-2]
001111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6811, -579.2748, 2787.1219]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.72946, 3.43468, 9.41261]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.681, 1902.350, 2787.122, 3366.397, 4151.329, 4442.683]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.319, 0.395, 0.808, -2.429, 0.011, 2.156]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.258545
Adjusted Error 1.770282 cents
TE Error 0.478398 cents/octave

Trinealimmal (270 & 783)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
7831241181821982709] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2743637693]
0-2-3-24] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨44.4437, 4.5333]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.86665, 0.88887]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.981, 1902.014, 2786.356, 3368.657, 4151.400]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.019, 0.059, 0.042, -0.169, 0.083]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 24.792344
Adjusted Error 0.122351 cents
TE Error 0.035367 cents/octave

Trinu (12 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121951]
152464] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3513]
0-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨399.8573, 97.7348]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨88.81656, 8.91821]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.572, 1901.552, 5100.410]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.428, -0.403, 2.897]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.781256
Adjusted Error 2.071113 cents
TE Error 0.487558 cents/octave

Tripod (31 & 41 & 19p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
193044536670] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-512-8]
0012-33] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4862, 1900.0030, 2784.1052]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.66047, 13.96203, 7.50359]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.486, 1900.003, 2784.105, 3365.785, 4153.516, 4448.435]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.486, -1.952, -2.209, -3.041, 2.198, 7.907]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.155499
Adjusted Error 4.481630 cents
TE Error 1.211107 cents/octave

Tripod (10 & 31 & 22f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328353741]
22355162768290] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-512-88]
0012-33-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6249, 1900.3295, 2781.7001]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.23394, 31.15570, 1.88449]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.625, 1900.330, 2781.700, 3365.935, 4150.069, 4449.090, 4914.970]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.375, -1.625, -4.614, -2.891, -1.249, 8.562, 10.014]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.150146
Adjusted Error 6.497364 cents
TE Error 1.589584 cents/octave

Triru (12 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121934]
91425] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨359]
0-1-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.2161, 108.8960]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨73.52798, 35.36806]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.648, 1892.184, 3384.153]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.648, -9.771, 15.327]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.954578
Adjusted Error 13.388113 cents
TE Error 4.768942 cents/octave

Triru-Agugu (31 & 5 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
8131923] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1010]
003-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6851, 1899.1858, -736.6817]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.18088, -6.57079, 9.99147]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.685, 1899.186, 2788.012, 3372.549]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.315, -2.769, 1.698, 3.723]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.179288
Adjusted Error 3.275552 cents
TE Error 1.166775 cents/octave

Triru-Agugubi (5 & 7p & 2b)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
2456] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1022]
003-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1193.8382, 1898.8592, -497.8592]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨105.54200, 92.57772, 9.04205]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1193.838, 1898.859, 2792.958, 3383.395]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-6.162, -3.096, 6.644, 14.569]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.172189
Adjusted Error 12.309433 cents
TE Error 4.384708 cents/octave

Triru-Aquinyo (12 & 41 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨12192834]
46911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1000]
0035] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0000, 1902.4482, 293.7397]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.80465, 25.04102, -1.08438]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.000, 1902.448, 2783.667, 3371.147]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.000, 0.493, -2.646, 2.321]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.177719
Adjusted Error 2.024053 cents
TE Error 0.720982 cents/octave

Trisa-Tritrilu (65 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103225]
87138301] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-910] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7453, 55.2666]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.21277, 6.90707]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.745, 1902.091, 4151.902]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.255, 0.136, 0.584]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.560215
Adjusted Error 0.633968 cents
TE Error 0.183258 cents/octave

Trisayo (46 & 75)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107]
75119174] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1211]
0-1-21] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3236, 495.5411]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.44763, 7.74310]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.324, 1903.106, 2786.196]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.676, 1.151, -0.118]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.125147
Adjusted Error 1.332176 cents
TE Error 0.573737 cents/octave

Trisedodge (65 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151]
152435] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨5711]
032] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.9483, 73.9917]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.97315, 2.09913]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.741, 1901.613, 2787.414]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.259, -0.342, 1.101]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.869670
Adjusted Error 0.779564 cents
TE Error 0.335740 cents/octave

Trisedodge (15 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15243542]
80127186225] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨571115]
032-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.7192, 74.8603]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.83138, 15.13833]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.596, 1902.615, 2786.632, 3371.207]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.404, 0.660, 0.318, 2.381]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.458614
Adjusted Error 2.383352 cents
TE Error 0.848967 cents/octave

Trisedodge (15 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1524354252]
80127186225277] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨57111517]
032-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨239.7340, 74.8570]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-0.95771, 15.16295]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.670, 1902.709, 2786.788, 3371.439, 4150.336]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.330, 0.754, 0.475, 2.614, -0.982]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.889213
Adjusted Error 2.672535 cents
TE Error 0.772536 cents/octave

Trismegistus (41 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
1625374555] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-515-4]
0153-517] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8457, 527.0312]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.57955, 6.94276]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.846, 1901.240, 2781.939, 3369.073, 4156.148]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.846, -0.715, -4.374, 0.247, 4.830]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.996556
Adjusted Error 3.921555 cents
TE Error 1.133584 cents/octave

Trismegistus (41 & 16)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
162537455559] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-515-4-2]
0153-51713] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4855, 526.8544]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.27149, 7.70965]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.486, 1900.388, 2781.049, 3368.156, 4154.582, 4448.136]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.486, -1.567, -5.265, -0.670, 3.265, 7.608]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.659698
Adjusted Error 5.129595 cents
TE Error 1.386212 cents/octave

Trithu (7 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71126]
152456] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124]
0-3-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.6616, 164.4883]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨74.00104, 45.24362]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.662, 1899.858, 4457.670]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.338, -2.097, 17.142]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.798282
Adjusted Error 12.522328 cents
TE Error 3.384011 cents/octave

Tritikleismic (72 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
87138202244] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3688]
0-6-52] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.1846, 83.1667]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.72711, 4.92186]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.554, 1902.107, 2785.643, 3367.810]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.554, 0.152, -0.670, -1.016]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.331721
Adjusted Error 1.022092 cents
TE Error 0.364076 cents/octave

Tritikleismic (72 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
87138202244301] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨368811]
0-6-52-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.1573, 83.1514]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.44698, 5.15275]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.472, 1902.035, 2785.501, 3367.561, 4152.276]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.472, 0.080, -0.812, -1.265, 0.958]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.798204
Adjusted Error 1.225356 cents
TE Error 0.354207 cents/octave

Tritikleismic (72 & 87)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
87138202244301322] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨36881114]
0-6-52-3-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.1516, 83.0730]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.20634, 7.00688]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.455, 1902.472, 2785.848, 3367.359, 4152.449, 4439.101]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.455, 0.517, -0.466, -1.467, 1.131, -1.427]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.234627
Adjusted Error 1.418795 cents
TE Error 0.383413 cents/octave

Triton (19 & 2p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
2356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13-1-1]
0-378] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.4053, 570.4797]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨62.44591, 8.46648]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.405, 1898.777, 2789.953, 3360.432]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.405, -3.178, 3.639, -8.394]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.046528
Adjusted Error 7.295386 cents
TE Error 2.598669 cents/octave

Triton (19p & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
23567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13-1-13]
0-3781] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.4569, 569.8352]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨61.78652, 13.75656]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.457, 1894.865, 2787.389, 3357.225, 4174.206]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.457, -7.090, 1.076, -11.601, 22.888]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.854869
Adjusted Error 14.111499 cents
TE Error 4.079138 cents/octave

Tritoni (31 & 60p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
6095139168208] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-3-317]
0-51112-28] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0917, 580.9169]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.35549, 7.95119]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.092, 1899.782, 2786.811, 3367.728, 4152.885]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.092, -2.173, 0.497, -1.098, 1.568]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.795133
Adjusted Error 2.884094 cents
TE Error 0.833690 cents/octave

Tritonic (31 & 60)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
6095139168] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-3-3]
0-51112] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3562, 580.9419]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨17.18418, 11.14411]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.356, 1900.715, 2786.292, 3367.234]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.356, -1.240, -0.022, -1.592]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.240157
Adjusted Error 2.337284 cents
TE Error 0.832557 cents/octave

Tritonic (31 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
29466781100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-3-32]
0-511123] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.7157, 581.0970]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.79209, 11.72969]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.716, 1901.378, 2786.920, 3368.016, 4146.722]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.716, -0.577, 0.606, -0.809, -4.596]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.907018
Adjusted Error 3.456705 cents
TE Error 0.999212 cents/octave

Tritonic (31 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨14-3-32-5]
0-51112318] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.5443, 580.8542]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.15325, 16.68253]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.544, 1901.906, 2784.764, 3365.618, 4145.651, 4447.655]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.544, -0.049, -1.550, -3.208, -5.667, 7.127]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.959758
Adjusted Error 4.902178 cents
TE Error 1.324755 cents/octave

Tritriple (118 & 133)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274]
133211309] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-11-7]
02720] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9546, 559.3105]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.89598, 1.12954]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.955, 1901.881, 2786.527]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.045, -0.074, 0.213]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.954962
Adjusted Error 0.150661 cents
TE Error 0.064886 cents/octave

Tritriple (118 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331]
103163239289] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-11-77]
02720-9] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4243, 559.4923]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.33870, 3.24716]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.424, 1901.624, 2786.876, 3367.540]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.424, -0.331, 0.562, -1.286]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.883050
Adjusted Error 0.984638 cents
TE Error 0.350735 cents/octave

Tritriple (118 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274331408]
103163239289356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-11-77-4]
02720-916] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4958, 559.5246]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.23217, 3.36990]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.496, 1901.710, 2787.021, 3367.749, 4150.410]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.496, -0.245, 0.707, -1.076, -0.908]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.061400
Adjusted Error 1.176659 cents
TE Error 0.340131 cents/octave

Tritrizo (135 & 171)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨135214379]
171271480] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨91425]
011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨133.3357, 35.2988]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.99943, 3.86022]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.021, 1901.998, 3368.690]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.021, 0.043, -0.135]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.324579
Adjusted Error 0.096014 cents
TE Error 0.034201 cents/octave

Triwell (31 & 159)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
159252369446550] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨170113]
0-2197-37] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4807, 309.5950]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.90074, 6.39974]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.481, 1901.869, 2786.355, 3367.646, 4151.233]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.481, -0.086, 0.042, -1.180, -0.085]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.059806
Adjusted Error 0.992553 cents
TE Error 0.286912 cents/octave

Triyo & Latrizo (15 & 36c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15243542]
365783101] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨3698]
0-3-51] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.2081, 164.5982]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.86190, 22.57489]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.624, 1907.454, 2778.882, 3366.263]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.624, 5.499, -7.432, -2.563]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.333059
Adjusted Error 6.805306 cents
TE Error 2.424099 cents/octave

Triyo & Rurugu (7p & 23bc)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨7111620]
23375465] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-25]
0610-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1193.1560, 516.8890]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨43.11164, 38.75541]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1193.156, 1908.178, 2782.578, 3381.335]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-6.844, 6.223, -3.735, 12.509]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.568678
Adjusted Error 12.918325 cents
TE Error 4.601600 cents/octave

Trizo (5 & 1bd)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5814]
112] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
034] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.7139, 236.2841]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨236.28407, 20.29359]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.714, 1910.566, 3348.564]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.714, 8.611, -20.262]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.803798
Adjusted Error 14.903325 cents
TE Error 5.308671 cents/octave

Trizogu (4 & 19 & 17c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨46911]
17274048] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1001]
0011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.1337, 633.6686, 2792.4259]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-7.06209, 51.96191, 14.24152]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.134, 1901.006, 2792.426, 3359.891]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.134, -0.949, 6.112, -8.935]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.138460
Adjusted Error 6.070442 cents
TE Error 2.162335 cents/octave

Tsaharuk (171 & 77)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨171271397480]
77122179216] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1170]
05-4024] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1039, 140.3620]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.94069, 0.17202]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.104, 1901.914, 2786.246, 3368.688]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.104, -0.041, -0.067, -0.137]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.645166
Adjusted Error 0.170179 cents
TE Error 0.060619 cents/octave

Tutone (6 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨619141721]
31987287107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13222]
01259] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7722, 194.0622]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.06615, 36.39920]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.772, 3796.379, 2789.669, 3371.855, 4148.104]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.772, -7.531, 3.355, 3.029, -3.214]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.958580
Adjusted Error 4.978765 cents
TE Error 1.439186 cents/octave

Twentcufo (118 & 7)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274408]
7111624] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-20]
0113024] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1958, 172.9078]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.15860, 0.21160]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.196, 1901.986, 2786.842, 4149.787]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.196, 0.031, 0.528, -1.531]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.573536
Adjusted Error 0.925602 cents
TE Error 0.267559 cents/octave

Twothirdtonic (46 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
914212531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨13244]
0-133-11-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7144, 130.3992]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.12192, -0.21046]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.714, 1903.954, 2790.626, 3364.467, 4146.862]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.286, 1.999, 4.313, -4.359, -4.456]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.355103
Adjusted Error 4.690639 cents
TE Error 1.355899 cents/octave

Twothirdtonic (9 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨132445]
0-133-11-5-12] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9631, 130.4050]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.18550, 26.31810]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.963, 1904.624, 2791.141, 3365.397, 4147.827, 4434.955]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.037, 2.669, 4.827, -3.429, -3.491, -5.572]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.076196
Adjusted Error 5.219520 cents
TE Error 1.410514 cents/octave

Tyr (72 & 270 & 183)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
183290425514633] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨30048]
00120] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨400.0162, 950.9828, 2786.3374]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.27018, 3.60152, 0.35074]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.049, 1901.966, 2786.337, 3368.809, 4151.113]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.049, 0.011, 0.024, -0.017, -0.205]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.427933
Adjusted Error 0.120632 cents
TE Error 0.034871 cents/octave

Ulmo (46 & 53 & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1001-32]
001-4-2-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5522, 1903.2266, 2787.6929]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.20029, 14.29318, 7.51113]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.552, 1903.227, 2787.693, 3371.367, 4148.544, 4436.625]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.448, 1.272, 1.379, 2.541, -2.774, -3.903]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.214849
Adjusted Error 2.933839 cents
TE Error 0.792835 cents/octave

Uncle (5 & 8c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5812]
81318] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨120]
0-16] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1189.8949, 465.1423]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨151.45357, 54.07838]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1189.895, 1914.648, 2790.854]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-10.105, 12.693, 4.540]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.402685
Adjusted Error 17.482209 cents
TE Error 7.529178 cents/octave

Uncle (5 & 18)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
18294251] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1204]
0-16-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1190.3661, 465.0588]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.49519, 55.43834]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1190.366, 1915.673, 2790.353, 3366.288]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-9.634, 13.718, 4.039, -2.538]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.427578
Adjusted Error 18.386048 cents
TE Error 6.549242 cents/octave

Undecental (99 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
29466781] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12-13-15]
0-13743] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6546, 496.8175]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨11.85180, 0.90782]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.655, 1902.492, 2786.737, 3368.333]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.345, 0.537, 0.423, -0.493]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.979129
Adjusted Error 0.766351 cents
TE Error 0.272980 cents/octave

Undevigintone (19p & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1930445366]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1930445366]
0000-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨63.3604, 30.4716]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨32.88889, 30.47155]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.848, 1900.813, 2787.860, 3358.104, 4151.318]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.848, -1.142, 1.546, -10.722, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.189864
Adjusted Error 8.524570 cents
TE Error 2.464153 cents/octave

Undevigintone (19p & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536670]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨193044536670]
0000-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨63.3756, 31.4684]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨31.90715, 31.46840]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1204.135, 1901.267, 2788.524, 3358.904, 4151.318, 4436.289]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨4.135, -0.688, 2.211, -9.922, -0.000, -4.239]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.039800
Adjusted Error 8.545786 cents
TE Error 2.309397 cents/octave

Undim (152 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152241353]
121928] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨4611]
01-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨299.9422, 102.5856]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.81479, 0.99334]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.769, 1902.239, 2786.435]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.231, 0.284, 0.122]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.768873
Adjusted Error 0.398348 cents
TE Error 0.171559 cents/octave

Unicorn (19 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044]
5892135] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-8-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0902, 62.4624]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.54716, 13.30507]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.090, 1900.481, 2788.260]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.090, -1.474, 1.946]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.519226
Adjusted Error 1.682377 cents
TE Error 0.724561 cents/octave

Unicorn (19 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
5892135163] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1234]
0-8-13-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6974, 62.2622]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.11463, 16.71585]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.697, 1901.297, 2789.684, 3366.759]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.303, -0.658, 3.370, -2.067]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.967966
Adjusted Error 2.395414 cents
TE Error 0.853264 cents/octave

Unidec (72 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
118187274331] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2585]
0-6-112] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.2430, 183.2357]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.52921, 6.18968]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.486, 1901.801, 2786.352, 3367.686]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.486, -0.154, 0.038, -1.139]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.691723
Adjusted Error 0.899535 cents
TE Error 0.320421 cents/octave

Unidec (72 & 118)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
118187274331408] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨25856]
0-6-1123] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.2499, 183.2413]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.73633, 6.06343]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.500, 1901.802, 2786.345, 3367.732, 4151.223]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.500, -0.153, 0.032, -1.094, -0.095]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.763838
Adjusted Error 0.992910 cents
TE Error 0.287015 cents/octave

Unthirds (72 & 239)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
239379555671827] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-13-14-9-8]
042473433] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0247, 416.7271]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.28325, 3.73067]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.025, 1902.215, 2785.826, 3368.498, 4151.795]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.025, 0.260, -0.488, -0.328, 0.477]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.100757
Adjusted Error 0.499966 cents
TE Error 0.144523 cents/octave

Unthirds (72 & 311)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
31149372287310761151] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-13-14-9-8-47]
042473433146] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0537, 416.7344]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨1.41413, 3.53131]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.054, 1902.145, 2785.763, 3368.485, 4151.804, 4440.692]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.054, 0.190, -0.551, -0.341, 0.486, 0.165]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 12.700013
Adjusted Error 0.501018 cents
TE Error 0.135394 cents/octave

Untriton (53 & 108)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123]
108171251] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16-7]
0-919] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1806, 588.8108]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.00036, 2.27928]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.181, 1901.786, 2786.142]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.181, -0.169, -0.172]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.688671
Adjusted Error 0.298151 cents
TE Error 0.128407 cents/octave

Untriton (53 & 2p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149]
2356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16-7-7]
0-91920] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8298, 588.5576]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.71458, -2.02144]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.830, 1901.960, 2783.786, 3372.344]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.170, 0.005, -2.528, 3.518]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.630601
Adjusted Error 2.342155 cents
TE Error 0.834293 cents/octave

Untriton (53 & 2)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123149183]
23567] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨16-7-71]
0-919205] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3656, 588.8053]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨22.75494, -2.82312]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.366, 1902.946, 2784.742, 3373.547, 4144.392]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.366, 0.991, -1.572, 4.721, -6.926]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.048585
Adjusted Error 4.326065 cents
TE Error 1.250513 cents/octave

Urchin (8d & 14c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨81319232830]
142232394852] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨246788]
0-3-5-5-4-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨598.3670, 162.4786]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨59.38400, 51.54729]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.734, 1906.032, 2777.809, 3376.176, 4137.022, 4461.979]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.266, 4.077, -8.505, 7.350, -14.296, 21.451]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.550346
Adjusted Error 14.190692 cents
TE Error 3.834866 cents/octave

Valentine (46 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107]
314972] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112]
095] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.3592, 77.9974]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨19.20120, 10.19690]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.359, 1901.336, 2788.705]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.641, -0.619, 2.392]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.341868
Adjusted Error 1.708492 cents
TE Error 0.735808 cents/octave

Valentine (31 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
4673107129] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1123]
095-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0773, 77.8688]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨18.26612, 13.77886]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.077, 1900.897, 2789.499, 3366.625]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.077, -1.058, 3.185, -2.200]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.578005
Adjusted Error 2.409983 cents
TE Error 0.858453 cents/octave

Valentine (31 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
1524354252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11233]
095-37] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3935, 77.9068]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨31.79165, 14.32350]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.393, 1901.555, 2790.321, 3367.460, 4146.528]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.393, -0.400, 4.007, -1.366, -4.790]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.309065
Adjusted Error 3.578767 cents
TE Error 1.034496 cents/octave

Valentino (31 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨112335]
095-37-20] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2013, 77.9711]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨13.93483, 16.70047]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.201, 1901.941, 2790.258, 3366.691, 4146.402, 4441.585]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.201, -0.014, 3.944, -2.135, -4.916, 1.058]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.400962
Adjusted Error 3.576912 cents
TE Error 0.966618 cents/octave

Van Gogh (342 & 1106 & 1848)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨3425427949601183]
18482929429151886393] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨208011]
009110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0022, 1901.9507, -435.0702]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.18822, 0.16412, 0.51629]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.004, 1901.951, 2786.336, 3368.831, 4151.272]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.004, -0.004, 0.022, 0.005, -0.046]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.828269
Adjusted Error 0.026620 cents
TE Error 0.007695 cents/octave

Varan (5e & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨58121418]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12437]
0-2-8-1-17] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.6339, 251.6299]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.56675, 55.51580]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.634, 1902.008, 2797.496, 3356.272, 4140.728]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.634, 0.053, 11.182, -12.554, -10.590]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.884128
Adjusted Error 11.933803 cents
TE Error 3.449643 cents/octave

Varan (41 & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
58121418] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-13-2]
0317-128] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3810, 234.2189]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.28673, -0.07502]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.381, 1903.038, 2781.340, 3366.924, 4157.366]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.381, 1.083, -4.974, -1.902, 6.048]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.614105
Adjusted Error 4.567574 cents
TE Error 1.320325 cents/octave

Varan (19e & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨193044536570]
5812141819] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124376]
0-2-8-1-17-11] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.4890, 251.6861]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨55.94154, 27.91996]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.489, 1901.606, 2796.467, 3355.781, 4138.759, 4446.387]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.489, -0.349, 10.153, -13.045, -12.559, 5.859]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.758137
Adjusted Error 11.956832 cents
TE Error 3.231192 cents/octave

Varan (41 & 5e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
5812141819] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11-13-20]
0317-12819] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1507, 234.1185]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨29.55845, -2.34911]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.151, 1902.506, 2779.863, 3366.334, 4155.015, 4448.251]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.151, 0.551, -6.451, -2.492, 3.697, 7.723]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.363236
Adjusted Error 5.682300 cents
TE Error 1.535574 cents/octave

Varda (22 & 46 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
5892135163201] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2011014]
00011] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.4093, 1902.7269, 3369.4886]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.61485, 4.57785, 13.39157]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.819, 1902.727, 2788.049, 3369.489, 4150.312]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.181, 0.772, 1.735, 0.663, -1.006]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.196955
Adjusted Error 2.362316 cents
TE Error 0.682863 cents/octave

Varda (12f & 22p & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨121928344245]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨201101424]
000111] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.4012, 1902.3412, 3369.5311]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.08658, 6.82435, 18.60060]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.802, 1902.341, 2788.730, 3369.531, 4151.783, 4438.771]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.198, 0.386, 2.417, 0.705, 0.465, -1.757]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.234497
Adjusted Error 2.565372 cents
TE Error 0.693261 cents/octave

Varuna (72 & 118 & 130)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
130206302365450] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨200912]
00123] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1003, 1901.5820, 2786.7140]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.64065, 4.00014, 3.58506]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.201, 1901.582, 2786.714, 3368.003, 4151.854]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.201, -0.373, 0.400, -0.823, 0.537]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.249720
Adjusted Error 0.750472 cents
TE Error 0.216935 cents/octave

Varuna (72 & 58 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
4673107129159170] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨20091211]
001234] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.0055, 1901.4552, 2787.2083]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.94178, 7.28127, 1.34542]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.011, 1901.455, 2787.208, 3368.645, 4152.960, 4438.707]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.011, -0.500, 0.895, -0.181, 1.642, -1.820]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.268694
Adjusted Error 1.281295 cents
TE Error 0.346255 cents/octave

Vavoom (118 & 783)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274]
78312411818] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨104]
017-18] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0245, 111.8787]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.73168, 1.42233]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.025, 1901.939, 2786.281]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.025, -0.016, -0.033]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.575941
Adjusted Error 0.040440 cents
TE Error 0.017416 cents/octave

Veery (15 & 19e & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152435425256]
2743637694100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-1-52]
00135-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8094, 1904.2268, 2791.3791]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.99412, 24.52865, 28.28433]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.809, 1904.227, 2791.379, 3365.874, 4149.395, 4433.768]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.191, 2.272, 5.065, -2.951, -1.923, -6.760]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.167341
Adjusted Error 5.145574 cents
TE Error 1.390530 cents/octave

Vega (b4 & b19)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨467]
192834] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨121]
0-23] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1892.0204, 494.8658]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨57.65126, 87.44291]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1892.020, 2794.309, 3376.618]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-9.935, 7.995, 7.792]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.500682
Adjusted Error 12.433899 cents
TE Error 4.429044 cents/octave

Vibhu (72 & 31 & 80)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
80127186225277296] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100021]
0054-314] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1591, 1901.3987, -583.5081]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.00468, 6.83503, 5.14920]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.159, 1901.399, 2786.655, 3370.163, 4150.843, 4439.437]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.159, -0.556, 0.342, 1.338, -0.475, -1.090]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.334782
Adjusted Error 1.071300 cents
TE Error 0.289506 cents/octave

Vicentino (7 & 31)

Contorted Meantone (order 2)
Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
314972] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨110]
028] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.3969, 348.5246]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨8.31045, 36.87818]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.397, 1898.446, 2788.196]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.397, -3.509, 1.883]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.421604
Adjusted Error 3.673804 cents
TE Error 1.582221 cents/octave

Vigin (22p & 22f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨223551627681]
223551627682] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨223551627681]
000001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨54.4952, 26.4174]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.07780, 26.41739]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.894, 1907.332, 2779.255, 3378.702, 4141.634, 4440.528]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.106, 5.377, -7.059, 9.876, -9.684, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.217697
Adjusted Error 9.811821 cents
TE Error 2.651528 cents/octave

Vigintiduo (22 & 22e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2235516276]
2235516277] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2235516276]
00001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨54.4635, 12.0905]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨42.37307, 12.09045]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1198.197, 1906.223, 2777.640, 3376.738, 4151.318]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-1.803, 4.268, -8.674, 7.912, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.547590
Adjusted Error 8.806364 cents
TE Error 2.545610 cents/octave

Vili (130 & 270 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
103163239289356381] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1154104]
0063141] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0597, 350.9419, -711.0856]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.38530, 3.77926, 1.25797]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.060, 1901.944, 2786.610, 3368.866, 4151.050, 4440.095]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.060, -0.011, 0.297, 0.040, -0.268, -0.433]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.596597
Adjusted Error 0.301499 cents
TE Error 0.081477 cents/octave

Vines (46 & 4)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129]
46911] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2788]
0-8-7-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.2455, 287.5151]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨25.21527, 10.14712]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.491, 1901.598, 2789.358, 3364.389]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.491, -0.357, 3.045, -4.437]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.674789
Adjusted Error 2.980837 cents
TE Error 1.061796 cents/octave

Vines (46 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159]
5079116140173] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨27885]
0-8-7-54] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.2473, 287.5170]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.04221, 10.17106]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.495, 1901.595, 2789.359, 3364.393, 4151.305]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.495, -0.360, 3.046, -4.433, -0.013]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.378300
Adjusted Error 3.285431 cents
TE Error 0.949702 cents/octave

Vines (46 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨4673107129159170]
5079116140173185] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨278855]
0-8-7-545] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3085, 287.5835]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.11465, 11.02686]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.617, 1901.491, 2789.383, 3364.550, 4151.876, 4439.460]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.617, -0.464, 3.070, -4.276, 0.558, -1.068]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.611455
Adjusted Error 3.255107 cents
TE Error 0.879654 cents/octave

Vish (72 & 41 & 121)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
121192281340419448] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100022]
0054-3-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9470, 1902.3385, -584.3733]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.78284, 0.48094, 5.71788]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.947, 1902.339, 2785.149, 3369.522, 4153.014, 4438.950]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.053, 0.384, -1.165, 0.696, 1.696, -1.577]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.316604
Adjusted Error 1.348345 cents
TE Error 0.364374 cents/octave

Vishnean (16 & 50)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨162537455559]
5079116140173185] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨245588]
0-7-35-9-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.6044, 71.9982]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-1.85754, 24.61859]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.209, 1898.430, 2787.027, 3363.013, 4156.851, 4444.844]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.209, -3.525, 0.714, -5.813, 5.533, 4.317]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.876909
Adjusted Error 5.793678 cents
TE Error 1.565673 cents/octave

Vishnu (118 & 270)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨118187274]
270428627] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨245]
0-7-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9771, 71.1405]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.33215, 2.55096]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.954, 1901.925, 2786.464]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.046, -0.030, 0.150]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.708226
Adjusted Error 0.109300 cents
TE Error 0.047073 cents/octave

Vishnu (270 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758]
152241353427] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨24510]
0-7-3-37] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9486, 71.1014]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.16849, 0.48950]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.897, 1902.085, 2786.439, 3368.734]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.103, 0.130, 0.125, -0.092]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.281320
Adjusted Error 0.204490 cents
TE Error 0.072841 cents/octave

Vishnu (270 & 152)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758934]
152241353427526] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2451010]
0-7-3-37-26] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨599.9550, 71.0994]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.96301, 0.85458]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.910, 1902.124, 2786.476, 3368.870, 4150.964]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.090, 0.169, 0.163, 0.044, -0.354]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.463519
Adjusted Error 0.289742 cents
TE Error 0.083754 cents/octave

Voltage (10 & 47)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨102837]
47132174] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨144]
0-4-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.7828, 357.6120]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨10.80362, 23.22865]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.783, 3368.683, 4441.519]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.217, -0.143, 0.991]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.618016
Adjusted Error 0.744876 cents
TE Error 0.201294 cents/octave

Vulcan (12 & 15 & 10p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨1219283442]
1016232835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10069]
0010-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1195.4554, 1903.7349, 2790.6610]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨44.96912, 46.25182, -3.79513]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1195.455, 1903.735, 2790.661, 3365.263, 4160.968]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-4.545, 1.780, 4.347, -3.563, 9.650]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.104513
Adjusted Error 9.128170 cents
TE Error 2.638633 cents/octave

Vulture (53 & 270)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5384123]
270428627] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-6]
0421] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9431, 475.5200]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.49565, 3.75805]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.943, 1902.080, 2786.263]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.057, 0.125, -0.051]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.810745
Adjusted Error 0.133820 cents
TE Error 0.057633 cents/octave

Vulture (270 & 323)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨270428627758]
323512750907] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10-625]
0421-56] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9050, 475.5135]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨3.01614, 1.19364]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.905, 1902.054, 2786.353, 3368.870]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.095, 0.099, 0.039, 0.044]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 10.823506
Adjusted Error 0.162824 cents
TE Error 0.057999 cents/octave

Vulture (5 & 58)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5814]
5892163] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨104]
04-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.2555, 475.5764]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.55551, 20.62893]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.256, 1902.306, 3370.293]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.744, 0.351, 1.467]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.507071
Adjusted Error 1.517216 cents
TE Error 0.540443 cents/octave

Waage (72 & 12)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
12192834] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12192834]
00-1-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨100.0580, 16.2342]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.23418, 2.65285]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.695, 1901.101, 2785.389, 3369.502]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.695, -0.854, -0.925, 0.676]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.629519
Adjusted Error 1.397108 cents
TE Error 0.497660 cents/octave

Walid (2p & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2356]
8131923] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2356]
01-1-1] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨589.2869, 146.7476]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨2.29646, 146.74762]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1178.574, 1914.608, 2799.687, 3388.974]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-21.426, 12.653, 13.373, 20.148]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.854472
Adjusted Error 34.597009 cents
TE Error 12.323703 cents/octave

Whirrschmidt (99 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨99157230278]
34547996] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-12-14]
08152] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5706, 387.7423]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨12.03875, 0.22749]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.571, 1902.368, 2786.884, 3368.611]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.429, 0.413, 0.570, -0.215]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.498425
Adjusted Error 0.791908 cents
TE Error 0.282083 cents/octave

Whitewood (7 & 14p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨71116]
142233] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨71116]
001] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨172.1605, 31.7464]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨108.66760, 31.74643]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1205.123, 1893.765, 2786.314]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨5.123, -8.190, 0.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.415106
Adjusted Error 9.754690 cents
TE Error 4.201116 cents/octave

Whoops (152 & 15)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152241353427526]
1524354252] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11714-710]
0-33-2521-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.5939, 560.3294]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.78364, 1.09869]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.594, 1902.226, 2786.080, 3369.760, 4151.327]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.406, 0.271, -0.234, 0.934, 0.010]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 9.628528
Adjusted Error 0.868421 cents
TE Error 0.251030 cents/octave

Whoops (152 & 137)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨152241353526]
137217318474] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1171410]
0-33-25-14] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8728, 560.4816]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨5.87441, 2.24061]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.873, 1901.943, 2786.178, 4151.985]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.127, -0.012, -0.136, 0.667]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.880401
Adjusted Error 0.412326 cents
TE Error 0.119189 cents/octave

Whoosh (1171 & 730)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨117118562719]
73011571695] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11714]
0-33-25] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9978, 560.5458]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.81729, 0.33281]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.998, 1901.951, 2786.324]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.002, -0.004, 0.011]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.501694
Adjusted Error 0.007462 cents
TE Error 0.003214 cents/octave

Widefourth (87 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301]
103163239289356] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1168-217]
0-33-1311-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4855, 524.4219]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.39018, 6.25767]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.486, 1901.845, 2786.399, 3367.670, 4151.174]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.486, -0.110, 0.085, -1.156, -0.144]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 8.511552
Adjusted Error 0.994413 cents
TE Error 0.287450 cents/octave

Widefourth (87 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨87138202244301322]
103163239289356381] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1168-21712]
0-33-1311-31-19] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4221, 524.3933]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨6.48467, 6.17724]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.422, 1901.775, 2786.264, 3367.482, 4150.984, 4441.593]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.422, -0.180, -0.050, -1.344, -0.334, 1.065]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 7.782324
Adjusted Error 1.081870 cents
TE Error 0.292363 cents/octave

Wilsec (9 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914212531]
29466781100] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-2513]
08-641] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.6304, 538.8107]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.68433, 34.77488]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.630, 1903.225, 2785.288, 3358.873, 4149.702]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.630, 1.270, -1.026, -9.952, -1.616]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.473550
Adjusted Error 8.009719 cents
TE Error 2.315328 cents/octave

Wilsec (9 & 29)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
29466781100107] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-25131]
08-6416] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.7904, 538.9052]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨21.02489, 34.98505]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.790, 1903.661, 2785.521, 3359.411, 4150.276, 4437.221]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.790, 1.706, -0.793, -9.415, -1.042, -3.306]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.276536
Adjusted Error 7.962029 cents
TE Error 2.151644 cents/octave

Winston (9 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨91421253133]
31497287107115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨103131]
07-38212] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.3057, 271.1572]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨-3.73203, 39.80303]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.306, 1898.100, 2787.446, 3369.563, 4143.232, 4454.192]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.306, -3.855, 1.132, 0.737, -8.086, 13.664]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.005934
Adjusted Error 7.615806 cents
TE Error 2.058081 cents/octave

Winston (31 & 9)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287115]
914212533] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10311]
07-3812] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6016, 271.1272]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨40.94119, -7.73058]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.602, 1897.890, 2785.423, 3368.619, 4453.127]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.398, -4.065, -0.890, -0.207, 12.600]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.137102
Adjusted Error 7.114557 cents
TE Error 1.922625 cents/octave

Winston (9 & 22f)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨914253133]
2235627682] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10131]
078212] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.6768, 271.1177]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.79414, 38.70589]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.677, 1897.824, 3369.619, 4144.266, 4454.089]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.677, -4.131, 0.793, -7.052, 13.562]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.665873
Adjusted Error 8.260841 cents
TE Error 2.232395 cents/octave

Witchcraft (41 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142]
1930445365] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-1-7]
0511233] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.2675, 380.6334]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨24.43021, 10.50677]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.267, 1903.167, 2783.168, 3366.334, 4152.031]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.267, 1.212, -3.145, -2.492, 0.713]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.427383
Adjusted Error 3.409584 cents
TE Error 0.985591 cents/octave

Witchcraft (41 & 19e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨416595115142152]
193044536570] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨102-1-7-2]
051123318] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1201.0499, 380.5217]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨23.61282, 12.25918]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1201.050, 1902.609, 2782.622, 3365.211, 4149.867, 4447.291]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨1.050, 0.654, -3.692, -3.615, -1.451, 6.763]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.171502
Adjusted Error 4.525966 cents
TE Error 1.223089 cents/octave

Wizard (72 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
22355162] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2152]
06-110] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3442, 216.8681]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.82776, 2.77679]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.688, 1901.553, 2784.853, 3369.369]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.688, -0.402, -1.461, 0.544]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.902029
Adjusted Error 1.383590 cents
TE Error 0.492845 cents/octave

Wizard (72 & 22)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
2235516276] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨21528]
06-110-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.3055, 216.8783]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.56062, 3.64755]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.611, 1901.575, 2784.649, 3369.394, 4151.809]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.611, -0.380, -1.664, 0.568, 0.491]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 4.061084
Adjusted Error 1.551521 cents
TE Error 0.448490 cents/octave

Wizz (22 & 28)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨225176]
286597] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨258]
0-1-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨600.1834, 216.2983]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨27.25988, 21.45176]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.367, 2784.619, 4152.572]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.367, -1.695, 1.254]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.707850
Adjusted Error 1.785235 cents
TE Error 0.516049 cents/octave

Wollemia (7d & 27e)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨711161924]
2743637694] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨11102]
0491910] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.6728, 176.9214]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨9.81417, 41.77680]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.673, 1904.358, 2788.965, 3361.506, 4162.559]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.327, 2.403, 2.652, -7.320, 11.242]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.196034
Adjusted Error 8.755984 cents
TE Error 2.531047 cents/octave

Wollemia (27e & 7d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨2743637694100]
71116192426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨111024]
0491910-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.4862, 176.8600]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨40.53348, 14.72603]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.486, 1904.926, 2789.226, 3360.339, 4163.572, 4436.225]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.514, 2.971, 2.912, -8.487, 12.254, -4.303]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.444778
Adjusted Error 8.866129 cents
TE Error 2.395966 cents/octave

Worschmidt (31 & 34p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
34547995] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-127]
081-13] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7664, 387.6396]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.68336, 9.16418]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.766, 1900.351, 2789.173, 3366.050]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.766, -1.604, 2.859, -2.776]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.422937
Adjusted Error 2.844241 cents
TE Error 1.013139 cents/octave

Worschmidt (31 & 34p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
34547995118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-127-3]
081-1320] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7945, 387.6635]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.18067, 9.62335]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.795, 1900.513, 2789.253, 3365.936, 4150.886]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.795, -1.442, 2.939, -2.890, -0.432]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.785390
Adjusted Error 3.146195 cents
TE Error 0.909454 cents/octave

Worseschmidt (31 & 3def)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
35791112] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-12-3-3-5]
081182027] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.4927, 387.2580]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨38.71861, 0.07195]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.493, 1897.571, 2788.243, 3369.166, 4143.682, 4453.503]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.493, -4.384, 1.930, 0.340, -7.636, 12.975]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.872164
Adjusted Error 7.668058 cents
TE Error 2.072202 cents/octave

Würschmidt (65 & 34)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨65103151]
345479] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-12]
081] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.6943, 387.7005]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.82001, 6.95276]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.694, 1901.910, 2787.089]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.306, -0.045, 0.775]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.285231
Adjusted Error 0.608129 cents
TE Error 0.261907 cents/octave

Würschmidt (31 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287]
34547996] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-12-3]
08118] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9788, 387.3757]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨28.99317, 8.85855]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.979, 1899.027, 2787.333, 3372.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.021, -2.928, 1.020, 4.000]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.803183
Adjusted Error 3.332639 cents
TE Error 1.187110 cents/octave

Würschmidt (31 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
34547996118] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-12-3-3]
0811820] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9672, 387.4364]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨26.80213, 10.85592]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.967, 1899.524, 2787.371, 3373.953, 4148.826]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.033, -2.431, 1.057, 5.127, -2.492]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 2.747505
Adjusted Error 3.918712 cents
TE Error 1.132762 cents/octave

Würschmidt (31 & 34d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
34547996118126] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-12-3-35]
0811820-4] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.0410, 387.3165]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨20.69122, 16.40039]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.041, 1899.491, 2785.399, 3374.573, 4149.206, 4445.939]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.959, -2.464, -0.915, 5.748, -2.112, 5.412]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 3.043587
Adjusted Error 4.823595 cents
TE Error 1.303519 cents/octave

Yajna (72 & 224 & 103)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
103163239289356381] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10002-4]
0054-320] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.0074, 1901.7142, -583.9021]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.65601, 5.12107, 0.05490]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.007, 1901.714, 2785.632, 3369.534, 4151.721, 4440.784]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.007, -0.241, -0.682, 0.708, 0.403, 0.256]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.392358
Adjusted Error 0.660866 cents
TE Error 0.178591 cents/octave

Yarman (80 & 159)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨80127186225277]
159252369446550] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨12344]
0-33-54-95-43] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8341, 15.0637]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨4.54007, 5.26181]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.834, 1902.566, 2786.063, 3368.285, 4151.597]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.166, 0.611, -0.251, -0.541, 0.280]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 11.328402
Adjusted Error 0.744451 cents
TE Error 0.215195 cents/octave

Yo (3 & 2c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨357]
234] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨123]
0-1-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1188.9047, 420.1095]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨348.68577, 71.42370]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1188.905, 1957.700, 2726.495]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-11.095, 55.745, -59.818]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.367248
Adjusted Error 60.307855 cents
TE Error 25.973179 cents/octave

Yoyo & Latrizo (10 & 11c)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨10162328]
11172531] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1123]
063-2] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1203.9026, 117.4927]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨88.51664, 28.97601]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.903, 1908.858, 2760.283, 3376.722]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.903, 6.903, -26.031, 7.896]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.707868
Adjusted Error 18.182620 cents
TE Error 6.476780 cents/octave

Zarvo (72 & 65p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202]
65103151182] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-514]
0617-26] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.8055, 517.0490]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨14.36819, 2.55840]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.806, 1901.489, 2785.806, 3368.003]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.806, -0.466, -0.508, -0.823]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 6.177613
Adjusted Error 1.308728 cents
TE Error 0.466178 cents/octave

Zarvo (72 & 65p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249]
65103151182225] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-514-3]
0617-2615] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.7032, 516.9941]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.07360, 1.77545]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.703, 1901.261, 2785.384, 3367.998, 4152.802]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.703, -0.694, -0.930, -0.828, 1.484]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.738872
Adjusted Error 1.635370 cents
TE Error 0.472728 cents/octave

Zarvo (72 & 7p)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨72114167202249266]
71116202426] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1-1-514-38]
0617-2615-10] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.9353, 517.0699]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨16.68317, -0.03610]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.935, 1901.484, 2785.511, 3369.278, 4153.242, 4436.784]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.935, -0.471, -0.802, 0.452, 1.924, -3.744]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 5.439322
Adjusted Error 2.360503 cents
TE Error 0.637898 cents/octave

Zeus (31 & 22 & 46)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107]
4673107129159] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨10142]
002-31] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.1724, 1902.4262, -157.1106]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨15.43640, 9.48788, 11.15023]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.172, 1902.426, 2788.377, 3369.595, 4145.660]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.172, 0.471, 2.064, 0.769, -5.658]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.141626
Adjusted Error 2.958836 cents
TE Error 0.855295 cents/octave

Zeus (31 & 46 & 53)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨31497287107115]
5384123149183196] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨101427]
002-311] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1200.2442, 1902.2549, -156.9901]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨7.73872, 10.63440, 8.88984]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1200.244, 1902.255, 2788.519, 3369.692, 4145.753, 4440.209]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨0.244, 0.300, 2.205, 0.866, -5.565, -0.319]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.216333
Adjusted Error 2.900982 cents
TE Error 0.783956 cents/octave

Zisa (130 & 270 & 31)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨130206302365450481]
31497287107115] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1112-37]
00218-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.9787, 350.9976, 617.8701]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨0.78173, 3.94014, 1.11341]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.979, 1901.974, 2786.717, 3368.825, 4151.005, 4440.255]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.021, 0.019, 0.403, -0.001, -0.313, -0.272]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.615994
Adjusted Error 0.317873 cents
TE Error 0.085901 cents/octave

Zo (5 & 2d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨5814]
235] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨124]
0-1-3] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.3491, 476.9858]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨242.37752, -7.76927]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.349, 1915.712, 3354.439]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.651, 13.757, -14.387]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.439957
Adjusted Error 17.376400 cents
TE Error 6.189599 cents/octave

Zo + Ya (5 & 10 & 3d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨581214]
3579] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨100-2]
0010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1196.3491, 1915.7123, 2786.3137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨67.86792, 83.37016, 7.76927]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1196.349, 1915.712, 2786.314, 3354.439]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-3.651, 13.757, 0.000, -14.387]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.071055
Adjusted Error 15.048404 cents
TE Error 5.360350 cents/octave

Zozo & Lulu (14 & 10)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨14223948]
10162835] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨2469]
0-2-1-5] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨601.5280, 251.9115]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨56.50147, 41.20355]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1203.056, 1902.289, 3357.257, 4154.195]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨3.056, 0.334, -11.569, 2.877]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 1.206071
Adjusted Error 8.997593 cents
TE Error 2.600888 cents/octave

Zozo + Ya (19 & 10 & 5)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨19304453]
581214] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1002]
0010] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1202.8536, 951.8736, 2786.3137]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨52.04663, 17.26039, 8.27276]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1202.854, 1903.747, 2786.314, 3357.581]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨2.854, 1.792, -0.000, -11.245]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.085584
Adjusted Error 7.083548 cents
TE Error 2.523211 cents/octave

Zozoquingu Nowa (31 & 6)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨317287]
61417] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨122]
025] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1199.8196, 193.7426]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨37.36426, 6.92126]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1199.820, 2787.124, 3368.352]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-0.180, 0.811, -0.474]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.727344
Adjusted Error 0.693210 cents
TE Error 0.246926 cents/octave

Zozotrigu (15 & 9 & 8d)

Equal Temperament Mappings
[ ⟨15243542]
8131923] ⟩
Reduced Mapping
[ ⟨1010]
0023] ⟩
TE Generator Tunings (cents)
⟨1197.4850, 1904.0609, -150.8366]
TE Step Tunings (cents)
⟨47.60734, 38.39921, 17.22276]
TE Tuning Map (cents)
⟨1197.485, 1904.061, 2799.873, 3355.612]
TE Mistunings (cents)
⟨-2.515, 2.106, 13.559, -13.214]
Show POTE tunings
This is a trivial subgroup of the rational numbers so TE is TE is TE.
Complexity 0.115770
Adjusted Error 11.259698 cents
TE Error 4.010785 cents/octave